Race, Realism, and Race Realists

Guest Post by Fred Reed

Grant Me the Wisdom to Know the Difference

March 6, 2014

 “Race realists,” as they call themselves, very much want to think that Latin Americans are inherently stupid. The idea appeals to me. As a curmudgeon, I like to believe in the corruption, venality, concupiscence, and stupidity of our sorry race. Certainly it is the way to bet. Further, I admit, indeed espouse, the biological possibility that one genetic strain may be brighter than another.

While I want to regard all of humanity as inferior, with regard to particular groups vile ripples of unwanted evidence occasionally raise their ugly heads (if ripples have heads). Consider Latinos..After living for eleven years in Mexico, I cannot see that Mexicans are any stupider than anyone else. (This, of course, leaves ample leeway for being stupid.) The assertion among fans of IQ is that because of their admixture of Indian blood, Mexicans, and for that matter all mestizos of Latin America, are stupid. I don’t see it.

But personal observation carries no water with race realists. Fair enough. Let us consider brown people in Peru, a small, heavily mestizo Andean nation of some thirty million. Let us also consider the International Math Olympiad, an annual contest of high-end mathematical talent around the planet. In 2012, Peru finished 16th. Results from the Olympiad vary considerably by year, in 2013 Peru finishing 26, Australia 15 and 27 in those two years (and Mexico 17th in 2013). Yet it is hard for me to see how an inherently stupid people could make it to16th. This is especially puzzling because Peru does not have the highly-developed mechanisms for discovering talent that America has.

I consequently suggest that race realists, at least with respect to South America, have become more racial than realistic, and may suffer from a rectocranial inversion. I hope that Fred on Evrything can serve them as salutary forceps.

To believe a group stupid because of the evidence is one thing; to believe it in spite of the evidence is another. Which I think they are doing. In support of this blasphemy I adduce, first, the Peruvian kid Raul Arturo Chávez Sarmiento, who became the second youngest participant to win a medal in the Olympiad and went on to win both silver and gold medals.

Now, the usual explanation in IQist circles for Latino successes is that only the white ruling classes accomplish anything. Well and good, if it works. The truth is the truth. However:


Arturo Chavez

His two siblings are a physicist and mathematician, so there hasn’t been much regression to the mean in his family.

One data point does not a distribution make. At the end of this column are links to bios of the Peruvian math team. Click on a few and see whether you can find a white kid.

Also interesting is Jorge Ciri. Says the Wikipedia, “Jorge Cori (born July 30, 1995 in Peru) is a Peruvian chess prodigy. He is ranked No. 1 among Under-18 player in the Americas, No. 3 in Peru and No. 8 among all Under-18 players in the world.”

Jorge Ciri. If he is white, I’m Jean Harlow. (There is little evidence that I am Jean Harlow.) 

Then there is Jorge’s sister, DeysiCori, women’s grandmaster. Wikipedia: “Cori is ranked 42nd in the world among women players and 3rd on the junior girls list.She is currently the only player in the junior girls Top 20 who resides in the Western Hemisphere.”

Deysi Cori. Norwegian, I guess. No trace of Indian blood. You teach her chess. I don’t do human-sacrifice. Not if I am the human, anyway.

Now, the existence of exceedingly smart Peruvian kids proves nothing conclusively. A Gaussian distribution being asymptotic, there is a calculable chance that a population with a mean IQ of 20 will produce, well, Gauss. It is a very small likelihood. Yet the Math Olympiad is not for the intellectually emaciated. Further, you do not get a high world ranking in chess by being merely very smart, or very, very smart. The probability that a small country still developing, of low average intelligence, much of its population in small villages in the mountains, would by freak mathematical accident produce these kids—anyone but a race realist stop and think.

If I am wrong, show me. As a curmudgeon, I believe that everybody is wrong about everything, including me. This produces a certain logical opacity, which encourages alertness.

So why do we have this Andean flowering now, and not earlier?

We can guess. As a correspondent of mine says, “This surge of young talent has all appeared within the last decade or so, which has coincided with economic growth and the appearance of a mestizo middle class.”

Here we have the old question of whether IQ produces prosperity, or prosperity produces IQ. (Or, perhaps, unleashes it).The IQist bible is IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhane. The book purports to show that a nation’s economic rank depends of the mean IQ of its population. The test scores the book uses tend to be a gobbledygook amalgam of different tests offered to different test groups at different times and would make a statistician’s hair curl. Still, if you accept these numbers as vaguely approximating reality, there is indeed a correlation between IQ and prosperity.

A problem is that prosperity can change almost overnight, at least with some populations, which leaves you, to the extent the IQ is genetic, with one IQ correlating with two very different prosperities. Oops.

Consider Taiwan in 1970 and now, China in 1850 when the British thought its people hopelessly inferior, and, er, now. Or Korea in 1950 and now, or Koreas north and south, same genetics but wildly different prosperities.

As for Peru, I have walked the streets of Lima extensively—it is a modern and functional city—without having the slightest feeling of moving among dolts.

Now: If a genetic group has never produced evidence of intellectual capacity, one might reasonably suspect that it doesn’t have any. You might be wrong, but you might be right. Once the said group has produced too much talent at too high a frequency to be attributed to long-shot, fourth-standard-deviation chance, genetic explanations for former lack of national prosperity cease to work.

I am not sure that we are not about to be surprised by a lot of Latin America. I note that the third (or fourth, depending on where you put Bombardier) manufacturer of aircraft in the world is Embraer, of Brazil. When I fly United from Mexico to the States, it is aboard an Embraer 145. The IQist explanation is that Embraer’s engineers are all of the white elite, or, so help me that “only the smartest Brazilians work for Embraer.” This latter suggests that Airbus and Boeing use ordinary citizens, perhaps recruited from a bus station.

Ridiculous Latin-American craft, of clay and wattles made, probably in the rainforest, doubtless with an abacus. Note logo on tail.

Are Embraer’s engineers white? Maybe. I don’t have mug shots. Nor do I know just how the rapid economic progress in Brazil is affecting the make-up of the professions. Yet I wonder whether there is not such a thing as getting too comfortable. Those airliners are not toys. US airlines buy them.

Maybe race realists need to be more realistic about race. How many exceptions make a norm? It takes very few Deysi Cori’s to wreck a perfectly good theory.

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March 9, 2014 11:38 pm

Billy is so serious.

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 9, 2014 11:42 pm

Tim your not a racist? Well then prove it .People like you are some of the most racist fuckers on this planet.Everybody else is whether they admit it like puke in drublic or
Lie about like you.So don’t even come with this I’m free of racial beliefs and attitudes.
It’s bullshit and you know it.

March 9, 2014 11:44 pm

“You’re certainly aware that white people drive drunk, too. Right?” — tiny tim

Yeah yeah… moral equivalency… “It’s okay because whites do it too”… pfft…

That’s the same bullshit argument I hear from the apologists and negro enablers when you bring up stuff like how negroes rape 100 white women a day in the US… about 37,000 a year. “Oh! But whites do it too!”

Erm… no, they don’t. Last time I looked, the number of white males who raped negro females was statistically zero, if not actually zero. It might have been “one”… I’m gonna have to look up the UCR again… but not tonight, I’m pretty fucking tired.

Tim, just take your egalitarianism and shove it up your faggot ass… face facts- not all races are the same. Some are smarter than others. Some are builders. Some are not. It’s just the way it fucking is… not everyone gets a trophy, not everyone can ‘win’ and not everyone is destined to go to University… the world needs Punk’s to mop jizz and scrub toilets, too…

Evolution did not stop at the neck. You can breed for intelligence, same as any other trait and man, being an animal, is not exempt from those forces just because it’s not politically correct to say so…

Jesus, you fucking people… even the guy who discovered the DNA strand – some english geneticist who won the fucking Nobel Prize – says that popular opinion says everyone is equal, but the testing says “not really”….

Wait till the world goes to shit… then you’ll see your precious beanbags and negroes in their true light…

March 9, 2014 11:44 pm

“People like you….”

And who, exactly, is “People like you…”?

March 9, 2014 11:50 pm

Betty Jean Owens is an African American woman who was brutally raped by four white men in Tallahassee, Florida in 1959.[1]

Jesus Christ, Billy. Have you EVER used The Google?

Now, what about the age of consent in Germany? Would you care to explain that one away, too?

March 9, 2014 11:59 pm

Hey Tim!

You’re droning on, beating that dead horse of “age of consent in Germany is 14! You’re a hypocrite!!”…

I did some checking… You know what a “Lie of Omission” is?

It’s when you don’t give up pertinent information, on purpose, for your own self-serving reasons…

Here- from your favorite source, Wiki…


The age of consent is the age at which a person is considered to be legally competent to consent to sexual acts, and is thus the minimum age of a person with whom another person is legally permitted to engage in sexual activity. The distinguishing aspect of the age of consent laws is that the person below the minimum age is regarded as the victim, and their sex partner as the offender.

The term age of consent rarely actually appears in legal statutes;[1] it has sometimes been used with other meanings, such as the age at which a person becomes competent to consent to marriage,[2] but the meaning given above is the one now generally understood. It should not be confused with the age of majority, age of criminal responsibility, the voting age, the drinking age, driving age, etc.

Age of consent laws vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction,[1] though most jurisdictions set the age of consent in the range 14 to 18. The laws may also vary by the type of sexual act, the gender of the actors, or other restrictions such as abuse of a position of trust. Some jurisdictions may also make allowances for minors engaged in sexual acts with each other, rather than a single age. Charges resulting from a breach of these laws may range from a misdemeanor such as corruption of a minor, to what is popularly called statutory rape (which is considered equivalent to rape, both in severity and sentencing).

(Well, well… imagine that… all those exemptions, gray areas, the acts performed, the actors themselves, abuse of a position of ‘trust’, mental age as opposed to physical age, more… and you thought that none of that was important? Didn’t fit with your “YOU’RE A HYPOCRITE!” canard, did it?)

There are many “gray areas” in this area of law, some regarding unspecific and untried legislation, others brought about by debates regarding changing societal attitudes, and others due to conflicts between federal and state laws. These factors all make age of consent an often confusing subject, and a topic of highly charged debates.[1]

Seeya Tim… thanks for playing.

March 10, 2014 12:05 am

Hey Tim… while you’re “googling”, look up The Zebra Killings, the Witchita Massacre, the Knoxville Horror, etc, etc..

You cite some ancient history shit that happened in 1959?!? Negro please…

The Knoxville Horror is especially egregious… nice white couple, ambushed and kidnapped by a groidle of niggers… they killed, then mutilated the body of the white male. Then they set him on fire. In retrospect, that was probably merciful…

Because the white female? They raped her for days, then poured bleach down her throat in an effort to destroy DNA evidence. Then they threw her, still alive, into a garbage bag. Then they threw that bag into a trash can, slammed the lid on and left her to die – to suffocate – on the front stoop like common garbage…

There is some argument as to whether Shannon Christian, the white female, was mutilated while she was still alive – the police say “no” – but I don’t fucking believe them. I think if what really happened got out, things would get very, very ugly, very quickly….

March 10, 2014 12:07 am

Punk in Drublic says:

“Coyote, you obviously never ran into Smokey.”

No, but I know better than to fuck with a mountain lion. Billy? he’s a fucking blowhard. Granted, he’s killed people, according to him. How many people can he kill before he runs out of ammo, his gun melts or he gets wasted himself? Too bad about your verbal slip there, Punk. I was beginning to like you. Billy says your a goner. Then again, he said he’s going to get me when the shooting starts. Rambo Billy.

March 10, 2014 12:18 am

Billy says:

“Punk…. you best hope we never meet in real life…What you just did there is called a blood debt. I don’t take such things lightly.”

Are you going to kill Punk, Billy, or are you just going to fuck him up?
Your a disabled vet Billy, did you fake it just before retiring or were you magically healed?

March 10, 2014 12:19 am

@ Billy:

“Evolution did not stop at the neck.”

“You cite some ancient history shit that happened in 1959?!? Negro please…”

So, on the one hand, Billy wants to argue that evolution has made whites superior. Or blacks and mexicans inferior. Actually, I’m not sure exactly what his argument is, but I think it’s that whites have evolved better than others.

Then, on the other hand, he says that something that happened 54 years ago is ancient history.

Granted, the 1959 incident is not recent news. You said this:

“Last time I looked, the number of white males who raped negro females was statistically zero, if not actually zero.”

But, the number is not “zero.” It’s four. So, I’m not sure what your over-arching theme is. But, in looking at a list of logical fallacies, you’ve used a number of them to “prove” your point and to prove you’ve “won” the argument.
The Straw Man
Ad Hominem
Special Pleading
The Loaded Question
Appeal to Authority

And many others, I’m sure.

You’ve already admitted your a racist, so there’s not much point in carrying on.

March 10, 2014 12:22 am

El Greaseball

You seem to think I entertain Walter Mitty fantasies… you know, the ‘strong man against the world’ type of shit that plays well in movies.

Nope. I harbor no such delusions. I got one, maybe two good fights left in me.

My only goal is that if I have to get closed out, my enemies might hate my guts, but they will write of me with respect.

As far as Punk is concerned… well, he IS a fucking punk, isn’t he? You? You’re too far away. At least I think you are anyways. Short term “not my problem”… I’m gonna have enough on my plate, and you flatter yourself if you think I’m going to drive over 2000 miles just to find YOU…

Punk is a piece of shit. He’s showed his true colors, pretending his shit don’t stink while pointing fingers at others…. hypocritical, self-righteous piece of dog shit that he is… the ‘smug’ coming off him is cloying…

March 10, 2014 12:22 am

Billy says:

“Meh… fuck all y’all… that’s the plural form of “y’all”, in case y’all didn’t know it…”

I’m not sure, maybe Zara can expound on this, although it does seem to be the most credible thing you’ve said all day.

March 10, 2014 12:28 am

Holy shit, what a shitfest!

Ms Freud and I were watching Honeymooner reruns. This might have been more fun.

But, I’m staying out of it ……… except to say to you El Ilegal …… STOP your German bashing. Really.

March 10, 2014 12:37 am

Billy says:

“hypocritical, self-righteous piece of dog shit that he is… the ‘smug’ coming off him is cloying…”

Hey shit for brains, the smugness drips off you like grease off a pig. I have no problem with you but your fuck-tard declarations of racial superiority. everyone is responsible for their own actions, words and welfare. you sound like a liberal pleading the case of a poor group of people who need government intervention. you think as long as they are of a certain color, no problem. actually, there is a problem, there are plenty of white peeps already and if their numbers are declining, it is due to whites preferring to enjoy their life rather than procreate. then you want to take an active role and go import more people, all the while decrying the growing numbers of foreigners in the USA. do you even hear yourself? you should check out the responses you got here and consider it a learning opportunity or go Clammy and just stick your head in the sand and tell yourself, I’m never wrong, no never, it’s all their fault.

and heaven help anybody who dares to say different. I bet you were popular in school. maybe you were since they were all your cousins.

March 10, 2014 12:37 am

“You’ve already admitted your a racist, so there’s not much point in carrying on.” — Tim the fucking cockroach

Oh, you mean that because my opinion doesn’t square with yours, you automatically discount everything I say? Oh, that’s rich! BAHH-HAHAHAHAH!!

And, Mr. Tim the Fucking Cockroach, you conveniently had your little Lie of Omission and then when I called you on it, you ignored it. Fucking classic! You are probably the most dishonest motherfucker on this board… matter of fact, I go out of my way to illustrate your moral equivocating and you plead cluelessness!! AAHHH-HAHAHAH!!!

Go fuck yourself Tim… just jam that big old black dildo up your prolapsed ass and imagine one of your precious negroes is bending you over… maybe even Obongo himself? Reggie Love? Moosh with a strap-on?

“Then, on the other hand, he says that something that happened 54 years ago is ancient history. ”

As far as a crime is concerned? Yeah, it is. All the players are probably dead and gone by now, so yeah, it’s ancient fucking history… your precious Google can’t cough up anything more recent than 1959? I offered you three extremely egregious cases. I missed one – the Yahweh Cult killers that required their members not only to kill whites, but to bring back souvenirs like fingers, ears, etc.. The Zebra killings? They went out of their way to kill kids – killing a white child got you serious respect! Channon Christian and Chris Newsome didn’t stand a fucking chance…. and here you are blathering on about how “whites do it too”….

No, they fucking DON’T Tim… whites don’t form groups and then go out killing members of other races, kids especially, and then require their members to cut off ears and fingers as ‘proof’ you killed someone….

And while we’re on the subject of the almighty FBI’s UCR, care to explain how when a mestizo commits a hate crime, there is NO heading under “perpetrator” that says “latino” or Hispanic, only white… but under the “victim” header, you can bet your ass you can find ‘latino’ or Hispanic…

Tell me, Tim the fucking Cockroach, what does that do to statistics? You think it might, just fucking MIGHT skew the stats towards whites? Go pull up the fucking form if you don’t believe me… FBI hate crime form… go on, I got time. I can wait.

March 10, 2014 12:40 am

You’re right, Billy.

March 10, 2014 12:45 am

El Inner Tube

Oh, go fuck yourself… I’m getting tired of you, really. You think your shit don’t stink, too.

Wanna fucking hate me? Fine, go ahead. Don’t much give a shit. But at least I’m fucking HONEST – not like these douchbags who are more than willing to point fucking fingers and hurl pejoratives while they, themselves act just the same…

Don’t like what I say? That’s okay, too. I don’t give a shit. Trust me, you will NOT change my mind. The fucking Tim’s and Punk’s of the world can live in their little fucking fantasy land for as long as it lasts, but once shit goes sideways, nothing is gonna save them.

March 10, 2014 12:51 am

Tim ,you low life racist piece of shit .I know your kind .Your stupid enough to think I believe your bullshit.When you move to Dallas what kind of neighborhood are you looking for?Black?Mexican?Or better yet what kind of neighborhood will your wife want to live.?Asian?You will go to the whitest neighborhood you can find and then you will swear up and down race has nothing to do with your decision.People like you make me sick with your hypocrisy.
Punk ,fuck you …take your ass to another site and cry racism.

March 10, 2014 12:51 am

“Billy the racist. I’m sorry, I asked the wrong question. Why are you a white separatist? Why do you only want live amount your own kind?” —————– Punk in Drublic

You call Billy a “racist”. pffft

You use it as a slur, but he doesn’t care. Neither do I. Neither should you. There are MILLIONS of racists in this country ……. more than a few on TBP, not just Billy, but I’m not naming names. It’s the way this country is, and made 100x worse by the HNIC. By the way …. do YOU live in a black neighborhood, have many black friends, go to their homes, etc etc?

You know, some time ago I wrote a post that I have become a racist …. again. I gave a couple small examples, one of which was that I DON’T WANT TO LIVE AMONGST THEM. I got something like 30+ thumbs up, and zero down. Amazing.

March 10, 2014 12:52 am

Stucky says:

“except to say to you El Ilegal …… STOP your German bashing. Really.”

Stuck, our Q was German, I really liked the dude. My English teacher, Myrtle Rollins, loved that woman, took a trip to Germany and came back incensed at the destruction from the bombings. Far be it from me to hate a group of individuals for no reason at all.

I was just pointing out Billy’s untenable position and I never touched on the benefit he got from Kennedy’s 1965 bill enabling family members to immigrate to the USA. He should be sucking Ted’s dick posthumously for that.

As we are mestizos and not pure blooded Indians, I offer this unverifiable tale:

We hardly knew my paternal grandpa, I remember him in his last days, a tall, light skinned old man with a thick alcoholic’s voice. my mom said that in younger days he looked like Anthony Quinn. My dad was bragging to his mother-in-law, my grandmother was a blue-eyed German woman…to which my granny retorted, that’s because your grandfather stole her!

March 10, 2014 1:00 am

bb says:

Tim ,you low life racist piece of shit .I know your kind .Your stupid enough to think I believe your bullshit.When you move to Dallas what kind of neighborhood are you looking for?Black?Mexican?Or better yet what kind of neighborhood will your wife want to live.?Asian?You will go to the whitest neighborhood you can find and then you will swear up and down race has nothing to do with your decision.People like you make me sick with your hypocrisy.
Punk ,fuck you …take your ass to another site and cry racism.

this is the bb I remember, but not quite so personal. take it easy bb. when the smoke clears, the winners will rise. take care of yourself out there, buddy. don’t get all lathered up over someone else’s argument.

March 10, 2014 1:01 am

I am the greatest shit stirrer in TBP history.

My work here is done.

March 10, 2014 1:01 am

“and I never touched on the benefit he got from Kennedy’s 1965 bill enabling family members to immigrate to the USA. ” — El My Shit Don’t Stink…

Motherfucker, please…

That fat, drunk murdering piece of shit Kennedy? I’m GLAD he died of a brain embolism… too bad it didn’t come sooner. That fat fuck sat in front of Congress, God and everyone and lied his alcoholic ass off, saying “this bill will not change the demographics of the United States”… END QUOTE.

The FUCK it didn’t. What it did, was open the floodgates and swarms of illiterate, unwashed mouthbreathers from every 3rd world shithole showed up with expectations of Free Shit. Fuck dude! NGO’s go to shitholes like Somalia, scoop up planeloads of pirate scum, invent entire new histories for them, and then import them into the US – dumping them in historically all-white areas… and then when the crime rates go up, the rapes start, animals start getting butchered for weird voodoo rituals and left in the streets, the gangs form and the cities start to go broke from the Free Shit being handed out, if you point any of this out, you’re hooted down as an EVIL RAYCISS!!

Much like the howling pack of fucktards here…

There’s plenty of horrifying shit that has happened to the US… Kennedy was a goddamn catastrophe…

March 10, 2014 1:10 am

“your wife must be a stupid cunt to have married a hateful bastard like you. Stupid fucking German skank ho ………… And take your cunt whore nazi wife with you.” ——— Punk in Drublic

What vile filth.

NO ONE ……… NOT EVER …….. IN THE HISTORY of TBP shitfests ………. has anyone sunk to THAT level of deep personal insults, …… against a man’s wife.

We have certain “rules” here. No posting of nudity is one. No personal attacks on family members is another. Not only did you decide to cross the line, you did so in the most heinous possible way …. choosing to select a man’s wife and calling her a ‘cunt whore nazi.”

Would you say that to his face? Of course not!!! He would pulverize your face, and rightfully so. Not only have you posted the single most despicable insult in the history of this site, you have done so in the most cowardly manner possible …. behind the safety of your keyboard.

I have lost COMPLETE and TOTAL respect for you Punk. Not that a person of your caliber would care. But, I say it in hopes that ALL OTHERS here will do so likewise. Forever.

Most shitfests are funny. This one ceased to be. Most shitters and shitees can “kiss and make up” and move on to the next day. But, you crossed the line. If I were Billy, and you offered an apology, I would not accept it.

This entire thread really should be deleted, for the good of TBP. Any outsider who reads this must be scratching their head and wondering “What the fuck is wrong with y’all??” I wouldn’t be surprised if we lost some regulars.

March 10, 2014 1:12 am


Even you have shown a side of your personality I’ve never seen before. Question is; “Is this the REAL you?”

March 10, 2014 1:28 am

“This entire thread really should be deleted, for the good of TBP.” — Stucky

Agreed. Burn it.

March 10, 2014 2:08 am

I am reserving judgement on whether that was Punk. Doppler is not out of the question. It was not me, tho.

Billy wished genocide on my entire people, BTW. I think that is worse than the wife comment, but I was not offended. He is Germanic, after all, and they do like final solutions, so I let it slide.

Billy is WAY easy to rile. I apologize for getting him so wound up. It was a slow day. I began to fear he would stroke out.

I have recently crossed some lines myself, to my shame and regret.

Fighting with family can get downright ugly.

March 10, 2014 2:09 am

Do not burn it. These threads go done in TBP lore.

March 10, 2014 2:22 am

Stucky says:


Even you have shown a side of your personality I’ve never seen before. Question is; “Is this the REAL you?””

I also did not like that anon said something about his wife. as for the rest, I did what I could to avoid ending up like your pic suggested. no one here learned anything new, I gather. still, sometimes I have to say something, just to let Billy know he is out of line. go back and see how quickly he took it to the gutter, and how he stayed there even to the last. motherfucker, indeed.

I loved Tim’s assessment of Billy’s debating style, I can see that he really did hold the barracks title for verbal battling, it is evident in that he used every trick Tim mentions. Is this the real me? No, I prefer to be nice, but when someone wants you to go back across the border, shit…I have been hearing that crap forever. I’m surprised Billy didn’t tell LLPOH to go back where he came from. If I had to go back where I came from, I’d have to go back to fucking Texas.

March 10, 2014 2:39 am

T4C – Billy can dish it out. Taking it is another matter. I seem to recall those posts but stayed out of it.

March 10, 2014 7:38 am

” Vile filth of the caliber that Punk wrote was slung at me on more than one occasion, and a personal attack was made on my son more than once by the very person your defending Stucky.” — T4C

If I remember correctly, you were the one who opened up that particular can of worms, throwing shit in my face trying to get me to back down like some bitch, and it blew up in your face. Then you crawled off and never spoke of it again…

I don’t initiate shit. I finish it.

“Billy can dish it out. Taking it is another matter. ” — Cousin Llpoh

Yeah… I ‘can’t take it’, which is why I’m still here after this goat fuck, right? Do you even hear yourself?

“Billy wished genocide on my entire people, BTW” — Cousin Llpoh

Now now, cousin… you’re lying again. Just a bald-faced fucking lie.

Go back and see what I said.. go on… here, I’ll help. I said “f we would’ve done the job properly and wiped you fucks off the face of the earth back when we had the chance, I wouldn’t have to put up with your shit… ”

Is that “wishing genocide on your entire people”? Not even CLOSE, cousin… it’s more me thinking out loud that if you all were wiped out during the Indian Wars, I wouldn’t now have to be putting up with your sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, hypocritical bullshit…. oh, and lies too. Let’s not forget lies.

So go make shit up somewhere else where it will get traction…

March 10, 2014 7:41 am

Billy says: The fucking Tim’s and Punk’s of the world can live in their little fucking fantasy land for as long as it lasts, but once shit goes sideways, nothing is gonna save them.

That statement is the bottom line. It really doesn’t matter what anyone says, this empire is coming apart at the seams.

A race war has already begun if you do not believe me come to where I live. I will drop you off on one side of a black neighborhood and have you walk out the other side, if you are white, I won’t need to worry about picking you up, most likely you’ll not make that trip. Your privately held beliefs are irrelevant in this situation. Your cries of racial unity will matter little to the black thugs beating and robbing your ass.

You will either fight or die! Black on white Race war in progress!

Every day brings a new story of another “senseless death” of an innocent white person at the hands of “urban youths” somewhere in America. “Senseless death” is what the PC propaganda media refers to violent, out-of-control black on white crime. WWII vets beaten to death, babies shot between the eyes in botched robberies, Australian visitors shot for gang initiation, the ghetto contingent in America has shown both its blatant disregard for humanity but also their absolute hatred of white people. In the ghetto black community, murdering an innocent white person brings accolades and credibility! Is that what MLK dreamed for his community? I don’t think so. Is this what Trayvon would have wanted? Absolutely! Just read his Twitter comments!

The stark reality of the danger black youth present to white America is bleeding through the poisonous filter of political correctness. More and more traditionally mind-numbed by PC whites are realizing we don’t have a lot of support or concern from our President, Attorney General, government, or mainstream media. Whites are massacred every day for the pigment of their skin by ghetto thug blacks but their deaths don’t bring national attention. A Hispanic shoots a black thug teen who was bashing his head into the pavement and the entire leftist PC and race-baiting black movement kicks into high gear! The message? Nobody cares if you are shot down, beat down, raped or anything else if you are a creepy ass cracka. You’re on your own in Barack Obama’s post-racialist society in 2013!

You might be the biggest progressive idiot in the country, full of self-hatred and self-blame because slavery existed in America hundreds of years ago or some other ridiculous argument. You might wear your pants below your ass and parrot vulgar, mindless rap thuggery to ingratiate yourself with black thugs. You may do all of these things but you will still be killed by ghetto black thugs who don’t care. They only care that you are white. And, according to their beliefs and public statements on Twitter and Facebook, they believe you should die for being such. Just as with Obama’s foreign policy, niceness is never respected by thugs. It’s viewed as a sign of weakness.

I’m heartbroken that this is my America! It’s not supposed to be this way. I’ve worked hard and played by the rules to give my children a better place than I was given. After 50+ years of reparations, blacks were supposed to be at the same performance levels as other races. Trillions of dollars have been spent on giving them every opportunity to succeed. But it all has failed. The Great Society destroyed the black community. Social programs and welfare have sapped responsibility and decency from too many in black America. Yes, AWD realizes that not every black person is a criminal. There are millions of respectful black people who play a very significant part in contributing to America. But when 3% of America’s population (black males 18-49) commits 51% of the violence and murders, something is severely out of whack!

Whether the still-PC white people in America want to discuss this ugly matter or not, blacks have begun the race war against white people. Based on the daily murders of more innocents at the hands of black thugs, we must take extreme precaution whenever in proximity to young black people. It is a matter of life and death. If that offends any of the politically correct on the left or right, tough sh*t! You can remain politically correct and be killed. I deal in reality, not racism!

It’s time for tough love. Welfare and social services have fiscally bankrupted the country and morally bankrupted the black community. Both must be totally eradicated. Think about this. What other culture in the world refers to their women as bitches and whores? What other culture aspires to be pimps and gangstas? It would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic!

White people must be prepared to defend themselves against the very real ghetto black threat of violence 24/7. If Eskimos were committing the same violence and murders as blacks, AWD would advise everyone to avoid Eskimos. I advise seals and walruses to avoid Eskimos but people are pretty safe with them. And not only do I advise white people to avoid black young people, I advise black people to avoid black young people. It’s common sense and self-preservation! One only need to look at Oakland, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Birmingham, Atlanta, Baltimore, Gary and other cities that are infected with large numbers of violent black thugs for substantiation.

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2013/08/you-will-either-fight-or-die-black-on-white-race-war-in-progress/#47js47OYuGks33EU.99

March 10, 2014 7:48 am

“I loved Tim’s assessment of Billy’s debating style, I can see that he really did hold the barracks title for verbal battling, it is evident in that he used every trick Tim mentions” — El Gordo

Yeah, and then you completely overlook that after I schooled his ass on his lies of omission, his disingenuous willful cluelessness and how the FBI skews it’s own data, he friggin crawled off and didn’t come back….

Maybe you and Timmy can be new Fuck Buddies? Llpoh doesn’t seem to be interested… guess the bloom is worn off the rose. But buck up, Gordy! I hear Timmy is single.

March 10, 2014 8:03 am

Good post, sensetti…

AWD hit it out of the park with that post, didn’t he? I didn’t catch it before, but it’s good… and true as the day is long.

Some ofay paddy motherfucker trying to be Super Spade won’t be spared… matter of fact, he’ll be the first to go.

March 10, 2014 9:42 am

There is no way of me knowing that the offensive comment was made by a doppler. So, my apologies, Punk.

T4C — I did NOT see the comments about your son. There are some days I don’t actually read TBP. lol Had I seen it, I would have jumped all over Billy as well.

llpoh is one tough fighter. So is Billy. El Ilegal had shown some fighting skill here. I can be tough. I, we, must do better “not crossing the line” (attacking innocent family members). I would say most people do not enjoy it when it gets THAT personal.

I hereby vow to NEVER do it again. And if I do, PLEASE jump all over my ass, vote down, delete my posts, and vote me off the fucking island.

It appears my bear-mauling picture was pretty damn unacceptable. All I saw when I posted it was “the leg”. I did NOT see the exposed weenie. Shit. Delete that too. Sorry about that.

March 10, 2014 12:56 pm

I was pretty entertaining until it crossed the line. I have much respect for Billy’s family. I’m not much of a fighter but LLPOH taught me a couple of things. Hope your doing good Billy. Thanks for keeping debating score Tim. Kudos to the master shit stirrer, my buddy LLOPH. See you next time Punk!

March 10, 2014 5:20 pm

This is the most worthless post I have seen here, and I’ve been here for a long time. The only worthwhile comment was Billy’s about the worthless fucker Kennedy.

March 10, 2014 9:31 pm

ragman says:

“This is the most worthless post I have seen here”

there was a movie scene where the guy is preparing to question someone, he is going to snit his fingers one at a time, he says: now we are going to get to know each other very well.

in the novel 1Q84, the bodyguard dispatches a gumshoe, he says: once you’ve been to the bottom of the ocean, you lose the ability to lie.

I include those apropos of nothing but your claim that this post is worthless just means you are jaded, however, I found it very informative on several levels and different areas. a shitfest is not pleasant in the end but only after you’ve been in one do you get to know people well. in vino veritas they say but I suppose bellum works also.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 10, 2014 10:10 pm

That wasn’t a doppleganger, Stucky. It was me.

March 10, 2014 10:48 pm

Punk – personally, though it was a bit on the rough side, I found it generally in keeping with the tone of the thread. If folks think it is ok to threaten violence, then as far as I am concerned all bets are off.

Billy has made threats of violence on many occasions. Obviously, it is posturing and bluster, and I have come to accept it. Family probably should be a no go zone, but when things go too far, then shit happens.

Billy said above “If we would’ve done the job properly and wiped you fucks off the face of the earth back when we had the chance, I wouldn’t have to put up with your shit… ” then later says he was not wishing genocide on the Indian. Hmmm. “If we would’ve done the job properly” = we did not do the job properly. So a proper job would have been the genocide of the Indian. Seems clear enough to me.

I was not offended. Billy is what he is – he lacks subtlety. “Me Billy. Billy see. Billy kill!”.

But if an individual goes there re genocide, threats of physical violence, etc., then there is no line, and no use of others trying to claim there is by picking one comment out in isolation. He gave as good as he got.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 10, 2014 11:14 pm

That was tame compared to the shit Smokey said to me on a daily basis. I find racism and bigotry to be vile, despicable and offensive, I responded in kind. Was it outright hateful? Yes. So is Billy.

This faux civility is bullshit. Though apparently Admin doesn’t agree. His site, his rules.

March 10, 2014 11:15 pm

llpoh says:

“He gave as good as he got.”

That’s the way I see it. The carcass pic and the family comment were the most shocking but it is par for the course here. I have gotten that treatment myself, it is a typical welcome to TBP comment. That being said, I do not want to say such things to anyone and I will make an effort to avoid any discussion that takes that direction. My blood pressure cannot handle it.

Maybe I will stick to Clammy posts.

March 10, 2014 11:21 pm

Hey Punk, I was speculating what a blood debt is, I would guess it comes from the verse that says without blood there is no remission of sins. I figure he meant he was going to give you a bloody nose or stab you or shoot you or simply ask for a blood sample from the tip of your finger.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 10, 2014 11:25 pm

Ultimately, Gordo. You’re right. I don’t want to feel the way that reading Billy’s comments make me feel, I don’t want to feel the need to say hateful things. I should just skip over them and avoid the threads that will bring those feelings up.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 10, 2014 11:26 pm

He can have a sample from the tip of something else…

March 10, 2014 11:28 pm

Punk – I guess he is gonna need a microscope then, huh?

March 10, 2014 11:32 pm

His rationalizations are fascinating and repulsive at the same time. One could say this individual is on psychotropic meds. His delusions range from my personal history to a list of people that hate him to a genocidal desire to eradicate all people of color from the face of the earth. Then he innocently claims he is being picked on. I am no professional so I cannot say whether he is on an even keel but his madness may be contagious.

Billy, ‘motherfucker’ is strong enough but your other slurs are too kind, affectionate almost. Burrito? Gordo? You keep this up and I will start to think we are bros.

March 10, 2014 11:35 pm

llpoh says:

“Punk – I guess he is gonna need a microscope then, huh?”

Punk is not Indian, he is hung like a boar hog. So I’ve heard.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 10, 2014 11:36 pm

Does he know how to use one?

March 11, 2014 8:01 pm

I’ll be damned if I didn’t get a chance just tonight to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak.

A black guy had a tire blowout just outside of our jobsite on my way home tonight. The guy asked me if I had a 4-way tire tool. I didn’t. I stopped to help the guy out to the best of my ability. He had those low profile tires and special rims with all different kind of weird lug nuts of different sizes, I guess so the niggaz in the hood don’t steal them. My regular OEM tire tool from Dodge was of no use to him because of the rims. But I stayed with the guy for 15-20 minutes to make sure he was able to find a way home.

I was pretty apprehensive and tried to be situationally aware. But, in the end, he was just a guy with a flat tire. Who happened to have black skin.