Race, Realism, and Race Realists

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Grant Me the Wisdom to Know the Difference

March 6, 2014

 “Race realists,” as they call themselves, very much want to think that Latin Americans are inherently stupid. The idea appeals to me. As a curmudgeon, I like to believe in the corruption, venality, concupiscence, and stupidity of our sorry race. Certainly it is the way to bet. Further, I admit, indeed espouse, the biological possibility that one genetic strain may be brighter than another.

While I want to regard all of humanity as inferior, with regard to particular groups vile ripples of unwanted evidence occasionally raise their ugly heads (if ripples have heads). Consider Latinos..After living for eleven years in Mexico, I cannot see that Mexicans are any stupider than anyone else. (This, of course, leaves ample leeway for being stupid.) The assertion among fans of IQ is that because of their admixture of Indian blood, Mexicans, and for that matter all mestizos of Latin America, are stupid. I don’t see it.

But personal observation carries no water with race realists. Fair enough. Let us consider brown people in Peru, a small, heavily mestizo Andean nation of some thirty million. Let us also consider the International Math Olympiad, an annual contest of high-end mathematical talent around the planet. In 2012, Peru finished 16th. Results from the Olympiad vary considerably by year, in 2013 Peru finishing 26, Australia 15 and 27 in those two years (and Mexico 17th in 2013). Yet it is hard for me to see how an inherently stupid people could make it to16th. This is especially puzzling because Peru does not have the highly-developed mechanisms for discovering talent that America has.

I consequently suggest that race realists, at least with respect to South America, have become more racial than realistic, and may suffer from a rectocranial inversion. I hope that Fred on Evrything can serve them as salutary forceps.

To believe a group stupid because of the evidence is one thing; to believe it in spite of the evidence is another. Which I think they are doing. In support of this blasphemy I adduce, first, the Peruvian kid Raul Arturo Chávez Sarmiento, who became the second youngest participant to win a medal in the Olympiad and went on to win both silver and gold medals.

Now, the usual explanation in IQist circles for Latino successes is that only the white ruling classes accomplish anything. Well and good, if it works. The truth is the truth. However:


Arturo Chavez

His two siblings are a physicist and mathematician, so there hasn’t been much regression to the mean in his family.

One data point does not a distribution make. At the end of this column are links to bios of the Peruvian math team. Click on a few and see whether you can find a white kid.

Also interesting is Jorge Ciri. Says the Wikipedia, “Jorge Cori (born July 30, 1995 in Peru) is a Peruvian chess prodigy. He is ranked No. 1 among Under-18 player in the Americas, No. 3 in Peru and No. 8 among all Under-18 players in the world.”

Jorge Ciri. If he is white, I’m Jean Harlow. (There is little evidence that I am Jean Harlow.) 

Then there is Jorge’s sister, DeysiCori, women’s grandmaster. Wikipedia: “Cori is ranked 42nd in the world among women players and 3rd on the junior girls list.She is currently the only player in the junior girls Top 20 who resides in the Western Hemisphere.”

Deysi Cori. Norwegian, I guess. No trace of Indian blood. You teach her chess. I don’t do human-sacrifice. Not if I am the human, anyway.

Now, the existence of exceedingly smart Peruvian kids proves nothing conclusively. A Gaussian distribution being asymptotic, there is a calculable chance that a population with a mean IQ of 20 will produce, well, Gauss. It is a very small likelihood. Yet the Math Olympiad is not for the intellectually emaciated. Further, you do not get a high world ranking in chess by being merely very smart, or very, very smart. The probability that a small country still developing, of low average intelligence, much of its population in small villages in the mountains, would by freak mathematical accident produce these kids—anyone but a race realist stop and think.

If I am wrong, show me. As a curmudgeon, I believe that everybody is wrong about everything, including me. This produces a certain logical opacity, which encourages alertness.

So why do we have this Andean flowering now, and not earlier?

We can guess. As a correspondent of mine says, “This surge of young talent has all appeared within the last decade or so, which has coincided with economic growth and the appearance of a mestizo middle class.”

Here we have the old question of whether IQ produces prosperity, or prosperity produces IQ. (Or, perhaps, unleashes it).The IQist bible is IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhane. The book purports to show that a nation’s economic rank depends of the mean IQ of its population. The test scores the book uses tend to be a gobbledygook amalgam of different tests offered to different test groups at different times and would make a statistician’s hair curl. Still, if you accept these numbers as vaguely approximating reality, there is indeed a correlation between IQ and prosperity.

A problem is that prosperity can change almost overnight, at least with some populations, which leaves you, to the extent the IQ is genetic, with one IQ correlating with two very different prosperities. Oops.

Consider Taiwan in 1970 and now, China in 1850 when the British thought its people hopelessly inferior, and, er, now. Or Korea in 1950 and now, or Koreas north and south, same genetics but wildly different prosperities.

As for Peru, I have walked the streets of Lima extensively—it is a modern and functional city—without having the slightest feeling of moving among dolts.

Now: If a genetic group has never produced evidence of intellectual capacity, one might reasonably suspect that it doesn’t have any. You might be wrong, but you might be right. Once the said group has produced too much talent at too high a frequency to be attributed to long-shot, fourth-standard-deviation chance, genetic explanations for former lack of national prosperity cease to work.

I am not sure that we are not about to be surprised by a lot of Latin America. I note that the third (or fourth, depending on where you put Bombardier) manufacturer of aircraft in the world is Embraer, of Brazil. When I fly United from Mexico to the States, it is aboard an Embraer 145. The IQist explanation is that Embraer’s engineers are all of the white elite, or, so help me that “only the smartest Brazilians work for Embraer.” This latter suggests that Airbus and Boeing use ordinary citizens, perhaps recruited from a bus station.

Ridiculous Latin-American craft, of clay and wattles made, probably in the rainforest, doubtless with an abacus. Note logo on tail.

Are Embraer’s engineers white? Maybe. I don’t have mug shots. Nor do I know just how the rapid economic progress in Brazil is affecting the make-up of the professions. Yet I wonder whether there is not such a thing as getting too comfortable. Those airliners are not toys. US airlines buy them.

Maybe race realists need to be more realistic about race. How many exceptions make a norm? It takes very few Deysi Cori’s to wreck a perfectly good theory.

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March 9, 2014 11:50 am

I care little about IQ. What concerns me is BEHAVIOR. Just because America’s hordes of feral negros aren’t necessarily low on the IQ scale doesn’t mean there isn’t cause for concern.

March 9, 2014 2:45 pm

KaD, yes, blacks and arabs. It isn’t called the dark continent for no reason.

March 9, 2014 3:08 pm

Nice try, Fred… but you need to climb back into your bottle of Padre…

See, old Fred is comparing apples and oranges.

When we race realists/separatists speak of IQ amongst the races, it is referring to the IQ of the group.

Old Fred here is holding up one, two prodigies and using those extreme-left-side-of-the-bell-curve individuals as proof to the contrary.

Question: How many races are defined by their prodigies, their lone standouts? Erm… I’m gonna take a wild guess and say “none”…

As long as we’re boarding the Egalitarian Express Fred, answer me this: How long did it take for the Peruvian equivalent of NASA to put a Peruvian on the moon? Oh, sorry.

You cite a 4th place Brazilian airline manufacturer as ‘proof’ of equality of intelligence… whooptie shit. Henri Coanda, a Romanian, built the first “jet” aircraft way back in 1910. Some sources dispute that he built the ram-jet plane and that it crashed on takeoff, some call Coanda the father of the jet engine. Depends on which source you go with. Either way, by the 20’s, jet propelled aircraft were being built, the most advanced stuff by the Germans in the late 1930’s.

So, some Brazilians took generations-old technology (invented by whites), bought the manufacturing equipment (designed by whites) and the computers (also designed by whites) from the First World and started making jet airliners (also designed by whites)… big shit.

I can teach a parrot to recite Shakespeare… doesn’t mean he knows what he’s saying, or that he has a conscious thought in his head…

March 9, 2014 3:49 pm

It is true that non-whites are dumber but not because of heredity. It is because we have been exposed to the teachings of race realists, every time I read a Billy post on race I feel my IQ drop.
Do I somehow feel smarter because some Peruvian whiz kid is good at math? No. Is Billy more intelligent because of German geniuses? No.

Like an aspiring Nigger who wants to acquire some of the good brain cells for his progeny, Billy had to go and marry a German woman. This is the same shit conquering armies do, they take the women of their conquered neighbors and improve their own deficient gene pool. It isn’t something to gloat about, it is just the lesson of history. A conquering army would set its sights on Peru to grab the smart genes there.

Pirate Jo explained to Billy that he is a narcissist, trying to propagate his genes in the world by taking advantage of American power and influence. If America were a third world country at the time, the only thing Billy could hope for was to find some lonesome, neglected American chick to donate his sperm to.

March 9, 2014 4:28 pm

“If America were a third world country at the time, the only thing Billy could hope for was to find some lonesome, neglected American chick to donate his sperm to.” ——— EL loco ILEGAL

Keep poking that bear, JUAN!!

May I suggest another strategy?

March 9, 2014 4:39 pm

el coyote….a bone….no re to the posed pic posted by Stuck.

Race, Realism, and Race Realists
Grant Me the Wisdom to Know the Difference

March 6, 2014


March 9, 2014 4:41 pm

please excuse my ignorance..when clicking on comments, that’s what you get.

March 9, 2014 4:48 pm

Billy, Fred was not deliberating on race as such . but merely pointing out the fact that third worlders can learn , if provided two tools ; incentive and discipline…now sorely lacking in multicultural and diverse USSA..

March 9, 2014 4:50 pm

It isn’t poking the bear, Billy has his point of view and I have mine. He claims whites are superior because they are white. I say they are superior because of the spoils of war which included raping and kidnapping the healthiest and most desirable women. Then I went on to say that he did the same thing. The thing is that blacks were not allowed to take the more desirable white women after the civil war even though it was their due as victors in the civil war.

That picture is gross, Stuck, he may rant a bit and call me motherfucker like he did the last time, but he’ll only be bringing the argument to his own level of understanding. That fucking coaltard did good to listen to his pappy. I imagine his pappy saw what Billy had to work with and cribbing from the movies, (son, if your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough) he told old Billy, go get you a white woman, boy, from Germany, they smart ova there.

March 9, 2014 4:58 pm

“Like an aspiring Nigger who wants to acquire some of the good brain cells for his progeny, Billy had to go and marry a German woman. This is the same shit conquering armies do, they take the women of their conquered neighbors and improve their own deficient gene pool.” — El the Mongrel

Motherfucker, you best tread lightly… you can say whatever you want about me, personally. I been called worse by much, much better than you. But you start running your fucking mouth about my wife, then I will fucking destroy you… family is off limits, wetback. I can’t make it any clearer than that. If you Speekie Eengerish and you understand that, then proceed at your own risk…

Only a fucking mongrelized border jumping lettuce picker would attack someone through his family… you piece of dog shit. News flash Hay-soos, I’M fucking German. American born, but German blood. 100%. Both sides of the family. That I happened to get stationed in Germany and then married a German-born German? Luck of the draw. Only mongrels pretend that blood and breeding don’t matter, mostly because they got jack shit to talk about…

And I don’t give a flying fuck about Pirate Jo… she of the “don’t have kids” mantra that has been repeated so much, I fucking puke every time I see it. If she wants to end her bloodline, I don’t give a shit. Perhaps you can take a lesson from her and retroactively abort yourself? Just put the muzzle against the roof of your mouth and squeeze…

See, we don’t have swarms of mongrelized spawn like the denizens of the 3rd world shitholes, preferring quality over quantity, not to mention the fact that we can actually support our kids instead of having to break into another country because where you came from was so shitty, and produced such a lack of respect for the law, that you flat out don’t give a shit about the laws of a sovereign nation.

By the way, are you intelligent enough to see that your ‘invading army’ analogy can be applied to the bazillions of fucking wetbacks that have broken into our country?

Nah, you’re happy just running down America while you do the same thing you claim we do…

Why don’t you GTFO of my country, mudbelly? Take your larvae with you…

March 9, 2014 5:15 pm

“I am not coming back to this thread! I gotta go irrigate my eyes to wash that image away. ” –T4C


March 9, 2014 5:38 pm

C’mon … it’s just a leg! I’m hoping I can get that prized “Hidden” rating.

March 9, 2014 6:12 pm

Billy – you are German? No wonder you are such a peace loving soul!

The article was a piece of shit.

Me, I like Mexicans for the most part. They are largely like the Irish – nice folks who have let a corrupt government fuck them in the ass forever, and the society then began to reflect that corruption with crime, gangs and such.

They may never recover from the corruption. It will require a permanent purge of all the government officials and employees. I mean permanent, if you get my drift. And that will not happen, so there is no hope for Mexico.

March 9, 2014 6:23 pm

“Billy – you are German? No wonder you are such a peace loving soul!” — Llpoh

Coming from a member of a fellow warrior race, I will take that as a compliment..

And you’re right about Mexico.

Thing is, the elite Spanish/Iberian whites run the country. Every couple 100 years or so, the mestizos have a revolution, a bunch of folks get killed, and when the killing stops, different Spanish whites are installed in the government… lather, rinse, repeat.

Personally, I think it’s because the only ones capable of running the country and keeping peace are the Spanish whites. I don’t think it’s corruption so much as a lack of viable alternatives to run the government competently and keep peace…

March 9, 2014 6:28 pm

Well, it might be that what goes up, might go down. Just look at America. If you’re a white supremacist in this day and age, you have a lot of ‘splainin to do. For instance, go to http://www.peopleofwalmart.com and look at all those white people on there and tell me how great white people are. Go look at the freaks on TV reality shows and Jerry Springer and the rest of the bottom feeders in entertainment and, again, please explain them in the context of the inherent greatness of the white race. I’m white and I’m lovin’ it, but I have no illusions that my color makes me better.

My suspicion is money, not just genes, has a lot to do with developing a solid person. Money doesn’t make you a good person, but it affords you opportunities a poor person will never have, even at a cultural level, and I believe this fundamentally affects development. (Ever see that age-old idea of a rich guy and a poor guy just switching places? I don’t think it could successfully happen for this reason.) I think that is important, because we’ve probably all met people, even people with some relative success, who were obviously unpolished, couldn’t string three words together coherently, and made painfully bad choices over and over again. My brother dropped out of college, became a failed drug dealer, and after about 10-15 year finally started to get his life on track. When I spend time with him, it is painfully obvious we are not operating at the same level. I’m not trying to brag, but it’s painfully obvious in everything from his relationship choices, spending choices, word choices, reading (or not reading) choices, work choices, and so on, that he is not operating at the level he could be. I’m thankful he’s got his life back on track, but I don’t think he can make up those wasted years and it shows.
Not that money makes you a good person-just offers that chance to maximize your potential. There are tons of rich people who are absolute douches. And there are lots of poor people who are the nicest folks you’ll ever meet.

March 9, 2014 6:28 pm

“C’mon … it’s just a leg! I’m hoping I can get that prized “Hidden” rating.” — Stuck

I know, right? It’s just meat. Although one wonders how he got his leg in that position without any muscles or tendons left…

Want a real horror show? You should see some of the pics I got here at the house… guy got blown up in the jungle, then laid there for a week before we found him… 100 degrees, 100% humidity, lots of bugs, big cats, critters, etc, out there wanting some free eats…

March 9, 2014 6:29 pm

Billy ,stop picking on El illegal .He’s the only one who ever says anything nice about me.Now tell him you are sorry !

March 9, 2014 7:18 pm

” If you’re a white supremacist in this day and age, you have a lot of ‘splainin to do. For instance, go to


and look at all those white people on there and tell me how great white people are.” — gil

As I explained before, I am not an evil white supremacist. I am a much-less-evil white separatist. That said, I just can’t believe you would make a statement this fucking stupid, gil.

But, okay, I’ll play your little game and maybe it will shut this ‘people of walmart’ bullshit down for good.

According to walmart corporate, there are 709 walmart discount stores, 2,907 Walmart Supercenters, and 182 walmart neighborhood markets. Since “peopleofwalmart” isn’t specific as to which people are photographed at which stores, I’ll assume that it is all inclusive. However, since the number of walmart stores worldwide is much larger, for playing this stupid fucking game, I will restrict my count to only North America (US and Canada).

2,907 + 709 + 182 gives a grand total of 3,798 Walmarts to choose from.

Part II is over at “peopleofwalmart”. Going by the posts over the last three days, the admin over at POWM posts about 4 pictures a day. I do not know if he or she only chooses the best 4 of all sent in, or if more people were photographed than were sent in, or if more should have been photographed, but weren’t… since all that falls clearly under “Not My Fucking Problem”, I’m going with the POWM total of 4 white people photographed per day.

Part III – So, out of a maximum of 3,798 stores, only 4 had people goofy looking enough to rate being photographed. Even if you figure ONE person per Walmart, this still gives us 0.001% of all whites making it onto POWM. If you figure a more-realistic 100 people per walmart, that gives us 379,800 possible people to photograph, and a percentage of 1.0531858873091100579252238020011e-5… which is a fantastically small number and very likely better than what a bell curve would say…

Now… you gonna let the POWM issue die, gil?

I’m eating, so part II will be up soon… stay tuned.

March 9, 2014 7:58 pm

Billy says:
“— El the Mongrel
fucking mongrelized border jumping lettuce picker… you piece of dog shit. Hay-soos, Only mongrels pretend
retroactively abort yourself? put the muzzle against the roof of your mouth and squeeze…
swarms of mongrelized spawn
By the way, are you intelligent enough to see that your ‘invading army’ analogy can be applied to the bazillions of fucking wetbacks that have broken into our country?
Nah, you’re happy just running down America while you do the same thing you claim we do…
GTFO of my country, mudbelly? Take your larvae with you…”

Your vituperations are weak. You did not understand anything I said and you make up shit, you fucking leg. I at no time said anything bad about your family. I did about you because your a lamebrain half ass with a tiresome shtick about white superiority. Why you make up shit that I attacked America or that this is somehow all ‘your’ country to kick people the fuck out?

If white people are so superior, why do they need a race baiter like you to defend them? I would venture such a thing isn’t necessary. It Is your fucking insecurity that drives you to criticize other people to make you feel better about your sorry ass.

Your turn, asshole.

March 9, 2014 8:15 pm

aw, shit, Billy is writing his part 4 of his walmart retort. fuck, repartee with Billy the superior brainiac takes a long time. come back later, folks. have some donuts and coffee in the lounge.

March 9, 2014 8:17 pm
March 9, 2014 8:20 pm

Hey admin, can you spot me a few points on the IQ minimum? I am losing IQ fast just humoring this
pure bred Kraut from Kentucky.

March 9, 2014 8:21 pm

Billy – that response to Gilbert is lame. There are tens of millions of ignorant white trash out there. Probably forty million of them with IQs under 85, probably twenty million with IQs under seventy five.

Seriously, just walk down any street and start snapping photos. Want a real thrill do it in San Fransisco.

There are more dumb whites out there than you can point a stick at. And I expect they tend to be Obama voters. Dumb people are not so stupid they do not know they are dumb, so they know to vote for free shit.

March 9, 2014 8:33 pm

Actually, that photo shows a bit more than a half-eaten leg; exposed genitalia is clear.

Timothy Treadwell, as I recall. The other autopsy photos were worse.

March 9, 2014 8:34 pm

El Lubricano,

Your whole post, translated: “Nuh-UHH!!! You’re wrong because I say so!! I’m a fucking mutt and I’m butthurt about it and jealous of whites! WAAAAHHHH!!!”

BAHH-HAHAHAHAH!!! Calling me a ‘leg’? Piss weak, old man. What? You did a search for “military insults” and write down the first fucking thing that popped up? HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I earned my wings in 1987, you piece of fucking illegal dog shit. I can smell your FAIL from here… or is that just your normal funk?

“You didn’t understand anything I blah, blah, taco, burrito, blah, inner-tube, blah…” and then “I didn’t say anything bad about your family, blah, bullshit, pico de gallo…”

No, YOU don’t understand, there are those here with whom I bring up family. They have my permission to discuss family matters. YOU ain’t a part of that group, River Nigger. YOU don’t say shit about my wife, good OR bad, until I give you leave to, you fucking UNDERSTAND, field rat? You don’t even bring the subject UP, is that fucking clear? I swear to God almighty, you say ONE FUCKING THING other than “okay”, I’ll jam my size 13 Redwing boot so far up your ass you’ll taste leather..

And yeah, it fucking IS “my” country. When shit goes pear shaped in this country and it’s a goddamned free-for-all, you best take your taco jockey ass back across the Rio Grande because you’re gonna fucking SEE what a lot of folks have to say about whose fucking country this is… don’t give me that ‘nation of immigrants’ bullshit… I already destroyed that bullshit argument so thoroughly in response to a previous post of yours, you never fucking came back… just crawled off and didn’t say shit.

You know why this nation (meaning “people”) needs people like me to defend them? Because I got no fucking problem doing what needs to be done to keep this nation in one fucking piece, El Chunt. If you fucking greaseballs are so fucking great, then why didn’t you stay back in Me-hi-co and make it a better place instead of hugging a fucking inner tube to get here? Fucking parasites. Criminals. And you all got the fucking NERVE to march in America, waiving that fucking cum rag you call a flag? FUCK YOU!

Tell me, Hay-soos, since you fucking mestizos are so fucking awesome… why is it the age of consent in Me-hi-co is only 13 years old? You fucks get your sick rocks off raping 13 year old girls? Is that it? What about the multiples of thousands of Americans you motherfuckers have killed in drunken car crashes? Is your El Presidente gonna at least give the families of the dead their blood money as compensation?

Get lost… I don’t give a shit if lettuce costs more than diesel fuel.. small price to pay for having you smelly Mexcrement beanbag motherfuckers GONE…

March 9, 2014 8:38 pm


Wait… HE brings up POWM, and I use simple mathmatics to show that his argument is bullshit, and then you tell me it’s lame after changing the argument to “any city in America” and then pull bogus figures out of your ass?

Yeah.. okay…

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

March 9, 2014 8:46 pm
March 9, 2014 8:46 pm

Billy makes threats on the internet. Amazing.

Billy, you do know you cannot reach through the screen and grab hold of folks, rght?

Threats of physical violence are weak. Use yor words – internet is the place for words and psychological warfare.

By the way, the Mexicans are going nowhere. You are in dreamland to think otherwise.

The entire southwest and lower California is effectively native homeland for them. Drawing artifcial lines in the sand will not make that reality different.

Mecicans will eventually rule that section of the country. No ifs ands or buts. They also breed rapidly compared to whites. I expect them to be the controlling demographic is around thirty years. Get used to it. Best idea is to assimilate them into US tradition best as possible.

I am not suggesting not to boot out the illegals. But the demographic horse has bolted, and Mexicans will always try to inhabit the arid SW.

March 9, 2014 8:48 pm

Billy is right kinda , the ones with the over all highest average IQ would be Eastern European Jews .Some are whiter then I am but claim they are not Caucasian.Just so you know i think my IQ is above average.I have no proof but I just feel it and if you feel something strong enough it must be true .Right?

March 9, 2014 8:57 pm

Bogus figures my fat ass. Do not be a moron.

There are around 300 million in the US, say half are white. That means 75 million have IQs below 100. Around twenty percent people with mean IQ base of 100 have IQs below 85. There are around 225 million whites, times .2 = forty five million whites with IQs under 85. Under 75 is more like 15 million, not twenty.

I did not pull numbers out of my ass. You obviously are a math dullard.

March 9, 2014 9:02 pm


“By the way, the Mexicans are going nowhere. You are in dreamland to think otherwise. ”

Prognostication is another skill of yours? Well, we will see, now won’t we?

” Drawing artifcial lines in the sand will not make that reality different. ”

So, our sovereign borders are just an imaginary line? Yeah, see it’s that kind of thinking that lead us to this clusterfuck we’re currently in… tell you what. Try hopping the border without your US passport or any ID going south into Mexico and then try explaining to the Mexican police that their border is just an imaginary line… I’ll make sure to send care packages with anal lube in them.

“Mecicans will eventually rule that section of the country. No ifs ands or buts.”

Sooo, you’re saying you approve of the ethnic cleansing that is currently underway? The army of unwashed, illiterate cholos swarming across the border, displacing whites and then outbreeding them?

“Best idea is to assimilate them into US tradition best as possible. ”

It’s they who have to assimilate to us, not the other way around…. they have to make the choice to do so. I can’t force them, and the way it’s looking, El Greaseball’s statement that La Raza has gone the way of the hippies is really bullshit…

One thing is certain – that when you get a bunch of squabbling tribes all fighting for the same scraps, it’s gonna get ugly…

March 9, 2014 9:03 pm

Billy uses POWM as a data site, and claims that based on the number of photos on a website he can then extrapolate how many white morons there are. Then he accuses me of pulling figures out of my ass.

If Billy pays with a dollar for a fifty cent purchase it probably takes him an hour to count his two quarters change.

Seriously, that ranks right up there as one of the stupidest things ever posted on TBP.

March 9, 2014 9:04 pm

Hey! Holy Spirit! Go FILL some folks!

March 9, 2014 9:08 pm

Billy – all borders are arbitrary. See Crimea for current examples. Borders are what you can control.

I did not say I approve of the demographic shift – I said it is inevitable.

Hell, I really disapprove of the one from 400 years ago. I lost that battle. The SW will lose this one.

I agree it is gonna be real ugly.

March 9, 2014 9:10 pm

“I did not pull numbers out of my ass. You obviously are a math dullard.” — Llpoh

Says the same assclown who told me my disproving of gil’s POWM argument was ‘lame’, despite not refuting it… guess my dullard maths was okay after all…

Listen CHIEF, just citing numbers is the DEFINITION of pulling something out of your ass, unless you backstop your argument. You didn’t. I called you on it. THEN you backstopped your numbers…

Am I the only one fucking paying attention? Must I cite chapter and verse to SHOW YOU that you are being an asshole?


Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 9, 2014 9:15 pm

Billy the racist
What is the motivation behind being a “white separatist”?

March 9, 2014 9:16 pm

Pull numbers out of one’s ass means making them up. I did not. I was able to substantiate them at a moments notice after you asked so nicely.

I guess English is not you strong suit, either.

I guess next we should examine you science skills. What do you know about cell structure? Your knowledge of DNA needs checking out too.

March 9, 2014 9:17 pm

“Billy uses POWM as a data site, and claims that based on the number of photos on a website he can then extrapolate how many white morons there are.” — CHIEF Llpoh

You are knowingly and willfully mis-stating what I said. You KNOW what I said – I clearly illustrated that there were issues trying to extrapolate that data, even listing several examples, and then said it wasn’t my fucking problem because I wasn’t the one who was using POWM as an example in the first place – my only necessity was to disprove gil using what he gave me. And I did that.

Mis-stating what I said knowingly is pretty much intellectual dishonesty, Llpoh. I expected better.

“Then he accuses me of pulling figures out of my ass. ”

You did. Until I called you on it and you backstopped your figures. The issue is dead.

March 9, 2014 9:19 pm

Punk/Stuck – I will have billy foaming at the mouth any second now.

Wait until I start testing him on history.

March 9, 2014 9:20 pm

Billy – it is dead when I say so. I am delivering an epic beat down. Take your whupping like a man.

March 9, 2014 9:22 pm

I wasn’t really speaking to you directly, Billy, but to the idea. If you express the idea whites are inherently superior to others, I think you’re wrong.

I tossed POWM out as an example, but it is only one of many potential examples. Trying to do the math on how many stores there are means nothing-not everyone is rude enough to whip out a camera and take a snapshot every time they see an obvious jackass in public. It’s certainly not my style, but I was brought up to be a little more civil in public. If POWM is somehow offensive to you, I would suggest you avoid thereifixedit.com, freaksoffastfood.com, Jerry Springer reruns, anything on daytime TV, most late night TV, the crime blotter in your local paper, night clubs, professional sports venues, free online chat sites, and many other places where you can find crowds of people. Ever been to a Nascar race? Lots of examples of white superiority there, too.

I don’t believe all men are genetically identical; I know there are marked differences, but differences do not connote superiority or inferiority. Just differences.

I don’t think you can discuss this kind of issue without considering culture and wealth. People with wealth have a greater opportunity to improve themselves, leading to better outcomes in the long term (and, I think, leading them to assume they are superior).

Culture (would you call it the Operating System of a people?) also plays a vital role. Robert Kaplan has written about the death of culture in West Africa as poverty-stricken people fill up desolate, disease-filled slums. Those people, he says, have no more collective memory of their own past; just their desperate existence in the present. He contrasts them with the Turks of the Golden Mountain slum in Istanbul who are all very proud and clean and maintain their hovels to the best of their ability every day. They may be poor, but they’re Turks and that means something.

I think culture and the strength of a culture has a vital effect on both the group and the individual and their success. If the unifying culture weakens (arguably modern America) or fails for some reason (i.e. West Africa), I figure you can expect to see disaster. James Kunstler, Neil Postman, and others have covered the decay and death of American culture. Is it any wonder we see the problems we see today?

Blacks, for example, used to have a very strong family structure prior to LBJ. They may have been poor as hell, but they still had a sense of community. 40+ years of poverty programs and look at the black community today. Can you blame their issues purely on race? The same problems afflict whites, who are also recipients of the same poverty programs as blacks. I would guess poor blacks and poor whites have much more in common with each other than with successful members of their respective skin colors.

March 9, 2014 9:22 pm

“Pull numbers out of one’s ass means making them up. I did not. I was able to substantiate them at a moments notice after you asked so nicely. ” — Llpoh

Yeah, nice try. Ain’t buying it. You’re scrambling for a lifeline and you just will not let me win, will you? Despite being fucking wrong.

If I sat here and typed “one hundred white women a day were raped by negroes last year” and didn’t backstop what I wrote with either a citation or showed my process, you’d be the fucking FIRST one to jump my shit and call bullshit on me… and you would be right to do so.

If I state something important and don’t back up what I am saying, then yeah, until proven otherwise, it should be treated as bullshit…

I did the same to you. You showed your process, and I agree with your findings. That you didn’t backstop your original statement is what is being argued here, NOT your mathmatics.

Someone as intelligent as you should know the difference…

But then, letting me win a point? From YOU? Oh man, can your ego handle it?

March 9, 2014 9:25 pm

“Billy – it is dead when I say so. I am delivering an epic beat down.”

Oh? To whom? You got a parallel conversation going on somewhere else? Shoot me a link…

“Take your whupping like a man.”


Yeah, okay CHIEF…

March 9, 2014 9:29 pm

Billy admits defeat. No surprise there.

Coyote – see, you just need to persevere and he folds like a cheap tent.

March 9, 2014 9:36 pm

gil, you’re arguing a moot point. To you, race is skin color, nothing more. You’ve said as much, several times.

To me, race is everything BUT skin color… your entire post falls down because you’re talking about skin color, and I am not.

I encourage you to read “IQ and the Wealth of Nations” and obviously, The Bell Curve… as well as Pritchard, Madison Grant, Putnam, Sam Francis, Frank Salter, etc…

March 9, 2014 9:41 pm

Llpoh says “I win because I say so”…

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 9, 2014 9:48 pm

Punk in Drublic says:

“Billy the racist, What is the motivation behind being a “white separatist”?”

it is rationalizing his well documented dream of a white America. He is a hypocrite in the first degree, he sounds like he really believes the Germans came over on the Mayflower, instead of invading this country in the 1820’s.

Nothing like a new arrival to want to close the door behind him. My country, all mine, fucking fascists. They say every woman loves a fascist. Billy done laid down the law, I can even mention he has a wife. Wow. Billy barking out the orders.

What the fuck were you eating that it took you so long to come back? You fucking white whale, Moby Dickless. You are proud of your swearing, eh? I don’t care for it because it is unimaginative. However, your invention of my background is creative. Funny you should call LLPOH a liar when you lie so well yourself. You are pulling shit out your ass when you claim I was inner tubing on the Rio Grande. Your just pissed that America kicked Germany’s ass.

March 9, 2014 9:50 pm

Billy, I don’t think the points you made support the idea of racial superiority.

Just because Europeans pioneered aircraft before the Brazilians developed their own aircraft industry means nothing. Considering Brazil and South America were conquered by Europe with then-high technology, then reduced to colonial status as raw material producers for Europe and their peoples massacred by war, famine, and disease, it’s hard to blame them for not leading modern technological innovation.

Europeans made some incredible innovations, but if that’s proof of racial superiority, how do you fit in the Chinese, who developed gun powder at least 3-4 centuries before the Europeans received the technology (received, NOT invented)? The Chinese invented printing around 650AD and movable type in the 900s-1000s. The compass around 1000BC. Alcohol around 7000BC. That’s just a few inventions.
Does that make them racially superior, since they accomplished these inventions so much earlier than Europeans? I don’t think so. I think culture has a huge part to play in this drama, more so than race ever could. Just imagine what Europe would have been like if Catholicism hadn’t been so powerful.

March 9, 2014 10:05 pm

“Billy the racist What is the motivation behind being a “white separatist”?” — Punk

People self-segregate. If integration was the default setting of humanity, we would not need legions of government do-gooders, enforcers, lawyers, NGO’s, the Justice Department, and the government itself with it’s boot on our throat to enforce it…

I want to live amongst my own kind, without being leveraged by anyone else to include anyone I don’t want to include… I want private property rights back. The right to refuse service for any reason, or no reason. Restrictive covenants. The right to hire who I want, for my own damn reasons.

And not have to justify any of it to any-fucking-body, EVER.

March 9, 2014 10:06 pm

Billy the lying hypocrite might be re-writing history right now, trying to erase the fact Germans invaded this country by the millions when their superior country failed in the 1840’s. No doubt he’ll claim it was too long ago to count.

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