Hat tip Billy

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November 11, 2014 9:00 am

White privilege is getting up, going to work / school, paying you bills, paying attention to your children, paying taxes, and not getting arrested.

This white privilege or achievement gap is always going to exist until the Neegrows decide to join society, and give up their two-bit gangsta / entitlement culture.

John the bruce
John the bruce
November 11, 2014 9:06 am

I fucking hate liberals. And I know 2 teachers forced to use common core who loathe it.

November 11, 2014 9:16 am

White liberals are truly the scum of the earth. You want to bring blacks up to speed? Teach them to read. No social promotion until they are proficient. Stop giving them a pass for any antisocial behavior. Bring their jobs back from Mexico and china. Penalize rather than reward out of wedlock births. They are only the Canary in the coal mine for our entire society.

November 11, 2014 9:18 am

And every person at that meeting that didn’t stand up and walk out, shame on you.

November 11, 2014 9:34 am

So we now have our first affirmative action president. How’s that working out?

November 11, 2014 9:39 am

The brainwashing is almost complete. Those of us with children, and an ounce of common sense, will continue to counter the constant bombardment of liberal/progressive disinformation. Walking with my son and daughter at the university they attend my daughter was questioning why one of her friends did not get into Harvard, he had perfect SATs, student council, a bevy of school and service activities along with a solid athletic career. My son interjected how a young man from New York achieved acceptance into all 8 Ivies. My daughter noted this this young man did not have perfect SATs, though was quite gifted and African descent, parents born in Ghana. My 20 year old son declared there must be different entrance qualifications for blacks and whites, quite sarcastically. They both get it. while raised in an uber liberal town that is extremely diverse and not a prejudice bone in their body, they get it. It is up to the parents, not the schools, not the government to open the eyes of our children. I always tell my kids that they can have an opinion, just make sure it is an informed opinion, that on balance they can back up, not just spouting something a teacher or friend told them. We can only do the best we can and look out for our own.

November 11, 2014 10:00 am

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November 11, 2014 10:20 am

When white people first discover they have white privilege
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November 11, 2014 10:26 am

I’ve watched this about a half a dozen times.

At first I was outraged. Outrage changed to fury. Fury became cold hatred…

This is insidious. It is evil. Evil as blatant as any I have seen in my life.

School should be a place where kids learn the foundation skills they will build on in the future, to become productive, well adjusted adults. Reading. Writing. Mathematics. History. They should be taught how to think, not what to think.

Common Core is nothing more than a brainwashing scheme designed to turn children into good little liberal apparatchiks. Made more insidious because children have no critical thinking skills, no built-in means to defend themselves. An instructor is more than someone who stands there and regurgitates information, expecting the students to regurgitate it back to them verbatim. They are supposed to be leading by example. Many, if not most, children will lap this up as if it were Holy Writ simply because it comes from an alleged “adult” in a position of authority.

Those who implemented this have sold their soul to Death Himself, and they bring all of Hell with them. This will end the West as a civilization. Social Marxists grew tired of debating and fighting adults at a level where legislation is made, changed and implemented. Too much opposition. So now, they subvert our children to their side before they have a chance to learn anything different, before they can even begin to think critically. Which will effectively end any resistance at the implementation level in a very short time.

Mark me, and let my words stand as a warning.

If this is not stopped, what is left of this Republic will fall. If we fall, all of the West will fall.

When what’s left of the Republic falls, only stalwart hearts will possibly save us. Stalwart hearts, and a tidal wave of Heroes’ Blood.

November 11, 2014 10:30 am

When white-libfukery goes terribly wrong ….. giving your white baby a Head Start with a neeeegrow sounding name

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November 11, 2014 10:49 am

A violent lazy culture cannot compete with a violent and creative culture. They haven’t evolved far enough yet.

November 11, 2014 10:54 am

Billy I am against heroes blood. To paraphrase Patton–heroes job is not to die for their culture but to make those other bastards(literally) die for theirs.

November 11, 2014 11:06 am

Maybe it’s just me, but I find his comments among the most racist I’ve ever heard. To claim that black / brown children lack “privilege” like the ability to read because of the color of their skin is among the most hateful statements someone could make. And what about Asian kids? Do they have more “privilege” than white kids, since they do so well in school?

All children — regardless of the color of their skin (or eyes, or hair, or gender or anything) — have the ability to learn to read. Why they do, or don’t, has more to do with their parents than it does with any school standards that are set for them. Government doesn’t impact a child’s ability to learn, other than negatively — by telling them they’re not good enough because of their skin color, and that that’s okay / acceptable. Billy’s right, it’s pure evil.

November 11, 2014 11:06 am


As much as I enjoy your sense of humor, I can find no solace in it this day…

I knew Common Core was awful, but it came from “Da Gubbermint” – a faceless morass of bureaucratic peons.

Today, I was finally able to put a face to the anonymous “authors” who foisted this Hell on our kids… and it was worse than I dared fear.

Some lisping, do-gooder FAG (yeah, my gay-dar was pinging like mad.. he’s a cock-smoker if there ever was one) with an overblown sense of phony-baloney “White Guilt” for being born is responsible – at least in part – for foisting this shit on our kids and very likely sowing the seeds for the Death of the Republic, if not Western Civilization….

Fucking genocidal maniacs. If they feel so guilty for being born white and want to do the world a solid, then they can take a warm bath and slit their wrists with a straight razor. I’ll send a “Bon Voyage” wreath to the funeral.

Don’t take down the rest of us because you’re insane. You might be insane and genocidal, but if self-preservation is an instinct you possess, you best leave my son the hell alone…

And yes, I will take my son out of school and homeschool him. Soon as I can obtain the proper teaching materials, he’s out.

November 11, 2014 11:16 am

Right on billy. Right on.

November 11, 2014 11:20 am

Its amazing how often they manage to avoid the stats surrounding Indians/SE Asians…ya know, those ones who come over here dirt poor and within a generation have engineers/doctors/etc to their name.

They don’t fit the stats so they get ignored, meanwhile our poor downtrodden can only moan on about their terrible plight in life.

November 11, 2014 11:31 am

We homeschooled our daughter 1990 – 2002 for the first 8 grades we used Calvert:


My wife did most of the schooling. It is helpful in the lower grades to have a lesson plan – Calvert was really good for this. The teaching material was good also.

Didn’t have to put up with the busing, PC, bullshit from the Minneapolis Schools. Every other kid on the block wanted to be home schooled.

Our daughter was accepted at several colleges – all you really need is an SAT over 1200.

Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
November 11, 2014 11:53 am

Very valid point Chemist, much lower crime rate as well; and kids always seen when I visit the public library.

They are never mentioned in the discussion or moaning as you say.

November 11, 2014 11:55 am

Yessir, I enjoy that White Privilege every morning @ 0430 when I put feet on the deck and get ready to go to work. I particularly enjoy it come income tax time when I realize that 30% of my hard-earned FRNs are stolen from me at the point of a gun and re-distributed to the poor, downtrodden blacks and browns. Blacks and browns that are kept down by the recipients of said White Privilege, of course. And I particularly enjoyed it when “president” Clinton, our serial liar, womanizer and rapist celebrated the fact that the good ole USofA will soon be minority White. That should certainly put an end to White Privilege, and I expect that my grandchildren will be able to sit on their collective asses, draw food stamps, live in Section 8 housing and drink Malt Liquor all day.

November 11, 2014 11:59 am

@ cliff,

I am against the shedding of Heroes Blood as well…

But, we are heading for a Reckoning. I’m tellin’ ya… it’s all building up to something.

Something that can only be redeemed in fire, blood and steel…


I came to a realization recently. Almost an epiphany.

Not to be maudlin or overly-dramatic, I realized that living the life I have, I should have been dead a half dozen times over. I should be dead right now, and I usually don’t bring religion into anything here on TBP, but I think the only reason the Almighty has kept me alive – allowed me to continue living – is because my job is not yet finished – there is still something I have to do. He could have allowed me to be crushed like an insect or snuffed out easily…

What that reason is, I have always tried to figure out.

As near as I can figure, being a Doomer, laying in all these preps… studying history and thinking about the 4th Turning… I came to the realization that the Hero Generation’s job is not to fight the coming chaos, the coming crisis, head on…

WE are the sacrifice, not the saviors.

Any great and worthy undertaking in the history of man has required – demanded – a blood sacrifice. We are not meant to make it through The Crisis. And we never were. Our responsibility is to sacrifice ourselves so that our sons and daughters can at least have the opportunity to try to build a better world… the preps and knowledge I am setting aside, this little scrap of land we’re trying to farm – they are not for me. Never were, though I have taken pleasure living here and working the land. They are for him and his to use after I am gone…

I have no place in that better world. Was never meant to see it. And, I’m at peace with that.

I would gladly give my life for my son, as any parent would. Any parent here would gladly give their last bit of food or water or take a bullet so that their children could live…

I don’t matter. Never did. Only my son – our children – really matter…

That does not make me a Hero… I will do what I am supposed to do. What any parent would do.

Besides… I’m grinning at the thought of taking some of those bastards with me. And then I can tell my own father what a fine, strong man his grandson has become…

“War to the knife. The knife to the hilt.”

November 11, 2014 12:29 pm

@Billy: “Any great and worthy undertaking in the history of man has required – demanded – a blood sacrifice. We are not meant to make it through The Crisis.”

A noble thought – but how in the hell are we (I’m 65) going to defeat the shit that’s going on now? How are we going to take some of the bastards with us? How are we going to cleanse the US of the entitlement / SNAP / section 8 people and mentality?

This is what’s missing from you vision.

November 11, 2014 1:29 pm


I think you missed Billy’s vision, it’s not his generation that fights and wins.

He quite possibly hit the proverbial nail, it’s his destiny to make sure his children live on with his knowledge and preps passed on to the generation that will fight on and cleanse the system.

November 11, 2014 1:32 pm

@ Dutch,

“A noble thought – but how in the hell are we (I’m 65) going to defeat the shit that’s going on now? How are we going to take some of the bastards with us? How are we going to cleanse the US of the entitlement / SNAP / section 8 people and mentality?

This is what’s missing from you vision.”

Those who cleave to the notion of taking the King’s Shilling will never be converted. They have no concept of liberty. Liberty means thinking and doing for yourself, which is – let’s face it – damn difficult. Their enablers are the cultural Marxists. Not only do the parasites have to go, their enablers have to go as well.

When the coming Crisis hits (some say it has already begun), those who wish to suckle on the King’s tit can go live as they wish and I will not interfere, so long as they consent to go. By any means necessary.

Separation is the only answer. Bluntly, secession. The powers in Mordor have disregarded the supreme law of the land – the Constitution – as and when they see fit for their own benefit (beginning with this “living document” horseshit). That makes them illegitimate. We can survive corruption, a conga line of fools, even war. But we cannot survive illegitimacy. Constitutional restraints cannot be in effect, by definition, in an unconstitutional system.

Every action those in Mordor take, pushes them further into illegitimacy. People are waking up to that. In fact, several states have already passed measures to secede if and when they feel it is justified. Mordor scoffs at things like this, but the last time the word “secession” was spoken aloud in any State Capitol building was 1861.

Once secession happens – it will. It is inevitable – the first thing that will need to happen is that every “institution of higher learning” needs to have their charter revoked and the school dissolved, the cultural Marxists expelled. Pack your shit, you’re leaving. Drive them to the frontier and dump them. Let them squawk all they want.

We have fought for generations using the ballot box. The problem, however, is institutionalized. Those who write the laws also appoint the judges and approve of who gets hired to be an Enforcer. When one of their Enforcers goes off the chain and does something especially egregious, like executing a 93 year old woman in her bed while “serving a high risk warrant” (yes, that actually happened), they close ranks and protect him. Not to mention making up bullshit like “qualified immunity”, no-knock warrants, 1033 Program, charging your stuff with a crime which allows them to rob you at gunpoint under Color of Law…

Since the problem is institutionalized, the ballot box is of no use. Using it merely exchanges one group of criminal psychopaths for another group of criminal psychopaths… and, since the shot-callers are folks who exist in what is now known to be “Deep Government” and are unelectable, we cannot get rid of them with the ballot box.


That leaves that famous “other” box…

And when it comes to that famous “other box”, then I choose to step up instead of having my son step up. If blood is to be spilled, then let it be mine. Not his.

His job, and the jobs of those like him, are to deal with the fallout immediately after the Crisis hits… not to take it head on and burn themselves up in the process, though I do not doubt many of his generation will step up as well. Even in a 1-for-1 rate of attrition, it’s still a better deal than spending our best instead of a bunch of old fucks who should have stepped up a long time ago…

Dealing with the after effects and trying to establish a better system is, arguably, a more important and more difficult job anyway.

You’re 65. I’m pushing 50.

You sure you don’t have one good fight left in you? 😉

November 11, 2014 1:56 pm

@Billy: “You sure you don’t have one good fight left in you? ”

I’ve got a good fight left in me… but….

States like NY, NJ, MA, PA, IL, CA, DC, and all the shit cites there in: Philly, Newark, Boston, Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis, NYC, all of Southern California – these are the states we have to ‘jettison’.

You have an idea which states are for secession?

November 11, 2014 1:58 pm

Dutchman: I’m an old fart too but a couple of years age I bought a real MBR(Main Battle Rifle), 7.62X51. M1A. It took me about 3yrs to get it where I wanted it but I’m finally done with the project. You can really “Reach out and touch” with this rifle and even an old fart can hit a Zombie at 500yds with practice and good optics. This might be something for you. Also communications(ham radio) are right up the alley of us older patriots. We can all do something, and at the very least we can prepare for the civil unrest that is coming to a neighborhood near you and me. Good luck!

November 11, 2014 2:10 pm

Stucky says: When white-libfukery goes terribly wrong ….. giving your white baby a Head Start with a neeeegrow sounding name

This colorization of the nation is getting to an extreme. In the past, minorities were absorbed into the majority. Today, the majority is being pulled into the black dominated popular culture seasoned with African dance, rap sounds, ghetto principles and mulatto babies.

November 11, 2014 2:17 pm

EC says:

“This colorization of the nation is getting to an extreme. In the past, minorities were absorbed into the majority. Today, the majority is being pulled into the black dominated popular culture seasoned with African dance, rap sounds, ghetto principles and mulatto babies.”

And big fat asses. Businesses cash in as women chase bigger butts–



November 11, 2014 2:56 pm

The butts on Univision stick out like Cadillac bumpers of old, and this on women who should know better or sag a bit more.
I invented a term for those fake posteriors, it means ‘booty panties’.
I just don’t understand the fickle nature of women, one day they want little boobs, the next day they want to be able to breast feed the entire crew of the USS Obama.
The purpose is to attract black dick, regardless of how that sounds, I’m sure of it, just as sure as a man in women’s clothing is queer.
Looking at Kimka’s ass through her translucent skirt will permanently discourage your (and my) faint dick. Like the Liberty commercial says, Don’t they know your shaken up already?

November 11, 2014 3:03 pm

@ Dutch

I’m not current on active efforts right now, but from what I understand, the Old South, the Dakotas, Alaska, Texas, Vermont and the Pacific Northwest are hearing rumbles… if you’re in Noo England, you might want to pick up some change of address forms on the way out.

If you’re in commiefornia, well… if you’re still in commiefornia, you’re either a fool or there must be a damn good reason…

If you’re anywhere near Mordor, well… God help you is all I can say.

@ ragman,

Sounds like you got a nice rig there… always liked the M14/M1A…

My dedicated long range hammer is a pre-war plain vanilla M70 Winchester (production date: 1939) in ’06. Fabbed a one piece scope mount for it by hand and it currently wears an ex-USMC fixed 10X Unertl. It’s so Old School, it’s almost paleolithic… Still, if I can see it, I can hit it.

My MBR will remain my business, for now…

For closer work, I have other toys… one fun one I call “Bonesaw” – a restored Winchester M12 trench gun, complete with a M1917 Remington produced bayonet. It will definitely get and hold someone’s attention.

November 11, 2014 3:22 pm

Agh, your an OK guy, Billy but your verbal images are too strong for me. That is my whole complaint about your comments, the violence that permeates every thought. I appreciate your service to the country, but I don’t have the stomach you have, I couldn’t look at the pics Sensetti posted at times.

I walked into he wrong movie once, the previews were disturbing scenes of blood and gore. The movie started without warning, I thought it was another preview, a young girl hanging upside down, the unseen man injects her with a blood thinner before cutting her enough to let her bleed out. 2 minutes and I walked out. This is the feel of your violent writing, maybe it’s good but it’s not for me.

November 11, 2014 4:26 pm

Common Core. So far all i can get out of it is a lot of math. Some of it is stupid. But i admit the advanced math required for kids to graduate high school, Is far beyond anything i ever did.
I don’t see the jobs that will require this math. I know there has been a big push for
Scientist and engineers. I bet the kids who graduate some day will really like competing for jobs with all the college grads from Indiandia and Pakistan And China.
I think the trade deals the country has made and the offshoring of jobs is a bad thing for the country.
There is a lot of people and only so many jobs. People say you’re an isolationist. I just know our country has to plan for the future and what all our people well be doing. We all can’t be college grads.
I actually think common core push’s kids and so far i kind of like it. My kids have tons of home work.It is hard enough that the school has to monitor every kid to make sure they can actually do the work. It is a pain for the teachers,they actually have to perform. If things go bad i would consider the home school package from the Peterson Academy. I may buy the cd package anyways.

November 11, 2014 7:03 pm

EC, maybe you’re just waiting for the right moment .You’ll get over the sight of blood real quick.
I have an M1a and it will be my main battle rifle . I love the gun .It’s accurate out of the box and reliable. It is hard to mount a scope . I finally just have used my iron sights.
There is going to be blood shed.I think I am ready. I want go looking for conflict but I’m not going to run either.(to old ,52)

November 11, 2014 10:43 pm

@ EC,

We are as the Creator of All Things made us. I cannot change who I am, any more than you can change who you are.

That’s just the way it is.

November 12, 2014 7:54 am

Billy: excellent choices, as I would expect from you. bb: Vltor has the solution for you. They make an extended rail system for the SOCOM II, check it out.