EMPIRE OF LIES: The Ron Paul Documentary

This Kickstarter campaign marks the first public announcement of an important new project, EMPIRE OF LIES: The Ron Paul Documentary.

Although Ron Paul has been approached many times by many others to be the subject of a documentary, he has not agreed to participate.

Until now.

We are very pleased to have Ron Paul’s help and cooperation in this production and are grateful for his personal support.

Now we are asking for your help as well. We are counting on the Kickstarter community, lovers of liberty, Ron Paul supporters and others so that we can keep this important project independent.

We are not willing to make a weak or watered-down documentary.

Even in conventional terms Ron Paul is a remarkably successful politician.

He won election to the House 12 times over a span of five decades. Paul’s wins include the unmatched record of being elected three times to the House as a non-incumbent.

He was the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in 1988, and sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 and 2012.

Stunned by the university stadiums and civic arenas filled with young supporters, other candidates like Hillary Clinton marveled at the size and the passion of the Ron Paul crowds.

Others envied Ron Paul’s astonishing ability to raise money. But the new digital-age, world-record fundraising was not the work of the campaign organization. Millions poured into the Ron Paul campaign spontaneously from the grassroots.

The conventional politicians just didn’t understand that the enthusiasm that set millions marching in the Ron Paul Revolution would not have happened if Ron Paul were just another conventional politician.

He was something much more.

Ron Paul is a family man, a father of five, with 18 grandchildren. A small town doctor who served as an Air Force flight surgeon, he is a retired ob/gyn who delivered more than 4,000 babies in his career.

He is a bestselling author and has written numerous books extolling free markets and sound money. His prescient description of the results of government economic meddling and the folly of the Federal Reserve attest that he is learned in economics.

No less has his farsightedness been on display with regard to the consequences of America’s foreign interventionism such as the elective Iraq war.

In public office, Ron Paul has distinguished himself for the conviction of his principles. He has never sold out. Or stated differently, he has never bought in:

  • He never voted for a tax increase
  • He never voted for an unbalanced budget
  • He never voted for a congressional pay raise
  • He never took a taxpayer-paid junket
  • He never voted to increase the power of the executive branch
  • He voted against the Patriot Act
  • He voted against the Iraq war
  • He refused to participate in the lucrative congressional pension program
  • He returned a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year

But there is something else that makes Ron Paul a compelling subject for a major theatrical quality, feature-length documentary.

Ron Paul will be remembered as the most effective champion of freedom in our time!

Ron Paul is now retired from public office. He will turn 80 this year.

It is time to pay tribute to this remarkable man and his message, his memorable character and his enduring principles.

EMPIRE OF LIES is not a biography. It will not spend time describing Ron Paul’s time at Duke medical school or about his years as an Air Force flight surgeon.

But it will tell the story of a man who fearlessly fought the destructive policies of his time:

  • The needless and bankrupting wars of empire…
  • The trampling of our Fourth Amendment rights by the snooping of the national surveillance state…
  • The destruction of our monetary system by the Federal Reserve …
  • The corruption of our economy by crony capitalism…
  • And there is a special place in our story to capture Ron’s encounters with the state’s lapdog press.

The Ron Paul Documentary seeks to discover…

Why he ran for office when he had no expectation of winning and no hope for process tinkering as a solution to our problems;

How he came to be freedom’s stalwart and why the temptations of power and ambition that other office holders succumb to had no hold on Ron Paul;

Why he endured when his own party was always on the lookout for a way to subvert his career; And how he could repeatedly win office without participating in the everyday vote-buying schemes and the rampant cronyism of modern American politics. The producers are also eager to share rich examples from Ron Paul’s observations, those keen utterances that are destined to be preserved in future books of great quotations. Like this one that gives the documentary its title:

“Truth is treason in the Empire of Lies.”

EMPIRE OF LIES: The Ron Paul Documentary is planned for release for maximum impact during the primary elections of the 2016 presidential race as the public’s interest in politics increases.

Backer Rewards

As our way of saying thanks to supporting such an important project, we’ve got some great rewards for our backers, including t-shirts, mugs, posters and books!

The Producers

The Ron Paul Documentary will be written, produced and directed by one of America’s leading libertarians, Charles Goyette.

Goyette is the New York Times bestselling author of The Dollar Meltdown and his latest book Red and Blue and Broke All Over – Restoring America’s Free Economy. An award-winning radio personality, most recently he was heard in 2014 hosting the nationally syndicated Laura Ingraham Show. He has often been called upon to share his views with national televisions audiences on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CNBC and Fox Business Channel.


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May 6, 2015 9:11 am
May 6, 2015 9:42 am

Ron Paul is a testament to the axiom that there are no political solutions to the problems of politics.

He is also the fulcrum of the question with which I’ve often wrestled: Is “libertarian-leaning” political activity, though doomed to failure at the ballot box, a social good because it carries the rationality of liberty to a larger audience, or is it a social bad because it perpetuates the delusion that coordinated political activity can bring about positive social change?

On this question reasonable people may disagree.

I eventually concluded that even “liberty-oriented” political activity is a social bad. It gives license to the VICE of human conceit, that letting our desire to change the minds of others makes us better people (better, that is, than those whose minds we wish to change.)

We get the world as it is, and it is a product of all the collective stupidity and wisdom that came before, and mostly the collective stupidity of the present. Wisdom is always deemed of low value, because it is the voice of wisdom that always says, “Really? Is that REALLY a good idea?”