I bet you thought this was a post about bb

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May 16, 2014 4:20 pm

I firmly believe that Greenwald will go down in history as a critical part of this 4T, the way Thomas Paine did in the Revolutionary Cycle. He’s core Nomad / Xer — born 1967 — and will play a very important role in how this Crisis resolves itself.

May 16, 2014 4:26 pm

Thank God for Greenwald and Snowden. Two patriots who exposed the truth about our fascist government. The USSA MSM has indeed become neutered, impotent and obsolete, a perfect description. Almost nobody but the over 70 crowd even watches that crap anymore. People with a functioning brain have been lied to for so long, they don’t even tune in. These faux journalists have put themselves out of business with their constant stream of bullshit, and Greenwald shows the way to true, fearless journalism. I wish Greenwald would go after Obama and all his impeachable and treasonous offenses; the republican criminals in Washington sure as hell aren’t doing anything about him.

May 16, 2014 6:12 pm

AWD ,I am trying to help you but you want do what I tell you to do.Now whose the moron.?

May 16, 2014 6:32 pm

I include Chelsea Manning as a Patriot in the same vein. Snowden, Manning and Greenwald faces will be etched on a mountainside some day. Truth-tellers all!

El Coyote
El Coyote
May 16, 2014 9:19 pm

bb, glad to see your around still. i read of a dude who croaked eating doggy treats made in China.

I have a couple of questions: do you really break bread with your cat? do you say grace before chowing down with the kitty? and finally, what kind of guy takes his cat cross-country on sales trips?

May 16, 2014 9:33 pm

El Coyote , yes I break bread with my cat.He is a sweetheart and he loves to ride in my truck.Cats make great pets.He goes everywhere with me.

May 16, 2014 10:51 pm

I like cats too. But, bb, dude, you are totally pussified.

May 16, 2014 11:12 pm

I greatly admire Snowden, but, frankly, I’m surprised that our fascistic government needed to be “exposed”. I thought everyone knew that our government has been spying on us since at least the time of the Red Scare in the early 50s, when the PTB began to require all government employees to take a loyalty oath.

And if it wasn’t clear then, it surely was by the 1960s, when the FBI was known to compile dossiers on anyone who A. participated in a demonstration, B. was rumored to be a homosexual, C. joined a political organization.

What surprises me is that it has taken so long for the middle class to become angry and scared. But being broke and marginalized can bring great clarity- people who were fat, complacent, and content with business as usual when they’re comfortably encased in their suburban houses and have a couple of nice cars in the driveway and an ample salary coming in every month, suddenly become revolutionaries when their comforts and security are threatened, or revoked.

A lot of people these days are wont to idealize the “high” of the 50s and 60s, but I remember that era as a time of knee-jerk conformity to “norms” and rules, and near-worship of government authority. No wonder- the anomalously high wages for people in ordinary jobs owed almost entirely to extremely powerful unions… and to massive government expenditures on defense and infrastructure, as well as to having a small adult population, and no foreign competition. The attitude then was, if you weren’t doing anything wrong, you should not mind being watched. There was no concept of privacy. People were happy with excessive government meddling in nearly everything, from the public schools to the government subsidies of suburban subdivisions via the FHA, VA, and government chartered GSEs, to the massive infrastructure programs, because they were fat and happy in their well-paid blue collar jobs, newly built subdivision houses bought only because they could get no-down payment VA loans, and the publicly financed interstate highways that made those houses accessible. They little realized that they were creating a devouring monster, a cancer that has metastasized to the point where it is inoperable, and the host in the terminal stages.

El Coyote
El Coyote
May 17, 2014 1:05 am

Thanks for the thinking cap Chi-Town. I had to laugh this morning to hear that Kimye are getting married in some Italian town that is significant to them because that is where their toddler daughter was conceived. The 50’s and 60’s may not have been that great a time, judging from the commercials, the lower middle class aspired to a color TV, frozen dinners, light beer, big cars and voluptous women…

Hollywood likes to ‘imagineer’ time travel pics where the hero travels back in time to an idyllic era, he is readily accepted although he acts peculiarly. How would a real present-day fruitcake be received in the 50’s or 60’s? Pro-gay marriage, seeks government sponsorship of college studies, pre-marital children, open drug use, illiterate, math-impaired, fascinated with other people’s activities and opinions, uses foul language in public, discusses sex and sexual perversion in public, eats exotic food, admires nazi and communist leaders, has sex with men and women, even of different races, has little respect for government, elders, women…

you’ve seen these assholes everywhere, no wonder Rambo said, I didn’t leave America, America left me (or something like that).

May 17, 2014 2:06 am

El Coyote, I’d really rather have our present weirdness than the stifling conformity of the 50s.

Most of all, I’d like to reverse so much of what transpired in the 50s, namely the government takeover of our economy and the government- worship and wholesale acceptance of government authority in absolutely everything that characterized that era. You see, most of the GI gen and silent gen folk of that era took it as a given that Roosevelt and his New Deal brain trust “rescued” this country, and now that the government was watching everything, all was good. The consumer society and consumer borrower was good. The emptying out of our beautiful cities- and they WERE beautiful and life-giving- into cheapjack cookie cutter houses in suburbs totally dependent on autos- was good.

Nevermind the sad, ugly architecture of the era- the boxlike mid-century modern houses and buildings with their utilitarian, industrial look. You could tear down 90% of what was built between 1945 and 1980, and not lose a damn thing of any enduring beauty or value. The clothes were tasteless, and the popular culture idiotic.

Yet, the era was one of fear underneath the overlay of national self-satisfaction. My parents were very young at that time, and I was a small child, under the age of ten at that time, yet I still can remember my parents’ political discussions with neighbors and friends almost verbatim,and I remember the fear of being even casually associated with anybody who might be a communist sympathizer. We were just past the McCarthy era, and “communism” was on everyone’s lips. Was so and so a pinko? Anyone who was the least bit unconventional was suspect, including my family. My parents loved jazz and often frequented the blues clubs in East St Louis, which was still viable as a town- a white working class city with a growing black population and a very lively music scene with lots of jazz and blues clubs. Moreover, my father also had a fuck-up friend who had joined the Communist Party in the belief that his Mensa-level IQ entitled him to special treatment in spite of his lack of a work ethic and tendency to piss off every boss he had. He eventually ended up doing the most menial labor for a living.My mother totally hated my father’s friendship with this guy because my father already had enough problems hanging onto a decent job without being publicly associated with a guy who was a card-carrying commie. But nothing shook her faith in the government as the great benefactor of humanity, which her well-off parents taught her. My grandmother worshiped FDR like a God, and kept photos of him and JFK in her apartment. So did the parents and grandparents of almost everyone I knew.

El Coyote
El Coyote
May 17, 2014 2:53 am

You mentioned architecture and it got me thinking about Hollywood and California as well. It seems to me the list above involves California for the most part. Even the insane I Luv Lucy was made here in the American Babylon known as Hollywood. My Favorite Martian, Mr Ed, My Mother the Car look good compared to that monstrosity.

What a depressing picture of a Springfield USA with a Simpson level IQ. You can almost hear Nathanael asking, can something good come out of America? Well, yeah. We gave the world rock and roll, rap, reality shows, mindless consumption, personal computers, wholesale porn, disposable goods, disposable relationships, hamburgers and fried chicken, automobiles and nuclear bombs; in short, everything worth coveting.

May 17, 2014 7:46 am

When I was a kid , only hard-ass ex-military or ex-cons had tats , now every fat-cock swilling nancy-boy in the county conspicuously sport sat least one….same with beards…every lispy lump of lard-ass in the country now lives vicariously via a redneck reality show….sheesh..

An open letter to bearded hipsters

Dear Bearded Hipsters,

YOU GUYS ARE RUINING MY BEARD FETISH. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved a man with a beard. To me, they meant strength, power, MANLINESS. Someone who could protect me. Unfortunately, you guys have turned it into a fashion statement. The beard has turned into the padded bra of masculinity. Sure it looks sexy, but whatcha got under there? There’s a whole generation running around looking like lumberjacks, and most of you can’t change a fucking tire.

Look, I get it. I really do. I understand the motivation behind your beardedness. In fact, I even pity you. Thousands of years of evolution priming you guys to kill stuff, and chase stuff, and fuck stuff….and now what? You’re stuck at a desk all day. No battles to fight. No wars to wage. So you assert your masculinity the only way you know how. You brew beer. You grow some hair on your face. I’ve seen you, hipsters, sitting in downtown eateries, with your rock chick girlfriends, dipping your truffle fries, trying not to get the aioli in your mustache. I’ve seen the quiet desperation in your eyes. I know you’re screaming into the void.

But I still hate you for it. You’re confusing me. It’s now on me to suss out who is the real man and who is the poseur. Sadly, I fear most of you are the latter. Before this explosion of whiskers on trendy men everywhere, if I saw a bearded man it was safe to assume certain things about him. Like, he probably owned a hammer. Or washed his hair with a bar of Irish Spring. His beard was probably scented with motor oil and probably had remnants of last night’s chili in it.

But you vegan nancyboys are a different breed altogether. You have your mountain man scruff, but you maintain it. You groom it. With products. A quick google search of “beard grooming products” turns up literally thousands of articles explaining how to have the most lustrous beard possible. Take this one from Philadelphia Magazine, where they tested TWENTY DIFFERENT VARIETIES of beard oil. The result of this intrepid testing?

“I’m talking softer, more manageable whiskers that hold their shape better and smell nice, besides. Doesn’t sound so bad put that way, does it?”

Yes. Yes it does, you GIANT PUSSY. Am I reading “Cosmo”? What the fuck is going on here? Betty White has bigger balls than you. Look, I know I sound harsh, but I’m actually trying to rein myself in. A beard is meant to keep your face warm. Seriously, that’s it. You guys had your warm beards so you could go out and hunt us food, and we had our boobies with warm milk to feed the young’uns. That’s why I love beards. It is a natural, physiological response. I want a man who can keep me safe. How did it all get so twisted?

I don’t want to go back to Cro-Magnon days. I’m glad we have more gender equality and I like not having to worry about being eaten by larger creatures. But I am calling for a moratorium on the hipster beard. I demand that you reach for a razor if any of the following are true:

Your beard is accompanied by a bowtie or horn-rimmed eyeglasses. Why on earth do you want to look like Sigmund Freud? At least he could blame this strange look on his massive cocaine problem. Sometimes a cigar is just a douchebag.

You grew a beard to be “ironic”. But you don’t exactly understand what “ironic” means, or why having a beard would be ironic if you did.

You take time off from your entry-level graphic design job only to attend South by Southwest, take your French Bulldog to the vet, or lie on your futon and weep.

You do not know what an Allen wrench is, but can explain, in detail, the difference between a macchiato and an Americano.

There is an existing Instagram photo of you wearing a knit beanie and chewing on a stalk of wheat.

How’d you do, boys? Better go get your moisturizing shave gel. It’s time to stop playing at being a man. But don’t throw all those perfectly good whiskers in the trash. Give them to your upcycling, DIY girlfriend and let her decoupage some photo frames, or something. But please, just get rid of it. Another trend will soon come along to occupy your technology-addled attention span. And me? I have some beard-ogling to get back to.

Thanks in advance,

*UPDATE* If you were offended by this post, please read my sincere apology here.

May 17, 2014 8:10 am

Shocking Schiff says…not so.. …it’s pretty much the norm for the disunion of the USSA …dumbed down, indoctrinated and debased.

“Debate” American Common Core Style: Our Top Orators in Action “The Nuts Are Running The Asylum”

The 2014 Cross Examination Debate Association’s national championship was held at Indiana University. The all African American female team from Towson University defeated the all African American male team from the University of Oklahoma. Though this my be a first for African American women, it is not a real win for women or African Americans, but a loss for collegiate debate specifically and America in general. I am not sure what the winners won, but it certainly wasn’t a debate. In fact, to enable this hallow victory, the very concept of debate was thrown aside. In the name of political correctness and affirmative action, we have destroyed college debate, simply to bestow a meaningless trophy on students who demonstrate no actual debate skills. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. However it provides a shocking example as to why America is a nation in decline.

Celtic Tiger
Celtic Tiger
May 17, 2014 1:05 pm

I shut off the video clip after one minute. That was too much!

Well, it took 50 years of degeneracy to reach this point.

Stop the country! I want to get off!