Waiting for a Fourth Turning Prophet

The recent flare up of the long running conflict in NK-SK led me to thinking about all the Proxy Wars that have been fought since the end of WWII in all the “undeveloped” nations of the world, including all the African and South American ones along with the Southeast Asian ones.

Now of course I don’t know exactly what the state of the Politics in any of those countries was prior to WWII, but as far as I know from the history books following colonial expansion, most of these countries were more or less stable, not really nation states as we think of them now but rather rough geographic areas “claimed” by one of the original colonial powers but for the most part the people living there lived as they had for centuries, in a semi stable Feudal kind of manner balanced against local Tribal interests.

The Post WWII period though began the real period of Globalism, as Corporate interests sought to acquire the resources of each of these portions of the Globe not yet part of the Global Banking system. It is at this point in each location the societies bifurcated. Along what lines? Basically, Haves and Have Nots, where local Haves wanted to Join Up and become a part of the Big Ponzi, and local Have Nots who weren’t going to get any benefit from having their land raped for resources.

So in most of those countries since this was a Haves v Have Nots battle, the Have Nots were supported by the Global Communists, either Russia or China at the time. The Haves of course were supported by the Global Capitalists, led by the Anglo-American Illuminati for the most part. For Americans growing up through this period, this was the Cold War and the fight to stop Communist Dominoes from falling in all these countries, a fight to bring them Freedom and Liberation from Oppression. It was of course precisely the opposite, to enslave all these countries under the economic slavery of Capitalism.

Of course the alternative they actually had of the kind of Communism run by Russia and China was itself a form of slavery and Totalitarianism, so they were pretty much between a Rock and a Hard Place. Lots of nice peaceful folks, subsistence farmers mainly forced to choose between two Evils, being Raped by Capitalists or subjugated to the will of the State in Centralized Communism. Once these two juggernauts got rolling, there no longer was a real choice possible to have a small Goobermint for your local area, you had to side up with one or the other of the Big Boys. No other source of weapons you could fight with that would be effective in maintaining your Freedom of course.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the transformation of China from Communism to a hybrid Mercantilist model left the whole philosophy of communism high and dry as pretty much a failed system. In the heady days for Capitalistas following the fall of the Berlin Wall, they appeared to have successfully won the battle of who has the Better System, and Euphoria was at an all time high. I remember some academic declaring it was the “End of History” with Pax Americana. Talk about being WRONG WRONG WRONG. LOL.

However, now with the World as their Oyster, the Capitalistas did what they do, which is to build bigger Ponzis all the time, and they revved up the Loan making bizness to a level never seen before in the entire history of Homo Sapiens on Earth. “Investment” and big money loans went out to every ex-Commie country in Eastern Europe, Brasil turned into a Resource mine to suck dry and even Ruskie Gangsters got their share of Illuminati Investment turning ex-KGB apparatchiks into Billionaires virtually overnight. I remember reading just a couple of years ago that Moscow had more Billionaires than any other city on Earth. Imagine that! In just a little over a decade, Mother Russia long the home of Communism was making more Billionaires then the FSofA, home of Capitalism!

Well of course it wasn’t the End of History, and this huge expansion of the Ponzi to encompass every last square inch of the surface of the Earth is now rapidly collapsing as all those loans which created all that “wealth” aren’t returning on the investment. Why? Because the whole paradigm was based on a never ending source of cheap energy, Oil. Black Gold. Texas Tea. It wasn’t a more sustainable system than Communism, it was just a more successful system at sucking what wealth there was in the earth up faster, and so Communism went into Failure mode first.

The current failure of the Capitalist model now leaves a real Vacuum on a philosophical and economic level in all the countries that were either one or the other for a while, and whose internal populations have been fighting battles ever since base on the Capitalist-Communist dichotomy of available systems. NK is a relic of the heady days of Chinese Communism; SK is a relic of the heady days of Capitalist expansion. The country got physically divided with the Haves on one side of the line, the Have Nots on the other. Now as Capitalism fails, the Have Nots over in NK sense weakness, and besides that are being used as a Proxy by the Chinese on a geopolitical level.

Thing is here, on both sides of that line, nobody really knows what they are fighting for anymore. No real vision of the future has been presented by the leadership on EITHER side of these battle lines to give J6P or Chen Rice Wine a reason to fight anymore. For the typical Proletariat in the Communist society, Communism failed miserably. For the typical Consumer in the Capitalist society, Capitalism failed miserably. Just look at the pics in JimQs Black Friday post. If that isn’t EPIC fail, I don’t know what is.

So here we are, on the Cusp of another World War, and nobody knows what the hell they are fighting for anymore, other than personal survival. At least as of yet, there is no great Movement of people drawn to Philosophy they can fight for with passion. No Great Leaders, no Prophets of the Fourth Turning kind have emerged yet on EITHER side to provide a real vision of the future people will line up to fight for. Oh sure, on both sides here J6P and Chen Rice Wine will be conscripted up as Cannon Fodder, but do you think any J6P is going to go into Battle here the way his Grandfather in the Greatest Generation did, feeling Righteous about saving the world from Totalitarianism? J6P himself is now just a machine part in the Totalitarian State run by the Illuminati, and he KNOWS it. Every time his children get on an airplane and are frisked down to make sure there isn’t a bomb secreted in their private parts he knows it. Soon to be every time you board a subway train or bus also.

Of course he will for the most part still go into battle, his battle juices revved up into high gear by some false flag, a few Car Bombs driven into Elementary Schools around the country one day soon. How are TSA Scanners going to stop that one? Its utterly stupid to think you can prevent a terrorist attack, there are just too many targets. Besides, your REAL Terrorists are the Intelligence Agencies like the CIA and MI5 which have the resources to make any kind of event like this happen anytime they want to, as a means to push around the psychology of whole populations.

For the time being, until a Prophet does arrive here, for most everyone on either side of the old divide of Capitalism and Communism, the only reasonable choice is to run away from this battle, as far as you can, as fast as you can. There is no good justification to fight for either side in this battle. The only solution is to hunker down and wait until the fighting comes to your neighborhood, and then fight for what is truly important, family and community. Then you can go out and fight with passion for something you truly believe in. Then you can go out with GLORY, and in the end win this battle against Evil which so consumes us now. For the Meek Shall Inherit the Earth. Right AFTER the Meek get Very, VERY ANGRY.


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November 27, 2010 12:00 pm

“the only reasonable choice is to run away from this battle, as far as you can, as fast as you can.”

And take you money with you a la’ John Galt. Find work that pays in cash to refrain from feeding the BEAST.

November 28, 2010 10:29 am

Only those who heed what will happen and are VERY VERY Lucky. Most of us who make a stand will die with our boots on. Location, Location, Location, and being somewhat prepared.

I do not know the time line, but as people learn survival skills, and shed tracking mechanisms such as computers, cell phones, and credit cards, their power base will grow. They will be a force that can shape a somewhat harsh environment for the future. A middle class that can get their hands dirty and don’t mind sending bankers to re-education gulags in Idaho, or maybe just kill them, as they are parasites that will need food.

I don’t see a individual as our savior or new leader, I think it will be an organization like the Young Turks, maybe Colonels on down in the military that have good or bad intentions.

I don’t know that I will be around then, but it won’t be boring. Keep a clean pair of underwear at all times with you when TSHTF. I like to tell the family, Good Location, Food, Guns and Ammo,
Gold / Silver, Electricity / Water, Brandy, and if it really gets bad, enough Fentanyl patches to make the end pleasant.

November 28, 2010 12:53 pm


Congratulations. Another great article. I don’t know if we are correct, but I agree with your observations, analysis, and advice.

In Latin America the Haves are more visible, but greatly outnumbered by the Have Nots who are mostly subsistence farmers who don’t even have bank accounts and already operate on a barter/cash system. I know several groups like the Mennonites and Mayas who have missed the boom years and are therefore totally prepared for the bust. They won’t even notice (or care).

I always remember one of the final lines in “The Magnificent Seven”…. “The bandits come and go, but the farmers are like the land….forever.”