The Long Retreat in the Culture War

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

The Long Retreat in the Culture War

The Republican rout in the Battle of Indianapolis provides us with a snapshot of the correlation of forces in the culture wars.

Faced with a corporate-secularist firestorm, Gov. Mike Pence said Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act would not protect Christian bakers or florists who refuse their services to same-sex weddings. And the white flag went up again.

Politics follows culture. And the cultural revolution of the ’60s is triumphant. Traditional Christianity, driven out of schools and the public square, is being whipped back into the churches and told to stay there.

America has gone over to the revolution.

Looking back, the sweep of the capitulation becomes stark.

First came the plea of atheists not to have their children forced to participate in prayers at school. Fair enough. Americans do not believe in compelling people to do as they disbelieve.

Then followed the demand that no child be exposed to prayers or religious books, including the Bible, nor have any day or week set aside as a holiday if connected to Christianity.

Out went Christmas and Easter. In came winter break and spring break. Coaches of high school teams were ordered to dispense with prayers before games. The coaches complied.

No matter what the majority wanted, the minority prevailed, thanks to a Supreme Court whose dictates were never challenged by democratically elected presidents or Congresses, nor ever defied by a Christian majority.

In the sexual revolution there came first the plea that abortion in extreme cases be decriminalized, then legalized, then subsidized, then declared a right. From crime to constitutional right in two decades!

Under Obamacare, Christian businesses must dispense abortion-inducing morning-after pills to employees.

On gay rights, first came the demand that a bar in Greenwich Village patronized by homosexuals be left alone by the cops.

Next came the demand that homosexuality be decriminalized and then that this, too, be declared a constitutional right. And so it went.

Soon, same-sex marriages will likely be declared a right hidden in the Constitution and entitled to all the privileges and benefits accorded traditional marriages. Next, those who refuse to provide services to same-sex weddings will become the criminals.

Thus does biblical truth become bigotry in Obama’s America.

And the process has been steadily proceeding for generations.

First comes a call for tolerance for those who believe and behave differently. Then comes a plea for acceptance.

Next comes a demand for codifying in law a right to engage in actions formerly regarded as debased or criminal. Finally comes a demand to punish any and all who persist in their public conduct or their private business in defying the new moral order.

And so it goes with revolutions. On the assumption of power, revolutionaries become more intolerant than those they dispossessed.

The French Revolution was many times more terrible than the Bourbon monarchy. The Russian Revolution made the Romanovs look benign. Fidel Castro’s criminality exceeded anything dreamt of by Fulgencio Batista.

Looking back, one appreciates why we hear so often, “This isn’t the country I grew up in.” For it isn’t.

But how did this moral-cultural revolution succeed so easily?

How was it that the Greatest Generation that won World War II let itself be intimidated by and dictated to by nine old men with lifetime tenure who had been elected by no one?

How did this happen in a republic where minority rights exist but the majority rules? Why did Middle America meekly comply and not resist?

By the mid-’50s and early ’60s, black folks were engaged in civil disobedience, refusing to move to the back of the bus, sitting at segregated lunch counters, getting clubbed by cops, and marching for equal access to schools, hotels, motels and voting booths.

And across the South there was resistance to the civil rights revolution: Southern manifestos, governors standing in schoolhouse doors, federal marshals and federal troops called out.

Whatever side of the civil rights revolution one was on, folks on both sides fought for what they believed in.

Amazing. The old segregationists who, morally speaking, held a pair of deuces resisted. But a Christian majority that had the Faith that created Western civilization behind it rolled over and played dead.

Christians watched paralyzed as their country was taken from them.

What explains the rout in Indianapolis? The GOP simply cannot stand up to media denunciations as intolerant bigots, especially if the corporations upon which they depend threaten economic reprisals.

With the Democratic Party irretrievably lost, and the Republican Party moving to neutrality in the culture wars, traditionalists should probably take comfort in the counsel, “Put not your trust in princes.”

When that father and daughter at Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Ind., said their religious beliefs forbade them from catering a same-sex wedding, they were subjected to a hailstorm of hate, but were also showered with $840,000 from folks who admired their moral courage.

Religious folks who do not believe in collaborating with what they think is wrong should go forth and do likewise.

Courage as well as cowardice is contagious.

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April 10, 2015 1:18 pm

We’re heading for the Day of Reckoning.
I’m tellin’ ya.
It’s all building up to something.
Something that can only be redeemed with fire.

– Pete Townsend, Give Blood.

Any sane person can see the insanity, the poisonous sickness that infests our country. Any sane person does not – and has never – wanted open conflict to solve our current problems. But The Enemy is bound and determined to bring this to a reckoning. Us vs Them in open conflict.

Nobody ever won anything by doing nothing or by playing by the other guy’s rules. And so, if they want to bring fire and the sword, then I suggest we start making swords and preparing for that day of reckoning. It will come, whether you are ready for it or not, whether you want it to come or not. Even if you deny and genuinely believe that a day of reckoning isn’t coming, it still will.

I’m not talking about The End of Days. I’m talking about the open conflict that will occur here in the US. A peaceful separation is not possible. The Enemy has made it impossible.

God’s wrath does not require your belief. Same with what’s heading our way…

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Si acuero ut fulgur gladium meum et arripuerit iudicium manus mea, reddam ultionem hostibus meis et his qui oderunt me retribuam

Deut 32:41

April 10, 2015 1:52 pm

While I respect a ton of the things Mr. Buchanan believes and says, I have one small, well huge, issue with his thoughts.

In the 1950s the majority wanted the 1800s to live on forever, doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do. Women should have the right to live without abusive husbands keeping them indentured and imprisoned. God made the peoples of ALL colors, and they ALL deserve the same rights.

But here is the rub: the majority NOW, including those oft-abused of their right to denigrate and throw stones at others, Christians, would now want, in the majority, to tax the Rich OUT OF EXISTENCE. Yesterday.

Go forth and talk to your fellow citizens and worker bees and find the truth. Most want the “rich” taxed out of existence.

That is called majority rule. Or, mob rule, or even , established rule as the majority of humans are too lazy and afraid to EVER welcome change.

The Supreme Court has, repeatedly, gone too far, and he is right the Christian majority has done nothing to override it, the problem, as usual, is he focuses on man’s sins, not real solutions. Which maybe why these laws stand and God stays out of it. God and His Son told us REPEATEDLY that he does NOT want us judging other men. The story about the adultress wasn’t a one-off, it is truly, according to God, not MY freaking business what your sin is, we all will pay for our OWN, not others, sins before we enter the gates of heaven, or His Father’s mansion.

The reality is that the PTB and the powers that lead our ‘fights’, WANT total control of private producers’ businesses. It doesn’t have a freaking thing to do with gay rights, or Christianity. It has, again, with taking away the common man’s ability to be self-sufficient and productive. Wake up people.

And the liberals and the Christians both line up on their respective, expected, sides, fighting it out over a red-herring issue that is meant to divide us while allowing the real laws to take hold.

Today, I may only “have” to sell to everyone due to “gay” rights (or whatever), tomorrow they will use these precedents to force me to sell only CONgress Brand milk made of powder and water, and none other. Or you HAVE to sell to the Sharia Cleric/Christian Pastor that ordered the stoning of your child. Or, whatever. Control is the issue, not what your God, or the gay’s libido, wants.

The real issues are those that have to be pushed by a group with an agenda bigger than this superficial Kabuki theater, if I can see the patterns, and I can, I just will not believe the state we find ourselves in has been accidental as it is very obvious when you take a few steps back and see what has/is happened.

Anyone in a private business should have the RIGHT to not sell to, or to fire, and damned person they want, for any damned reason. That person, and their “group” or our government, are not the ones that sacrificed and invested and built the business. It should always fall to the owner of the property/business to decide their own basic rules and how they interact with the communities they depend on.

But no, in our modern view, it’s about Christians’ rights (side note, it dawns on me since re-reading the good book, that really the majority of Christians are Jews that believe in Jesus, primarily because they continue to follow Moses’s laws even though Jesus told us God no longer wanted to keep that part of the covenant) and fags.

We, the Christian and Progressive sheep, are just so damned easily led.

Stone on, I would expect no less.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
April 10, 2015 1:55 pm

Hon, I am bein uh hunnert percent serious when I say what you just wrote made the cottage cheese in my thighs stiffen. I love love love it when you write latin language. You are a trew blood aryan warrior indeed.

PS don’t ferget the crisco

April 10, 2015 2:21 pm

WOW! I could nothave said better. Patrick Buchanan certainly is able to articulate his thoughts well, and furthermore, he is right on.

April 10, 2015 2:23 pm

One day, the people will first in others and very quickly in themselves, see that they do not acknowledge the authority of those who believe otherwise. That day, that moment, is when it all goes to hell. Until then, we will sacrifice more, bitch more, and embrace less. There is so much more to lose I’m afraid before the consequences of replying ‘fuck off’ to an authority figure seems like the logical response.

April 10, 2015 2:24 pm

The Supreme Court has, repeatedly, gone too far, and he is right the Christian majority has done nothing to override it, the problem, as usual, is he focuses on man’s sins, not real solutions. Which maybe why these laws stand and God stays out of it. God and His Son told us REPEATEDLY that he does NOT want us judging other men. The story about the adultress wasn’t a one-off, it is truly, according to God, not MY freaking business what your sin is, we all will pay for our OWN, not others, sins before we enter the gates of heaven, or His Father’s mansion. – TE

With respect, I’ve got some heartburn with this bit.

1. Focusing on sins and not real solutions.

The man can’t have a workable solution for everything. Being able to identify a problem does not automatically mean someone has a solution that will make everyone happy. Matter of fact, the solutions that are on the table are workable, but distasteful to many people. Solutions exist. Solutions that will make everyone happy? Not so much.

I’ve always wondered about people who say “Don’t come to me with problems unless you have a solution to go with it”. If you’re my boss, then that amounts to you wanting me to do your job for you.

2. God and His Son told us REPEATEDLY that he does NOT want us judging other men.

Sooo, what? We’re supposed to trash the entire body of laws that govern modern civilization? Because that’s what laws and courts DO – judge other people for their actions. If we follow through to the only logical conclusion to “nobody can judge another except the Almighty”, then modern civilization would not exist (not with everyone doing whatever it is they want. You projecting your morals and ethics onto someone else and expecting them to abide by them in the absence of any overarching law or court system never works. The person who has no problems massacring entire families has morals, ethics and a mental state so far removed from you they might as well be from another planet.

3. The story about the adultress wasn’t a one-off

As someone who has studied scripture from the word “GO” – Catholic gradeschool and high school, amounting to 12 years of formal study, with a lifetime backing that up on my own – I can tell you that the “those who are without sin cast the first stone” story did not exist in Christian biblical canon from the death of Jesus to about the 5th century, AD or so.

That means for 500 years, that particular story as we know it did not exist. The story itself, yes. The ending where Jesus allegedly says his famous “cast the first stone” line? No. Flat out did not exist.

It is found nowhere in the earliest examples of Christian scripture. Which, sorry to say, means that it was made up long after the fact because it sounded good, and then included in Christian biblical canon after about 500 AD, reaffirmed by the Council of Trent following the Protestant Reformation in 1546.

The rest of your rant re: incremental-ism, I got no heartburn with. Rage on with your bad self.

April 10, 2015 2:33 pm

People may well be judged after their meat suit wears out – I have seen no proof one way or the other but understand many feel that way.

People violating the human rights of others while in the here-and-now do deserve some judgement.

April 10, 2015 2:42 pm

Ah Billy, thanks for proving my point.

Thankfully, I fully understand that when I die I will be responsible for MY sins, not yours. Thank Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice for that.

@Olga the problem seems to lie in the fact that it still boils down to ruling others and choosing sides. I can’t find a right or wrong when it comes to our own personal thoughts and feelings.

If people want to live in hatred and repression, let them. If people want to live in denial and delusion, let them too.

I would like to bring others to the light, but realize that after centuries of tales, myths and propaganda, it isn’t going to happen except for the very few that can release their preconceived biases and learn to love their neighbors no matter the form they take.

I’m so sick of the some people are more special than others. ALL men, including gay ones and prostitutes and brown and black and yellow, were made by our creator. To think he relishes mistreatment of some of his children at the hands of others seems to contradict his existence.

God is love. Making people feel wrong, damned and less than, is based on hate, not love.

Accept it, or don’t, it isn’t my soul that has the lesson to be learned.

Muck About
Muck About
April 10, 2015 3:08 pm

Right on TE (You gorgeously minded deep thinker, you!).

Mr. Bucanan speaks also the truth (as he sees it) and from a different point of view than most of the rest of us.

The simple truth is that secular justice far exceeds religious justice in all respects and a more and more people become better educated, able to think for themselves instead of blindly accepting as truth the dogma pumped forth by many different religions in different places and populated with different people, that simple truth becomes apparent: They are not all right…..

Further, those religions of violence (Islam and their frightened Muslim populations) are on a collision course for dissolution and destruction — as it has been so for several thousand years. Only now, they are moving their cruel, fetid and evil killing fields into areas which will react with much more vigor than Christian Knights of several thousand years ago. The question remains is how much damage and killing will the world permit of these violent extremists before it finally pulls together and squashes them like a dung beetle under foot.

I personally an secular to a fault – an atheist – who firmly believes in the basic goodness of the human animal, the innocence of the human child and – if we can avoid self-destruction – the eventual transformation of Earth itself into a springboard to the Stars.

I am also a “libertarian” in a very broad sense in that I believe that you own your body (male or female) and no one can tell or force you to do something to it or with it that you do not wish to do. Life, to me, begins when a fetus can survive outside the protective incubator and feeding mechanism of the womb, not before. I do not believe in aggression against anyone in any form (except in self-defense) and will not pick the fruits of others’ labor. Those with whom I can not get along, I simply avoid after evaluating their point of view to the best of my ability. (This includes a rather broad field of people but is dwarfed by the vast numbers of people I call friends!).

Pat Robertson still wants to be able to tell other people what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Most dogmatic religions do the same with this “nit” ok and this “nit”not ok.

We would all be better off to drop the dogma and embrace the moral arc of conscience.


April 10, 2015 3:20 pm

muckabout–please provide link that proves that secular justice exceeds religous justice in “all respects” I’ll be waiting ( a very long time). That is about the most ridiculous and self serving “truth” perhaps I have ever read on this site. While the Religous far right may be in error in some cases, your secular cronies are equally if not more culpable to the decline of America. Get real.

April 10, 2015 3:25 pm

Billah’s wife I have a good idea who you are. I have captured phrases and words you’ve used under your known identity. This shit you’re posting under billahs wife is not funny and or useful. What purpose does it serve? We don’t need you to police this blog, or to correct those that post here. You are being a coward in every sense of the word, a true PUSSY by definition. This started because you did not have the brain power or the balls to go up against billy head to head. So in the spirit of cowards and pussies from time immemorial you hide and play your childish fucking game. Grow the fuck up!!

April 10, 2015 3:25 pm

TE ,you are a biblically illiterate idiot. I get so sick of your GOD DAMN stupidity. Yes ,I said GOD DAMN .All throughout the bible God is judging people as well as nations. Just in the old testament God says repeatedly He hates certain people for what they are and what they do.We are told not to condemn others peoples motives but we are to judge what people say and do.Words and actions are to be judged by God moral standards which are His 10 commandments.God uses nations to judge other nations . Israel was constantly being judged by God using Others ( Babylonians)The whole book of Jeremiah is about God using the Babylonians to judge Israel.You also talk about Gods love as if is some silly fickle human emotion. Gods love comes for His Holiness. God love is a Holy love just like Gods wrath…. Not some silly emotion.God is not our universal Father and We are not All Family.

God Himself
God Himself
April 10, 2015 3:33 pm

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April 10, 2015 3:36 pm


Ah Billy, thanks for proving my point.

You got something to say? Then say it and drop the passive/aggressive BS.

I respectfully tried to point out to you that people judging each others behavior is what forms civilizations societal morals and the basis of our laws, which is in turn used by the court system in an effort to punish those who do wrong or evil.

Also pointed out that the story your drew from Christian biblical canon was, in fact, made up five hundred years after the death of Jesus. Well, the bit you cited anyway – the “cast the first stone” bit. It DID NOT EXIST for five hundred years. Yet, you base your argument on it.

It’s not my problem you refuse to accept facts as simple and blatant as this. Stay willfully blind.

April 10, 2015 3:44 pm

Muck , you are a self confessed atheist . What do you really know. I read your minutes . I usually think to myself a ten year old child would have more to say and what you do say is mostly wrong because your whole world view is based on the lie of evolution. You start from a false premise and everything is you trying to justify your existence based on more lies and delusions. No wonder this nation will go down in flames. Nevertheless many people on this site will condemn my world view while calling yours brilliant.Good grief.

April 10, 2015 4:03 pm

All that the “Majority” needs to do is amend the Constitution and that will pull the teeth of the 9 old men. Perhaps the “Majority” just like to bitch. DO SOMETHING about it. Castro’s criminality exceeding anything Batista ever thought of? Still drinking the Kool Aid, huh?

April 10, 2015 4:16 pm

TE ,kabuki theater is right. You have it pegged PTB are playing us all. Their rules don’t and won’t apply to them. Even though Pat Buchannon is reciting line of a play,these lines are true. God have mercy on us He will indeed reward those who hate him.

April 10, 2015 4:20 pm

@Billy, I respectfully try to point out to you – and bb – that the good book does NOT say that AFTER Jesus’ arrival.

And before that he WARNED Samuel as to what happens when a man, or men, rule others through what you call necessary judgements.

@bb, the fact you believe that EVERY word, even the completely CONTRADICTORY ones, are “God’s” word amuses me to no end.

The “book” has been changed, over and over, under the rule of MEN.

Hell, the “book” that you believe may not be even close to the book that other Christians read and believe. Explain that.

And thanks for damning me friend. Jesus was damned by the self-righteous too.

God is love. Hatred is Evil. No parent condones, or asks, for one child to kill the other for Godlike reason.

You have hate in your soul yet try to use God to justify it. The misery in your life is not because faggots are having sex, it is because YOU choose to use God in evil ways. He won’t ever be happy with that, nor the people that do it. Just like he wasn’t happy with the Jews and sent his only begotten son to show us the way, the truth, the life/light.

My soul is not pure, but it is 100% sure that my God doesn’t want me using his name to subjugate, torture, rain down pain and suffering, on his other children that don’t fit into the mold men have made for them.

Thanks again for damning me, just proves I’m on the right path.

April 10, 2015 4:38 pm

Thank you Muck, we see lots eye-to-eye, and at one time I, too, thought I was Atheist until I stepped back and saw the things, I believe, God has created. Pretty funny how many of his plants are healing in nature, if it was nothing but a big Cosmic oops!

BUT, I do disagree with the heart of men. Most men are self-centered, selfist, lazy and never, not once, look to how their behavior hurts and subjugates, other men. Human history has been rife with it.

I look out over the centuries of death visited by the God believing, and, of course, the illustrious “ruler by God’s decree,” and see the truth. Men LOVE to hurt other “lessor” men.

But that is just arguing over leaves in the forest.

The best part Muck is I KNOW you are a, at heart, a good man. Although we all will have atonement, I do believe we will get to meet on the other side friend. Just don’t be afraid to go into the light, as love and eternity will be awaiting, not hell for some trumped up sins of not believing your earthly rulers.

Then we can have a beer and laugh at the folly of humanity. I would say we could shed tears over the pain visited by those that claim God as their reasoning, but Jesus told me there were no crying or pain in heaven. And we ALL get in. No specials, No associations, no other rules than believing and atoning for our sins.

SO damn glad you are still around my good man! Hugs Muck, love you so much !

ps- thanks @God!

April 10, 2015 4:55 pm

What about the idea that God hates the sin but loves the sinner?

Those who believe anyone can do and say whatever they please and that all others must tolerate this as true Christians because God loves us all anyway are the same people who likely have little moral standards and therefore in the name of “tolerance” very little is labelled as wrong.

How can we have any moral direction to guide us if very little is wrong? Despite the position of “compassionate” individuals, there IS right and wrong in our world if one accepts the ten commandments or even if they don’t. Unfortunately there are increasing wrongs because so many either tolerate the wrongs (compassion for obviously bad behavior, murderers, rapists, toleration of greedy and corrupt government and the ruling class, economic decline causing poverty, invasion of privacy, wars, etc.) because they either don’t have the courage to fight against them or believe that true Christians just pray and blindly accept persecution as a kind of divine virtue.

This life we live is short and we are all headed for some other form of existence afterward but this shouldn’t mean completely ignoring (or tolerating) right and wrong, allowing ourselves to be exploited, and standing silently by to watch the world become worse without taking action in various ways.

I have no idea why we were all put into this life, but I don’t believe it was to accept all behavior of any kind in the name of tolerance or even love of God.

April 10, 2015 5:00 pm

Sensetti, +100!

The incessant droning of ignorant, mentally challenged wannabes is slowly killing this place. Admin really is right when he talks about needing to implement an IQ test for admission around here.

The shit brown drivel that oozes from bb, El Whothefuckcares and the many incarnations of Billahs Whogivesashit has me longing for the before-time of Smokey. Apparently the concept of just shutting the fuck up when you have nothing to add is lost on these ass-clowns.**

I’d donate 200 hundred frn’s directly to The Man With No Name tomorrow if he could banish these escaped morons from the AOL Kiddie Reservation. I’d donate another 200 to admin “just because” out of sheer happiness.


1. One, who, through the fault of his parents conception, is a skid mark in society’s collective underwear.

2. Cumstain in collective asshole of society.

3. A person who, while making a serious attempt as something, fails to realize what a complete fool he has made of himself.

4. An untalented schmuck.

5. A person who by ignorance or stupidity takes up unnecessary amounts of your time.

6. Someone who considers it his or her sworn to duty to act like a complete ass at all times.

7. Someone who doesn’t know what the hell they are talking about,makes stupid BS comments, pisses people off, and has no idea that everyone thinks this about them or doesn’t care.

8. A person who thinks he is awesome, but everyone really only tolerates his presence to have someone to poke fun at.

9. A person who is extremely stupid and annoying. Everything they do makes you want to hit them in the head with a 2×4.

10. A man who overestimates his importance in anyone’s life, has left a mark on society in the form of a stain on its undergarments and often goes by geeky names like “bb”, “El Whothefuckcares”, “Billah’s Whogivesashit” in comment sections of excellent blogs.

11. Someone who’s a total ass. Usually pisses off others by their general existence.

12. A troll who frequents the same chat room/game room with the express intent to annoy the regulars with ilk, douche baggery and idiocy.

13. Clown of anal origin.

14. A pompous and inconsiderate person suffering from illusions of importance and grandeur. Such person may make reference to him/herself by using the third person.

15. A complete jackass that does not realize how much of a tool he actually he. Does stupid shit constantly, and thinks people are laughing with him, when they are in fact laughing at him.

16. A reject of society, one who lives in the shadows of his imagination, a failure when judged even by his peers.

17. Someone who you wouldn’t mind making their intestines look like a f*cked up balloon animal.

18. The feces that results when shame gorges itself on too much stupidity. A person who consistently disappoints in the most dramatic fashion they can manifest…in other words, at the crucial moment – he/she HAS to fuck everything up.

19. One who is a total fucking fucktard.

20. Al Gore.

Synonyms: asshat, douchebag, asshole, idiot, moron, fucktard, retard, tool, dumbass, bitch, loser, jackass

April 10, 2015 5:13 pm

TE splain this

1 Samuel 15

1Samuel told Saul, “The LORD sent me to anoint you king of his people Israel. Now listen to the LORD’s words. 2This is what the LORD of Armies says: I will punish Amalek for what they did to Israel. They blocked Israel’s way after the Israelites came from Egypt. 3Now go and attack Amalek. Claim everything they have for God by destroying it. Don’t spare them, but kill men and women, infants and children, cows and sheep, camels and donkeys.”

April 10, 2015 5:20 pm

IS people not having to sign in is what breeds this shit. If I get drunk and post some crazy shit ( not that I would do that ) …again. Everyone knows it was me and can thrash me accordingly.

April 10, 2015 5:42 pm

What causes the shit is that people have no fucking self control. You shouldn’t HAVE to sign in to avoid the retards. Not that forcing people to sign in is a punishment but requiring everyone else to perform some action…..any action to avoid them is bullshit. It’s that kind of bullshit that forces me to submit a DL, bar code scan of my DL and photocopy of my DL to buy eight fucking Sudafed tablets. Others fuck up and everyone else has to pay for it.

April 10, 2015 5:51 pm

I am sooo wanting to post a reply, but that fucking CAPTCHA thing keeps popping up and making me confirm I’m not a goddamned robot or some shit…

THing is, when I complete that faggy fucking CAPTCHA thing, it goes nowhere. Just fuckin sits there and does fuck all… .and still won’t post what I have to say…

The fuck is going on?

April 10, 2015 5:54 pm

Sorry I’m chiming in late but we’re always playing catch up here on the W coast.
While I peg the meter on being spiritually aware I find it very difficult to reconcile the differences between the Old and New Testament. Yes, the Old Testament God was highly judgmental, but the New Testament God is the warm and caring God we all yearn for.
The rest of it is Kabuki as TE points out, and yes Buchanan and guys like him represent those who want to own and control you and I.
Personally, I think the government has no business mandating anything regarding religion(s). It’s your brand vs my brand and if you open the door too wide here comes a religion you might not like or agree with; but if we’ve gone down that road too bad for you.
The solution is for government to stay the hell out of it. For matters regarding ALL religions.

April 10, 2015 5:54 pm

screw this shit…

shit won’t let me post anything. I even tried logging out and back in, restarting the computer, doing everything that fuckin CAPTCHA thing wanted…. still won’t let me post…

Fuck this… I’m out.

April 10, 2015 6:24 pm

Is there any doubt whatsoever that if bb was born and raised a mooslim … that he would be of the crazy whacked-out fuknut type yelling ‘God is Great’, and then decapitating you because you don’t believe as he does? No, there is no doubt.

This shitstain of hypocrisy talks out of both sides of his mouth, but the side he truly loves is condemn, condemn, condemn. That he now resorts to “God Damn” in his vile condemnations is a true testament to his overwhelming lack of Biblical understanding — for a human being saying such a thing to another human being is vigorously deplored by God throughout the Bible.

He only has a “form of godliness”, but his soul is blacker than hell. And several of you misguided people give him thumbs up … which makes you no better than him, bb King Of Hatred.

He’s the worst garbage poster here of all time, even worse than DP. bb greatly EXCEEDS all 20 qualifications of being a true Ass Clown. Contributes nothing. Shits on everything. Uses the freedom this site brings to destroy it … retarded post by retarded post. In due time, he may very well drive many of us away.

April 10, 2015 6:29 pm


Happened to me in times past also. It only APPEARS as if nothing is happening. Obviously, though, your comments are posting. If you use Firefox, you can go to “Tools” — then “Options” — then “Network”, and clear your web cache. That seems to have worked for me in the past.

April 10, 2015 6:32 pm

Billah’s wife

What I said about bb applies to you also … only to a greater degree. At least bb has the balls to be himself. You are nothing but a fucking coward … at least your “BW” persona. Go shit in your own house, asshole.

April 10, 2015 6:46 pm

“Christians watched paralyzed as their country was taken from them.” —— from the article

I disagree with a few things;

— Taking prayer out of schools was the right thing to do. FORCED prayer is as worthless as a bb post.

— Christmas vs winter break and Easter vs spring break? Concern over semantics? Gimme a break!!

— Coaches of high school teams praying that Jeebus helps them win a fucking football game diminishes and tarnishes the very foundation of Christianity. Jeebus didn’t die on the cross so you can ask him to score more touchdowns than the other team … ya fuckin asshole!

— Methinks he worries too much about where weenies make their home.

But Buchanan’s quote at the beginning of this post is spot on.

April 10, 2015 6:47 pm

Pat Buchanan is talking about cultural suicide. Progressives hate their own ancestors and want to destroy their own culture, because they have been taught to be ashamed of it. Progressives think of themselves as being highly intelligent, but they are pea-brained fools. It’s time that thinking people recognize them for the evil morons that they truly are. BHO is at the head of the pack. He’s a serpent who thinks that speaking in a booming voice makes him sound intelligent. Stop fearing the ridicule that comes from the mouths of Progressive fools. Stand up to them, or all is lost.

April 10, 2015 6:55 pm

As a true libertarian I can except that which I don’t agree with as long as you don’t FORCE me to except it .

I have a sister who is gay. I think that this lifestyle in wrong in God’s eyes . By the same token as a person who tried to bed as many women as I could at one point in my life I understand that lifestyle was wrong too .Was my sin any less of a wrong than my sisters sin…I doubt it .

My sister asked me how I could accept her lifestyle,agree that she and her partner should be able to marry and yet still think it is wrong. I told her that I believe in Liberty and that I don’t have the right to impose my version of life or morals on her as long as she isn’t doing something that we’d all agree is wrong in any society ie. murder,rape,theft etc . If she found a church that has no problem marrying them then more power to them . God in the end will judge them.As long as their lifestyle or beliefs don’t interfere with my life I’ve got no problem with it. I’ve told her I would not stand for her forcing someone to accept her lifestyle,like forcing a baker to make them a cake. I explained that the power of the state should not be used to force people to do things against their will.

My sister is one of the kindest most wonderful person I’ve ever met in my life. I couldn’t imagine shunning her because of the person she’s chosen to love.

On religion,I long ago figured out that finding the “True ” word of God may be impossible but if I lived my life by the Golden Rule ( or my version…if you wouldn’t like what you’re about to do done to you,don’t do it to someone else ) , practiced the 10 commandments as best I could,knew in my heart that Jesus is my savior then the rest will work it self out .

P.S…..Muck…keep writing…I’ve always enjoyed your stuff .

April 10, 2015 6:57 pm


Okay, cleared the cache… let’s see if the post I wanted to put up flies… if not, I’m gonna throw this shit out the nearest fucking window and go back to fixing guns…

Okay… it went right to that CAPTCHA screen… and it is ONLY when I post what my rebuttal to TE… I’ve tried altering it, editing it.. no joy…

So… I am now going to throw my shit out the window and do something constructive…


April 10, 2015 7:31 pm

If I copy anything and go to post it in the box the paste button only appears for 1/2 second I have to be quick to click on it, takes several attempts be successful. That’s been going on for a month. I keeping hoping it will fix itself. I’ve deleted all cookies and web data nothing has worked.

Any ideas?

April 10, 2015 7:40 pm


I assume you mean the “add images to your comment” box?

Never had that happen to me. However, you don’t need that box to copy pics.

Copy and paste the url in the comments section. Then, just add “[img]” at the beginning of the url, and “[/img]” at the end — without the quotes.

April 10, 2015 7:42 pm

fucking wordpress interpretor!!!!!

[ img ] and [ / img ] ———- brackets needed, no spaces inside the brackets

April 10, 2015 7:43 pm

fuckmedead!! Actually — [ img ] url [ / img ]

April 10, 2015 7:48 pm

No Stucky I’m talking about if I copy something you wrote and tired to paste it in the comment box. The damn past button only appears for 1/2 second

April 10, 2015 7:50 pm

Copy paste works fine for me. You might ask our resident copy paste Grand Master……flash. If anybody has encountered this problem it’s him.

April 10, 2015 8:04 pm

@Buckhead, so nicely said.

Love the “sinner,” doesn’t mean you agree with the sin. I’ve never swung that way, not even experimented, but hold no ill will against the dozens of gays I’ve met that are wonderful human beings. Unlike you I don’t think God could create ANY love, that choose to torture only a select few for it. But, like you said, that will be up to God to tell us, hopefully, in a long, long, time from now.

As for rules and cops and fire and brimstone, your rights end when my rights start. And I don’t need a State to enforce them for me. People could CHOOSE to settle their differences, pump their water, pave and plow their roads without an official State being paid to keep us at each others’ throats. I have the right to love whom I chose, raise my children as I choose, believe what I choose, eat what I choose and get, or not, shots, meds, tests, surgeries, or any other invasive things decreed by man’s law, these are my basic, natural, rights.

Spreading hatred against anyone that has not personally infringed on your ACTUAL liberty, not thoughts, only serves to serve Evil and Hatred as the corrupted are ALWAYS the ones that end up in power and control. I know those that support Big Government and Jesus/Allah Through The Back Door of Man Declared Bad Things, will never agree. See, the pimps, dealers, fags and the Christian right have much in common, so very much.

There should have to be an ACTUAL crime against a PERSON, or his property, for anyone to be judged of anything. Bullshit “gotcha” and “maybe” crimes are the reason we are living in a minimum, soon to be maximum, security prison. Want to figure out WHY people are being shot in the back for running? Look to our State and your desire to have somebody else take care of living for you. Ohhh, Bogeymen will roam the world as no one could possibly stand up to them without the cops, or sanctioned soldiers. oooooh, I so scared, here gubment, take some more rights away.

Prostitution, drug use, spanking your child, not being vaccinated, drinking alcohol, eating beef, driving a gas-guzzler, not installing backflow valves on bathroom sinks, none of these things are causing actual harm to others, yet all of them can end with someone in jail.

Anarchy sounds better than this shitfest which is leading to anarchy anyway. Happens over and over and over in history and once again men never remember, never in the least.

ps all, it makes my heart happy that there are so many that see the hypocrisy of BOTH sides. So very happy.

April 10, 2015 8:06 pm

ps @ Billy, on your posting problems and the fact that only in response to me, maybe God is trying to tell you something.

The Man does work in mysterious ways, and there has been more than one time he has not let me do something to keep me from something, or on the right path.

only half kidding.

April 10, 2015 8:08 pm

@Sensetti, read the chapters and verses BEFORE those ones.

Read in the entirety and then realize that the Kings and Priests and Popes and other PTB controlled the word and verse in many, way too many, spots.

Lots of truth, you just have to pick around Man’s corruptions to find it.

Which is why I through the book out long ago. The realization that there are still truths is the reason I am re-studying it now.

Peace to you

April 10, 2015 8:14 pm

Sensetti…use Control V to paste …’s a lot easier .

April 10, 2015 8:17 pm

I use an IPad

April 10, 2015 8:22 pm

TE…we used to have a family re-union for many years that was attended by one of my cousins who was gay . She always brought her life partner with her . Not one once…EVER….. was there a display of affection between them at the re-union . Kay and Rita were two of the funniest ( humor wise ) nicest folks you’d ever want to meet . I loved being around both of them . However when one of my very religious cousins found out …. she and her family refused to attend the family re-union . I was the president of the re-union for years,folks ask me to talk to them and of course I did…didn’t do any good . I’m always amazed at how folks can live there lives asking for forgiveness from God for their sins but won’t forgive others of theirs .

April 10, 2015 8:38 pm

Stucky ,who’s the biggest ass clown of all ? I think that award goes to you and when someone plays the devil that you don’t like you piss and cry.

April 10, 2015 8:46 pm


Oh. Where the hell is a “paste button”?? Seriously, I have no idea.

As mentioned above — Ctrl-c (copy) and Ctrl-v (paste) is soooooo easy and quick.

April 10, 2015 8:55 pm

IS , this is one reason I like this site. You don’t have sign in but if that changes then I will sign in just to be close to you .I enjoy being annoying . It like playing the devil’s advocate and I bet the man with no name would take my 300 hundred dollars just to out bid your ass.
I am right , TE is theology is annoying . She doesn’t know much about the bible or history but is constantly making false claims and it’s ANNOYING.
Stucky is an apostate who deliberately walked away from the truth but now he thinks he has wisdom
Muck , is an atheist who claims to be wise
All of them are annoying. You’re annoying because for what ever the reason you say you agree with these ASS CLOWNS.

April 10, 2015 9:08 pm

IS ,I paid my lawyers 4000 dollars so FedEx is allowing me to drive my own truck. Anyway I am close to Salt lake City , Utah. I’ll be come up I 15 to I 90 and then Missoula To Idaho .Straight by Silverton , Kellogg , and Cataldo.I don’t have to be anywhere tell Monday morning. See how close I am to you.Are annoyed that I’m so close. I would ask you to buy me dinner but you would probably find it annoying.Anyway it is beautiful up here in the Pacific northwest.

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