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June 19, 2014 9:08 am

Obama’s letting in tens of thousands of illegal Mexicans, key word being illegal. We have laws to keep them out, which Obama is ignoring in his usual dictatorial style. They’ll all be getting on welfare and food stamps, be getting free healthcare, free housing, and democrat voting cards. It’s illegal to feed the homeless, but not let a bunch of worthless beaners in for a lifetime of free shit. And VA vets died waiting for appointments, while illegal aliens flood the ERs and medical centers getting free healthcare. Yet another impeachable offense committed by Obama.

June 19, 2014 9:22 am

They’ll dilute us until they get a repeal of the 2nd….there’s no other logical reason.

June 19, 2014 9:27 am

Massive Confusion = An illegal Mexican who is also a wounded veteran.

June 19, 2014 9:28 am


Obongo is merely channeling his inner FDR.

June 19, 2014 9:31 am

Isn’t Rupert Murdock British? He should have no say in America’s immigration policy. Also I learned that Bill O Reily voted for Obama. After watching him bitch and moan about Obama’s bad leadership.I don’t know who I detest more.These socialist democrats or these worthless Republicans.I want be watching FOX anymore.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 19, 2014 9:35 am

Obama should be impeached. LOL

June 19, 2014 9:54 am

Tommy, it’s not only the Second Amendment. They care about that, but a permanent underclass of people with an ethnic group identity and no knowledge or care for our history of republican government is basically a license to do whatever the fuck they want and be permanently and completely insulated from consequences. Check out Brazil if you don’t see how this works.

Hollow man
Hollow man
June 19, 2014 10:01 am

amnesty ready occurred. You just think it is an issue It’s how they work.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 19, 2014 10:48 am

Any link to where O’Reilly voted for Obama? I have a running argument with some co-workers. It’s either that or do work, earn money and pay more taxes to support the FSA.

Fulton J. Waterloo
Fulton J. Waterloo
June 19, 2014 11:32 am

Persnickety is right. The desire is a permanent slave class that could not even care about issues of freedom or government limits. Sad, but I will be dead in 30 years and hopefully will miss most of the “fun.”

June 19, 2014 11:58 am

AWD Said :

“Obama’s letting in tens of thousands of illegal Mexicans, key word being illegal. We have laws to keep them out, which Obama is ignoring in his usual dictatorial style. They’ll all be getting on welfare and food stamps, be getting free healthcare, free housing, and democrat voting cards. It’s illegal to feed the homeless, but not let a bunch of worthless beaners in for a lifetime of free shit. And VA vets died waiting for appointments, while illegal aliens flood the ERs and medical centers getting free healthcare. Yet another impeachable offense committed by Obama. ”

AWD…you are right . We had a guy who worked at our plant. He was here legally from Peru. His wife was here illegally..they had two kids that were born here and thus were citizens. She claimed that her husband wasn’t around and she was able to get food stamps and Medicare for their two kids even though he was making 18 bucks an hour .

June 19, 2014 12:40 pm

All the problems we face in the United States today can be traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of the American Indian.

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June 19, 2014 12:41 pm

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June 19, 2014 12:46 pm

The white settlers to North America were not illegal immigrants – there were no laws barring them.

They were, of course, invaders, many of them crooks, some of them batshit insane (here’s looking at you, Puritans), european chauvinists, occasional murderers, etc.

But don’t you dare call them illegal.


June 19, 2014 1:13 pm


Rise of the ‘Obama Republicans’
In spite of losing five of the previous six presidential contests, it is the Obama Republicans who now rule the party apparatus of the GOP. Obama Republicans have also spread out among the state bureaucracies, the academies, Wall Street, Detroit, and nearly all of corporate America.

They have bought into Obama’s Oligarchy of big business and big government doing business together, at the expense of the little guy.

Obama supported TARP. Bush supported TARP. The ruling classes supported TARP. Wall Street supported TARP. Therefore, $750 billion–initially–was taken from the rest of the country to “rescue” the corrupt elites of Wall Street.

And never one prosecution or investigation. The greatest wealth transfer in American history and the elites of both parties were in on the score. The Republicans pulled of the heist and the Democrats drove the getaway car.

Other examples abound.

The new Obama Republicans are members of the bureaucratic classes, are pro-government, pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion, pro-NSA, and pro-amnesty. They are sophisticated, urban, and have utterly nothing in common with the Tea Party Reaganites. Indeed, they are culturally closer to Obama’s and Romney’s view of the world than Reagan’s.

Power is everything. Power vindicates all. The shady forces of the national GOP party committees supported a pro-abortion, pro-Obamacare stalker in Oregon’s senate primary because she is a) a woman and b)…? The national GOP plays the very same identity politics that Obama and the Democrats have played for years by embracing one victim group after another. (Shirley & Banister assisted Jason Conger in Oregon’s GOP primary because he was the ethical conservative candidate.)

The Obama Republicans are fueled in part by old Bush speechwriters and neocons and High Tories who sometimes make a pass at talking about conservatism but that is mainly to keep the yokels at the grass roots guessing. Mostly though, they spend their time bashing the Tea Party Reaganites.

There is a dialectic to American presidential politics which occurs every generation or two. From Jefferson’s “New American Revolution” to Jackson’s “Democratic Populism” to Lincoln and the rise of the Republican reformers to Teddy Roosevelt and then to FDR’s “New Deal” and two generations later to Reagan’s “New Federalism,” and now to Obama, 28 years after Reagan–right on schedule–we may be witnessing a paradigm shift again in American politics.

It should be no surprise that the Republicans on Capitol Hill offer nothing of opposition to Obama. They can best be labeled the “Rollover Caucus.” Oh, they will run commercials and mouth platitudes to fool conservative voters to get their money and their votes for this fall, but everybody knows they’ve signed on to Obamacare because their corporate masters in the insurance companies and pharmaceutical industries told them to do so. They have always supported immigration reform because, again, their corporate masters told them to do so.

The Administrative state is here to stay, as long as the status quo holds. The only question now is how long the Tea Party Reaganites stay with a party which is fundamentally opposed to them and despises them.

June 19, 2014 1:36 pm

Iska Waran ,was watching FOX late night this week and they were talking about people who were republicans but voted for Obama. Bill O Reilly was one they said changed his mind about Obama .They said he was in favor of same-sex marriages. Don’t know if any of it is true but I suspect it is. I have heard him say he likes Al Sharpton .What could he have in common with that SOB unless it’s politics.

June 19, 2014 4:18 pm

It’s enough to give me a headache.

June 19, 2014 10:16 pm

The illegal immigrant invasion on the southern border is only the beginning of the crisis being created by Obama. “It’s about to get worse…Entire villages are emptying out and coming from Central America through Mexico to the United States. They’ll be hitting in the next couple of weeks. What you are seeing right now is the tip of the iceberg.”

The Daily Caller reports, “a leaked estimate by a top official in the DHS says the 12-month inflow will reach 90,000 by October, and then grow by another 142,000 in the next 12 months before October 2015.” That’s over 230,000, nearly a quarter million that the Democrats hope to dump on US taxpayers. Soon, this number will have grown by millions.

DHS program that buses immigrants to AZ, no signs of stopping.
Posted: Jun 06, 2014 7:32 PM EDT
Updated: Jun 07, 12:16 AM EDT

By Kristen Keogh, Fox 10 News –

PHOENIX (KSAZ) – For the past two weeks, we’ve been telling you about the busloads of illegal immigrants being brought to the valley.

All because the Department of Homeland Security is overwhelmed in Texas. Most of these people are from Central American countries.

Now we’ve learned there is no end date for the buses and the program.

ICE and DHS according to the Governor’s office plan to go “full steam ahead” with this program.

“What we do know is this is a crisis created by the federal government. The Obama administration has made it clear that it will not secure our border and that the message has gone out, if you can get to America’s border, you will be welcomed in,” said Gov. Brewer’s spokesperson Andrew Wilder.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 20, 2014 12:40 am

Stucky says:

Massive Confusion = An illegal Mexican who is also a wounded veteran.

You’ll hear about more of them as they get suckered into serving with the promise of a green card after.
One guy got deported after serving in USA armed forces. Ha!