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February 8, 2014 7:39 pm

Idiots like Krugman make this all possible. He’d love another massive terrorist attack or war, as it would stimulate the economy. Debt doesn’t matter to fuckheads like Krugman and his ilk because they know the government will never pay it back, and the eventual default will allow an easier transition to communism and totalitarianism. Banksters and economists are the most dangerous people in this country, well, and the criminals in Washington. Without the Fed, the criminals couldn’t borrow a trillion a year to fund the FSA democrat voting machine. It’s amazing, really, how it all works in unison. And scary. No wonder the #1 threat to this country, as voted for by the people of the USSA, is the government.

February 8, 2014 9:05 pm

excellent interview with Catherine Austin Fatts


Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
February 8, 2014 9:09 pm

That debt thing? We’re not paying it back. Ever.

The question is: will all of your assets be denominated in Federal Reserve Notes? If so, you are the proverbial bug searching for a windshield.

Buy tangible things with those worthless green paper tickets before the confidence game comes to a spectacular end. And then hunker down.

February 8, 2014 9:56 pm

She was an attractive woman when she was in the first Bush administration.Not sure what happened to her.She is knowledgeable about government and central banking.

February 9, 2014 12:13 am

“We’ve been at the mercy of Zionist bankers since traitor George Washington sold us out in 1787 ….. ”

A well chosen and apt screen name.

Besides presiding over the Constitutional Convention in 1787, please tell us what he did in that year to have earned him the traitor label. Sneak back to Mt. Vernon for a quickie with Martha? Not even ardent black activists (think Jackson and Sharpton), who sneer at Washington solely over the slavery issue, have ever labeled Washington as a traitor.

But good old Silly Putty somehow sees the treason behind the Washington Monument, Mt. Rushmore, and over 200 years of historical analysis and hundreds of positive biographies which lead to “The Indispensable Man” of our Republic and the Founding Fathers. Thank the Dear Lord that Silly Shit has graced this site with his presence and will lead us out of the darkness and into the BRIGHT LIGHT OF TRUTH. Can I hear an “amen”?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 9, 2014 12:39 am

Sillyman, have you been reading the ‘Red Symphony’?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 9, 2014 12:41 am


is that you Flash?

February 9, 2014 8:40 am

“Thank the Dear Lord that Silly Shit has graced this site with his presence and will lead us out of the darkness and into the BRIGHT LIGHT OF TRUTH. Can I hear an “amen”?”

Sillyman is One Big Dick.

SSS, per your request …

February 9, 2014 10:00 am


Demeaning comments about the Founding Fathers aren’t going to cut it with me, boy-o. Post what you want here, but I warn you I’m going to jump directly in your shit if you continue this sort of dubious negativity at this forum. Capiche?

February 9, 2014 10:46 am

That little video is right on the money, but it’s also pretty damn funny…

The Italian guy?

“Attsamatta you?! I was-a gonna buy-a me-a noo soot with-a my monay. Now-a I have-a to buy-a me a new weendow! ”


February 9, 2014 12:10 pm

Indy, with which “founding fathers” are you in love or awe? The ones who signed the Declaration, animated the Revolution and penned the Articles of Confederation, or those who led a coup de tat against the Revolution by overthrowing the Articles in favor of a strong central government via the con of the Constitutional Convention, convened ONLY to address a narrow set of concerns but which then was used by the (misnamed) Federalists to rewrite the entire system?

Anyone who uses the term “founding fathers” almost always is either pushing for the Federalist position or is trumpeting his or her ignorance of the heterogeneity of the debate before, during and after the Revolution.

For all his faults, give me Jefferson over Washington any day.

Most Americans know only the historical myths taught in government schools, written by historians whose paychecks come from one or another state institution, educated themselves by centralizers and Big Government statists one and all.

If you want to know who wrote almost all the history you think you know, read what Robert Higgs had to say about the leftism running EVERY major university history department.

“It isn’t what we don’t know that’s the problem, it’s what we think we know that just ain’t so.”

February 9, 2014 12:26 pm

The Trouble With George Washington

Some people actually go back and LOOK at what went on, and don’t just accept what they’re told about historical figures.

February 9, 2014 12:28 pm

Oooo, I’m glad someone volunteered to vote my criticism down, thus restoring my faith that TBP has a few readers who prefer their illusions to what is otherwise obvious.

Never have so many been so happy to remain misinformed.

February 9, 2014 1:38 pm


Some TBP For Dummies 101

1) You’re not gonna get Ups when you accuse people of “trumpeting his or her ignorance”

2) Complaining about Thumbs Down is a guarantee for even MORE thumbs down

3) Shitting on George Washington is a baaad idea. I sure as hell ain’t buying it. No one, not even GW, was a Perfect Man. So, stop demanding it.

February 9, 2014 7:29 pm


“Some people actually go back and LOOK at what went on, and don’t just accept what they’re told about historical figures (meaning George Washington).” which was followed by ……

“Oooo, I’m glad someone volunteered to vote my criticism down, thus restoring my faith that TBP has a few readers who prefer their illusions to what is otherwise obvious.

Never have so many been so happy to remain misinformed.”

Are you a full-blown moron or just a half wit? I’m voting for both.

You provided a link to words critical of George Washington written by Murray “I loved Ayn Rand before I hated her” Rothbard, who was a historical revisionist to the nth degree. He was a Holocaust Denier. Quite a feat for a son of Jewish immigrants from Poland and Russia.

Tell you what, DC.SUNSETS. You pick out anything from Rothbard’s article on Washington and defend it in your own words, using whatever verifiable facts from reliable sources of your choice. I in turn will provide a response.

Right here, right now, on this thread. You and me. Head to head. We’ll see who’s subject to illusions and “so happy to remain misinformed.”

February 10, 2014 3:11 am

Where America Took an Historical Wrong Turn

February 10, 2014 6:43 pm

Looks like DC.SUNSETS is hiding under his desk, but Karalan, “bravely” posts a link to an opinion article defending the Articles of Confederation without a comment. Let’s take a closer link at that document.

Allocates one vote in the Congress of the Confederation (the “United States in Congress Assembled”) to each state. Keep in mind that “Congress” under the Articles was unicameral, not bicameral (House and Senate).

Swell. Today, Wyoming, with a population of around 600,000, would have one vote in Congress. California’s 37,000,000 people? Yep. Just one vote. Or how about this picture when the first U.S. census was taken in 1790, nine years after the Articles were ratified? Delaware gets one vote with 59,000 people, and Pennsylvania gets the same with 434,000 people. Hmmm.

Ok, you say, but that could have been changed. Oh, really? The Articles of Confederation state that the articles are perpetual and can only be altered by Congress with ratification by ALL of the state legislatures. 100%. No dissent. Does anyone in their right mind think that the states then, or now, with the smaller populations are going to give the states with larger populations a better deal vis a vis the power they each wield? Not gonna happen. Not then. Not now. Ever.

Thus endeth today’s lesson for DC.POWER FAILURE and Cuckoo Karalan.

February 10, 2014 6:49 pm

SSS – no offence, but for fuck sake, at the moment the US would be far better off of the big population states did not have more votes, esp. Calif., NY, Mass., etc. The voting blocks of the inner city urban masses are killing the rest of the nation.

February 11, 2014 6:16 am

“SSS – no offence, but for fuck sake, at the moment the US would be far better off of the big population states did not have more votes, esp. Calif., NY, Mass., etc. The voting blocks of the inner city urban masses are killing the rest of the nation.”

100% true. But I see a different outcome. Water, power, and food are still overwhelmingly under the control of people who work hard, produce and are the critical bedrock of the nation. Those people are largely conservative.

If push comes to shove, who do you think is going to win? Populous and liberal San Francisco or the conservative California countryside that controls nearly all of the water piped into the city?

Let me give you a historical parallel. Chiang Kai Chek controlled the cities. Mao Tse Tung controlled the countryside. Who won?