Stucky Question Of The Day: An Ass Whupping

There’s a dozen fresh roses on the dining room table.

So, after telling Ms. Freud all about my adventures in NYC yesterday with TBP’s Finest, we went to bed.

This morning she told me about her Stucky-less day. I asked about the roses.

She went to the indoor Farmers Market.  She pays for her fruits and vegetables.  The cashier hands her the bouquet; — “The man in front of you bought them for you, and he said, ‘A lady like that deserves flowers’.  Reluctantly, she takes them.  She goes outside, and he’s there.

He’s probably in his 60’s. He gives her a story about his wife recently dying. Says that he’s afraid he’ll never fall in love again, because his wife was so wonderful.  Said that Ms. Freud reminded him of her.

He gave her his business card.  Then asks her if they can “get together in the next week, just to talk“.  No questions from him at all regarding Ms. Freud’s “availability”.   Ms Freud says, “No, I’m not available for that!“, and attempts to pay him for the roses (which he refuses), and she hurries off to her car.  “Please call me!“, he cries out after her.

He’s a motherfucking lawyer … a Joo lawyer judging from his last name … right here in our town.

I am so MOTHERFUCKING LIVID right now that I could literally beat the shit out of this turdfuk just short of his life.  It’s a goddamn good thing today is Sunday.

But, tomorrow is Monday. I have his office hours. I haven’t yet decided what I will do …. but I will do something.  I’m a relatively quiet guy … but, I’m not a pussy. He’ll find that out tomorrow. I just don’t know to what extent.

Ms. Freud bought plenty of cucumbers. I’m thinking of shoving them up this fuckers ass … sideways.


What would you do?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 11, 2015 8:49 pm

Destroy his credit rating and make him a registered pedo on the 5 state db i still can get root on.

October 11, 2015 8:50 pm

As my mom used to say, you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

You should feel flattered that your wife still has it.

October 11, 2015 8:51 pm

How many convictions for fraud and embezzlement does he have?

October 11, 2015 9:15 pm

nothing. let it go. Not worth getting into trouble for. He didn’t actually do anything illegal, waiting for her outside wouldn’t pass muster to be considered stalking. If it freaked your wife out, tell her not to go back there for a couple weeks. But he made no actual aggression or threat towards your wife, you aren’t really justified in kicking his ass.

October 11, 2015 9:18 pm

Zyklon B sounds like plan to me Stuck…find out where he works..

October 11, 2015 9:23 pm

No. Don’t let it go, stuck. Go to his office tomorrow, and let him know that’s your woman. No threats, no violence, no rudeness. But let him know, that’s yours, and you will protect what’s yours. Nip it in the bud.

October 11, 2015 9:30 pm

lol…don’t listen to Starfcker, Stuck….shit has a way of exploding even before you knew a fuse was lit..been there …suffered that..let it pass..

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

October 11, 2015 9:32 pm

He recently lost the love of his life and Mrs Freud reminded him, of her.

I’m 56, been married 35 years and I’m a selfish fucking ass because I hope I go first because I don’t know what the heck I would ever do without my bride and my best friend.

If she goes first I know I’ll be completely and utterly lost for a long, long time.

Ask Mrs Freud.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 11, 2015 9:49 pm


I can relate although I’ve only been with my lovely bride for 20 years or so. We are a unit and if a guy ever hit on her I’d laugh my ass off and say “look see – I’m not full of shit – you are still beautiful and other men find you so.”

Jealousy only comes into play if there is insecurity. Insecurity usually only crops its head up if there is a lack of trust between the two of you. If you trust her and she you then you have nothing to be concerned about.

As for the dude waiting outside – no big deal. If he had pursued her beyond her verbal refusal then you have a problem with a stalker – in which case I say the woods are lovely dark and deep….

October 11, 2015 10:04 pm

For now………..I would let it go. Make a point to attend the market with her the next dozen times she shops there. Either hang back and observe or hold her hand. Your choice. Have her write down this incident and if anything else happens, file a report with the local police. My understanding is that they will contact him and put him on notice. Being a lawyer, he’s no idiot. Knowing that you filed a report he’ll likely shop elsewhere.

Apart from that I’d let it be.

October 11, 2015 10:08 pm

Stucky , Flash is right. It is just not worth it .Things can get out hand quickly when jealousy is involved. You could find yourself in a LAWSUIT if you’re not careful. Just be grateful your wife is faithful and loyal.

Just think of joy you would have beating me up.That should take your mind off that guy.

sun square uranus
sun square uranus
October 11, 2015 10:13 pm

This guy was attracted to your wife and was open about it. Where’s the “crime” in that? It was a compliment! We all love women and find them attractive. OK, so he wasn’t altogether tactful or “clean” about his approach, but we’re not all perfect. Your wife is her own person, she is obviously capable of handling herself well. Were you protecting her or your own ego? Give her the power. She doesn’t need your help. And that’s the end of it. Set aside the revenge/aggression thing. Let it go. Look inward rather than outward.

October 11, 2015 10:20 pm

You guys are punks. That’s what wedding rings are for. They say taken. Guys that ignore them are scum. But usually cowardly scum. Let him know. Don’t leave it for the woman to handle. I don’t buy the wife just died pickup line either. Run that scumbag out of your life. No need to respect him, he has no respect for you.

October 11, 2015 10:23 pm

BB, you’re worried about a lawsuit? I wouldn’t even be worried about jail time. It’s your job as a man to protect what’s yours. If you don’t, and you lose, shame on you.

October 11, 2015 10:25 pm

And throw the flowers in the trash

October 11, 2015 10:35 pm

At least his wife is not alive, if he’s telling the truth. I’ve been hit on by married guys.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
October 11, 2015 10:44 pm

Accept your good fortune. Be sure to do something special for your wife every month. This was a great reminder not to get complacent.

This guy was out of line. But sometimes Providence has odd messages and odd messengers.

October 11, 2015 10:44 pm
October 11, 2015 10:52 pm

Stucky, I’ve been trying to find a nice way of saying you’re a pin headed moron, just can’t find the words.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 11, 2015 10:56 pm

A lot of smart comments here. I only have a couple of points that I can’t help but illustrate:

I got sick once and lost a lot of hair, I became convinced I was going to be bald pretty soon. That got me obsessing on other guy’s hair, I had never given it a thought but suddenly I became appreciative of even the saddest most unfortunately unmanageable hair. How I envied those fuckers with carefree hair.

Then I found myself on the street, homeless. I looked at happy couples, unhappy couples, couples that didn’t seem to be aware of each other, couples that seemed to hate being I envied the poor sap with a homely wife, fat, short, scrawney, sagging boobs, wide ass, whatever their condition, I envied the fool his lovely wife.

I would hate to find myself without my wife. I pity that poor sap. I can understand that he is not thinking rightly at this time in his life.

But for the sake of Mrs. Freud, (if you do nothing else) I’d say pitch those roses out in the street and do you best King Kong chest thump imitation.

October 11, 2015 11:13 pm


Next year is our 50th wedding anniversary. My wife is quite attractive and has had more than her share of advances from both married and single men, especially during my extremely frequent absences during service in Vietnam, El Salvador, and elsewhere.

Like Mrs. Freud, she told me about them. All of them. She kindly rebuffed them all, just like Mrs. Freud. I believed her then, and I believe her now. 100%. We’ve been sweethearts since high school.

I did nothing. Even to the handsome married next door neighbor who hit on her years ago (our relations got a bit cool, but that’s it). It’s all about trust. Take a deep breath and move on.

October 11, 2015 11:15 pm

Ahh, sometimes El Coyote is so wise. I initially wanted to call you names and berate you as you deserve. Listen to wisdom and forget about “you”.
Who are you? Mama mia…

October 11, 2015 11:26 pm

Do nothing. Nothing is needed, and nothing will be positive. If the guy ever shows up or contacts Mrs. Freud again, which isn’t likely, I’d talk to him sternly, or report it to the police as stalking if the facts warranted. If.

If you feel you have to do something, send a letter to him, at his office, saying that his interest is unwelcome and he should not make any future attempts to contact Mrs. Freud. You or Mrs. can write this yourself.

Any sort of in person contact, or even a telephone call, is simply not worth it. If the guy’s an asshole and connected he could try to make up a threat and have you prosecuted for it. If the guy’s just a sad widower it’s making him sadder. No purpose.

And WTF, I’m agreeing with bb again? WTF?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 11, 2015 11:39 pm

Thanks, cz, remind me to buy you a beer at the next TBP convention.

October 11, 2015 11:44 pm

I like beer. Meet me in Pittsburgh or let’s talk about meeting half way. You’ve got stories I’d like to hear. I have some silly ones…

October 11, 2015 11:58 pm

Why did the flowers make it home at all?

October 12, 2015 12:10 am

Someone went drinking with the crew in NYC, razzle. These kind of things tend to follow those kind of things.

October 12, 2015 12:13 am

Stucky- I’m with the others who said they would let it slide BUT, I would keep my eyes open if I were you. Similar story with a buddy that turned out to be cover story for some hanky-panky (not that I think Ms Freud is at all the type). Now that I think of it I never thought that guys wife was the type either.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 12, 2015 1:03 am


You’re a fool. She told you that she sent him packing, but she’s probably really two-timing you. I say you tell her you’re fucking done with her bullshit. Two-timing whore.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 12, 2015 1:12 am

A guy takes one lousy day to visit his TBP buddies and his two-timing whore starts banging Joo lawyers. My best to Ms Freud.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
October 12, 2015 1:26 am

“Ms Freud wasn’t all that fucking flattered when she saw he was WAITING FOR HER outside. It actually scared her quite a bit.”

Obviously neither Ms. Freud nor Stucky doesn’t know what a “meet cute” is.

A man is at a farmers market after recently losing his wife of X amount of years. He gets a glimpse at a woman who reminds him of his beloved wife. When he is at the cashier he notices the woman is behind him. He purchases some flowers for her and heads out the door, leaving the cashier to give her the roses. He waits for her outside to see if she was flattered by his gesture only to see her giving him a sideways glance.

Did she take it the wrong way? Was he too forward? It has been a long time since he tries to speak to another woman in this way. Buying a pretty woman flowers was the way men used to do it…

To try to quell her worries he explains to her the recent loss of his wife. She appears to be a good listener (ha, ha…I know) and he feels as comfortable talking to her as he did his beloved wife. There is a familiar connection to this woman the man has missed.

As she tries to make excuses to leave his sight as soon as possible (while offering to pay him for the roses) he knows he blew. He came across as too forward and maybe creepy. He shouts in a last attempt “Please call me”. Not knowing for sure if she heard him or will call him.

Seriously, if you call this guy just thank him for his generosity of complimenting your wife and buying her flowers. Saying your sorry for his lost and to have a nice day.

Its not like he groped her or was nasty towards her.

Mike in CT
Mike in CT
October 12, 2015 3:46 am

avoid contact w lawyers like the plague..I’d check out the recent loss of his wife [story]..If true, I’d go no farther..Tread lightly Stucky…mike

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 12, 2015 4:10 am

Once in a while, I actually pause to think of what I am going to write, I am looking for the right way to say it and I tend to look in the direction of the tv which is usually tuned to some Mexican novela with curvaceous hellions carrying on.

If the sexy mulatta catches me looking, although my thoughts are elsewhere, she tells me I am such a gossip. I say, I’m not saying anything. She says, no but you want to know what is going on.

I really enjoyed your little drama here. You are one romantic couple, that’s for sure.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 12, 2015 4:29 am

cz, I really don’t have shit. I try and make a story out of the small fragments of my life that don’t add up to anything but just hang out in my mind like a catch all drawer full of the usual floss, scissors, AA battery, old glasses, mystery keys on a key ring..

I had the pleasure of meeting my buddy’s accidental find, a guy who worked on one of those silly tv shows, big dude with an equally large personality. Quick witted, charismatic, John invited me to join them at the Backwoods Inn (in what was then Canyon Country before the whole place became Santa Clarita) he was rattling off a bunch of orders to the waitress and then added, let us know when we hit $100. I was sitting in my usual bump on a log pose when I heard him say he wished he had mother’s milk for his coffee, I was intrigued and asked what that was. He said, you know those bras with the little flaps?

There’s the person you want to meet. A real character.

October 12, 2015 7:47 am


I guess the real lesson is to bring Ms. Freud to all future TBP shitfests. But you never know. Sammy might have made a move on her with that awesome Texas accent.

I’m not going to tell you what to do. The waiting in the parking lot is kinda creepy. Avalon is a waitress in a sports bar, so there usually isn’t a shift that goes by where she isn’t hit on by someone. Of course, they are usually 75 years old. Plus, she has a stud like me at home. They hit on her even though she is wearing a wedding ring.

Now, if one of them was waiting out in the parking lot for her shift to end, I’d have a big problem with that. I’d probably be as pissed as you.

Just don’t do anything rash, that you’ll regret later.

October 12, 2015 7:48 am

Iska was making a TBP joke.

October 12, 2015 8:23 am

Maybe your friends at the Chatham Police can help you out.

October 12, 2015 8:17 am

Iska, Stucky is fair game any time, Mrs Freud not so much. I think Stuck is writing fiction just to stir up shit.

October 12, 2015 8:21 am

Even I got that Iska was making a joke Stuck. Keep calm.

October 12, 2015 8:32 am

Cut the rest of it off.

October 12, 2015 8:58 am


You have nothing to worry about. You’re the man.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 12, 2015 9:52 am

I was trying to make a joke. Like in grade school when we used to tell our friends we banged their mom last night. I figured you’d either find it uproariously funny or… less so. Sorry. I guess you’re still too mad at the pickup artist or have a different sense of humor. One of my buddies in high school turned the whole dissing-your-mom thing on its head when he agreed that his mom (who was actually a saintly widow) was, indeed, a skank and that he had banged her himself. We just about pissed our pants laughing so hard.