“The intelligence of privileged groups is applied to the task of inventing specious proofs for the theory that universal values spring from, and that general interests are served by, the special privileges which they hold. The most common form of hypocrisy among the privileged classes is to assume that their privileges are the just payments for which society rewards specially useful or meritorious functions.”

Reinhold Niebuhr, Moral Man and Immoral Society

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March 31, 2014 6:52 am

“At this point, the die is cast. There is no one in American politics, now that Ron Paul is retired, who is even potentially interested in the policies that need to be implemented to salvage what is observably a failing empire. There is not a single candidate in either party who will even attempt to fix the financial system, deport the millions of invaders, and end the foreign wars.

It is better to be openly attacked by confirmed enemies than repeatedly betrayed by false friends. The Republicans have proven that they are no friends to freedom, small government, or traditional America and it is a fundamental error for anyone who values freedom or small government or traditional America to support them.

Mr. Williamson says: “I am coming around to the view that I’d rather be disappointed by Republicans who periodically fail live up to their principles than have my country pillaged and hobbled by Democrats who consistently live up to theirs.”

That’s a false choice. Mr. Williamson should know better. The Republicans don’t “periodically fail to live up to their principles”. They predictably, and reliably, fail to live up to their pretended principles.” Vox Day

March 31, 2014 9:53 am

If ANY politician did try to implement any reforms that would save this nation from financial ruin they would be voted out of office or politically destroyed.