How to Speak to the Brainwashed

How to Speak to the Brainwashed


Last week, I posted an article entitled “Man Is Not Always Blind.” And quite understandably, I received comments from readers who disagreed. After all, when you are surrounded by people who wish to not see – who hate you for trying to make them see – it is natural to take that opinion.

(And since the word is so often fitting, I will go with “brainwashed” to describe those who wish not to see.)

But rather than debating “Is it getting any better?” I’d like to move on to actually making things better. And that means talking to people.

So, since there is something of an art to speaking to the brainwashed, I will direct the rest of this article to that art.

To Begin

Let’s start by removing the divide: You and I have made the same mistakes these people are making. We may be a few steps ahead of them in leaving the swamp, but we started in the same swamp with them.

In all of human history, there may be no greater conditioning system than our modern government schools (including all the private schools that follow the same pattern). From infancy to adulthood, it affects most human minds in the West. And I dare guess that 98% of my readers bear its scars.

So, you must start by understanding that these “brainwashed” people have spent a huge portion of their lives inside a massive mind-warp. Don’t be too quick to toss them aside. Learn patience. Breaking out of their mold is scary, and it takes time.

The Roots

The roots are deep and old; they are backed up with violence and fear. It comes down to this:

The very existence of the state requires you to be brainwashed.

Every state (communist, fascist, theocratic, whatever) rests on the concept of legitimacy:

It is right that one group of men take everyone else’s money by force and tell them what to do.

It is right that they punish or kill anyone who doesn’t obey them.

It is right that they send your children to die fighting their competitors.

If I wanted to apply this to Marvin and Bob who live down the street, you’d tell me I was crazy, and you would be right.

Why, then, is this same idea holy and glorious when applied to brigands and deceivers, as it has been for some 6,000 years?

The usual response to such a question, by the way, is this:

<sound of crickets>

And please notice that this is precisely the way to phrase things to the brainwashed. You have to create moments of clarity.

Sometimes it will work, and a seed will be planted. Other times, they’ll hate your guts for forcing them into punishable thoughts.

The One-Size-Fits-All Answer

I don’t care how trite this may sound, but the right way to get through to the brainwashed is simply to love them.

Loving them means that you have to get over the need to win, to prove yourself right. Get clear on the facts: If you are promoting personal liberty, true free will, true free speech, and so on, you are already right. You don’t have to prove anything. When you try to “prove” your rightness, you get dragged into their “winning” game, and you slide into their pit.

The people who fight you are trying to keep their mental universes free of contradiction. They haven’t the courage to see past their fences; they are defending their dogma from your heresy.

Your job is to speak the truth, to take their shots, and to smile. It doesn’t matter that they are flat wrong; so were you at one time.

Love them. Help them see. Don’t rush them. Let them come to you.

And when the loudmouth plays his game, tell him he’s an attack artist, substituting gorilla-style dominance for human understanding. Then smile and walk away.

We Are the Heretics

I dedicated a full issue of my monthly newsletter (FMP #58) to the subject of successful heresy, and I certainly can’t go through much of it here, but I would like you to understand that we are heretics to the majority culture, to the brainwashed culture. We cannot expect them to simply come along at our first statement of truth. Agreeing with us is far more than an act of reason; it is an act of courage… and people require time to work up to that.

So, don’t get sucked into heated debates. You’re the outsider, and you shouldn’t argue inside their frameworks. When they hit you with a barrage or with a “gotcha” question, step back, slow down, and examine what they’re actually saying. You don’t have to respond in 14 milliseconds. That’s a trap.

As the outsider, you should be addressing their root premises, not the political argument de jour. Such arguments seldom accomplish anything. Let them jump into their political furors while you keep addressing deep principles and things that “are not to be questioned.”

In other words, go ahead and be the heretic – they’re going to punish you for it anyway.

In the End…

In the end, we don’t speak to other people so we can convert them, and certainly not to prove we’re right, or (God forbid) to assemble a movement.

And, honestly, talking to people isn’t even about freeing life to flourish on this planet, as right a goal as that may be. When we talk to people, we are already expressing life… presentlynow… not “after we win.”

When you speak to people with love – in honest concern for their wellbeing – you are directly creating a better world, right now, word by word.

Do it.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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July 16, 2015 12:30 pm

More than government schools, Hollywood molds minds.

Written information passes into your brain through the processing centers, and is thus scrutinized for fact/fallacy/fiction relentlessly.

Video information bypasses the processing centers and gets dumped, unfiltered, into your mind. For all practical purposes, your higher brain functions shut down when you watch a movie or TV.

This makes TV shows, movies, even things that are clearly “marked” as fiction, very influential on people’s minds. People learn that the USA won WW2 from “Saving Private Ryan” and “The Longest Day,” when in fact most Americans in 1944 were looking west at The War, while the Soviets were battling Germany’s best troops.

Endless LGBT themes on TV have led people to grossly overestimate the numbers of homosexuals (dumb ass morons think 30% of the populace prefers sex with the same sex, when in fact the percentage is more than TEN TIMES less, more like 1.5%-2%.)

The dominant theme in video for a lifetime is how CENTRAL to life is political government. Political organization of society is feted in:
1. ENDLESS cop shows.
2. War shows.
3. CIA/spook shows.
4. Legal/courtroom shows.
5. Overt political shows like the execrable “Madame Secretary,” CLEARLY intended to open subconscious minds to Hillary Clinton as POTUS.

This is why Western Civilization is doomed.

It is LITERALLY as simple as video.

July 16, 2015 1:40 pm

DC ,you always manage to forget about God in his providence. NO where do you mention God’s wrath upon a people who have committed spiritual adultery. The wrath of Abandonment or the Wrath of sowing and reaping is ever present for the whole world to see .Like original Sin and the total depravity of man.You see all of this 24/7 .Don’t tell me ….you believe people are good and decent. All they need is education.Such bullshit is nauseating.

Bourbon Pete
Bourbon Pete
July 16, 2015 2:32 pm

Where is Gods wrath? I’d love to see some freakin fire and brimstone. Every day these Marxists advance their agenda with impunity.

July 16, 2015 2:42 pm


God’s wrath!! Original sin!! Total depravity of man!!

These are YOUR beliefs … not, DC’s. Therefore, WHY should HE talk about them? Why??? Do you talk about things you don’t believe in?

Really, it is YOU who ought to stop with the nauseating bullshit.

July 16, 2015 3:00 pm

Mr. Rosenberg….your explanation on how to speak to the brainwashed left me wanting more details. I agree you can’t confront anyone and convince them to change their opinion. All the facts/data tossed in the air is meaningless, as a defensive emotional block prevents incorporation.

I agree with patience, especially for a family members. However, like an alcoholic, it takes a significant emotional moment for anyone to see the light.

bb…I do agree the media has an important influence, but the education system, which is beholden to government funding, hs a major influence. And Common Crap is really going to make a generation of stupids.

July 16, 2015 3:01 pm

Stucky , go still your head up admin ass and then behave. You’re getting real cranky. Must be old age.

Bourbon Pete
Bourbon Pete
July 16, 2015 3:17 pm

Good article but I’ve quit trying to talk to the brain washed morons in my family/community. All they can do is regurgitate talking points they heard on cnn Fuck it. I hope Hillary wins and we continue this descent into madness. Not that a republican win would stop the descent.

July 16, 2015 3:28 pm

@BB: Stucky’s right.

I’ve given up on trying to un-glue the Fox News-deprived idiots who are my neighbors who believe every word that comes out of Megyn Kelly’s plumped-up lips.

July 16, 2015 3:31 pm

I disagree with the author’s premise.

Yes, it is very easy to talk with a brainwashed person …. as long as you agree with them. After that, you’re basically pissing up a rope.

Recall the “reprogramming” hype in the 80s? Much of their focus was on cults, such as Hare Krishna. They also tried to un-homo the homos. SOME successes … mostly total fails.

The problem is two-fold, as I see it. 1) The brainwashed person doesn’t know they are brainwashed, and 2) therefore, they don’t even know which questions to ask to become un-brainwashed.

For example, every Friday a Jehovah’s Witness stops by for an hour. So, I was doing some research when I found this on a Christian website; “The Jehovah’s Witnesses are brainwashed because they believe that God speaks only through the Watchtower Magazine and the Watchtower Society.”

OK, fine. But, COMPLETELY LOST on that person is the FACT that they believe 100% in letters and books written thousands of years ago (the Bible). In other words, if a JW believes in THEIR writings, then they are brainwashed. But, NOT vice-versa!! The Bible is the Word of God and perfect ….. blah blah blah!!

This clearly illustrates my two points. The person doesn’t even know they are brainwashed. Worse yet, they are INCAPABLE of asking the right questions.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 16, 2015 3:44 pm

I find I do a better job of pissing off brainwashed people online. The internet allows us to kick it up a notch beyond what you would say to a moron in person, I like that.

I believe I have converted a few brainwashed souls over time posting on sites such as this and ZH.

Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
July 16, 2015 8:05 pm

Even a child knows that the only way to deal with the brainwashed is to drive a wooden stake through the empty space where their hearts should be.

Or was that vampires? Ah, same fooking difference in any event.

July 16, 2015 9:25 pm

People are brainwashed in all kinds of ways. When the SHTF the real problem is the segment of the brainwashed that have guns and they know how to use them too. Many of those not brainwashed have guns as well.Things will get ugly then even more ugly. We are Doomed.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 17, 2015 12:02 am

Stucky, your a nice person and you mean well. I believe there is choice and there is brainwashing which is involuntary. It’s my choice to believe the bible. When the subtle message enters that not everything in the bible is true or when it goes so far as to say, as the serpent said to Eve, did God really say…?

The seed of suspicion and a micro aggressive bit of peer pressure is applied: conform to my thinking or die in the heat of my derision. Bah!

I have a story for you Stuck, I always do, I’m Mexican. Don’t ask me what it means or what it pertains to, that is your job.

A man had a good wife. She was a great cook and diligent housekeeper. She was attentive to her husband and save for her plain features, she was the best woman a man could want for a wife. His friend advised him one day, as he did on occasion, come with me to the city, ther they have the most beautiful women with lovely faces, beautiful breasts and the most delectable asses. Why should you, a man of works and well loved in the community, be tied, stuck and bound to a homely woman no man can walk with in the boulevard of the big city. the man married to such a woman must forever hang his head in shame when a dog of a man walks alongside the homeliest of our city women, for she is ten times prettier than your wife. The kind man bore his friends reproaches with patience. He does not know that my wife is worth ten of those city women with city ways, puffed up chests and implanted asses that can blow up just lifting a stone from my path as my wife is wont to do so that I wont trip and fall. Eventually the man had head his friend sing the praises of the city women that he began to accept it as truth. He looked at his wife with regret at her homeliness and began to consider why he should not have a city wife. He packed his bags and left a goodbye note to his longtime servant. Upon hearing the news, his friend showed up at his former friend’s house to console the lonely woman. Since he no longer wants you, traitor that he is, said the former friend, I shall move in and take care of you.

July 17, 2015 9:11 am

El Coyote

From one nice person to another, thanks for the compliment.

There surely is a difference between voluntary and forced brainwashing. When people think of “brainwashing” it is almost always of the forced variety. However, the difference is subtle, because the end-result is the same.

We are ALL brainwashed — you, TBPers, and me. The brain washing starts the day we enter school .. maybe even before, by our parents. For example, you’re sitting in fourth grade history class. WHICH history is being taught? The history THEY want you to believe? Is it accurate and true? Sometimes yes, often no. And so it begins …

Much of what we do here on TBP involves the process of clearing our brains from all the bullshit that has been crammed into our heads.

I DO understand your lovely story. It reminded me of this song.