Why Worry? The Two Scariest Charts In The World

Submitted by Erico Matia Tavares via Sinclar & Co,

There are plenty of things to worry about these days. A cursory look through today’s (13 Sep 14) drudgereport.com sets the tone: the Pope says WWIII is underway; a senior Democrat accuses the Republicans of endangering civilization; drones are invading the privacy of citizens; militias are blocking traffic in the Mexican border; Feds run a US$589 billion budget deficit; the UK might fall apart; the Ebola epidemic is getting serious in Africa; a mystery virus spreads to NY and CT (and we could not resist adding this one: Hillary Clinton is doing yoga).

With all of this in our minds it is easy to forget, or at least put in proper context, the extraordinary progress that mankind has achieved over the centuries against remarkable odds. World population has steadily increased, proving Malthus wrong. Serious diseases like polio and smallpox, which affected even monarchs and presidents over the centuries, have been eradicated. We can crisscross the planet in less than 24 hours and put satellites in deep space. The baby boomers and their offspring are the most prosperous generations the world has ever seen.

This shows that with enough intelligence, political will, common sense and perseverance most challenges we face as a species can be overcome. This should provide a decent amount of hope that we can tackle whatever we are facing right now.

So why worry?

Well, what will happen if we start losing those qualities and values as a global society? Which is why we believe that the following graphs are the scariest in the world today:



Source: MailOnline, University of Hartford.




Source: SIPRI.

(a) Based on NATO expenditures (in 2011 constant US$), the longest data series publicly available.

The average world citizen is getting dumber while our means of doing harm are increasing. This trend is clearly not our friend.

Consider the following.

Countries around the world today spend over US$1.7 trillion on weaponry – more than the total global investment in energy supply. Beyond the manufacturers and suppliers downstream, this produces zero economic benefits (weapons become obsolete very quickly and do not generate any returns; on the contrary as, well, they blow stuff up) and the associated costs add to already bloated government debt levels. And that’s US$1.7 trillion less available each year to improve world education, food and fuel availability, the environment and shifting global demographics, all critical issues of the 21st century.

Also concerning is the fact that control over these weapons can be quickly lost, creating the prospect of blowbacks, never ending conflicts and major tragedies.

Prior to 1991, the Soviet Union had more than 27,000 nuclear warheads and plenty of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium to triple that number. While there have been no confirmed reports of missing or stolen former-Soviet nuclear weapons (astonishing given all the political and economic turmoil since then), there is ample evidence of a significant black market in nuclear materials. How long before someone in that rapidly expanding pool of idiots gets a hold of some is anybody’s guess.

Note: accidents can happen as well, adding to the unease of handling this type of firepower. For instance, in 1961, a B-52 carrying two nuclear bombs broke up in mid-air, dropping its nuclear payload very close to Goldsboro in North Carolina. Five of the six fuses designed to prevent a detonation failed in one of the bombs, with only the last one averting a nuclear explosion. That was an unbelievable close call.

And now turmoil is spreading across the Middle East yet again. With all the conflict going on, anyone showing up and volunteering to fight for one of the sides will be given free food and weapons, courtesy of the associated regional and international powers. Will those weapons stay there, concerning as that might already be for local populations, or will they be used elsewhere, even if the conflict is contained or resolved? As we all know fundamentalists – probably the most idiotic of the bunch – are ready to do anything.

Humanity cannot risk its future falling into the hands of increasingly lethal buffoons. The stakes are just too high now. Hopefully our leaders are paying attention, but this should concern us all. Let’s try to be smart about it – while the smart is still going.

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September 16, 2014 9:00 am

I thought this was going to be about bb. He’s already dumb as a fucking stump (with apologies to stumps everywhere) but I have faith that he could get much dumber.

September 16, 2014 12:11 pm

How the fuck can anyone predict that the world’s IQ is going to continue to drop at a constant rate until 2110?

September 16, 2014 12:31 pm

@Leobeer, how can you not?

The FACT is that MOST world governments, and charities, are providing calories, health care, and lifestyles to the lowest of IQs and ambition.

The FACT is that those with higher IQs and higher productivity number far fewer AND have far fewer offspring.

Simple math would verify this assertion.

There is NO way that our “average” IQs can increase when the current plan is to provide the means for the lowest IQs to spawn at will, while those paying for it don’t have the time and energy to do the same.

Just sayin’

September 16, 2014 12:38 pm

Leo – I have been predicting it for years. Before these stats came out I was predicting it.

IQs developed via natural selection. Humans thrived not by being strong, but by being smart. Dumb humans died, smart ones lived.

But all that has changed. Dumb humans now survive, and they breed faster than smart ones. Smart ones, in their eternal wisdom (sarcasm off), decided it was good these dumb people be fed, clothed and housed via redistribution of wealth from the smart people.

The dumb people, dumb as they are, are not so stupid that they did not see that the more they reproduced, the more the benevolent smart people would give. And so they bred like rabbits.

And now there are enough dumb ones they no longer need benevolent smart people to give them things. There are enough dumb ones, while they are very dumb indeed, who are nevertheless smart enough to vote to take the free shit from the smart ones.

And so the population will become ever more stupid.

And if you look at world demographics, guess which IQ quintile groups are breeding like yeast in a sugar solution? The dumb quintile’ of course.

Make no mistake, there will be a crash in the overall I Q of the human species.

Once again, no good deed goes unpunished.

September 16, 2014 12:39 pm

TE said it more succinctly than I.

September 16, 2014 1:03 pm

Llpoh says: “TE said it more succinctly than I. ”

Now there is something that is not often heard! lol

September 16, 2014 1:28 pm

“The FACT is that those with higher IQs and higher productivity number far fewer AND have far fewer offspring.”

My wife and I lament this quite frequently. I’d love to have a couple children right now, but I won’t saddle them with my problems; we will be debt free before we bring children into the world.

There is no way to fix this problem unfortunately. In a world of robotics and computer programs humans with an IQ under 100 are no longer needed. I work in the feed industry. 10 years ago we did away with several employee positions and instead switched to a robotic stacker. About once a week the plant engineer has to mess with its programming, but by and large it operates on its own.

Humanity keeps making ourselves obsolete. Telling the lower half of IQ pool “tough shit, have fun starving” is problematic when they have just as much voting power and a vested interest in taking as much as possible from earners.

That leaves us with either buying them off (social welfare/minimum living standards) or waging wars using them as cannon fodder.

Both are rather odious options.

September 16, 2014 2:52 pm

I S ,you little turd .GOD I’ll be glad when you hurt your foot again. I liked you a lot better when you were crippled.It’s going to happen .Just a matter of time.

September 16, 2014 3:50 pm

That chart explains why I see more bb & Billy-type idiots every day.

I meet lotsfof minorities during the week & what’s hilarious is these idiots always scream about how dumb minorities are.

Not only are they just as dumb as uneducated minorities, they’re an embarrassment to white people.

September 16, 2014 5:53 pm

Leobeer, I’d say that circumstantial evidence for this surrounds us!

In 1996 we had an ice storm with no power for about two weeks. After several days the news crews were out interviewing people to see how they were coping. One of the idiots was complaining about how they had not had a hot meal in days. The interview took place with the person standing next to their gas grill on a covered porch.

September 16, 2014 8:38 pm

I don’t question that the average IQ has been dropping steadily for a long time. I just have a problem with predictions based on a constant going out another 90 years especially when the world population is growing exponentially.

It is very possible that at some point the world is going to get dumber faster. Then again, it is possible a major world event will kill off most of the dumb people and the trend will reverse itself.

At the risk of sounding like Billy suppose ebola wiped out the entire continent of Africa. Wouldn’t the average world IQ increase somewhat ?

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 16, 2014 9:15 pm

At the risk of sounding like Billy suppose ebola wiped out the entire continent of Africa. Wouldn’t the average world IQ increase somewhat ?

Billy wouldn’t understand the math, so, no you don’t sound like the Kentucky gladiator

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 16, 2014 9:24 pm

Econman says:

That chart explains why I see more bb & Billy-type idiots every day.

I gave Billy an opportunity to brag and the dodo passed on it. He wouldn’t say how big his little pud is and never dared to brag on his dim bulb brilliance. Considering we Mexcrements as he calls us have an average 70 IQ, I figured he’d be gloating about his 1000 IQ. It must be stratospheric. Knowing as much as he knows, I can understand why he finds it hard to contain his laughter and snorting bwahahas.

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 16, 2014 9:32 pm

IndenturedServant says:

I thought this was going to be about bb. He’s already dumb as a fucking stump (with apologies to stumps everywhere) but I have faith that he could get much dumber.

You white guys better get to cracking that whip, maybe admin can set up a TBP sperm bank. A sort of MENSA plan without the testing, just rate everyone on their output here. Two gallon-vats for Stuck.

September 16, 2014 9:52 pm

Man, that’s sad. Not far above paddock animals now and in 90 years they WILL qualify ! Ha ha.

Check out the best in comparison:

Smug mode engaged – it feels good to be in the 0.5% group…

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 17, 2014 12:42 am

I’m in the 44.5 percentile. Go team.

September 17, 2014 6:25 am

Zombie – so only 99.5% of the population is smarter than you? Way to go!

September 17, 2014 7:41 am

This issue was covered in one of the most prophetic movies of our time:


September 17, 2014 7:46 am

The charting of the dumbing down continues.


September 17, 2014 9:10 am

It isn’t a big deal. IQ may be going down, but the population has been going up. The pool of natural talent is dilluted with the excess morons. Thanks to the great advances in science and health, too many idiots are surviving to adulthood and making more idiots. Thankfully, Obola, I mean Ebama, I mean Ebola is on the rise, ready to do what Mother Nature has so far failed to do in controlling the human population. Other diseases and the occasional war or twitter suicide pact see to be helping, too. If we could shed our excess load of useless eaters and embrace risk over safe, blah, cradle-to-grave security, I think the IQ thing would be less of an issue.

Perhaps we could speed up mother nature by leaving hazardous power tools lying around or packages with explosives inside that say DO NOT PICK ME UP! on them? We could remove all the safety warnings from products and replace them with labels daring the user to try ridiculous stunts on products. We could also remove safety rails, speed bumps, and lower the smoking and drinking ages to 15, legalize narcotics, and offer cars that were really badass-looking, but entirely lacking in any safety options.

Oh well, I’ve predicted we were moving to an intellectual feudal system for years. Soon, the minority with better intellects and education will rule over the masses of idiots like the Elois and Morlocks in The Time Machine.

“Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because they’re so frightfully clever. I’m really awfully glad I’m a Beta, because I don’t work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don’t want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They’re too stupid to be able …”

September 17, 2014 5:47 pm

I say BS on the IQ issue.

If anything, it is a wonder that average IQ has not fallen further, given the knowledge explosion of the past 50 years, which continues at a breakneck pace. In a learning environment that has experienced something on the order of a 100-fold multiplication of information available to be learned, the likelihood that any particular person will know one particular known fact inevitably declines. The total sum of knowledge possessed by the average individual is much greater than it was a few decades ago.

One could argue that the capacity of the average human to effectively process and apply all that information may be declining, but I suggest any deleterious effects of human breeding patterns are dwarfed by the massive database of useful information at the fingertips of any teenager holding a smartphone. What used to be available to a select few in a library setting can now be searched and viewed by anyone 24/7/365.

Perhaps the best way to view what is actually happening is to recognize there is a certain barbell distribution of applied intelligence, between those who have access to the modern information stream and educational process, and those who don’t or won’t. Granted, along with the increase in population, the number of stupid people walking around seems to be at an all time high. At the same time, a significant percentage of the smartest people who ever lived are also walking around in their own separate circles.

El Comandante
El Comandante
September 17, 2014 9:05 pm

I’m walking around (as you put it) with the likes of bb and Billy, surely my IQ has gone up somewhat?
Given the large population of India, there must be one or two geniuses there. Sure, most will breed with low IQ folks but the various permutations are likely to have one couple per million who breed for brains rather than boobs.

Jeff Goldblum said in Jurassic Park, that where there is a vacuum, nature finds a way. Where the environment does not require much intelligence, nature provides for brawn. In places where brains are more desirable than strength, nature, in the form of human attraction, fills the bill. Those regions would be the Northern regions of Europe and the Southern regions of Japan. The rest of us, living in cushy comfort near the equator did not need much brainpower, a few grunting sounds and brute strength got us the most desirable females and the strongest offspring that would survive disease and starvation.

What I learned from Jurassic Park is that nature has a purpose, to perpetuate the living, to that end, it hedges all bets.

Damon Runyon: The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.