Warren Buffett’s extraordinary delusion about America

Guest Post by Simon Black

Before there was an America, before there was a Britain, before even Rome and Ancient Greece, there was Assyria.

For more than five centuries, the Assyrian empire was the wealthiest, strongest superpower in the world.

If you could go back thousands of years during the reign of Ashurbanipal and suggested even the possibility that the Assyrian Empire would decline (let alone cease to exist) you would have probably been executed.

The mere thought was heresy.

Of course, once empires reach their apogees they always assume that they’re entitled to the top spot forever.

But the historical record is filled with former superpowers who fall victim to their own narcissism. And yet the pattern continues to repeat.

Today is no different. The political and financial establishment in the Land of the Free refuses to acknowledge the obvious data evidencing America’s decline in wealth and power.

One of those members of the establishment is Warren Buffett, America’s self-appointed Minister of Economic Good Cheer.

With grandfatherly charm, Buffett always seems to find the silver lining.

And that’s certainly great– there are a lot of reasons to be optimistic.

But to anchor one’s optimism in this absurd notion of “once a superpower, always a superpower” is absolutely nuts.

Continue reading “Warren Buffett’s extraordinary delusion about America”

The Ban On Cash Is Coming… Soon!

Submitted by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,

This is starting to become very concerning.

The momentum to “ban cash”, and in particular high denomination notes like the 500 euro and $100 bills, is seriously picking up steam.

On Monday the European Central Bank President emphatically disclosed that he is strongly considering phasing out the 500 euro note.

Yesterday, former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers published an op-ed in the Washington Post about getting rid of the $100 bill.

Prominent economists and banks have joined the refrain and called for an end to cash in recent months.

The reasoning is almost always the same: cash is something that only criminals, terrorists, and tax cheats use.

In his op-ed, Summers refers to a new Harvard research paper entitled: “Making it Harder for the Bad Guys: The Case for Eliminating High Denomination Notes”.

That title pretty much sums up the conventional thinking. And the paper goes on to propose abolishing, among others, 500 euro and $100 bills.

The authors claim that “without being able to use high denomination notes, those engaged in illicit activities – the ‘bad guys’ of our title – would face higher costs and greater risks of detection. Eliminating high denomination notes would disrupt their ‘business models’.”

Personally I find this comical.

I can just imagine a bunch of bureaucrats and policy wonks sitting in a room pretending to know anything about criminal activity.

Continue reading “The Ban On Cash Is Coming… Soon!”

Here’s Why (And How) The Government Will “Borrow” Your Retirement Savings

Submitted by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com


According to financial research firm ICI, total retirement assets in the Land of the Free now exceed $23 trillion.

$7.3 trillion of that is held in Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).

That’s an appetizing figure, especially for a government that just passed $19 trillion in debt and is in pressing need of new funding sources.

Even when you account for all federal assets (like national parks and aircraft carriers), the government’s “net financial position” according to its own accounting is negative $17.7 trillion.
And that number doesn’t include unfunded Social Security entitlements, which the government estimates is another $42 trillion.

The US national debt has increased by roughly $1 trillion annually over the past several years.

The Federal Reserve has conjured an astonishing amount of money out of thin air in order to buy a big chunk of that debt.

But even the Fed has limitations. According to its own weekly financial statement, the Fed’s solvency is at precariously low levels (with a capital base of just 0.8% of assets).

And on a mark-to-market basis, the Fed is already insolvent. So it’s foolish to think they can continue to print money forever and bail out the government without consequence.

The Chinese (and other foreigners) own a big slice of US debt as well.

But it’s just as foolish to expect them to continue bailing out America, especially when they have such large economic problems at home.

US taxpayers own the largest share of the debt, mostly through various trust funds of Social Security and Medicare.

But again, given the $42 trillion funding gap in these programs, it’s mathematically impossible for Social Security to continue funding the national debt.

Continue reading “Here’s Why (And How) The Government Will “Borrow” Your Retirement Savings”

If You Don’t Agree With Obama You Are “Peddling Fiction”

Submitted by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,

If you’re not watching it purely for the entertainment value, sitting through a State of the Union speech ranks somewhere between a colonoscopy and a root canal.

Every year I opt for the former (entertainment value, not colonoscopy).

But because I live overseas, one of the added entertainment benefits is that I’m surrounded by foreigners who are seeing this highly ritualistic propaganda for the first time.

The absurdity starts almost immediately.

The Sergeant-at-Arms introduces the President of the United States, and he receives a massive, five minute standing ovation as he walks across the water to the podium.

The applause finally dies down briefly, until, immediately after, the Speaker of the House formally introduces the President. And then the applause begins anew.

Try explaining that to a foreigner who’s never seen it before.

Foreigner: “Why is everyone clapping again for the President as if they weren’t just clapping for him 30 seconds ago?”

Me: “Because that’s just the way they do it.”

Foreigner: “But why?”

Me: “… ummm… because they’re all trained monkeys?”

Continue reading “If You Don’t Agree With Obama You Are “Peddling Fiction””

What Silicon Valley’s Orgy Of Christmas Party Excess Says About America

Submitted by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,

Do you remember the first website you ever visited?

I do. It was Yahoo!

The year was 1995. Toy Story was the #1 movie in the world. The Oklahoma City bombings claimed the lives of 168 people. War and genocide raged in the ongoing Balkan conflict.

America Online and Prodigy, both early Internet pioneers, offered the public access to the “information superhighway” for the first time.

And a couple of engineers from Stanford University formally incorporated their new ‘search engine’ and brought it online as Yahoo.

It was mesmerizing. The site was a treasure trove of information with vast lists of other websites pertaining to every category under the sun.

And the search feature could help you find exactly what you were looking for. It was amazing.

The first time I used it I remember feeling like I had been transported into the future.

Yahoo quickly became one of the kings of Silicon Valley, drawing in more visitors than any other website in the world.

The following year they went public at a price of $13 per share. Investors loved the company and were convinced it would go to the moon.

Continue reading “What Silicon Valley’s Orgy Of Christmas Party Excess Says About America”

3 signs we’ve reached ‘the top’ in the financial system

Guest Post by Simon Black

It was 1720, and Paris was completely mad.

The city’s brand new stock exchange, located at the ultra-swanky Hotel de Soissons, swarmed with citizens of all stripes looking to get rich.

Stocks were still a novel concept back then, and the allure of getting rich overnight was so appealing that people lined up for hours to buy shares.

The most popular was the ill-fated Mississippi Company, whose share price frequently rose up to 20% in the course of a single morning.

It was said fortunes changed so quickly that people often woke up poor and went to bed rich.

Newfound wealth was visible everywhere. Luxury home construction boomed. Lucky speculators erected statues of themselves. The jewelry market surged.

Of course, it didn’t last. Within a few years, the market crashed, and the Mississippi Company went down in history as one of the greatest bubbles of all times.

Looking back it should have been obvious.

Continue reading “3 signs we’ve reached ‘the top’ in the financial system”

Capitalism Explained In 2015: “You Have Two Cows…”

Submitted by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com,

When I was a kid, I used to proudly wear around a T-shirt explaining different economic systems using ‘two cows’ as a metaphor.

It started off like this:

Socialism: You have two cows. Give one to your neighbor.




Communism: You have two cows. The government takes both and gives you some milk.




Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.

I started thinking about this last week when I was in Caracas, because it turns out that Venezuela is a real life example of the two cows metaphor.

Continue reading “Capitalism Explained In 2015: “You Have Two Cows…””

It’s Official: The USA Freedom Act Is Just As Destructive As The USA Patriot Act

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

My general rule of thumb when it comes to legislation is that the more high-sounding the name, the more insidious the law.

Exhibit A: the just-passed USA FREEDOM Act.

“Freedom”. It sounds great.

So great, in fact, that they stuck it in the title and built an absurd acronym around it– the real name of the law is “Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act of 2015″.

U-S-A-F-R-E-E-D-O-M. Hooray!

And without fail, the media has bought in to the myth, praising the government for heralding in a new era of liberty with headlines like “Congress Reins In NSA’s Spying Powers” and “NSA phone program doomed as Senate passes USA Freedom Act”.

Unfortunately this is simply not the case. And shame on the mainstream media for making such thinly-researched, fallacious assertions.

If anyone had actually taken the time to read the legislation, they’d see that most of the ‘concessions’ made by the government are entirely hollow.

Secret FISA courts still exist. Lone wolf surveillance authority and roving wiretaps still exist. They can still grab oodles of other data like medical and business records.

Continue reading “It’s Official: The USA Freedom Act Is Just As Destructive As The USA Patriot Act”

5 Complete Lies About America’s New $18 Trillion Debt Level

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

On October 22, 1981, the government of the United States of America accumulated an astounding $1 TRILLION in debt.

At that point, it had taken the country 74,984 days (more than 205 years) to accumulate its first trillion in debt.

It would take less than five years to accumulate its second trillion.

And as the US government just hit $18 trillion in debt on Friday afternoon, it has taken a measly 403 days to accumulate its most recent trillion.

There’s so much misinformation and propaganda about this; let’s examine some of the biggest lies out there about the US debt:

1) “They can get it under control.”

What a massive lie. Politicians have been saying for decades that they’re going to cut spending and get the debt under control.

FACT: The last time the US debt actually decreased from one fiscal year to the next was back in 1957 during the EISENHOWER administration.

FACT: For the last several years, the US government has been spending roughly 90% of its ENTIRE tax revenue just to pay for mandatory entitlement programs and interest on the debt.

This leaves almost nothing for practically everything else we think of as government.

2) “The debt doesn’t matter because we owe it to ourselves.”

This is probably the biggest lie of all. Two of the Social Security trust funds alone (OASI and DI) own $2.72 trillion of US debt.

The federal government owes this money to current and future beneficiaries of those trust funds, i.e. EVERY SINGLE US CITIZEN ALIVE.

I fail to see the silver lining here. How is it somehow ‘better’ if the government defaults on its citizens as opposed to, say, banks?

3) “They can always ‘selectively default’ on the debt”

Another lie. People think that the US government can pick and choose who it pays.

They could make a bing stink about China, for example, and then choose to default on the $2 trillion in debt that’s owed to the Chinese.

Nice try. But this would rock global financial markets and destroy whatever tiny shred of credibility the US still has.

Others have suggested that the government could selectively default on the Federal Reserve (which owns $2.46 trillion of US debt).

Again, possible. But given that the Fed (the issuer of the US dollar) would become immediately insolvent, the resulting currency crisis would be completely disastrous.

4) “It’s the NET debt that’s important”

Analysts often pay attention to a country’s “net debt” instead of its gross debt. If you have a million bucks in debt, and a million bucks in cash, then your ‘net debt’ is zero. It washes out.

Problem is, the US government doesn’t have any cash. The Treasury Department opened its business day on Friday morning with just $71.9 billion in cash, or just 0.39% of its total debt level.

Apple has more money than that.

5) “They can fix it by raising taxes”

No they can’t. Just look at the numbers. Since the end of World War II, US government tax revenue has consistently been roughly 17% of GDP.

They can raise tax rates, but it doesn’t move the needle in terms of revenue as a percentage of GDP.

In other words, the government’s ‘slice of the pie’ is pretty consistent.

You’d think with this obvious data that, rather than try to increase tax rates (ineffective), they’d do everything they can to help make a bigger pie.

Or better yet, just leave everyone the hell alone so we’re free to bake as much as we can.

But no. They have to regulate every aspect of people’s existence: How you are allowed to educate your children. What you can/cannot put in your body. How much interest you are entitled to receive on your savings.

All of this costs time, money, and efficiency. So do never-ending wars. The bombs. The drones. The airstrikes.

This isn’t about any single person or President. The problem is with the system itself.

History shows that every leading superpower from the past almost invariably fell to the same fate.

Great powers often feel that their wealth and success entitles them to spend recklessly and wage endless, arrogant wars. The Romans. The Ottoman Empire. The British.

History may not repeat but it certainly rhymes. And the lesson here is very clear: debt weakens a nation. It weakens a society.

Generations that will not even be born for decades will inherit these debts by complete accident of birth.

And the people in charge of the system have backed themselves into a corner where there is no way out other than to default– either on their creditors (creating a global financial crisis), the central bank (creating a currency crisis), or on the citizens themselves (creating an epic social crisis).

Bottom line: this is not a consequence-free environment. And while you can’t fix the debt problem, you can certainly reduce your own exposure to what happens next.

Warning: Avoid This Corrupt, Third-World Country At All Costs

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

John Anderson, an American tourist from San Clemente, California, was driving down a poorly-maintained highway when he saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror.

After a brief exchange with the local police officer, Anderson was shocked when the cop started searching his vehicle.

Anderson had $25,180 in US dollar cash in the car, which by the way was not a crime according to the local laws.

When the cop saw it, he told Anderson that we would take it and threatened him with arrest if he protested.

Anderson couldn’t believe it. This is the sort of stuff you always hear about in these third world countries—corrupt cops and state robbery.

Ultimately Anderson gave in; the cop let him go and did not charge him with a crime, but took every last penny in the vehicle.

And for the last two years, Anderson has been trying to unsuccessfully fight it in the country’s Kangaroo court system.

Clearly we should all avoid going to such dangerously corrupt third world countries.

Except in this case, Anderson was in the United States of America. And he is far from being the only victim of this highway robbery known as Civil Asset Forfeiture.

Since 9/11, police forces in the Land of the Free made over 62,000 seizures without charging anyone with any crime, stealing $2.5 billion in cash alone.

The cost of taking legal action against the government is so high, that only about 17% of the victims actually challenged the seizures.

And even then, only 41% of those that challenged have been able to get their money back.

This means that the government has a better than 93% success rate in outright theft.

This is worse than mafia—it’s blatant theft with impunity from the people that are sworn to protect and serve. It’s the kind of thing that is thought to only occur in heinously corrupt countries.

Here’s the good news: many people are waking up to the reality that they’re not living in a free country.

They are starting to understand what I call ‘the criminalization of existence.’

Every last detail of our lives is regulated—what we can/cannot put in our bodies, whether we can collect rainwater or unplug from the grid, how we are allowed to educate our own children, etc.

Driving this point home, a Tennessee woman was actually thrown in jail earlier this month for ignoring a city citation to trim some overgrown bushes in her yard.

This isn’t freedom.

The irony is that, even though many people are starting to realize this, they’re looking to the very institution that has enslaved them to solve the problem.

It is their own government that has created this system.

It is the government that passed US Code section 983 (Rules for Civil Forfeiture), allowing the police to commit highway robbery.

It is the government that continues to arrogantly, brazenly spy on every citizen despite overwhelming public outcry.

It is the government that continues to bring forth new regulation at an absolutely astounding rate.

Just today (this is 100% true), the US federal government published an eye-popping 490 pages of new rules, proposals, and regulatory notices.

To give you a little taste, today’s regulations include:

  • Stringent requirements for properly handling spearmint oil;
  • New tolerance specifications for a-alkyl-w-hydroxypoly sulfate
  • Additional powers awarded to the Department of Education to decide “whether certain postsecondary educational programs prepare students for gainful employment.”
  • A decision to centrally manage the 2014 ‘total allowable catch of Pacific Cod’ in the Bering Sea.

There’s even a new rule upholding fines for unauthorized playing of digital recordings.

You can’t make this stuff up—they are regulating nearly everything.

It’s government that does this. They are the problem, not the solution.

Looking to government to solve the problem that they themselves created is completely irrational. They are incapable of righting themselves.

The solution – the power – is with the individual.

All the tools and all the resources to distance yourself from this system already exist.

On one hand, there’s always the possibility of leaving. The American Dream is still alive and well… it’s just no longer in the United States. Not to mention all the financial, business, investment, and lifestyle opportunities for the taking.

But even if you stay, there are dozens of ways to take back your freedom.

For example, why hold 100% of your savings and assets in that jurisdiction when they could easily confiscate everything?

There are so many great, safe jurisdictions in the world to bank, to invest, to own property, and to store assets. And you can set all of this up without leaving town.

The solutions are out there. It’s time to consider them before becoming a statistic.

P.S. Here’s more proof that the official inflation numbers are completely phony… yet another market that has reached an all time high.

Scottish Independence: Politicians Love Democracy So Much They’re Trying To Subvert It

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

The polls in Scotland will close this week on one of the more important elections in recent history… perhaps one of the only elections that actually matters.

Rather than a typical vote to see who the captain of the Titanic will be, Scots are deciding whether they want to be free and independent from the UK.

Every eligible voter has a say, and a simple majority decides the outcome for everyone else.

By definition, this is the PUREST possible form of the democratic process.

What’s ironic here is that ‘democracy’ is typically held up as the hallmark of free society.

Western nations have spent years (and trillion of dollars) force-feeding representative ‘democracy’ down the throats of developing countries at gunpoint.

Opening his second Presidential term in 2005, George W. Bush famously told the world that “it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture. . .”

Given the west’s big love for democracy, you’d think this instance in Scotland– the most fundamental example of the democratic process– would be able to take place free, unfettered, and uninfluenced by government.

Government, in fact, is supposed to be the responsible steward to protect and champion democratic rights. At least, that’s the BS they’re constantly selling us.

But that’s not what’s happening.

British politicians are scared to death that Scotland will file for divorce. So they’re doing everything they can to influence the outcome of this supposedly impartial democratic process.

They’ve spent an incalculable amount of money trying to influence the outcome, effectively subverting a democratic election.

Their claim is that the government knows better than you do. They say they’re doing this for your own good. If Scotland breaks away, your children and grandchildren will suffer immeasurably as a result.

In other words, you NEED US TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. You cannot function without us being in charge of you.

The British government is spreading untold fear, paranoia, and propaganda to drive this point home, all in an effort to influence the outcome of a supposedly free and fair election.

It’s incredibly hypocritical. And the government’s desperation drives home how fragile this system really is.

They know how much weaker and impotent they’ll be if Scotland becomes independent. And they’re terrified of it.

But here’s the thing– this isn’t even the real story. The outcome of the election is irrelevant.

The real issue here is that this election is even happening at all.

Bear in mind that human nature is highly resistant to change. This is the way of the universe.

Sir Isaac Newton told us that an object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an external force of sufficient enough to overcome the object’s inertia.

In chemistry, activation energy is defined as the minimum energy needed to be input in order to produce a chemical reaction.

A wooden log in a fireplace doesn’t spontaneously combust. You must first add sufficient energy (heat) to the system before the wood will burn.

Until that activation energy is reached, no reaction will occur.

Humans are the same. Our natural state is to remain at rest. Overcoming our inertia is incredibly difficult. Doing so requires tremendous energy. And motivation.

The fact that millions of people in Scotland are even considering rocking the boat and radically change is very telling.

It shows there is a deep, deep dissatisfaction with the status quo. People are sick and tired of the way things are. The system has completely failed them. And they want change.

This is huge. And it’s a sign of things to come.

The dissatisfaction is growing worldwide. As I reported yesterday, the latest Gallup numbers show that only 23% of Americans are satisfied with the direction of the country.

Change is coming. And not just any change. Deep, radical change– a fundamental reset in the way we do business, the way we organize ourselves as societies, and the way we view money.

There’s tremendous opportunity for people who understand this trend and stay in front of it. And frankly I think this makes it a very exciting time to be alive.

I invite you to spend some time with me this afternoon exploring this incredibly important issue in our latest Podcast episode. (click  image for link)

You’re More Likely To Be Shot By A Police Officer Than A Terrorist

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

Governments and mainstream media outlets have a great way of presenting sensational threats and evil villains.

They want us to be terrified of men in caves, roving bands of barbarians, and deadly viruses that turn our insides out.

Last night, for example, President Obama told the world that ISIL poses the most significant threat to global security.

(Ironically al-Qaida no longer seems to be a threat, and ISIL, which no one had heard of until a few months ago, is now public enemy #1. It just goes to show how shallow and reactionary the security theater is…)

But here’s the truth:

If you live in the Land of the Free, you’re far more likely to get ‘accidentally’ shot by a police officer than blown up by a terrorist.

You’re also far more likely to lose the preponderance of your life’s savings due to a currency crisis than you are to be infected with the Ebola virus.

Words are hollow. Look at reality.

Mr. Obama said last night that America stands for Freedom. Justice. Dignity.

It sounds great. But this comes from a President that has presided over illegal spying of American citizens, allies, and even sitting politicians in Congress.

They assassinate people by remote control drones. They aggressively pursue whistleblowers who shine a spotlight on their activities. And they set aside international law to invade any country of their choosing in their sole discretion.

They’re also actively encouraging the collapse of the dollar-denominated financial system.

Right now, the preponderance of world trade is transacted and settled in US dollars.

This has created tremendous demand from literally billions of people, companies, banks, and governments around the world to hold dollars and use the US banking system.

As a result, the US effectively gets to trade money they have conjured out of thin air for goods and services that foreigners have had to work hard to produce.

This is an unbelievable privilege for the US, and one that they have been abusing for years.

They have chased entire nations out of the financial system. They’ve blasted foreign banks with debilitating penalties for doing business with countries the US doesn’t like.

They’ve arrogantly commanded foreign banks to comply with absurd, costly regulations.

And they’ve practically forced the Chinese and Russians into bed with one another.

Mr. Obama can trumpet American exceptionalism all he wants. He can brag about how ONLY America can lead the world. But the Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank.

Fact is, China, Russia, and others are already taking steps to circumvent the US dollar and the US financial system.

The world is desperate for an alternative to the dollar and China is about to give one to them.

This isn’t any cloak and dagger stuff. It’s happening in broad daylight for everyone to see like a slow-moving train wreck.

The government is turning your country into a police state, and they’re destroying the value of your currency.

These are the real threats to your life and livelihood. Not ISIL. Not al-Qaida. Not Ebola. Ignore the propaganda and see for yourself.


The Morning After: What Happens When A Government Destroys Its Currency


Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

Imagine this scene:

“Everyone in the country was in shock. People’s net worth had devalued more than 53% overnight.”


“The value in savings accounts dropped in half and neither merchants nor consumers knew how to react because they had never been through something like it before…”

This is how an American business executive described living through Mexico’s devaluation of the peso exactly 38 years ago on September 1, 1976.

Looking back, it was so obvious.

Mexico had a mounting debt, destructive policies, and a woefully unsustainable fixed exchange rate with the US dollar. All the writing was on the wall.

But most people ignored the warning signs and kept their money in pesos.

Mexican President Luis Echevarria even went out on the radio to reassure people that the currency was safe.

Finally, under intense fiscal pressure, the government reached its breaking point. And on August 31, 1976, they made the decision to devalue the peso.

People woke up the next morning on September 1st to a 50%+ decline.

Coincidentally today is also the 75th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland, the event that ultimately dragged the world into war.

Germany had already invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia in the months before.

By May 1939 Hitler had stated very plainly, “the decision remains to attack Poland at the first opportunity.”

Even a week before the invasion, Hitler told his military commanders, “I have prepared . . . my ‘Death’s Head’ formations with orders to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of Polish descent or language.”

Germany had 60 divisions massed on the Polish border ready to invade.

Yet people in Poland were told to keep calm, remain in place, and have confidence in their leaders.

Finally, on August 30, the Polish government ordered a partial mobilization to meet the German threat.

Needless to say, it was too little, too late. Germany invaded only hours later.

This is a familiar story that repeats across history. Despite obvious warning signs, people almost universally allow themselves to ignore reality.

It’s human nature to want to believe that everything is going to be OK. And when our political leaders whisper soothing words of hope and optimism, we take the bait.

Looking back, it was plain as day that Mexico was going to devalue the peso. Everything about the economy and currency was totally unsustainable. Deep down people knew it.

Similarly, it was plain as day that Hitler was going to decimate Poland. And people knew it.

Yet millions allowed their confidence to be misplaced in leaders who assured them that everything was OK.

Are we so different today?

The raw numbers tell us that most banks in Europe are insolvent. Bank in the US are dangerously illiquid.


Most western governments are bankrupt. Pension and social security funds are insolvent.


Financial markets are at precarious valuations. And the dollar is beginning to unravel as the dominant reserve currency.

These are data-driven assertions. And my guess is, deep down, your instincts are also telling you that something is seriously wrong with the system.

Yet we’re all told to keep calm by our leaders. There’s nothing to see here, nothing to worry about.

Looking back, it’s all going to seem so obvious. If a major, global currency crisis hits within the next 12-months, people will think, “duh, how did I not see that coming?”

Unfortunately by then it will be too late.

It takes only a little foresight and planning to insulate yourself from an event that can have disastrous consequences.

If you knew the Mexican peso was at an unsustainable level, why would anyone continue to hold pesos?

Similarly, if all the objective data suggests that the dollar is in store for an epic decline… and that the entire world is on a path to shift away from the dollar, why in the world would any rational person base his entire life savings in dollars?

It takes little effort to actually do something about it. Hold stronger currencies overseas. Own real assets. Move your retirement account abroad where your bankrupt government can’t steal it.

These are common sense steps, just like putting on a seatbelt when you get into a car.

The time to act is now. Why play Russian roulette when the odds are clearly in favor of the house?

Don’t try to time it. Nobody has a crystal ball. It’s irrelevant whether the trend unfolds over weeks, months, or years. It’s pretty clear where this is all headed.

Congress Proposes Law Banning Body Armor In The Land Of The Free

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

By the late 1920s, Joseph Stalin became the unchallenged leader of the Soviet Union after having eliminated his opposition.

He topped it off in 1929 by serving a decisive blow to anyone that would dare to oppose him by outlawing private gun ownership in the country.

From that year on until 1953 when Stalin died, it’s estimated that more than 20 million Soviet citizens that were seen as a threat to the country’s leadership.

People were rounded up and either murdered outright, or sent to infamous gulag labor camps.

Stalin is an extreme case. But history is ripe with examples of governments which disarm their citizens, only to engage in serious oppression afterwards.

Communist China. Nazi Germany. Cambodia. Guatemala. Uganda. The list goes on and on. Pacification of the citizens is almost always a prerequisite to totalitarianism.

There have been a lot of attempts to disarm, or at least partially disarm, people in the US throughout history as well.

Each time there’s a major shooting somewhere, the chant to ban firearms grows louder.

But the latest proposal is especially telling.

H.R. 5344 is a bill currently going through Congress that would ban the purchase of body armor.

Violation would carry CRIMINAL penalties, including up to ten years in prison.

Many bullet-resistant items on the market now, such as bulletproof backpacks for school children, would be banned by this legislation.

This is incredible given that the legislation is all about banning something that is purely defensive.

Whatever your stance on firearms, I hope we can agree that it’s pretty damn difficult to hurt another human being with body armor.

People buy body armor for protection. That’s the point. Duh.

So why in the world would they want to ban it?

The government claims that “criminals and rampaging madmen” can “wreak havoc” while wearing body armor, and it’s important to shield police from these nefarious individuals.

Uh, wait a sec– you mean the same police that go around terrorizing ordinary citizens who aren’t breaking any laws whatsoever?

The same police who beat homeless people to death?

The same police who shoot and kill innocent animals in broad daylight in the middle of the street?

The same police who scream “I will f***ing kill you!” with their weapons trained on crowds of protestors exercising their constitutional rights?

Right. Those guys.

This is such a disgusting, yet unfortunately predictable, turn of events in the Land of the Free.

It’s enraging. It’s infuriating. And it’s so obvious: the country has become a giant police state. And the trend is not getting any better.

It’s time to set aside emotion. It’s time to set aside a lifetime of propaganda and programming telling you that you live in a free country.

It’s time to look at the objective evidence all around you.

They spy. They steal. They wage illegal wars. They authorize military detention of civilians. They assassinate citizens.

They intimidate. They terrorize. They torture. They suspend due process when it suits. They destroy anyone who challenges them.

And now they want to take away a non-violent means of protecting yourself.

This is our reality. And at a minimum, it’s time for rational, thinking people to come up with a Plan B. What’s yours?

The Richest Man In Asia Is Selling Everything In China

Submitted by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog,

Here’s a guy you want to bet on– Li Ka-Shing.

Li is reportedly the richest person in Asia with a net worth well in excess of $30 billion, much of which he made being a shrewd property investor.

Li Ka-Shing was investing in mainland China back in the early 90s, way back before it became the trendy thing to do. Now, Li wants out of China. All of it.

Since August of last year, he’s dumped billions of dollars worth of his Chinese holdings. The latest is the $928 million sale of the Pacific Place shopping center in Beijing– this deal was inked just days ago.

Once the deal concludes, Li will no longer have any major property investments in mainland China.

This isn’t a person who became wealthy by being flippant and scared. So what does he see that nobody else seems to be paying much attention to?

Simple. China’s credit crunch.

After years of unprecedented monetary expansion that has put the economy in a precarious state, the Chinese government has been desperately trying to reign in credit growth.

The shadow banking system alone is now worth 84% of GDP according to an estimate by JP Morgan. The IMF pegs total private credit at 230% of GDP, jumping by 100% in the last few years.

Historically, growth rates of these proportions have nearly always been followed by severe financial crises. And Chinese leaders are doing their best to engineer a ‘soft landing’.

If they’re successful, the world will only see major drops in global growth, stocks, property, and commodity prices.

If they fail, the spillover could become pandemic.

This isn’t important just for Asian property tycoons like Li Ka-Shing. Even if you don’t know Guangzhou from Hangzhou from Quanzhou, there are implications for the entire world.

Here in Chile is a great example.

Chile is among the top copper producers worldwide, China among its top consumers. With a major slowdown in China, however, copper prices have dropped considerably.

Consequently, the Chilean economy has slowed. The peso is down nearly 10% against the US dollar in recent months, and the central bank is slashing rates trying to prop up growth.

There are similar situations playing out across the globe.

Not to mention, China could put the entire global financial system on its back just by dumping a portion of its Treasuries in order to defend the yuan.

Now, you’d think that a major credit crunch with far-reaching consequences in the world’s second largest economy, its largest manufacturer, and its largest holder of US dollar reserves, would be constant front-page news.

But it’s not.

Most traditional investors are unaware that what’s happening in China will likely have far greater implications to their investment portfolios than the policies of Janet Yellen and Barack Obama combined. At least for now.

And folks who don’t see this coming and keep buying at the all-time high may see their portfolios turned upside down. Quickly.

At the same time, some investors who are conservative and cashed up may realize a real ‘blood in the streets’ moment.

Again, using Chile as an example, I’m starting to see over-leveraged property owners coming to the market in droves ready to make a deal. This is great news because my shareholders and I are able to buy far more property with US dollars than we could even just six months ago.

I expect this trend to hold given that China is just at the beginning of its process.

It’s said that the Chinese word for “crisis” is a combination of “danger” and “opportunity”.

This isn’t entirely accurate. ‘Weiji’ can have several meanings, but is probably best translated as ‘dangerous’ and ‘crucial point’.

We may certainly be at that crucial point, and now might be a good time to take another look at your finances and consider selling before a major crash. The richest man in Asia certainly thinks so.


Guest post by Simon Black

By the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire had become a has-been power whose glory days as the world’s superpower were well behind them.

They had been supplanted by the French, the British, and the Russian empires in all matters of economic, military, and diplomatic strength. Much of this was due to the Ottoman Empire’s massive debt burden.

In 1868, the Ottoman government spent 17% of its entire tax revenue just to pay interest on the debt.

And they were well past the point of no return where they had to borrow money just to pay interest on the money they had already borrowed.

The increased debt meant the interest payments also increased. And three years later in 1871, the government was spending 32% of its tax revenue just to pay interest.

By 1877, the Ottoman government was spending 52% of its tax revenue just to pay interest. And at that point they were finished. They defaulted that year.

This is a common story throughout history.

The French government saw a meteoric rise in their debt throughout the late 1700s. By 1788, on the eve of the French Revolution, they spent 62% of their tax revenue to pay interest on the debt.

Charles I of Spain had so much debt that by 1559, interest payments exceeded ordinary revenue of the Habsburg monarchy. Spain defaulted four times on its debt before the end of the century.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that an unsustainable debt burden soundly tolls the death knell of a nation’s economy, and its government.

Unfortunately, it can sometimes take a rocket scientist to figure out what the real numbers are; governments have a vested interest in not being transparent about their debts and interest payments.

In the Land of the Free, for example, the government routinely doesn’t count interest payments that they make to the Social Security Trust Fund.

They’ve managed to convince people that those debts don’t matter ‘because we owe it to ourselves.’

Apparently in their minds, solemn promises made to retirees simply don’t count.

It’s like a person who is in debt up to his eyeballs with both credit card companies and family members has no compunction about stiffing Grandpa.

Obligations are obligations, no matter who they’re owed to.

Taking this into account, total US interest payments in Fiscal Year 2013 were a whopping $415 billion, roughly 17% of total tax revenue. Just like the Ottoman Empire was at in 1868.

Here’s the thing, though– it’s inappropriate to look at total tax revenue when we’re talking about making interest payments.

The IRS collected $2.49 trillion in taxes last year (net of refunds). But of this amount, $891 billion was from payroll tax.

According to FICA and the Social Security Act of 1935, however, this amount is tied directly to funding Social Security and Medicare. It is not to be used for interest payments.

Based on this data, the amount of tax revenue that the US government had available to pay for its operations was $1.599 trillion in FY2013.

This means they actually spent approximately 26% of their available tax revenue just to pay interest last year… a much higher number than 17%.

This is an unbelievable figure. The only thing more unbelievable is how masterfully they understate reality… and the level of deception they employ to conceal the truth.