Race, Realism, and Race Realists

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Grant Me the Wisdom to Know the Difference

March 6, 2014

 “Race realists,” as they call themselves, very much want to think that Latin Americans are inherently stupid. The idea appeals to me. As a curmudgeon, I like to believe in the corruption, venality, concupiscence, and stupidity of our sorry race. Certainly it is the way to bet. Further, I admit, indeed espouse, the biological possibility that one genetic strain may be brighter than another.

While I want to regard all of humanity as inferior, with regard to particular groups vile ripples of unwanted evidence occasionally raise their ugly heads (if ripples have heads). Consider Latinos..After living for eleven years in Mexico, I cannot see that Mexicans are any stupider than anyone else. (This, of course, leaves ample leeway for being stupid.) The assertion among fans of IQ is that because of their admixture of Indian blood, Mexicans, and for that matter all mestizos of Latin America, are stupid. I don’t see it.

But personal observation carries no water with race realists. Fair enough. Let us consider brown people in Peru, a small, heavily mestizo Andean nation of some thirty million. Let us also consider the International Math Olympiad, an annual contest of high-end mathematical talent around the planet. In 2012, Peru finished 16th. Results from the Olympiad vary considerably by year, in 2013 Peru finishing 26, Australia 15 and 27 in those two years (and Mexico 17th in 2013). Yet it is hard for me to see how an inherently stupid people could make it to16th. This is especially puzzling because Peru does not have the highly-developed mechanisms for discovering talent that America has.

I consequently suggest that race realists, at least with respect to South America, have become more racial than realistic, and may suffer from a rectocranial inversion. I hope that Fred on Evrything can serve them as salutary forceps.

To believe a group stupid because of the evidence is one thing; to believe it in spite of the evidence is another. Which I think they are doing. In support of this blasphemy I adduce, first, the Peruvian kid Raul Arturo Chávez Sarmiento, who became the second youngest participant to win a medal in the Olympiad and went on to win both silver and gold medals.

Now, the usual explanation in IQist circles for Latino successes is that only the white ruling classes accomplish anything. Well and good, if it works. The truth is the truth. However:


Arturo Chavez

His two siblings are a physicist and mathematician, so there hasn’t been much regression to the mean in his family.

One data point does not a distribution make. At the end of this column are links to bios of the Peruvian math team. Click on a few and see whether you can find a white kid.

Also interesting is Jorge Ciri. Says the Wikipedia, “Jorge Cori (born July 30, 1995 in Peru) is a Peruvian chess prodigy. He is ranked No. 1 among Under-18 player in the Americas, No. 3 in Peru and No. 8 among all Under-18 players in the world.”

Jorge Ciri. If he is white, I’m Jean Harlow. (There is little evidence that I am Jean Harlow.) 

Then there is Jorge’s sister, DeysiCori, women’s grandmaster. Wikipedia: “Cori is ranked 42nd in the world among women players and 3rd on the junior girls list.She is currently the only player in the junior girls Top 20 who resides in the Western Hemisphere.”

Deysi Cori. Norwegian, I guess. No trace of Indian blood. You teach her chess. I don’t do human-sacrifice. Not if I am the human, anyway.

Now, the existence of exceedingly smart Peruvian kids proves nothing conclusively. A Gaussian distribution being asymptotic, there is a calculable chance that a population with a mean IQ of 20 will produce, well, Gauss. It is a very small likelihood. Yet the Math Olympiad is not for the intellectually emaciated. Further, you do not get a high world ranking in chess by being merely very smart, or very, very smart. The probability that a small country still developing, of low average intelligence, much of its population in small villages in the mountains, would by freak mathematical accident produce these kids—anyone but a race realist stop and think.

If I am wrong, show me. As a curmudgeon, I believe that everybody is wrong about everything, including me. This produces a certain logical opacity, which encourages alertness.

So why do we have this Andean flowering now, and not earlier?

We can guess. As a correspondent of mine says, “This surge of young talent has all appeared within the last decade or so, which has coincided with economic growth and the appearance of a mestizo middle class.”

Here we have the old question of whether IQ produces prosperity, or prosperity produces IQ. (Or, perhaps, unleashes it).The IQist bible is IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhane. The book purports to show that a nation’s economic rank depends of the mean IQ of its population. The test scores the book uses tend to be a gobbledygook amalgam of different tests offered to different test groups at different times and would make a statistician’s hair curl. Still, if you accept these numbers as vaguely approximating reality, there is indeed a correlation between IQ and prosperity.

A problem is that prosperity can change almost overnight, at least with some populations, which leaves you, to the extent the IQ is genetic, with one IQ correlating with two very different prosperities. Oops.

Consider Taiwan in 1970 and now, China in 1850 when the British thought its people hopelessly inferior, and, er, now. Or Korea in 1950 and now, or Koreas north and south, same genetics but wildly different prosperities.

As for Peru, I have walked the streets of Lima extensively—it is a modern and functional city—without having the slightest feeling of moving among dolts.

Now: If a genetic group has never produced evidence of intellectual capacity, one might reasonably suspect that it doesn’t have any. You might be wrong, but you might be right. Once the said group has produced too much talent at too high a frequency to be attributed to long-shot, fourth-standard-deviation chance, genetic explanations for former lack of national prosperity cease to work.

I am not sure that we are not about to be surprised by a lot of Latin America. I note that the third (or fourth, depending on where you put Bombardier) manufacturer of aircraft in the world is Embraer, of Brazil. When I fly United from Mexico to the States, it is aboard an Embraer 145. The IQist explanation is that Embraer’s engineers are all of the white elite, or, so help me that “only the smartest Brazilians work for Embraer.” This latter suggests that Airbus and Boeing use ordinary citizens, perhaps recruited from a bus station.

Ridiculous Latin-American craft, of clay and wattles made, probably in the rainforest, doubtless with an abacus. Note logo on tail.

Are Embraer’s engineers white? Maybe. I don’t have mug shots. Nor do I know just how the rapid economic progress in Brazil is affecting the make-up of the professions. Yet I wonder whether there is not such a thing as getting too comfortable. Those airliners are not toys. US airlines buy them.

Maybe race realists need to be more realistic about race. How many exceptions make a norm? It takes very few Deysi Cori’s to wreck a perfectly good theory.

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March 9, 2014 10:11 pm

Welcome back, Greaseball…

What’s the matter? My post too hard for you to reply to, so you have to include Punk’s statement? You have to resort to putting a bunch of words in my mouth, and then replying to your own damn statements? Yeah, figures… lazy fucking beaner…

What I do with my own time falls under the heading of ‘nunya’… as in, “Nunya fuckin business”…

You going to answer the questions I asked, beanbag? Is the age of consent in Mexico 13 years old because you sick fucks like raping little kids? Is your president gonna pay blood money to the families of those real Americans killed by drunk infiltrators?

Come on, taco… let’s hear it.

March 9, 2014 10:11 pm

Billy says:

“gil, you’re arguing a moot point. To you, race is skin color, nothing more. You’ve said as much, several times. To me, race is everything BUT skin color… your entire post falls down because you’re talking about skin color, and I am not.”

Billy the shape shifter chooses to define the terms of the argument, if you find fault with his position, he will change it. Too many hours watching Star Trek has affected his sense of reality.

Face it, Billy, LLPOH and Gilberts have destroyed your house of cards bullshit but you will stick to your Supreme Delusion forever. Raging Bullshit is no substitute for intelligent discourse.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 10:13 pm

I’m confused because I don’t see the reason behind being a white separatist if it isn’t about superiority. I don’t understand why Billy the racist would only want those of European descent in his country if he doesn’t think that they are better than everyone else.

I was hoping Billy the racist could explain…

You really should cut him some slack. It’s genetics. He has the racist gene, the whole family probably does. Also Billy the racist lacks the gene for public trust, preventing him from assimilating into the non-racist society. He has a very closed off gene pool, you see.

Lucky for the rest of us we have all this fresh blood coming up through our southern border, might be able to breed it out in a couple of generations.

March 9, 2014 10:16 pm

I think.your all full of …… and I am full of the HOLY SPIRIT just like STUCKY.
Most of us will be dead sooner then we think so in the long run there’s not much any of us can do about these problems.I think I am morally and intellectually superior to Billy and Lipoh but there’s nothing I can do except rub it in their faces.
That’s why I don’t brag very much.What’s the use.

March 9, 2014 10:19 pm

“Billy, I don’t think the points you made support the idea of racial superiority.” — gil

In fairness, I wasn’t fucking DONE, thanks to El Refried Beanbag derailing the fucking thread… I wish you would take the time to read the authors I cited, then come back and we can continue this conversation…

“Just because Europeans pioneered aircraft before the Brazilians developed their own aircraft industry means nothing.”

Then tell fuckin FRED that, because he’s the one who brought the subject up in the first place… I merely refuted his bullshit argument.

“Europeans made… to the end of your post”

Dude, at what fucking point did I say that whites were the best at everything? Jesus, I even gave you two books – IQ and the Wealth of Nations and The Bell Curve – BOTH of which hold that east asians have a higher IQ than whites do! I am well aware of the technical innovations of the ancient chinese – gunpowder, drilling for oil, metallurgy, etc..

Man, I wish all you motherfuckers would stop putting fucking words in my mouth (like El Beanbag) and act like I fucking said them – even replying to and refuting the shit people say I said! That shit is intellectual dishonesty…

March 9, 2014 10:20 pm

hillbillies popularized 13 YO brides.
who is a real American, Billy? pray tell, a white person?

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 10:21 pm

Billy the racist.
I’m sorry, I asked the wrong question. Why are you a white separatist? Why do you only want live amount your own kind?

That was my fault. I thought you knew the definition of motivation. Here, let me help. For future reference.

the act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way:

Example: I don’t understand what her motivation was for quitting her job. Synonyms: motive, inspiration, inducement, cause, impetus.

March 9, 2014 10:22 pm

Punk – you will not breed it out of Billy. He hails from the land of Appalachia. They do not breed with outsiders. By outsiders I think they mean anyone beyond first cousins.

March 9, 2014 10:27 pm

Punk in Drublic says:

“You really should cut him some slack. It’s genetics. He has the racist gene, the whole family probably does. Also Billy the racist lacks the gene for public trust, ”

He pisses me off because he abrogates the rights of certain non-white citizens while volunteering the USA should go to SA and invite white African farmers to America. He is an embarrassment to German folk in America. He is a race baiter hiding behind a veil of white supremacy.

March 9, 2014 10:28 pm


I answered you honestly. You took the opportunity to throw around your Word of Power – “rayyciss!” – some more spew about how you are genetically superior by default (whatever the fuck a “racist gene” is… how’d you fit that one up your ass so’s you could pull it out?) and then speculated how great it would be if whites were genocided – bred out of existance…

Your Word of Power has no more mojo… call me a racist all day. So? That’s the best you can do? Can’t come up with anything better?

Go fuck yourself Punk… I treated you fairly. You stabbed me in the back, choosing to ally yourself with fucking El Inner Tube and his ilk…

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 10:29 pm

I’m at the other end of those mountains, that’s a little too close for my tastes. Anyway, It’s my country too, since I’m a white land owner of European descent. I say coyote is welcome.

March 9, 2014 10:31 pm

Hey, this is fun! Billy is being used like a pinata.

He is getting confused – at him boys, he does not know if he is coming or going. Pretty soon he will give up and go have some moonshine to calm his nerves.

Real Americans are those in control. First there were injuns and other natives. Then the whitey. Now it hangs inthe balance, but folks with darker skin will be the real Americans reasonably soon.

If whitey wanted to hang on, he should not have brought in the slaves, and he damn sure should have sealed the border. Oops, too late. Unintended consequences are a bitch.

Billy, you better learn to like mescal as you will be seeing a lot of it soon enough.

Mexicans breed like rabbits. Whitey almost does not breed anymore. Demographics are a bitch.

March 9, 2014 10:31 pm

Punk in Drublic says:

“Billy the racist…. That was my fault. I thought you knew the definition of motivation. Here, let me help. For future reference…”

just send him the whole dictionary. the white whale doesn’t understand English too good. and he can barely understand math.

March 9, 2014 10:31 pm

“hillbillies popularized 13 YO brides.
who is a real American, Billy? pray tell, a white person?” — El Refried Beanbag

Yeah, nice try getting off the hot seat by trying to put me on it…

Answer the fucking question, you fucking stank-assed inner tube riding infiltrator… WHY is the age of consent 13 years old in Mexico?

You think you’re so fucking smart, but you can’t even follow a simple conversation… come ON, Hay-soos! FOCUS!!

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 10:32 pm

Are you embarrassed about being a racist? Why do you try to avoid a label that is obvious to anyone? Why do you hide it with terms like separatist?

March 9, 2014 10:36 pm

I like Mexicans on the whole. Not illegal entrants. Like with anything, we need to control quality.

Let’s face it – the US has no choice but to grow its population, in order to keep the Ponzi scheme alive.

High quality spics are a good choice – just keep the gangbanger types out. They are damn near as good as redskins. Blood brothers we are.

March 9, 2014 10:36 pm

Go fuck yourself Llpoh…

If we would’ve done the job properly and wiped you fucks off the face of the earth back when we had the chance, I wouldn’t have to put up with your shit…

You’re just pissed off I actually managed to score a point off The Mighty Llpoh… no way you can let me have that, can you? So, you resort to dogpiling with a couple of mouth-breathing retards… one a fucking inner tube riding infiltrator, the other a sellout turncoat anti-white fucktard…

Yeah. Good company you keep.

March 9, 2014 10:37 pm

Look, Hay-seed, if you can tell me why they marry 13 YO girls in Appalachia, maybe I can deduce why they marry 13 YO girls in Mejico. You stupid fuck, I was born and raised here in the good old USA, just a hair north of the border, I admit but it counts, just like your 1.0 GPA

March 9, 2014 10:40 pm

Billy – how the fuck would Coyote know that?

Anyway, agrarian nations tend to have low age of consent laws. In general. American values are just that – American. I think 13 is an abomination, but that is just me.

March 9, 2014 10:41 pm

Billy says:

“Go fuck yourself Llpoh…If we would’ve done the job properly and wiped you fucks off the face of the earth back when we had the chance, I wouldn’t have to put up with your shit…

The shapeshifter shifts again. Tell me shiffle brains, weren’t you sucking LLPOH’s dick just a few posts above when you tried to enlist him to you side?

March 9, 2014 10:43 pm

“Are you embarrassed about being a racist? Why do you try to avoid a label that is obvious to anyone? Why do you hide it with terms like separatist?” — Anti-white fucktard

Calling someone a ‘rayciss’ today is the equivalent of calling someone a witch in Salem back about 500 years ago…

Get some new material, or fuck off… you bore me.

March 9, 2014 10:45 pm

Billy – I hold Punk in extremely high regard, always have. Coyote is also cool, and I think he brings an interesting perspective and insight.

This is just a bit of fun, but I knew you would light up like a flare.

Win a point? No one gives in around here – not the TBP way. Deny, evade, obfuscate, ignore, backstab, ball-kick, eye-gouging – that is the way here.

March 9, 2014 10:47 pm

El Inner Tube

“Look, Hay-seed, if you can tell me why they marry 13 YO girls in Appalachia, maybe I can deduce why they marry 13 YO girls in Mejico. You stupid fuck, I was born and raised here in the good old USA, just a hair north of the border, I admit but it counts, just like your 1.0 GPA”

Why don’t you answer the fucking question, beanbag? You’re gonna wear a hole in the floor from running around like that… just answer the fucking question. Simple. It’s got nothing to do with Appalachia, hillbillies, whites or anything like that… we’re talking about MEXICO.

Oh, a hair north of the border? You mean that imaginary line that Llpoh says doesn’t exist? Might want to take that up with him, seeing that you and he are fuck buddies now… maybe he’ll even give you and your whole 2654-member family jobs!

March 9, 2014 10:47 pm

You are right, LLPOH – I am a whiny pussy.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 10:48 pm

Billy the racist has treated you with respect for the most part because you have assimilated into his society. But he doesn’t truly respect you, only in so much as one can respect an inferior race who successfully pretends to be white. Make no mistake, he would run you down soon as stop for you in the crosswalk.

March 9, 2014 10:50 pm

El Lettuce Picker

“Tell me shiffle brains, weren’t you sucking LLPOH’s dick just a few posts above when you tried to enlist him to you side?”

Yeah, leave it to a fucking retarded taco bender like you to mistake extending an olive branch as a weakness…

Why don’t you hop the first inner tube heading south and go the fuck home…

March 9, 2014 10:50 pm

I did not say imaginary – I said arbitrary. Lines on maps do not stop migration. It will take one huge motherfucking fence or shoot on sight orders to do that.

March 9, 2014 10:52 pm

Awww, how cute… Punk gets called on being an anti-white turncoat bastard and so he resorts to doppeling me… I’m honored, really.

March 9, 2014 10:52 pm

bb says:

“Billy is right kinda , the ones with the over all highest average IQ would be Eastern European Jews .Some are whiter then I am but claim they are not Caucasian.Just so you know i think my IQ is above average.I have no proof but I just feel it and if you feel something strong enough it must be true .Right?”

Billy seems to think just because he is a pimple on the ass of America, he must own the whole ass. Thinking something don’t make it so, unless you live in Billy’s world.

March 9, 2014 10:54 pm

Wrong, PUNK…

I treat Llpoh with respect because he’s a fighter. His people are a fellow warrior culture, just like mine.

HE earned my respect.

YOU? I wouldn’t have you mopping up jizz at a peep show… fucking turncoat.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 10:55 pm

Think again, Billy the dumbass.

March 9, 2014 10:55 pm

LIpoh you said the land of the Appalachian was God s country but now you call billy an inbred hillbilly
Which is your way of saying billy has a low IQ.Here’s the low down.
1.Jews of eastern European decent.
2.light skin Asian peoples (Japan for example)
3 Caucasians of western European decent.
You look at these and the overall highest IQs will be in these groups as an average and in this order.
Does it prove anything ?I believe these cultures are superior .Maybe culture has a bigger influence on IQ then people realize.I don’t have the answer and neither do any of you.

March 9, 2014 10:58 pm

Billy – how many generations does Coyote need to live here before he is home?

Are you post-WW2 german immigrant? Why do you not fuck off to krautland?

This is Coyotes NATURAL homeland, not yours. His people are native to this land, genetically adapted to it, not yours. We should have killed all of you in WW2 according to your logic, to keep you out of here.

March 9, 2014 11:00 pm

Gotta hand it to the white whale for insisting that I answer a question that is not in the least pertinent to the argument at ahnd and yet he cannot say definitively why he is or is not a racist. he goes on to claim that Punk is calling him a witch, meaning that racists do not really exist in the modern era anymore than witches existed back in the day in Salem. Fucking shapeshifter is greasier than a pig.
You go, white greased lightning. Damn, I am so glad you came to TBP to raise the level of discourse and understanding.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 11:02 pm

Why are you a white separatist?

March 9, 2014 11:04 pm

bb – I called him no such thing.

I am just having fun. He is a joy to rile up.

He is underestimating Punk, and I think he needs to better understand the significance of Mexicans going forward, and understand it is damn difficult, perhaps impossible, to deny people access to the land where they originated milleninia ago.

I agree with him that race is more than skin color – if skin, hair, physical appearance are different, then it stands to reason the brain could be different, too. And I think it is. I thinks brains adapted to environment same as anything else.

March 9, 2014 11:11 pm

LLPOH, the Kraut will never answer any questions that show any weakness in his argument, he is an invader yet refuses to go back to his motherland. Instead he wants to stay here and kick niggers and spics out of America. Just like America kicked his ass out of France and Poland.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 11:12 pm

LLPOH, Billy the racist and I have an epic battle brewing and I’m being nice right now. This is just a skirmish. I don’t think he ever had the pleasure of catching Smokey’s attention…

March 9, 2014 11:13 pm

LIpoh ,you said dark skin people are going to be the real Americans?When this bubble called America pops
There is going to be weath destruction and society will drop to savagery.That’s when the race and border questions will be redrawn.I think it’s going to be a blood bath.I don’t think america will still be America when the shooting stops.

March 9, 2014 11:14 pm

Wouldn’t that have been a hoot!

March 9, 2014 11:15 pm

Anon says:

That is a low blow, I have much respect for the lady that puts up with Billy. But he started it last time, calling me a motherfucker, I’m nice but I’m not that nice.

March 9, 2014 11:15 pm

bb – I do not know.

March 9, 2014 11:22 pm

There wil be an uprising. However, I do not believe that there will be a plan to it – much as there is not wherever uprisings are happening at the moment. One band of bastards is tossed out, but nothing better takes its place. That is what I expect to happen here.

In the worst case, the entire US Constitutional system will be swept away. And I think it is quite possible to happen.

So I do not know what will replace the current system.

March 9, 2014 11:25 pm

Billy uses a straw man argument to deflect from the obvious issue (the obvious fact that he’s a bigot) and tries to change the issue to the age of consent in Mexico.

“That’s interesting,” I say to myself. “I wonder what the age of consent is in other countries? And I wonder what the age of consent is in THE WORLD’S GREATEST COUNTRY, Germany?”

A quick wikipedia search reveals this:

“The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14–15 year-old person’s lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual; being over 21 and engaging in sexual relations with a minor of that age does not constitute an offense in and of itself. Otherwise the age of consent is 14, although provisions protecting minors against abuse apply until the age of 18 (under section Section 182(1) it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with a person under 18 “by taking advantage of an exploitative situation”[22]).”

14? The age of consent in Germany is 14? That’s not altogether different from the age of 13. Granted, it is a year older, but still….13 vs. 14: What’s really the difference?

Well, everybody knows wikipedia is not really a valid source reference. They just make shit up. I wonder what’s the source they go that from…..Let’s check footnote #22.

What the hell? Footnote #22 comes directly from….What? The German Criminal Code? Sonofabitch.

So, Billy, in an attempt to disparage El Ilegal when he obviously doesn’t know up from down proves yet again….(wait for it…)

Billy is a racist.

March 9, 2014 11:25 pm

“Gotta hand it to the white whale for insisting that I answer a question that is not in the least pertinent to the argument at ahnd and yet he cannot say definitively why he is or is not a racist. ” — El Burrito

Jesus… more misinformation… must I really? Yeah, I should…

You were sticking up for your beanbag bretheren. You asked why whites were so superior. I asked why, if mestizos were so superior, they didn’t stay the fuck home and make their own country a better place.

Then I asked why the age of consent is only 13 in Mexico. I am genuinely curious, being as I think anyone who thinks they can justify sex with a 13 year old is a fucking pederast who should have his balls cut off with bolt cutters, bound hand and foot, and then burned alive.

And I am also genuinely curious as to what Mexico’s position is on it’s own citizens – here in the US illegally – driving drunk and wiping out entire families. Do those families have legal standing to sue Mexico for blood money, being as they encouraged the illegals to crossing the border in the first place? I know that drinking and driving is prevalent in central and south american countries… I should know, anyways… one fucker, drunk as a skunk and laughing his ass off, was driving a fucking Chiva bus and aimed right for me… I ended up in the treeline. He went on to crash and kill several people…

If you stick up for them, then those are legitimate questions….

And for the record, I have already admitted that I am a racist. So fucking what? Moving on…

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 11:28 pm

Coyote, you obviously never ran into Smokey.

March 9, 2014 11:29 pm

Then I asked why the age of consent is only 13 in Mexico. I am genuinely curious, being as I think anyone who thinks they can justify sex with a 13 year old is a fucking pederast who should have his balls cut off with bolt cutters, bound hand and foot, and then burned alive.

And I think it’s fair to request reciprocity why the age of consent in German is 14. Are Germans who can justify sex with a 14 year old a fucking pederast, too? Or, only people who do not have the same color skin as you?

And I am also genuinely curious as to what Mexico’s position is on it’s own citizens – here in the US illegally – driving drunk and wiping out entire families. Do those families have legal standing to sue Mexico for blood money, being as they encouraged the illegals to crossing the border in the first place? I know that drinking and driving is prevalent in central and south american countries… I should know, anyways… one fucker, drunk as a skunk and laughing his ass off, was driving a fucking Chiva bus and aimed right for me… I ended up in the treeline. He went on to crash and kill several people…

You’re certainly aware that white people drive drunk, too. Right?

March 9, 2014 11:31 pm

Billy has told you ass wipes he is not a racist the way you all are implying .I’m sure most you of have attitudes that are not so lovely especially towards people of different colors.I don’t want to live around blacks , most mexicans or anyone else that is not white.I have nothing in common with these people.I share no common cause and I don’t speak their language.Does this make me a racist?For me it’s just being smart.I hate multiculturalism ,diversity and we are the world crock of shit.If I am a racist then it is my way of protecting myself.So ,puke you take your cry of racism and stick it up your God Damn ass.

March 9, 2014 11:31 pm

Soooo, Llpoh says “I agree with him that race is more than skin color – if skin, hair, physical appearance are different, then it stands to reason the brain could be different, too. And I think it is. I thinks brains adapted to environment same as anything else.”

… and gets two thumbs up.

I say basically the same thing, albeit in a different manner – that IQ of different racial groups is different (using Llpoh’s statement – adapted to environment), and all you disingenuous fucks start hurling pejoratives and using that worn out Word of Power “RAYCISS!!”

Meh… fuck all y’all… that’s the plural form of “y’all”, in case y’all didn’t know it…

March 9, 2014 11:35 pm

Punk…. you best hope we never meet in real life…

What you just did there is called a blood debt. I don’t take such things lightly.

Neither should you.