Kunstler certainly doesn’t sound like a liberal in this article. He nails the real problem in this country – BEHAVIOR. Whether it’s black people in West Philly or rich white dudes on Wall Street, it comes down to what is acceptable behavior in a civilized society. As long as we allow deviant behavior to flourish in our society, we will fall further into the abyss.


A Kid With Skittles

By James Howard Kunstler
on April 16, 2012 9:54 AM

      In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, the excellent Bill Moyers hosted political activist Angela Glover Blackwell on his weekly interview show, Moyers & Company (April 13; “An Activist for Our Times”) and in the course of things (12:18 in the program) Ms. Blackwell said, “America does not want to talk about race.” In point of fact, we’ll talk about it all the live-long day, just not very honestly.

      The Trayvon Martin incident certainly provoked a broad media conversation about race all over the cable TV networks and the Internet. It’s been an inconclusive discussion because the facts of the case are so muddled and the truth may never be known, or may not satisfy anyone if it becomes known. Mostly, the talk followed predictable patterns of grievance, accusation, and especially hand-wringing – the latter well represented by Bill Moyers, the embodiment of 1960s-vintage idealist Democratic liberalism, who came on the scene as a close aide to President Lyndon Johnson at the height of the civil rights struggle.

      The reason the race conversation remains so constricted in America is because the central question makes everyone so uncomfortable. That questions is: what accounts for the failure to thrive of such a large percentage of black America? It is uncomfortable for whites (especially Progressives) because it implies a failure of the social justice movement itself, and in particular the watershed civil rights struggles of the 1960s. It’s uncomfortable for blacks because it stirs up immense anxiety over the stigma of racial inferiority.

     The crucial moment in this recent history of race relations, it seems to me, must be located in the events between 1966 and 1970. This was the historical moment that followed the deconstruction of legal race codes with the passage into law of the Public Accommodations Act of 1964 and then the Voting Rights Act of 1965. These two legislative milestones, promoted and signed by Lyndon Johnson, were supposed to conclude the unfinished business of the Civil War and emancipation, which had festered so long in the Jim Crow inurement.

      The expectation was that the removal of legal obstacles to full citizenship would hasten economic justice and cultural equality, but just then something curious happened: the youth revolt of the late 1960s was underway and young black America immediately opted for separatism. Opposition to anything and everything was the motif for my generation back then. A few years after the 1964 Public Accommodations Act passed, the black students at my college demanded (and were given) their own separate student union building. During the riots that followed the Kent State shootings in the Spring of 1971, somebody burned the building down – a mystery never solved.

     I believe the black separatist movement of that time derived largely from anxiety around the issues of cultural assimilation – that is, of black and white America forming a true and complete common culture. In any case, it was at this moment of history that the multicultural movement presented itself as an “out” for white America. Multiculturalism allowed white America to pretend that common culture was not important. It also promoted the unfortunate idea that we could have a functioning civil society with different standards of behavior for different ethnic groups. It has left the nation with the unanswered question of black America’s self-evident failure to thrive, and an enormous body of narrative affecting to explain it away as “structural racism.”

     Bill Moyers did not even attempt to address the failure to thrive question in his interview with Angela Glover Blackwell. Both of these people are about as well-intentioned as anyone in the country where race relations are concerned, but neither of them were able to honestly confront the issue. My own opinion is that it’s about behavior at least as much as its about race and probably more, and we continue to make tragic decisions in this country about what behavior is okay and what’s not. Are there proportionately more black men in prison than members of other races in America? Yes there are, and most of them behaved badly enough to get locked up, whether our drug laws are stupid or not. Is something preventing black children from learning in school? Probably a number of things, but I would begin absolutely with the duty to teach them to speak English intelligibly – something that nobody expresses any interest in, especially white Progressives. Do white people fear black males who affect to act as if they are dangerous? Maybe black men should stop trying to scare people. Are these “racist” observations or exercises in reality-testing?

     I doubt even that question can be settled conclusively in our time. The truth is that white America is too uncomfortable with the discomfort of black America and white America will do anything, and will bend any view of reality, in order to avoid the most frightening outcome of all, which is the possibility of race war. Well it’s hard not to sympathize with that, but it still leaves us with the burden of all the tragic choices we made since those heady days of 1964 and 1965 when Bill Moyers could stand behind President Johnson signing those landmark civil rights bills, basking in the broad-based belief that real human progress was being made.

     I don’t know for sure what Trayvon Martin was doing in the moments before George Zimmerman shot him in the Florida condo cluster. The public may never learn what really went on, even after Mr. Zimmerman’s trail. People don’t get shot for no reason, though sometimes it is not a good reason, or one we want to talk about.

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April 16, 2012 11:09 am

I remember reading ‘The Moynihan Report and the Politics of Controversy’ in high school (late 1970s). Daniel Partick Moynihan was as much an architect of the ‘Great Society’ as Bill Moyers. For researching, writing and publishing a Dept. of Labor report on the status of the black family in America that questioned bevavior, as well as the incentivation of bad behavior through a welafre state, he was pilloried. The silence that has followed has been, like the ‘Great Society’ itsself, ‘Conspicuous by its’ absence’ (to quote from a Jefferson Airplane album cover of the time).
I also think that the assassination/supplantation of more moderate leaders, such as MLK (and Walter Reuither, too, who was a force for a moderate and just civil rights program) played a role, as it caused people to lose faith in a ‘we’ solution, as opposed to seperatism.
Perhaps we’ll solve this problem, but I do not see it coming, at least in the short term. (4T ephocs do have a way of settling arguments, though.)

April 16, 2012 11:23 am

Kunstler introduces an important topic, then punts and walks away. Nothing but an introduction. What he is hinting at is worth talking about though.

April 16, 2012 11:27 am

The Great Society has been an abject failure. After trillions of dollars spent, millions of hours invested, and hundreds of thousands of white victims at the hands of blacks we should give the blacks what they want……..separation. Integration is not working, nor is Black Run America. Look at Detroit, Birmingham, Atlanta for actual results of BRA. Not a pretty picture! Give ’em a state or two that they can run and totally fuck up. Maybe Jersey or Pa. That would be a good start!

April 16, 2012 11:45 am

Anybody see this video yet?

I’ve been out of town and haven’t been keeping up with TBP.


April 16, 2012 11:54 am

Amazing, Kunstler rustles up some courage to talk about “behaviour” and how it can lead to bad circumstances.

Yup, Eric Holder was right. Americans ARE cowards when it comes to issues of race. Yup, we are. But not the way that Eric Holder means.

We are cowards when we do not call out the race baiters for what they are – hateful, divisive, promoters of mob violence whose actions serve only to inflame racial tensions.

We are cowards when we do not demand from people of color the same standards of behaviour in a civil society as the majority – and then lament why some neighborhoods are no-go areas for other citizens and even the police.

We are cowards when we do not demand from children of color the same educational standards as the majority – a pernicious form of “soft bigotry” that condemns millions of minorty kids to a sub-par educational achievement.

We are cowards when we do not demand from people of color the same skill set to for job entry or promotion – thus fueling even more racial animosity when policies like affirmative action or the EEOC force institutions to accept this substandard skill set on the basis of race.

In short, we are cowards when we bow to the frankly racist rhetoric from the PC race baiting crowd instead of standing up for a colorblind society based on merit and true achievement – which is what I believe MLK was advocating.

Tragically, we have in Obama and Holder two people whose views of racial matters is more akin to the KKK and the Aryan Nation than to those of MLK, ie, using race and the threat of racial violence to advance an agenda. Substitute “white” for “black” in their speeches and ask yourself who Obama and Holder really sound like.

THAT is what Kunstler SHOULD have said.

If he had the courage.

April 16, 2012 11:56 am

Anouther stupid article from Nutster. Everyone is so busy living in the past they cant go forward.

April 16, 2012 12:41 pm

In the Capital City of my State I do not know of one predominately white neighborhood that any individual would be afraid to walk through after dark. I can show you numerous predominately black neighborhoods that you better not walk through after dark if you want to go on living. The most dangerous thing in this city to a black man is another black man, the shoot each other every week. The majority of major crimes in the city are carried out by blacks, of the six bank robberies so far this year five of the suspects are described as black men.
Are the above statements racist? No they are facts and when facts cannot be discussed without fear of being called a racist the problems cannot be addressed much less solved.
Reverend Jackson and Sharpton should go clean up their own communities and then come back and tell the rest of society how to live and act.

April 16, 2012 12:53 pm

Thanks for the laugh.I’d given you 9 more thumbs up if I could.

April 16, 2012 1:14 pm

I read an article several years ago that made a very important point, discussing Rap music and the Rap culture that was emerging at the time.

In dealing with the bahavior of any subculture, the mainstream society at large has three basic postures it can take:

1) Study, assess and react
2) Ridicule and reject
3) Label as cool, hip and proceed to adapt part or all of it into the mainstream

What Kuntzler implied but didn’t say is that through Government, Hollywood and the music industry, mainstream society has embraced many dysfunctional aspects of various subcultures (particularly black/african-american) as ok, cool, hip and even desirable to be emulated. Whether through guilt, a subconscious desire/need to accept/support, inclusiveness or whatever, we have, as William Buckley stated “defined deviancy down”. And we have weakened and coarsened the mainstream culture by doing so.

I remember conversations I had with my oldest daughter about some of the filthy music she was listening to. She objected to my objections, with the reasoning that “these people are just acting cool, and if you don’t accept them, you are being racist.” My answer to her was “This is not the culture that you and I are a part of. We do not believe men should treat or talk about women this way. We believe it is wrong.” One of my proud moments came when I saw my daugheter reject later iterations of Rap as “uncool”.

April 16, 2012 1:34 pm

WOW, everyone needs to watch Card’s vid. I just watched it and its spot on. Some of the same observations I posted before watching it.
Thanks Card, thumbs up.

April 16, 2012 1:58 pm

Fred (the article posted by flash) is much better than Kunstler’s … but, Kunstler makes good points, just doesn’t go far enough as HZK said.

Anyway, Kunstler talks about the possibility ov a race war.
And Fred hints at it.

Holy Shit. I guess I’ve been living too long in my lilly white community to think about such a possibility.

If we have a race war, does that mean I would have to shoot a black (assuming I would fight, which I wouldn’t) just for being black? If so, that would be the final straw for me. I’d leave the country and flash my asshole in the airplane window on my way out. This shit — the crazy possibilities — gets more fucked up every day.

April 16, 2012 2:09 pm

The sad and funny thing about a race war is that while everyone loses, the minority perceived as being dangerous is guaranteed to lose the most. Any “black panthers”, race-baiting alleged ministers, etc. who are working to drum up a race war may simply bring about their own doom.

This is in no way a threat, merely an observation.

April 16, 2012 2:15 pm

Hope@ZeroKelvin says: We are cowards for the reasons he states.

We are more than that; we are a nation losing its soul. Truth no longer matters. There is no justice in the land. We live in a land of lies. It appears that Zimmerman is being framed by the media and now by a prosecuter for her own; it seems, political ambitions and no one speaks out about it. How far do we go into perdition before our society falls apart?

Millions are purchasing guns for their own protection. Our institutions have failed us and we know it, yet no one speaks out the truth in the mainstream media.

The black race has a problem; as does the white race, the brown race, the yellow race, and the red race. The problem is the media and the government. Both these entities see race and profile them yet there are laws against racial profiling. If we all follow the same laws why does government ask you your race on every form? Is that not for reasons of profiling? See the lie?

What happened in Florida with the Martin shooting does not show any indication on the surface and from the reports of potential racial profiling except for the 911 operator. Why arn’t race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jessi Jackson challenged? Why is the media race baiting? Why are they stirring up racial hatred with their false and manipulated reporting? The media is responsible, in the way they are reporting, in stirring up mob rule. Where is the Justice Department in going after the media and making them show proof of their reporting? Where is the justice? Where is the sincerity?

Hope@ZeroKelvin has raised a very important point about the people we have to trust in protecting our society from injustice. The people we now trust in government to do the right thing are cowards and self serving. No wonder millions are arming themselves. I am starting to believe it is over for this country. This country and its people are on the road to a miserable death. We are no longer a light unto the world. This incident in Florida has really shed the light on how corrupt we have become. It is a trajedy because it is not just about Martin and Zimmerman. It is about a country so afraid of itself people are living in gated communities and everyone is a suspect. People have traded their liberty for securiy and got neither. Cowards? That word does not do justice in its application. We are becoming a country of the walking dead with a justice system and rule of law that is dead.

It is fast becoming everyone for themselves. Good luck trying to get the guns from the people. Government is dead in this country. The politicians don’t know it yet. Who can trust a lie?

April 16, 2012 2:17 pm

You can run, Stucky, but you can’t hide

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April 16, 2012 2:26 pm

Don’t want to get into anotherTrayvon-Zimmerman debate but … good reads …

Problems with the Zimmerman Affidavit

Lynch Mob Justice In Florida — how the MSM tried and convicted Zimmerman

April 16, 2012 2:49 pm

Yes a race war is coming, call it what you like, but when the food stamps get reduced and or stopped it’s over my friend, the war will come to you.
There is already a war going on in the black neighborhoods. They are killing each other weekly in my State; 12 year olds pack guns, it crazy, and from what I read Detroit, East St Louis and Memphis are already a war zones, just to mention a few. The killings stay mainly contained in certain neighborhoods, but a tipping point is coming and everyone knows it (it’s in the air).
If Zimmerman walks free that may just be the catalyst to set off the next phase of the war, an expansion into the non black neighborhoods.

April 16, 2012 3:03 pm

I wonder what MLK would say about our race-batting hating president and all his homies…

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April 16, 2012 3:44 pm

Stuck, just act retarded and blacks will leave you alone.

Note. I haven’t personally witnessed ‘tard avoidance by blacks, but I have it on good authority.

April 16, 2012 3:47 pm

Fred Reed is Kunstler with a pair of balls.

April 16, 2012 5:27 pm

And we wonder why NFL athletes score so low on the Wonderlic Test but hey you don’t need brains to run a football .

April 16, 2012 5:51 pm


Nah…The guy in Card’s video speaks the truth about race.

April 16, 2012 7:32 pm

I work in the black inner city and spend my day in many slum homes and have seen/experienced some serious crazy shit. I grew up and have lived in MIlwaukee all my life and attended MIlwaukee Public Schools. In other words I’ve never escaped this 30 blocks of squalor stuff Jim so accurately describes.

I used to get worked up over this BS, but one day it dawned on it. It is never going to change in my lifetime no matter how much we want to talk about it. We have a permanent underclass no matter what we do. Only they can change it and nobody else. Now I don’t get worked up or pass judgement or make racial statements. I accept things the way they are and live with it. There is nothing I can say or do which will change anything.

April 16, 2012 9:07 pm


Bullshit…… Law-abiding, hardworking folks should not have to put up with what happened in your city.

The recent “race riots” at the Wisconsin State Fair and around Milwaukee are becoming much too frequent and troubling. Yesterday, a mob of 200-300 black youths wreaked havoc on the opening day of the Wisconsin State Fair by terrorizing white attendees with beatings and looting. As one could imagine, State Fair Police and Security were caught completely off guard.
But the attacks didn’t stop there. Outside the fairgrounds, motorists were attacked in their cars while others were dragged off their motorcycles and beaten along 84th street. The youths also damaged a number of homes and property in their war-path.http://wisconserve.com/2011/08/05/recent-race-riots-at-wisconsin-state-fair-and-around-milwaukee/

The decent hard working citizens of this country are getting fed up the indiscriminate bullshit from the underclass, your words, and one of these days all hell is going to break loose.

April 16, 2012 9:23 pm

Maybe if Lincoln had not been assiassinated, he would have implemented his preferred solution:

April 16, 2012 9:38 pm

Wonder why race is suddenly such a big “national issue”? Like it appeared out of the froth for no apparent reason? Read and consider this:


Scorched earth politics getting ever worse here in the US. To call it playing with fire is an understatement. We may head straight for a Yugoslavia-style breakup if this is taken one inch too far.

April 16, 2012 10:22 pm

One variable that is making the situation more volatile is cell phones and the net. The black youth in Milwaukee organized themselves and sent out a tweet to start the violence. Just like a bunch of fire ants they wait until fifty are on you and then all bite at the same time. The game is changing as the economy continues to deteriorate.

April 17, 2012 6:16 am

I read this several years back and thought it was bullshit, but now not so sure.I now believe that entitlements are the glue holding the fabric of this multicultural society together and if those sustenance payments aren’t met by the state on time then all bets are off.
Before you shoot your mouth off read Thomas Chittum’s letter.
And don’t shoot the messenger.


An Open Letter to Everybody Who Read My Book, Civil War Two

By Thomas Chittum ©copyright 2008

When I wrote Civil War Two back in 1995 I had just returned from Croatia where I had fought in their civil war that resulted in the partition of the former Yugoslavia along ethnic lines. My book focused on demographic changes that I believed were driving this nation towards a similar breakup along ethnic lines.

When I wrote my book I had never even heard of the Bilderberg Group or the Pilgrims Society or the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations or the Council for National Policy or Skull and Bones. Then along came the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It took me about three months of research to realize that the invasion of Afghanistan had been planned for years before 911, and that Osama bin Subcontractor was an invention of the London Banking Cartel. The U.S. government had stockpiled invasion supplies and encircled Afghanistan with military bases for years prior to 2001. Why, I wondered, had the US government decided on a land war in the heart of Asia which ran against all military logic and even common sense.

I recalled the assassination of President Kennedy. Like a lot of Americans, I soon became convinced that the Warren Commission was a massive cover-up. What I couldn’t understand was why the entire American establishment had allowed this obvious cover-up to stand unchallenged. I just couldn’t take the next mental leap and realize that the cover-up went unchallenged because the assassination was planned and carried out by the upper levels of our political establishment itself.

I wasn’t similarly deceived by the terrorist attacks of 2001. I began reading books by non-establishment historians. I think the first non-establishment book I read was the Conspirators Hierarchy by John Coleman. It’s an excellent book and a good place to start if you want to understand what people are really running Western Civilization. Today, I understand that Western Civilization is really run from London and has been for centuries.

Now allow me to go back and review my experiences after the publication of my book Civil War. The book sold about 20,000 copies and caused something of a sensation, especially in right-wing circles. I was invited to speak on TV and radio programs. I was invited to speak at meetings of political groups, most of which were right-wing extremists. I accepted every invitation to speak no matter what the political position of the group. I did a radio interview with Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership. I also accepted an invitation to be interviewed by a black guy who had a radio program in Louisiana. I told them all that I my appearance on their radio program or political meeting did not constitute any endorsement of their beliefs. I told an official of the National Alliance that I would accept an invitation to address a “roomful of rabbis” if they wanted to hear me.

My book was meant to be a unemotional technical work. It was written from a military perspective and was intentionally devoid of any attempt to change anyone’s mind about political or racial beliefs. I do have my own political baggage, but I basically left it out of my book, except to briefly mention that I did not favor the partition of America, but hoped that the people of America would choose to stay united, or at least, failing that, agree to a peaceful partition.

I will now briefly outline my political beliefs. My instincts are basically libertarian. I want to emphasize that I do not believe, and never have believed, that any race is superior to another. That’s why I never joined any racially oriented right-wing group. That’s also why I also could never be a so-called liberal because of their lame attempts to disguise their equally misdirected racism with euphemisms such as “affirmative action.”

Like most people I would like everyone to agree with my views on every issue under the sun, and I am disappointed when they do not. However, I have long understood that most people arrive at their political views only because they fulfill their own emotional cravings and self interest. The arguments they advance to justify their beliefs are nothing more than rationalizations. Worse yet, I came to realize that even people of goodwill arrive at entirely different views that preclude compromise.

This deplorable truth about human nature is one of the primary causes of the instability of multi-ethic empires no matter what their formal political structure, be it a dictatorship, a monarchy or a republic. This circumstance also accounts for the tendency, over the long haul, for the maps of nations to be drawn along lines that reflect racial, linguistic, and religious differences. Multiethnic empires like America are inherently unstable even under optimum economic circumstances.

What my book did not take into account was the nature of the New World Order. I did briefly mention the New World Order in my book and condemn it. At the time, I did not have a clear picture of the so-called New World Order. I though it was nothing more than a frame of mind, so to speak, such as being a conservative or a liberal. I did not realize that it was an actual entity composed of identifiable organizations that acted in concert to achieve a specific way of re-ordering the entire globe. As I mentioned earlier, I had never heard of the Bilderbergers or the Pilgrims Society. I had constructed by world view solely from establishment sanctioned books. Now I know better.

To all secessionists, I have this to say. There is no point in checking out of the sinking American empire unless your new nation will be free of control by the New World Order. The only sane approach is to work to first wrest control of America from the New World Order organizations mentioned earlier. Any new nation carved out of the present American empire will be surrounded by hostile nations still under control of the New World Order, and will have no real chance of economic success or even physical survival.

To overt racists like members of the KKK or the National Alliance, I have this to say. Please just sober up and change your minds concerning race and then resign from any and all overtly racist organizations. You are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. The New World Order loves overtly racist organizations. The NWO uses them to frighten the general population into seeking their protection. You are assisting their divide and rule strategy and it doesn’t cost them a dime.

To liberals I have this to say. Stop acquiescing to racism by promoting the stealth racism of affirmative action. Get a brain and realize that you are promoting racism. You are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. The New World Order loves racist affirmative action. The NWO uses stealth racism to stampede conservatives into seeking their protection. You are assisting their divide and rule strategy and it doesn’t cost them a dime.

To everyone who read my book, I have this to say. Civil War Two will likely occur sooner than I had originally predicted in my book. America and the entire world is now teetering on the edge of total economic collapse. If this collapse does in fact occur, the New World Order will instigate a horrific civil war here to distract the population from their responsibility for this calamity by giving the population boogie men to blame in the form of ethnic and regional secessionists. This war will be so horrific that I doubt that more than 10 percent of the population will survive. Mexico and Canada will likewise sucked into this vortex of starvation, cannibalism and ethnic cleansing. The entire North American continent will be depopulated. There will be no new nations arising out of this collapse as I predicted in my book, because there will essentially be no people left to populate any new nations. The whole of North America will be a wasteland.

My next column will probably focus on specific changes that I think America must put into effect to save itself from utter disaster. I don’t think for a second that any of these changes will be made, and I will list them only to highlight the inevitability of the coming disaster. Meanwhile, I suggest you have a good a time as you can. That’s what Romans facing disaster did, and then they jumped into a warm bath and cut their wrists.

— Thomas Chittum ©copyright 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

April 17, 2012 6:19 am

Hasn’t that White House Insider story be settled as a hoax?…seems I read somewhere..

April 17, 2012 7:27 am

Maybe that’s what TPTB want-a race war. How else are they going to get rid of half the FSA?

I don’t know if anyone here’s familiar with the Bible code. There’s a plate where the words “race war” are crossed by “black holocaust”.

April 17, 2012 9:14 am

Bob made a good point. He reminded me of Moynihan again, who wrote in ‘Defining Deviancy Down’ that society can only tolerate a certain level of abberant behavior. If the behavior is not controlled, eventually what is considered ‘deviant’ changes, and it becomes acceptable to do what used to be ‘deviant.’ Many ‘lifestyle’ choices could be used to illustrate this point.
Another excellent book is ‘The Unheavenly City,’ (Edwin Banfield) which is a thorough analysis of how class is a determinant of time-preference and time-horizon. People who live for the day stay poor, regardless of education or income, for example. Banfield’s research mirrors what the authors of ‘The Millionaire Next Door’ found out to be true of rich people – the defining characteristic is the ability to defer gratification.
We have defined deviancy down to the point where instant gratification is an accepted norm, whether for credit card spending or family-destroying behavior.

April 17, 2012 9:14 am

A few points;

Any civil unrest resulting from the Martin case will be child’s play compared with the ongoing encroachment on civil liberties in the US, and serves only as a distraction.

There are those who don’t like the current gun laws, however, Zimmerman had a right to be armed, a right to be were he was, and a right to defend himself against deadly force or grievous bodily injury. The only determination of fact regarding this case should be whether Zimmerman was in fear for his life. That’s the way rule of law works, live and die by it, but you don’t get to selectively enforce it.

It’s unlikely this case came to international prominence of it’s own merit. US current events are starting to look more and more like a bad episode of the X-Files, and has the feds fingerprints all over it. Yeah, I know who you are, and I’m watching you, too.


April 17, 2012 9:35 am

@Thinker and flash:

Bravo for taking the next step in this discussion and daring to name that which shall not be named as a logical consequence of all this racial crap: Race War, Civil War and the possibility of the breakup of the US. I do not think it is all that far-fetched if history is any guide.

While I do not believe Race War is the true intent of the Obama Admin (or the libera/progs), it serves as a convenient threat to hang over the rest of the population. Proving again my point that all the race baiting and entitlements are nothing more than a way to put minorites back on the plantation, this time the fed.gov plantation, as an ever ready group of folks to gin up and unleash against whatever political enemies the regime identifies. Sorry, but I think that many Americans, primarily black, have been totally played here. It’s gonna end in tears before bedtime, for sure.

@ssgconway: Those books are must reads. I formulated similar ideas during my med training in a large inner city/urban hospital. There are reasons why people are poor and these reasons have nothing to do with race/class/ethnicity/gender.

Poverty is in some ways a mental disorder. Poor folks may be born poor but they stay poor because they cannot delay gratification for a future goal for more than 15 minutes. Thus the value of getting an education, delaying childbearing, saving money, avoiding drugs simply is not on the event horizen of their mental universes. Part of evaluating patients is asking about their personal & social history. I remember being stunned by the answers I got, as well as the absolute complete lack of any idea that the reasons their lives were totally crappola might have just an iota to do with their repeatedly poor choices.

Of course, the libs/progs just reinforce this idea with their constant manra of “blame society”, “blame whitey”, “blame [insert current non PC group here]” bull crap – then these same people expect the taxpayers to continue to fund this insanity. Hence, the rise of the FSA.

I have ceased to worry about the FSA. I can’t help them, I can’t change them, I am powerless to avoid paying taxes to support them (for now). Take some lessons from Katrina and keep your powder dry, that’s my advice.

April 17, 2012 9:36 am


The assassinations of Indira Ghandi, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Yitzhak Rabin, as well as the death of Diana, Princess of Wales were ALL predicted in Code.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the Bible …. it was from Moby Dick. (see link below).

The Bible Code has long been debunked as junk statistics. One can find whatever one wants to find if one looks hard enough. Not that I want to change your mind. Just sayin’.


April 17, 2012 9:56 am

“Broke is a temporary condition, poor is a state of mind.”
—— Sir Richard Francis Burton

April 17, 2012 10:08 am

HZK-While I do not believe Race War is the true intent of the Obama Admin (or the libera/progs), it serves as a convenient threat to hang over the rest of the population.

I think you’re right.The Dims and the Repugs are taking a page straight from Machiavelli’s, The Prince.
Divide and rule.
Keep the classes/race/parties at extreme odds and no majority will notice the creeping totalitarianism being shoved under the door.

April 17, 2012 2:05 pm

@flash, that is the sum of the matter. Racial divisions are a distraction from the reality of 30 years of cabal politics and fascist captialism resulting in the worst economic conditions since the 1930’s depression, and chiefly for the same reasons.

April 18, 2012 7:27 am

Stucky: I’ve heard the detractors and I’ve taken alot of math. Believe what you want; the code goes far beyond statistical anomoly.

April 18, 2012 7:56 am


Logically speaking …. philosophically …… does it really make ANY sense that God would encode some super duper secret message, which took about 3,000 looong years to be made known?

Is that how God communicates?? By hiding stuff in some goofy matrix? Or, does Scripture show that God speaks to humanity plainly … in such a way for ALL to see EASILY and in clear view —– “For the heavens declare the glory of God”, says the Psalmist.

I MIGHT give Bible Code a second glance when these “scholars” can predict an event BEFORE it happens …. not after, which is always the case.

No hard feelings. Believe what you want. We’re just talking. I read The Bible Code when it first came out, and I must say, I was fascinated. But, not convinced.