Hat tip to Boston Bob

I can’t believe we made it. from Bart Mitchum on Vimeo.

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February 5, 2014 9:17 am

Great video! So true.

We hardly ever locked doors either. The Bad Kids were those who wore jeans or smoked in the bathroom. Yup, those were troublemakers back then.

When I was about 10 years old we were in a store in Newark called Valley Fair. I ran in the store, tripped, and chipped my tooth. We didn’t even THINK about suing anyone. Instead … my mom BITCH-SLAPPED me upside the head for being a dumbass. Really.

CUTE kids in that video. Right? I mean … just, adorable. BUT ….. but …….do you realize they are all ……… fuckin’ BOOMERS??!! Not so cute now, eh? lol

February 5, 2014 9:24 am

My parents lived in the same house for 36 years with the key on the door trim above the door. Everyone knew it was there, you could see it standing in front of the door. When they sold the house they took they key down and gave it to the new owners.

February 5, 2014 10:13 am

Great Video! You can really see the difference in the school system! It does the exact opposite of what the video promotes!! Blame someone else or something else; no personal responsibility or accountability.

February 5, 2014 11:40 am

It’s damn near impossible for a thinking person to side with the school or law nowadays.

February 5, 2014 1:40 pm

We have failures

their ya’ go

My kids’ generation will find out that without failures, there won’t be any success either.

Once the generations that were allowed to fail and then picked up and tried die off, or retire out, then what?

These kids will also find out that you can’t build a house, or run a business, nor raise their children, in 15 seconds or 140 characters.

Look around the restaurant the next time you are there. Will any of these people – or their offspring – cure cancer, fix the toilet or write a future literary great? I think not.

Skills, talent, breakthroughs, require dedication, dealing with failure, and depth of thought. Our entire society, most assuredly in our public schools, is speeding from thing to thing, thought to thought, picture to picture, at ever great speed and with ever diminishing understanding and no time to allow the thoughts to sink in or develop into deeper ones.

Scares the literal hell out of me. Imagine what our cute wee ones will look like on day 4 of no technology. Now are you scared too?

February 5, 2014 2:31 pm

This was before TPTB decided to take society down the road of celebrity sleeze, scum, and government/financial corruption. When “gansta rap” began to take over the music industry I knew we were in trouble.