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October 22, 2012 4:50 pm

It looks like Admin is making the case that the younger generation is the screwed generation.

Muck About
Muck About
October 22, 2012 4:55 pm




October 22, 2012 4:58 pm

I will hire them when they take off those thumb rings. But no-o, they are no gonna do that. Plus they ain’t gonna work in no stinking factory for no $50k per year, where they would actually have to work!

It is not so simple as it appears. Many of these kids are damn choosy when it comes to work. You should see the horror on their faces when they see the factory and hear the start time is 7 am.

Muck About
Muck About
October 22, 2012 4:59 pm

@llpoh: Send them home!


Muck About
Muck About
October 22, 2012 5:00 pm

@llpoh: How long are you going to last after 2014 if Obamacare is not repealed? Just asking..


October 22, 2012 5:14 pm

Muck – I provide bennies so I am, best I can tell, somewhat protected by that event. Some of the tax and reg issues are likely to be a bigger problem. And China – always there is the impact of China.

One day at a time. And hope my competitors fail first. That would really help, and is a high probability scenario.

October 22, 2012 5:25 pm

The future of a lot of college graduates is to live in moms basement.

And to be honest, it ain’t that bad a deal. You swallow he pride and watch tv all day. You have plenty to eat and pay no bills. Sure you are a worthless piece of crap but who care? You got it made!!!

You need to get married push out some puppies and buy a house and 2 cars. You need several credit cards maxed out that you pay the min payment on.

You are missing out on life u basement dwelling freeloader!!!

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
October 22, 2012 6:20 pm

Llpoh: What if NASA mohawk guy applied?

October 22, 2012 6:36 pm

Two of my four twenty-somethings live at home…as well as two boyfriends. Another one of my kids lives across town in a dump I pay for…and he’s thinking about moving home for a while, if his Mom will okay it. I hope he does. It would save me money.

They are, each and every one of them, either (a) studying their ass off in school or (b) working their ass off at a job, or (c) both of the above. Each of them in in pursuit of a dream of some kind and I’m trying to help.

I have a special name for this. I call it “family”.

None of my kids owes a penny in student loans. I’ve paid for two college tuitions and I’m busy paying for two more at the moment. It’s money well spent, even if they never use the degrees they’re getting. They are learning how to bust their asses to accomplish their goals. At this point I’m not sure they even know what their ultimate goals will be. But they damn sure aren’t watching TV much or playing video games. We don’t own a TV that’s hooked up to cable and we don’t own a game console.

My wife just bought my son a camping mattress because he often works late into the night in the studio at the university and he’d like to be able to sleep there if he doesn’t have the energy to drive back home when he’s done. A real slacker, that kid.

Just don’t fall into that trap of overgeneralizing, that’s all I’m saying. I know some young people who have accomplished some fairly amazing things. And not just my own kids, but some of their friends and acquaintances are managing to bootstrap businesses and start non-profits. Don’t sell these Millenials too short. They might just surprise you before it’s over.

October 22, 2012 6:51 pm

Colma – mohawks are a safety issue (seriously!!).

Eddie – glad you are having positive experiences. Not too sure that two live in boyfriends would be acceptable in my house – in fact, I know it would not be. My experience with the young is far different than yours, by and large.

October 22, 2012 6:55 pm

As a college grad who spent 8 months in mom’s basement, I wish I could say I really had a choice. The jobs were starting college grads at $10/hour as a standard and the bare minimum standard of living required $13/hr (and I’m talking the bare minimums, too – rent, utilities, food, car, gas). I guess the reason it’s worth mentioning is because it helps fuel the youth haters. You’re at home, you can’t afford to move out (I got out with less than half the loan debt than average), and so what do you do ? You aquire the posessions you can afford. I’m there buying, honestly, 2 videogames a week, DVDs just… Because? Starbucks every day because it was the easiest, cheapest way to get outta the house. About the only good thing I did was buy a semi reasonable amount of office friendly clothing.

And I stayed that way for 8 months contributing to my own decay, why? Because the opportunity to move out was just beyond my grasp. I busted my ass and argued my boss for a promotion because as an employee in that zeroth year of experience, nobody wanted to take the risk, and why would they? They had all these unpaid interns they had experience with they could promote up. Once I managed to get out of mom’s house, all that nonsense stopped. Why? I’d been granted the ability to participate in adult life… And guess what? Like magic, I acted like one!

And that’s one of the things Boomers and Gen X needs to realize and tone down their “pay your dues/pull yourselves up by your bootstraps, blah, blah, blah, entitled youth yadda yadda” bullshit. Most of those guys and girls fresh out of college are pushed into a really tough market, they don’t have the advantage of experience, they were fed expectations that were obviously false, but none of that really matters. If the older generations managing newer workers were honest and said “Yeah, we totally know it’s not easy and our world hasn’t panned out the way we thought it would, but if you do what needs be done you’ll get what you need and some of what you want.” they’d go a lot farther.

Part of the reason I think this isn’t being said and instead newer workers are getting the offensive, angry line is because most people don’t want to face the sacred cow issues we all were sold on believing which have contributed to our current state. People are so intent on absolving themselves of any responsibility of maintaining their society, they’d rather dickoff to people and self-righteously insist on their absolute purity instead of teaming up and fixing problems.

October 22, 2012 7:10 pm

” Not too sure that two live in boyfriends would be acceptable in my house – in fact, I know it would not be.”

The thing is, even when I was in college nearly forty years ago, young people cohabited without the benefit of clergy. Me, I wanted to make my good Christian parents happy and so I got married shortly before my 21st birthday. Not really a good idea, as it turned out.

So I’m just a little more liberal in that regard than my parents were. Call it experience.

My girls seem to have the ability to pick these amazing young men….winners, who are responsible for their own lives..who contribute to our extended family. If they were deadbeats, I’d never allow it. I don’t know if these partnerships will last forever….one of them at least seems to be an incredibly good match from what I see…but if they don’t, there won’t be any lawyers to pay.

None of these kids is eager to bring any more kids into the world. I think they must use four kinds of birth control.

Maybe we’re a little unconventional. It works fine for us.

October 22, 2012 7:14 pm

Kepi – what a load of self-serving, unmitigated horseshit. Boohoo – poor fucking you. You had money to but video games and DVDS and Starbucks – so you were not poor. You do not understand poor. Poor cannot afford that shit.

“Fed expectation” – that is simply denial of any personal responsibility and is an attempt to shove personal responsibility onto someone else.

Then there is your crap about maybe if the older folks talked nicer to you (“toned it down”? Why don’t you toughen the fuck up?) it would work out better. What bullshit. You are a spoiled generation, and your remarks simply reinforce it.

Suck it up, you pansy. Not my fault you do not have any experience that I can make money on. Not my fault your skills are only worth $10 per hour. Not my fault you spent your time playing video games instead of getting better skills. Not my fault you thought you were entitled to be able to afford going out.

That is what the world is about – personal responsibility. It has always been tough out in the real world – always. But the current young do not understand how to overcome adversity – and DVDs and video games and Starbucks (and I bet you had a mobile phone, too, huh?) and igadgets are not the way.

Damn, I cannot ever remember a more whiny-ass post.

October 22, 2012 7:19 pm

Eddie – less talking about the morality of it and more talking about that I am not sure that I would be willing to accept the cost and inconvenience – maybe they are covering their costs for all I know. Again, glad it is working for you.

October 22, 2012 7:42 pm

What a pathetic mess. I’d rather die than move back in with my parents. 55,000 manufacturing facilities and 8 million jobs have moved overseas. Yet, people keep buying foreign goods. Same old story.

Our economy is so fucked. 100 million people don’t work and get free housing and everything else. People that finish college and want to work can’t find decent jobs, can’t buy houses, and can’t/shouldn’t start a family.

Believe it or not, I see people in their twenties trying to get on disability. And, as more people are getting on disability than are getting jobs, the trend will continue ad infinitum. Getting on disability offers a great life, you can move out of mom and dad’s basement, afford a new car, free housing, medical, free food, free cash, and, unless I’m mistaken, their student loan debt is forgiven. And you don’t ever have to work a day in your life ever again. What’s the downside?

October 22, 2012 7:45 pm


Do I understand correctly: you let guys shack up with your daughters in your house?

That’s fucked up.

October 22, 2012 7:49 pm

I finally figured out what Lipoh produces at his factory:

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 22, 2012 7:50 pm

LLOPH, clearly you’re pretty delusional on this one. $10/hour was the standard salary for a starting position back in 2004. Not just here, but in every major city. Where I was living, it wouldn’t pay rent while allowing you to buy food and pay for your car and your gas and the electricity and water which are all required to be a member of modern society. It was an impossibility. But I was still working and still making that $10/hour. What else would I spend it on? I’m living at home, of course I’m going to spend it on garbage I don’t need as an escape to that reality. That’s just human nature, can’t get what you need, you’ll take the next best thing.

And I didn’t get a cellphone until it was required by my job inorder to get that $3/hr promotion so I could move out. And to this day I still don’t have a landline, still don’t have cable TV, and have never bought a car less than 5 years old. You can bitch and moan about how soft people are, but the otherside of the equation: things we need have gotten proportionall more expensive while things that we don’t have gotten proportionally less expensive as time has gone on.

I can buy 5 new 32 inch TV’s a month for the price of my mortgage, HOA dues and utilities. That’s how cheap TVs have gotten. I could buy a dozen Kindle Fires and Still have enough left over to go out for the price of my mortgage… And I bought after the housing bubble burst. This is why it’s an economic problem, not something that will be resolved by a bunch of old guys vomitting vitrol for no functional purpose.

October 22, 2012 7:50 pm

Wow – Kewpie has gotten 4 thumbs up so far for the whiniest post in TBP history. Kewpie crying about his lot in life:

[imgcomment image[/img]

He reminds me of this guy:

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 22, 2012 7:55 pm

This thread screams “TPC CHAMPEENS THE MILLENIALS”….but I’m tired. Of all of it. Millenials are witless wonders and Boomers are entitled sacks of shit.

Just a few comments:
” I bet you had a mobile phone, too, huh?”

We didn’t have a home phone after 2000, so yeah, I had a mobile phone. You kind of need a phone number if you are trying to get hired by places, and if you are working a part time job and going to college odds are you not sitting at home by the phone anyway.

If you don’t have a mobile phone where work can contact you, your ass isn’t getting hired. In this day and age, if you aren’t available 24/7 to work any shift possible you aren’t a team player and are expendable.

“Video games”

$15 a month and infinite replayability, yeah I played video games as my only mode of entertainment for years. Its cheaper than anything else.

After a day of work and school, forgive me for not trying to round out my skill sets.

October 22, 2012 8:01 pm

Kewpie asks what else would he spend it on, it is only human nature! Bwahahahahaha! My point exactly. It is Kewpie’s human nature – and he cannot even realize that the right answer is that he should have saved the money and that he should have used the time beneficially. No – these young folks do not even realize how deluded they are – that spending all their money and calling it “human nature” is all fucked up and is totally ass-backwards.

“Hey – it is not my fault that I am broke and have to live at home with mom and dad – it is all nature’s fault, not mine. I do not have free will – my nature my nature makes me go and spend all my money.”

Seriously, that is some really stupid stuff going on there. I had to live at home when I was young – I saved every damn cent – it never would have occured to me to blow my money – it certainly was not my human nature to do that.

Where do these kids get these idiotic ideas? We are oh so fucked unless people start understanding they need to take responsibility for themselves and quit blaming nature, the weather, the Boomers, etc for their ills. Yep, life is hard and getting harder. Tough shit – it is what it is. Do what you can to change things, but blaming others will not cut it.

October 22, 2012 8:08 pm

TPC – poor little you. Phhht. Cry me a river. “I deserve my relax time”. Horseshit. Justify it all you want. I know what long hours and hard work are – we all make decisions that affect us going forward. When some folks were playing video games, I was working 110+ hours a week. You do what you have to do, or you suffer the consequences. Young people need to put in the time and effort while young to reap the rewards while old. That little gem of truth is being forgotten or ignored.

This self-entitled sack of shit old boomer worked for everything he has, owes not a living soul, and knows what it takes to increase the odds of success. The idea of “entitled to my leisure time” is not part of what it takes, but whatever.

October 22, 2012 8:24 pm

Are you incapable of reading and writing? I was there for all of 8 months. I got out quick, because it is a recurseive trap and I have seen people get caught in it. Also, the “I saved every damn cent?” Bullshit. I bet you fart tachyons and smell time itself, too. I know a guy who lived a lot longer at home and saved a lot of money, but he still bought and kicks himself occasionally for the money he wasted. It’s called being 23 and having more than a part time job for the first time in your life. Minus responsibilities and guess what you’re gonna get?

October 22, 2012 8:36 pm

Kewpie – I was surely a bit more frugal than young folk of today. I grew up poor – not the Big Screen TV/igadget/Nike por of today, but really, actually poor. I have worked a job continuously since I was 12. I know what I am talking about, and you, sir, are an idiot without enough life experience to comment. You wouldn’t have a fucking clue – when I say I did not waste a cent, I meant it. I needed the money, and if the shit hit the fan, it would well and truly have hit the fan. Homeless was always a distinct possibility. So shut the fuck up and learn something rather than shoot your fucking mouth off.

You may not be from an extremely entitled background, but you have no idea about poverty, deprivation, and the need to make sure you pull yourself out of that at all costs. And the fact is, the young need to assume that position – they need to work as if they may become destitute at any moment – because the fact is, that may be the future for them if they do not.

You really do not get it. Young and stupid is still stupid, and there is no excuse for stupid, despite you wanting there to be. Stupid is as stupid does, and spending money on frivouous items and wasting the valuable commodity of time is stupid. The penalty for so doing is going to be severe.

October 22, 2012 8:36 pm

“Yeah, we totally know it’s not easy and our world hasn’t panned out the way we thought it would, but if you do what needs be done you’ll get what you need and some of what you want.” they’d go a lot farther.” ————— What Kepi would like his future employer to say

Not a bad post, and I generally sympathize with you ….. BUT you live in la-la land. If you find an employer like that above, take the job and hang onto it for dear life even if it only pays minimum wage. But ……… you won’t. Except in la-la land.

And stop blaming others for your “fed expectations”. Llpoh stated correctly, you and you alone are responsible for your expectations.

You must have majored in a really useless major to make so little money. Just I guess. I could be wrong, but you sure as shit didn’t major in, say, computer science.

Lastly, you waste a shitload of money!! Add up all those Starbucks and other trinkets you buy for yourself to ease your pain. Figure out the costs for a year. Shitloads, right? Right! Instead of complaining about the older generations, maybe you should befriend a Silent … someone who lived through the Great Depression. They could teach you a thing or two about saving and scrimping. Oh … they didn’t bitch and complain about it either.

October 22, 2012 8:47 pm

Admin – I hope that was not pointed at me. I have no desire to tear down anything. I could give a shit about the /boomers and their failings – at this stage that issue is what it is. But I do indeed care that the younger generatin do not, best I can tell, understand what confronts them in general, they do not understand about thrift, they do not understand about work ethic, they do not understand about self-sacrifice. I am sure the same can be said about Boomers. But their time is passed.

The young are facing enormously difficult times and their futures will be full of obstacles. The need to kick it into overdrive, and abandon the playtime and expectations of liesure and white collar jobs for the asking, and move into survival mode. Tyhe idea of “entitled” to thinks has failed. The sooner they put those ideas aside, the better equiped they will be for the future.

It is a serious business. I se a whole different demographic than most, and I am here to tell you, the young are in for some very serious lumps. The do not have the work ethic nor the education notr the mind-set nor the willingness to tackle the obstacles that confront them. They are about playtime and entitlement.

Work-ethic, thrift, and a willingness to do anything is what the young will need. I hope they are ready. I fear not.

Chronic Agitator
Chronic Agitator
October 22, 2012 8:48 pm

Hey Eddie,
Do you have any spare daughters and a bed room?

October 22, 2012 8:50 pm

Stuck – couldn’t have said it better myself.

Admin – nice pic. I am really photogenic.

October 22, 2012 8:50 pm


Even Kepi admits he contributed to his “own decay” by the choices he made. I don’t see it as tearing down Kepi. Rather, it’s called “tough love”.

Some, but not all, of his post(s) come across as whiney.
He has an unrealistic view of employers.
He’d rather spend than save.
He blames others.

These are not good traits. Why enable them with an “Atta boy!”.

On the plus side, he did get out of his mom’s basement, he busts his ass, and he has embraced the “adult life”. That’s fantastic.

October 22, 2012 8:51 pm


“TPC – poor little you. Phhht. Cry me a river. “I deserve my relax time”. Horseshit. Justify it all you want. I know what long hours and hard work are – we all make decisions that affect us going forward. When some folks were playing video games, I was working 110+ hours a week. You do what you have to do, or you suffer the consequences. Young people need to put in the time and effort while young to reap the rewards while old. That little gem of truth is being forgotten or ignored.”

Wow, you read a lot into my single post.

Careful llpoh, your stupid is showing.

October 22, 2012 8:52 pm

Stuck – how come you said much the same as I did, and you got lots of thumbs up already? How unfair! I am gonna go whine about it to my kids and wife – learned how to do that from Kewpi.

October 22, 2012 8:53 pm


I have a spare bedroom and a nice kitchen. I’ll do you a favor and save you some money with your daughter. Can I get a test drive first?

October 22, 2012 8:53 pm

@llpoh –

“they do not understand about work ethic, they do not understand about self-sacrifice.”

I get this a lot based on my age.

Then they find out about my life growing up, and then about what I did to make it through college.

In the real world I have the benefit of those who have seen me do these things backing me up. Alas, this is the internet, and I’m not giving you names/references so I can “win” a debate on this mostly anonymous forum.

October 22, 2012 8:55 pm

TPC – I am a lot of things, and have some major quirks and flaws, for sure. But of all the things I am, stupid is indeed not one of them.

Bring it on, but you better bring yourself a change or diapers or two.

October 22, 2012 9:01 pm

TPC – I have read some of your background, and commend you for overcoming adversity. Truly. But you did engage me above, now didn’t you? We all have some adversity, some of us more than others. Whining and crying about it is of no help to any of us. Yound folk really need to gird their loins for battle, as the times are going to be brutal, and playtime will likely be a thing of the past compared to what they have seen growing up.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 22, 2012 9:04 pm

College is no more a ticket to an automatic job than going to a trade school.

My dad basically tossed me out of the house when I was 18.

I really dont want to hear this “I had no choice but to move back in with my parents” stuff.

My daughter, when she turned 18, got her a job as a waitress {now 25} and has never moved back home. She doesnt make alot of money but she manages and is happy.

October 22, 2012 9:04 pm

Admin — I didn’t think it was directed at me. I thought it was directed at llpoh. LOL But it was that cur fucker Eddie the Bad Egg. Double LOL

llpoh — we posted twice at the same time with the same thoughts. Amazing minds, us two. The only thing I can attribute the voting to is that I have a pretty powerful brother. Jeebus. He posts here from time to time.

Kepi — My writing style may not have reflected it …. but I ONLY wish the very best for you. I am glad I am not your age. Hopefully, I’ll be dead (of natural causes) when the shit hits the fan. You won’t be. With few exceptions (like, parents) no one will EVER hand you jack-shit in this life. You’re on your own. Good luck.

October 22, 2012 9:07 pm


I agree with your points, but you really have to take into account who were their parents,

Baby boomers?

They’re doomed
[imgcomment image[/img]

October 22, 2012 9:09 pm

AWD / Eddie

I do NOT like it when we use our children as fodder for jokes. Not one bit. Especially when incest is joked about. It’s not funny. Stop it.

October 22, 2012 9:11 pm

Kepi, Mittens feels your pain.
[imgcomment image[/img]

October 22, 2012 9:12 pm

Admin – the kids I grew up with and around had a work ethic you would not understand, or you would not make the comment you did. As I said, I have worked since I was 12. As did the kids I knew and hung out with, more or less. I cannot speak for the whole country. Re abilities – the kids I knew were far advanced to those I see today in many ways – anything to do with work they were better – harder working, etc. They had better life skills, fixing things, cooking, cleaning, tending animals, etc. Again, those were the ones I knew, so yes, they had better abilities in those areas. They had better math skills, could make change for instance, etc. Again, those were my experiences.

In my humble opinion, the youth today have become softened as a result of the material society they grew up in. I have much more experience with young adults and their work ethics, their skills and abilities, etc., than anyone else I know that posts on this site, when it comes to holding a job and doing work. I employ them – and have employed hundreds of them. I know what I am talking about.

Most young adults I encounter are not prepared to hold down a job, at least not in manufacturing. They lack the discipline to do so. That was not the case when I was younger.

Full of shit? Seriously? I would say my experience in this area matches up well with most anyone. Do you think I invent what I am seeing every day?

October 22, 2012 9:13 pm

yes, terribly bad taste. I’m probably older than Eddie.

October 22, 2012 9:22 pm

AWD — thanks for understanding.

llpoh vs Admin
llpoh vs TPC

Just like the Germans in WWI, ol’ llpoh fails to understand the perils of a two-front war.

This is waaay more fun than the POTUS debates.

October 22, 2012 9:22 pm

Stucky, tense matters. Wasted a lot of money. The situation changed. I wasted money until I could make enough money to afford to get out on my own, situation directs behavior, not the other way arround.

And now where I work, they don’t quite say that but they admit to the difficulty of the job. They aren’t as reflective as I’d like and they still make 5 bad decisions for every good one they make, but they pay a decent wage and they fully understand that nobody wants to work 12 hour shifts with the possibility of more, but that’s the reality of the job. There’s a lot of BS that comes with it, but there’s always enough of at least the lower level management to grasp the concept that we’re run by moonbat idiots to give you a level of protection from the moonbat clients and management.

And I totally do take responsibility for my actions. I wasted some money. It wasn’t a good time in my life.

As for the degree, the problem was that there wasn’t any need for more college degrees. There’s still not. We, as a society, have over 5 times the degrees we need. The upper middle class makes up roughly 5% of society. About, what? 28% of people have a 4 year degree or higher? There’s just no need for a college education for at least 4/5ths of those people.

I knew a girl with an accounting degree who was shoveling her $10/hr job just outta college in Chicago, and another guy who had a masters who worked for $10/hr for a year before he found a real job. When your competition is frequently a double dipping retiree with a degree and 20+ years experience… You’re not going to be considered for the job much more frequently, and most likely the $10/hr starting wage is punishment for not having worked an unpaid internship while in college.

Now where it’s going to get entertaining is when Millennials finally say “screw it, close enough” and start having families, because that increases the liklihood one will vote and participate in more than presidential elections. There’s where you’re going to see the entitlements getting ripped out from under the boomers, that’s where you’ll see laws getting passed against the bank and corporate interests, and that’s where things will start getting done. The reality Boomers have wanted to limp on won’t be acceptable, and watch it get changed in 5 years time.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 22, 2012 9:24 pm

Off your ass
On your feet
Outta the shade
Into the heat
You got to work
If you want to eat

October 22, 2012 9:32 pm

Interesting point,

Who’s going to support Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, entitlements, 54% of the population living off the government, 100 million on welfare, 14 million on disability, the military spending etc.when an entire generation is in massive debt, no jobs, living with their parents?

Lipoh, Admin, myself, and people that worked their asses off and put themselves through school are going to be taxed out of existence. And all the borrowing and debt, $1 trillion or more a year. How long until it all collapses?

October 22, 2012 9:35 pm

My post:

“Just a few comments:
” I bet you had a mobile phone, too, huh?”

We didn’t have a home phone after 2000, so yeah, I had a mobile phone. You kind of need a phone number if you are trying to get hired by places, and if you are working a part time job and going to college odds are you not sitting at home by the phone anyway.

If you don’t have a mobile phone where work can contact you, your ass isn’t getting hired. In this day and age, if you aren’t available 24/7 to work any shift possible you aren’t a team player and are expendable.

“Video games”

$15 a month and infinite replayability, yeah I played video games as my only mode of entertainment for years. Its cheaper than anything else.

After a day of work and school, forgive me for not trying to round out my skill sets.”
We had a cellphone, and I explained why. Then I explained why they are borderline required for most college students.

I addressed video games, and said they were the most cost efficient method of getting entertainment. $15 a month per person for entertainment? Can’t beat that.
Your response: “TPC – poor little you. Phhht. Cry me a river. “I deserve my relax time”.

Out of left field, and arguing some other topic. I think your debate skills are slipping the more you post here. Either that, or you are developing Alzheimer’s.
“Whining and crying about it is of no help to any of us.”

Its not an excuse, its an explanation. People often know me for years before actually asking me about my life growing up. So I tell them. Then they don’t believe me. Eventually someone else substantiates it. It was my life, and I won’t apologize for reality. It shaped who I am today, and gave me the tools to move forward in life.
“Bring it on, but you better bring yourself a change or diapers or two.”

Go back and look at our 1-2 actual disagreements. Your defense breaks down to the internet equivalent of I CAN’T HEAR YOU BUT I’M RIGHT

[imgcomment image[/img]

Just because you didn’t change your opinion at the end of a debate, doesn’t make you right or mean that you won.

October 22, 2012 9:37 pm

“another guy who had a masters who worked for $10/hr for a year before he found a real job. When your competition is frequently a double dipping retiree with a degree and 20+ years experience… You’re not going to be considered for the job much more frequently, and most likely the $10/hr starting wage is punishment for not having worked an unpaid internship while in college.”


Work pud job, and pay the bills. Or get unpaid internship, and snag a job 3 years later.

Unpaid = no bills paid, so its a no-brainer for most of us.

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