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June 20, 2015 10:48 am

POW outside of the store.
AND they vote.

June 20, 2015 10:58 am

Democrats – they all also probably believe Guam will capsize if 25,000 people are added. Their level of stupidity is accelerating. Not that I like Rep’s either, but far left or far right are the worst.

June 20, 2015 2:14 pm

That’s why the liberal secular elites want more third world immigration. Most of these new voters are hostile to the second amendment. The elites plan to use the third world voting block to abolish our guns rights as well as steal money from the white population. Poll after poll has shown third world immigrants vote for bigger government , more taxes and gun control.

June 20, 2015 11:34 pm

Obama voters are fucking nuts.. I keep watching the video trying to figure out which one is Westcoaster and which one is Z

June 21, 2015 12:07 am

Sensetti says:

Obama voters are fucking nuts.. I keep watching the video trying to figure out which one is Westcoaster and which one is Z

wtf, Sensetti. Yes, I canvassed for McGovern in ’72 at the age of fifteen, but even then it was only for his anti-war stance. I still have fond memories of McGovern, whom I met. He was a lot like Ron Paul…exactly in private as he appeared in public, a genuinely nice man and a war hero, if there can be such a thing. I met Ron Paul too, as a minor LP official in 1988, whom I shared a dinner with with Russell Means, who was also vying for the LP nomination. Even as a kid I never ascribed to McGovern’s very liberal economic policies, but back then I really hated Nixon. I have modified my views over the decades on that man. He was a statist and a paranoid motherfucker, but I don’t think he was corrupt and I respect his intelligence today.

I renounced my membership in the democrat party when I converted to libertarianism in the early 80’s. I am very proud that I have never been a republican. I am semi-proud to have not been a member of the LP for almost 30 years now.

PS, back then, Means, whom you may know as chingachgook from the movie, Last of the Mohicans, was a badass motherfucker, about 6.6″ of solid muscle and he looked at me over dinner, sporting his indian braids, as if he could rip my head off if he wanted to (I am 6’1″).