I’m guessing CNBC isn’t informing their brain dead audience the Dow is now lower than it was in May 2014. Yep, the market hasn’t gone anywhere in the last 19 months. They probably won’t be telling you it has now fallen 10% since its May 2015 high. Jim Cramer and his butt buddies will be telling you it’s the best time to buy. Just like they did nineteen months ago. There will be dynamic rallies in the coming days. They will serve to keep the believers in the market during the collapse. There will be a lot of dead muppets when this is over.

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January 7, 2016 2:21 pm

Stalks fluctuate.

January 7, 2016 2:40 pm

No cookies for you.

January 7, 2016 3:17 pm

Buy the dip, time to double down.

January 7, 2016 4:15 pm

Fibbonacci milestones for the S&P 500, and what each one is likely to mean:

First, a recap — March S&P 2009 low = 666; recent S&P high = 2134
2134 – 666 = 1468

Here are the implications of each level the S&P could bottom at:

38% correction = -561 down to 1573. Likely means that the move up from 666 was the first up wave of a larger up wave. Bull market resumes
50% correction = -734 down to 1400. A stronger, more lasting version of the 38% scenario. Bull market resumes from a lower level
61.8% correction = -907 down to 1227. The ‘Golden Mean’ correction. Means some significant, lasting changes will probably be in place going forward.
78% correction = -1145 down to 989. An even stronger, more profound version of the 61.8% scenario.

All of the above would lead to resumption of bullish activities from lower levels. Here are likely implications of further declines:

100% correction = -1468 back down to 666. Likely completion (including aftermath) of a Fourth Turning scenario of notable significance.
Breaking below 666 = A Bear market of significant ferocity, a likely economic depression with no prospect of resumption for bullish activities. Extended period of upheaval and chaos.
S&P bottoms between 666 and 41 = Increasingly severe versions of economic depression, upheaval and chaos
S&P breaks the Great Depression low of 41 = The ‘one degree more severe’ version of the Great Depression, with an even more severe aftermath. Risk of TEOTWAWKI

Right now, even though it may look and feel more serious, I am anticipating a 50% correction, and a resumption of the Bull, with moderate dislocations. I will, of course, be watching the markets closely for indications of where we are actually headed.

January 7, 2016 4:34 pm

Dow’s down less than 400 so far today.

Hope you bought last week or you’re missing a good tax write off.

January 7, 2016 5:08 pm

As I have stated many times before, the world has gone stark raving mad in almost every respect. Keynesian economic theory is a crackpot theory devised by a Fabian homosexual who had no investment in the future for obvious reasons. One of his infamous quotes is: “In the long run, we are all dead”, which of course is a nihilistic viewpoint and not true for anyone, unlike Keynes, capable of reproduction and who lives on through his children and grandchildren. John Maynard Keynes’ book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, was funded by banksters, probably the Rothschild’s banksters, to provide a cover for the plunder of Americans, Europeans, Canadians and others by central and fractional-reserve banks. Just about all economics departments in universities have been bought and the so-called “financial” media is totally corrupt. The very idea that a nation can print itself to prosperity is so outrageous that only the weak minded and totally brainwashed could believe such nonsense. But believe it they do which is a measure of the power of indoctrination and 24/7 propaganda by the propaganda Main Stream Media. When the masses awake from their induced and very costly slumber and realize that they have been robbed blind by banksters and corporate gangsters with the full support of “their” corrupt government, all hell will break loose and heads will certainly roll. And judging from a recent Gallup poll showing that a staggering 75% of Americans see widespread corruption in their government (, it appears that the majority have already awakened which does not bode well for the ruling elite. Time is running short for the thieves and criminals in high offices who have waged a war against the western world.

January 7, 2016 7:58 pm

Sorry guys. We’re in the beginnings of a fine Bear Market – check out the Transports. Do it with Dow Theory. Do it with common sense. Get the fuck out of the market and go to cash with suitable gold and silver back up.

Speculate with SLV, GLD, GDXJ and some silver miners – SSRI, CDE, PAAS and maybe a few other. Please note I said SPECULATE..

IF we go deflationary depression, cash will be king unless the Fed drops into helicopter mode. If they do that, then first a runaway inflation (I give it 60/40) and then the deflationary depression.

No fun either way and he who looses least, wins.


January 7, 2016 8:11 pm

Heavy truck sales down 59% year on year. Truck sales are a leading indicator. That is one seriously bad indicator.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 7, 2016 8:30 pm

I got better things to do with money than let NYC steal it.