The Empire of Lies

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I have a new book out, The Empire of Lies.  It is 342 pages plus a name index.  The book is divided into five parts:  The Ministry of Truth, Economic Deception, The Ukraine Deception, The Lies of History, The Big Lie.  The cover shows Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Bill Gates, and Dick Cheney laughing their heads off at Americans’ belief in their endless lies.  The book is available at

In America and its empire truth is being made, if not illegal to voice, too costly to speak.  It requires more than a few of us to tell it.  We must have support.  Make this book successful.  Read it.  Tell your friends about it.  Give it as gifts to friends, relatives who might be able to be dragged out of The Matrix.  Write Amazon reviews of the book.  Do something to save truth. Don’t just sit there sucking your thumbs.

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The Empire of Lies

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers,  Soren Korsgaard has collected and published some of my columns bearing on our plight as we are attacked by Satanic forces of evil.  My regular readers will have read most of these columns, but having this selection in one cover makes clear our desperate situation.  Also, as Korsgaard points out, having a full picture provides training for recognizing and rejecting the disinformation conveyed by official narratives.

“Dr. Roberts is one of the few remaining voices of truth in the West. His essays expose the systematic lies of Western mainstream media, which now provide propaganda rather than news. He explains these false narratives are designed to create a public lost in a Matrix of misinformation, which conditions people to hate and fear. The hatred of internal enemies prevents social cohesion that could effectively challenge governmental authority, while external enemies are demonized to make people accept endless war.

“Most importantly, Roberts warns of the imminent danger of a nuclear holocaust, which now places us one nanosecond away from nuclear Armageddon.  If you want to better understand why all the things we once held sacred–family, freedom, justice and peace–are now under relentless attack by the government, media and academia, then read this book. It will open your eyes.” — Professor Steven Starr, former director of the University of Missouri’s Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program

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“Facing Clear Evidence of Peril” in a Country of Lies

Guest Post by Edward Curtin

“In my seventy-plus years from 1946 to now, the chorus of fear-mongering bullshit has never ceased – only grown louder. The joke is on us. Ha Ha Ha.”

– Oliver Stone, Chasing the Light

Perhaps silence is the best response to the endless cavalcade of official lies that is United States history. The Internet and digital technology have allowed those lies to increase exponentially in number and frequency with the result that people’s minds have become like 7-Eleven stores, open 24/7 for snack-crap “news.”

But once you become conscious that it’s lies night and day, it sets your head aswirl and plunges your soul into depths of despair. You are tempted to retreat from such knowledge and talk of trees and trivia. But you are ashamed of your country. It’s hard to laugh. You feel you are drowning. You flounder and gasp for air. You look around and wonder why most people are able to go their merry ways believing the lies and whistling in the dark. Junk news nation, indeed.

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Our World of Lies

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

World of Lies (Lyric Video) - YouTube

If the inflation narrative we are being fed is true, the sanctions policy of the US government makes no sense as the worst sufferers are the American and European populations who are paying for the supply restrictions in higher prices and interest rates.

As Russia is an exporter of energy and minerals, higher prices result in more export earnings.  It is Americans and Europeans hit with the high prices who are experiencing the sanctions.

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Empire of Lies Eager to Receive Mr. Sarmat’s Business Card

Guest Post by Pepe Escobar

Putin calls West an 'empire of lies' following sanctions - YouTube

Especially since the onset of GWOT (Global War on Terror) at the start of the millennium, no one ever lost money betting against the toxic combo of hubris, arrogance and ignorance serially deployed by the Empire of Chaos and Lies.

What passes for “analysis” in the vast intellectual no-fly zone known as U.S. Think Tankland includes wishful thinking babble such as Beijing “believing” that Moscow would play a supporting role in the Chinese century just to see Russia, now, in the geopolitical driver’s seat.

This is a fitting example not only of outright Russophobic/Sinophobic paranoia about the emergence of peer competitors in Eurasia – the primeval Anglo-American nightmare – but also crass ignorance about the finer points of the complex Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership.

As Operation Z methodically hits Phase 2, the Americans – with a vengeance – have also embarked on their symmetrical Phase 2, which de facto translates as an outright escalation towards Totalen Krieg, from shades of hybrid to incandescent, everything of course by proxy. Notorious Raytheon weapons peddler reconverted into Pentagon head, Lloyd Austin, gave away the game in Kiev:

“We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.”

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“The Empire of Lies”

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Truth Is Treason In The Empire Of Lies Poster | | Truth,  Personalized prints, Lie

In the past two years we have seen that the Western peoples are more badly and more corruptly led than any people in previous history.  The peoples were deceived about a “Covid pandemic” that was entirely an orchestration. Yes, the virus existed, but the “pandemic” was orchestrated by a PCR (no relation) test that produces up to 97% false positives and has been discontinued from use for this reason.  The large number of Covid cases were pure fantasy based on false positives.  

The number of deaths were orchestrated by giving hospitals large financial incentives to report deaths as Covid deaths, regardless of cause.  The fear generated by fabricated numbers of cases and deaths drove  people to accept injections of they knew not what.  It turns out that the untested “vaccine” is a larger threat to health and life than Covid itself, and the death and injury rates mount as the “vaccine” does its deadly work in the bodies of injected people.  It remains to be seen what the long term death rate of the “vaccine” will be.

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Afghanistan War – The Crime of the Century

Guest Post by Ron Paul

We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan. We didn’t know what we were doing.” So said Gen. Douglas Lute, who oversaw the US war on Afghanistan under Presidents Bush and Obama. Eighteen years into the longest war in US history, we are finally finding out, thanks to thousands of pages of classified interviews on the war published by the Washington Post last week, that General Lute’s cluelessness was shared by virtually everyone involved in the war.

What we learned in what is rightly being called the “Pentagon Papers” of our time, is that hundreds of US Administration officials – including three US Presidents – knowingly lied to the American people about the Afghanistan war for years. This wasn’t just a matter of omitting some unflattering facts. This was about bald-faced lying about a war they knew was a disaster from almost day one.

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EMPIRE OF LIES: The Ron Paul Documentary

This Kickstarter campaign marks the first public announcement of an important new project, EMPIRE OF LIES: The Ron Paul Documentary.

Although Ron Paul has been approached many times by many others to be the subject of a documentary, he has not agreed to participate.

Until now.

We are very pleased to have Ron Paul’s help and cooperation in this production and are grateful for his personal support.

Now we are asking for your help as well. We are counting on the Kickstarter community, lovers of liberty, Ron Paul supporters and others so that we can keep this important project independent.

We are not willing to make a weak or watered-down documentary.

Even in conventional terms Ron Paul is a remarkably successful politician.

He won election to the House 12 times over a span of five decades. Paul’s wins include the unmatched record of being elected three times to the House as a non-incumbent.

He was the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in 1988, and sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2008 and 2012.

Stunned by the university stadiums and civic arenas filled with young supporters, other candidates like Hillary Clinton marveled at the size and the passion of the Ron Paul crowds.

Others envied Ron Paul’s astonishing ability to raise money. But the new digital-age, world-record fundraising was not the work of the campaign organization. Millions poured into the Ron Paul campaign spontaneously from the grassroots.

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