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rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
October 22, 2015 12:37 pm


250 posts into thread and we have figured out that it is all llpoh fault.

Got it!

I’m not part of 1% and I have fucked up a little bit now and then but I don’t think lloph hates me. And if he does

so the fuck what…

and yeah I’ve been to that court you speak of. Not pleasant but how is that anyone else’s fault other than mine. Took me ten years to get back on track.

Why does this keep coming up in this thread. Holy shit I knew when I got married, the first time, the odds of it turning out. I did it anyways. You weren’t standing there with a gun to my head telling me I had to do it. That is the fucking problem with all these butt hurt trolls. We live in a free society. We can do whatever we want.

I was 40 years old before I made 30 grand/year. Here I am ten years later making about 25 grand more per year. You know what I am doing now. I have a surplus of about 1000 dollars a month after expenses. What say I do with this. Well I’m paying off my mortgage and saving the rest.

The point of this article is that the vast majority aren’t doing this. Rather they are drowning in debt. Hoping that if things go to shit someone else will buy them lunch. But I got news for all them they will be on the street holding a sign. Asking strangers to kick them in the balls for 20 bucks.

October 22, 2015 12:48 pm

Stucky’s Rule Of Asshole-ishness; the number of dumfuk assholes visiting TBP is directly proportional to the length of Admin’s original articles.

Ya hit the JACKPOT with this thread, Jimbo.

Hilarious amount of butt-hurt in this thread.

Uncomfortably Numb
Uncomfortably Numb
October 22, 2015 12:51 pm

If only more people would realize how empowering it is to be out of debt (or nearly so), and what a wonderful feeling you can get from watching your savings grow; they would realize that filling their lives with more, more, more just doesn’t compare. Yet, when I speak of these things to others, I am mostly met with glazed eyeballs.

By living below our means, the hubs and I were able to pay off our mortgage and his student loans from Chiropractic school 15 years early. This helped take the pressure off when our health insurance premiums more than doubled under the ACA. It has also allowed me the luxury of being a stay-at-home mom- my son has autism, and me being available for him whenever he needs me is priceless. I can’t imagine the pressures we would have if we had the weight of debt upon us.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 22, 2015 1:15 pm

@ Jim.

I knew you’d say that. And you’re mostly right.

Anger’s hard on your blood pressure though. Don’t stroke out on us.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 22, 2015 1:24 pm

I think I missed Marty’s post. There’s more than I care to read.

But you do what you want. It’s your blog and your life. You’re a big boy too. I’m just sending the same message to you as the rest of the schleps around here. We reap what we sow. Some times the damage is financial – some times its something less evident and mathematical. You have a lot of information (wisdom?) to impart on the world. You owe it nothing of course but some times I figure what we do to others is a reflection of who we are and in turn what society is around us. If you want a just and civil society to live in then maybe the civil should start with you?

October 22, 2015 1:24 pm

Wow, wow, wow. Is this place like the MOST special, different, awesome place EVAH’?!?

Yes, I think it is.

Thanks Bea for both the “lovely” comment and the shout out to AnarchoPagan. I concur, it was awesomely smooth. And your (AP’s) bend/comments have had me mostly intrigued too. There are not many of us – here – that see the “more worlds than these.” If we can’t meet on this plane/dimension, maybe the next, no?

Ah Stuck, don’t be that way, your are my first, longest and best TBP love. If not for a really, really, messed up train schedule and incredibly high cost, I would have been there with you all in NY. I spent most of the preceding Wednesday night trying to figure out a way to get me there, and home, without upsetting the ole man. $400 and 30 hours of trains and I couldn’t do it without also finding a hotel room. So it goes…

Oh Chuck, so sorry we offend your precious little sense of righteousness. I was just reading an excerpt of an upcoming book written by Carol Two Eagles, a lifestory that makes most of our whining about problems and fairness seem like walks on easy street. She is a non-denominational, non-secular (her words) NDN (Indian) whom said a couple things that resonated with me right down to my toes. 1. She is not a “Native American” as NONE of us here are “native” to this continent, we ALL came from elsewhere. She (again, her words) is not an American Indian as that was not the wording her ancestors used for our country. Turtle Island, is what I’m remembering her calling it. and 2. she admitted to the fact her language offends many. According to Carol we should just get over ourselves because “if God didn’t want us to use the language, he wouldn’t have given it to us.” I’ll bet she feels the same about tobacco and (some) drugs too. Anyway, so sorry to offend, I’m sure there is some scrubbed clean, politically and Religious sites you can go forth and get your knowledge from. Have a blast with the old “acceptable” trains of thought.

As for all the whiners about divorce, YOU choose your fate mates. As did I. I walked away from two marriages, with one child and NO support. The first marriage I got $1100 in our asset split and no child support. He got everything else, including a nearly paid for home, two cars, a harley, etc., and my lawyer cost me more to tell me I was screwed than the measly $1100. SO WHAT. I chose him and his consequences. But my sanity, and the mental health of my son, was worth more than anything he could have “given” me. My second? Less than half the assets I bought (all his money was going to things like his car payment and his IRS and State tax debt), AND the loss of the over $50,000 cash I had paid to keep the IRS off his ass. So, by the time I was 32, I had been forced to start over, in the hole, three times, but left with (most of) my sanity. It’s only money, I can always earn more.

As for the comment that those proclaiming “personal responsibility” MUST be from “privileged” backgrounds, what CRAP! As many others here have attested to, many of us were NOT born with families with money, we still figured out where the buck actually stops.

Would I be further ahead financially had I aborted, or given away, my son? Maybe, maybe not. Would I be further ahead had I stayed in an abusive marriage? No way in hell. One of us would be dead, the other in prison, I’d say that no amount of money would overcome those real costs.

Currently I have traded my ability to make scratch for my daughter. Swallowing so much shit from this man that I picked, that there are days I swear my eyes have turned brown and I’m going to explode. So it goes. Not only are there worlds other than these, there are more important things in this one than the peace that I will eventually return to. The #1 most important thing is my daughter. I’ve been allowing my plate to be filled and my being stuffed to the gills with shit, for her, and her alone. The ONLY reason I don’t run like my hair is on fire is that I made a vow to myself that I would NEVER bring another child into this world if I were in the position like I was with my first one. TWENTY TWO years between the two, and I really thought I had the “good” guy I was always told I “deserved.” Well, if wishes were fishes, we would all cast nets.

PJ has always tickled me with her “don’t have kids.” She is right, and wrong. Yes, many of us find ourselves poor through reproduction (though, be honest, many ‘Murkins are living the good life precisely because they were good at sex, well, good life for now). But I believe there is more to life than the “right” neighborhood, or the “right” bank account/savings, or the “right” any material thing. That is what is so great about our time on this planet, there are NO “right” ways as long as you are not intentionally harming others.

I’ve been asked, many times, if I could go back and “do it again,” if I would change things, not get knocked at 15, not get married, not whatever. And I have thought about it long and hard. I would not. If going back meant not having my kids, or changing them, it would not be worth any of the horrors that I could have avoided. I’m really Karmic that way.

Lately it has been occurring to me that some force, somewhere, while appearing to give me the shaft, really had my back.

There is NO doubt in my mind that had I not had my son I would have ended up working for some evil corporation like the Federales, or Goldman Sachs or GE. I’m cute (or was), I’m really book-smart/test positive and I have the heart of a salesman/communicator.

Had I not “ruined my life” by having a child as young as I did, or had I not chose to hang with the druggies and dropouts, I would BE the evil we rail against here. And I would think all you plebes were nothing but sour grape growers and throwers.

Had I not believed the bullshit my now hub spread, I would not have been blessed with my daughter and again, I probably would have taken my innate and learned talents to run forth and loudly “protest” the system. Thus gaining me a big ole bullseye and in light of what went down with OWS, Manning, Greenwald and Snowden, maybe even a one way ticket to dead or exile.

Funny how the world works in hindsight.

I believe we are ALL exactly where we are “supposed” to be and exactly WHO we are supposed to be.

Admin is great, maybe even one of the best, of breaking through the propaganda and showing us the myriad ways we have been screwed over by those that wish to control us.

That in no way means I agree with everything he says, thinks or writes about. Instead of getting all butthurt and taking my toys and running away, I’ve decided that sticking around to LEARN more, throwing my ass into the fray sometimes, is more than worth the meager bits I give back to his cause.

People that eat a bad steak and then swear off beef have always amused the hell out of me. What short-sighted, narrow-minded, inconsequential existences they must lead.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled whine/shitfest. What a hoot! And, way to go Admin, I see you have crossed over to the coconut oil darkside. Yeah Avalon!

October 22, 2015 1:31 pm

A comment mentioned cutting the cellphone bill by going premodern, but I found a trick for free “cellphone” use.

1). There are VOIP apps like Talkatone that provide you with a phone number and the ability to make and recieve calls. Incoming are free, outgoing are $0.99 per hour prepaid.

2). I bought a refurbished ipod touch ($150) and installed the XFINITY hotspot profile of a friend, since companies like Comcast provide free automatic access to hotspots w/ the customer email and password. As a practical matter, the ipod touch is a free “cellphone” whenever it is in hotspot range (a network which is rapidly growing).

I was able to save the gold and silver I mentioned in a previous comment because I have a zealous devotion to cutting fixed monthly expenses.

October 22, 2015 1:31 pm

As John Stryker USMC said, “Life is hard, but it is a lot harder when your stupid.”

“The Paradox of Risk” by Charles Hugh Smith–” “…Limiting Risk Actually Increases Risk…”

With all the social safety nets, think welfare, where risk is moderated in a progressive socialist society, where foolish risky behavior is prevented from experiencing its logical outcome, people take on more risk. Of course, consistent with previous outcomes, they want to be indemnified if things go awry. The Banksters are a perfect example. So, our fearless leaders in CONgress provide the rhetoric and superficial programs for the ‘unwashed many’ lulling them into thinking all is well, all the while, taking care of the really important welfare recipients, the corporations and the 1%.

The CONgress can’t steal enough money to indemnify the 99% and have wisely chosen the source of their ‘bread and butter’. So, it all fails when the demand from the 99% becomes too great. We are at that point, now.

Progressive Socialism enriches the 1%, Free Marketism (Capitalism) enriches the 99%, the middle class. It is worth noting that Free Marketism isn’t really Capitalism. Capitalism was a term coined by Karl Marx and used by the Progressives to mitigate and obscure the clarity of the concept of ‘Free Marketism’.

So, why is Socialism embraced by so many? It is embraced by the 1% because they make out like Bandits, stealing the productive efforts of generations of people. The 99% embrace it because it plays to a fatal flaw in humanity, the idea of something for nothing. In reality, it’s stealing from your neighbor.

The history of Mankind, it seems, is one of conquer and plunder. Not one of co-operative productive effort that enriches all.

I’m still awaiting the time when ‘swords will be beaten into plowshares’.

October 22, 2015 1:41 pm

My .02, 45 self employed, pulled down $170k last yr, wife doesn’t work, 1 kid, have made 6 figures for almost 10 yrs. Have no debt. None, zero, zip nada. PM’s, cash, paid off vehicles, home, little amount in the checking account just to pay bills.

Read the millionaire next door yrs ago, maybe 4-5 times, have always been an ant, like to party like a grasshopper but knew that was foolish and of little value. We live off of 40k and “bank” the rest, some is out of the country so in case we need to bug out. Businesses appraised at $500 +k, am in the process of trying to sell before the tsunami, had 2 fish in here this morning, nice guys, they have no clue.

If I can’t sell before then, I figure business will eventually collapse, the “value” will be gone but I should be ok. I worry about the general public and about my family. I pray a lot, I seek Gods guidance and hope I can reach others before it’s too late. I feel like the fallout will be worse than any of us can imagine.

Good luck to everyone.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 22, 2015 1:41 pm


Mostly agreed. Mostly. I’ll leave it there.

Enjoy your ass kicking (the giving there of).

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 22, 2015 2:10 pm

@ Jim,


No way buddy. You don’t get to own my time and energy that easily!!! if you think you know then you do.

Have fun today.


Matty in FL
Matty in FL
October 22, 2015 2:54 pm


Your defensive and mentally-challenged (not to mention abusive) response is worthy of any 8-year-old.

And, for a start, you are wrong on virtually every one of your assumptions about me. Virtually. Every. One. Not least your assumption that I must be a Marine – just because I happen to know (and understand the meaning of) “Semper Fi”.

My motivation (not “rage”) to Overthrow the The Machine is not even close to the “reasons” you pluck so readily from out of your ass. They are instead some very well-known and laudable ones, steeped in our history and (particularly American) heritage, and I will not further elaborate on them here – because my personal situation is none of your goddamned business, Fuck You Very Much.

Which brings us to the relevant issue of your fundamental dishonesty, in resorting to Ad Hominem in the first place – trying (and failing miserably) to attack the person, when you can’t (think your way out of a paper bag to) defend your point. (Reader’s note: simply screaming “avalanche of facts that PROVE” your point does not qualify.) DipShit.

Years ago, I wondered what you would ultimately do with all your angry blogging – and now we can see:

Jack shit.

So, “read this blog on a daily basis”, and “take (me) under (your) wing” – what are you Fucking Kidding me??! How about you just stop Talking Shit – I’d be satisfied with that!

And my name is “Matty”, not “Marty”. Get it right, JackAss.

Semper Fi,

– Matty (living quite well) in Florida

October 22, 2015 2:57 pm

Stucky said:
Secondly, all three gals in NYC gave me their private cell phone numbers when their husbands weren’t looking. ”

Does anyone else see the irony of Stucky trying to romance the ladies in NYC while some dude was trying to romance HIS lady back home?


October 22, 2015 3:07 pm

Matty Marty in FL

Trying to sound all smart and sophisticated and reasonable … like your shit doesn’t stink. Except, it DOES. I can smell it all the way here in NJ.

I know what’s going on. We ALL know what’s going on. You just BUTT-HURT. A little fag-boy whining for attention. Here, take one of these;

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 22, 2015 3:19 pm

Karalan – I know your ass is burning due to your ex bending you over and using her 18″ black self-satisfier on you in family court. Sucks to be you.

This thread s not about the ills of family court. You want a thread on that, write an article, and I am reasonably sure Admin will post it.

This here thread is about dipshits who marry bimbos, get butt-raped in family court, and then scream that none of it was their fault.

Sound like anyone you know, karalan? Anyone at all?

You sought out the bitch, you wooed her, you took her down the aisle, and YOU chose poorly, or were unable to make it work.

No one else did that shit. YOU did that your own self.

Your mistake, your fuck-up, your bad decision, and no one else’s. You paid your money and took your chances. And it was snake-eyes. You were responsible, and no one else. Sure, family court sucks. People need to stay out of that place. You did not. Oops.

You want me to feel sorry for you? OK, I feel real bad for you. Poor guy. Really wish things went better for you. Feel better now?

But next time, make a fucking better choice. Or just pay for some A grade, and do not get married again if your pecker does your thinking for you.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
October 22, 2015 3:20 pm

Well Monty you really don’t him.

You complain complain about ad hominem attacks then proceed to launch one of your own. As Bugs Bunny would say…….

What a maroon!

Fuck man you’re awesome!

October 22, 2015 3:28 pm

Matty – that was truly pathetic. Really. Your real name is Matilda, right? I mean, it takes a series case of PMS to generate a whine that high pitched. Am I right?

By the way, using “semper fi” but not being a marine is a tad pretentious, don’t you think?

October 22, 2015 3:32 pm

Hey Stuck – you are the TabP counter. How many newbies have we run off so far on this thread. I scalped that pinhead clegg (called me uninteresting, and then did not like my response. Go figure).

Admin has chased several. Just curious as to how many have scarpered off. I think karalan may vamoose next.

October 22, 2015 3:43 pm

Admin – I bet there are thousands of casual dropper-by that are reading this as their first exposure to TBP. They must think they have stumbled into the bowels of hell.

October 22, 2015 3:51 pm


I only do counting when it involves regulars on TBP. These pussified little faggot boys, like Marty, who bail out at the drop of a hat … well, they ain’t worth my fuckin’ time to count.

BTW, I really enjoyed your response on my thread (about hypocrisy). You a funny guy.

October 22, 2015 4:24 pm

Matty/Marty Mudfuck professes to having read TBP for years and knew that admins angry blog would amount to nothing. (well isn’t that special)

It takes a special kind of AssClown to spend years visiting a blog he doesn’t like. Move over bb, you’re about to share your village idiot crown with an even bigger (ubelieveable, I know) idiot than yourself!

Matty in FL
Matty in FL
October 22, 2015 4:56 pm

When are you going to stop vomiting and simply demonstrate how lack of consumer savings – or, was it too much consumer debt – is the cause of falling real wages and no fucking jobs: i.e., WHERE THE MONEY comes from, in the first place?

Is that being a “troll” – to expect you to have a valid explanation for relationship?

And this is a Top 10-Percenter talking to you. JackAss.

Who now offers the following, little common-sense correlation, for your readers:

If the productive economy continues in downward spiral, with Wall Street ever-more exploitative, government ever-more corrupt, justice increasingly subverted, etc., etc. – while at the same time, some blog addressing these issues rises in popularity to “6.5 million visitors per year”, with “over 50,000 reads on Zero Hedge (a gaggle of Truly Flaming JerkOffs, making my point right there)” – if these trends are all happening simultaneously, does it then appear more likely or less likely that said JackAss Blog has been offering any Solution – or, might it rather perhaps be Part of The Problem?

You have no basis for bragging about “success” with your contributions into this escalating mess, and really should reconsider just whose side you have been Aiding and Comforting. Unless of course, you are already well aware of (maybe even compensated for) that.

Call me a “troll”? Based on the tonnage of your verbal abuse and attempts to bait me, that accusation means nothing at all.

Meanwhile, above I make a far better case that you could well be a Shill – certainly, in any case now you are performing the same function.

I challenge you to prove otherwise.

Semper Fi,
– Matty in FL

October 22, 2015 5:22 pm

Matty- I have to ask. Who or what are you “always faithful” or “always loyal” to?

October 22, 2015 5:23 pm

Marty, if this so bad, perhaps you could point us to another website where civility reigns in the way you deem appropriate, and you can post wildly divergent opinions and not get your legs cut out from under you by some anonymous gink moderator? Doesn’t exist. So this is the best we’ve got. And it’s pretty darn good.

October 22, 2015 5:40 pm

Jim’s data points don’t exist in a vacuum. No information does. Doesn’t render them meaningless. Just something else to ponder. But the worst part of your critique, marty, is dismissing jim’s accomplishments as an author. In a country of 300 million people, a Regular dude, leading a regular life, has managed to be heard. To make something out of nothing. Let me know when you pull that one off.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
October 22, 2015 5:44 pm

@ Munty

Well I know Jim can look after himself but I can’t help but have a go at you. Besides you are lumping us all in as a gaggle. We are crows, as in a murder of crows. You sir are just butt hurt because we don’t bow down before your Yoda-like wisdom.

I’ll never a be rich man in terms of money. I am going to plod along with my middle class life. Here’s the deal.

There are millions of people who live beyond their means. Math is hard for people like you. You claim to be in top 10% yet write like a low IQ retard. And yes that isn’t PC. I don’t care as soon as someone stands up and says my wallet is bigger than your wallet my douchebag-o-meter goes to 11.

You say you come to site on regular basis. I don’t believe you. If you did you would know that Admin rails against all sorts of injustice financial and otherwise.

Most of the time is is easy to post on this blog because we are talking about latest bailout of TBTF banks or government fuck-up. We can project our deficiencies in our own lives onto whatever topic is at hand. As soon as Jim writes something that requires us to look inward at what we are doing with our lives people like you come aboard. You stomp around a bit say nothing that really adds anything to debate then storm off like you are still in grade school.

I don’t understand what you are getting at. Yes Jon Corzine belongs in jail. Yes Jamie Dimon is a waste of Oxygen. Yes wages are falling. So basically what you are saying goes something like this.

The world is fucked up. The top 1% are fucking over everyone else but I’ll show them by going out and buying something I can’t afford while talking on my overpriced I-phone, waiting with baited breath for the next I-con, sipping Starbucks and driving car you can’t afford to a house that is to big.

Well shit that is what we as a society have been doing for last 40 years. Perpetual debt is what keeps us enslaved.

So your solution is to whine and complain. Some solution.

We can either decide to break free of consumerism or continue to do what you suggest.

I am going to break free.

Semper that

rob in Nova Scoita

October 22, 2015 5:56 pm

Jim may be bombastic at times, but he has a humble side. What kind of man, after suffering a few halfhearted jabs from me, is smart enough to retreat, and willing to post a picture of himself licking his own nuts in contrition? I don’t possess that kind of humility (thank god)

October 22, 2015 6:05 pm

Aha! Finally, I was trying to figure out who the Fuck Marty was and then realized that Admin was punning on Mattiepants down in Florida who has come here to enlighten all us STMs on TBP about how much smarter he is than the rest of us.

Thank goodness. I thought I had missed something worth reading.

Matty in FL
Matty in FL
October 22, 2015 6:37 pm

The Truth.

Thomas Jefferson famously pledged “Eternal Hostility to all forms of Tyranny against the Mind of Man” (or words to that effect). It’s inscribed in the marble under the dome of his memorial. And I subscribe to it, as profoundly American. Eternally – Semper. Truthful – Fidelis.

Nobody rewards me for this – except for all those who sweated, bled and died to Pay it Forward, to all of us, today. I am not going to presume to tell you some Right Way to live. I will, however, point out and advocate for any truth(s) – on any) blog (including this one, with which I have no prior beef) – if it appears capable of bringing anything(s) positive.

Already I can see from the attentions evoked from both the Administrator (as well as the usual minion of sycophants, aka: Ass-Kissers) at my posts, that I have indeed hit on some nerve(s), somewhere. Thus leapfrogging – a very promising sign – right over the usual, “First they Ignore You” step, and going straight to the second, “Then they Ridicule You”, phase.

Next should come the “Then they Fight You” step – however, all the verbal bullying, and purported joy at “ball kicking”, is disappointing. Because, Scratch a Bully you will find a Coward.

But if (and I do hope) this proves not to be the case, then we can get down to the “Then You Win” stage – in which some REAL IDEAS are exchanged.

Which interchange I cannot help but win – not the debate, but because, should anyone convince me of any BETTER solution to the current mess than revolution (note: NOT the same thing as civil war – even though a very real war is already long in progress aganst us), then I can assure you, I will be the first to admit and to shout it, from the rooftops.

In Solidarity,

– Matty in Florida

October 22, 2015 7:02 pm

Here is an actual photo of Matty preparing to open a can of semper fi whoop as on the Admin and all TBPers:


Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
October 22, 2015 7:04 pm


Where do I begin there are so many strawmen in your last post.

Fuck man lowIQ retard doesn’t really describe you. It’s also an oxymoron. Maybe that would be better to say oxygen deficient moron. Yeah I`m going with that.

When I look at your circular logic my head spins.

I shouldn’t really call you a douche. Douches are useful.

Okay I’m going to try this one last time.

Banks and Government wants to keep the underclass poor and in debt. I really don’t care what is happening on wall street at end of month when I am paying my bills. All I am concerned about is whether I have more money than I had when I started month.

Too many people don’t do this. The charts Jim provided show this. You sir are the ass kisser. You go all Obamatard then talk about some nebulous Hope and change bullshit.

You can start a revolution just not buying all the shit that is being sent from China.

Get it through your thick skull

But no you go for ad hominem attacks then stand back with pride when someone takes you on.

I’m done with you, maybe some else would care to comment.

You sir are proof once again of the old axiom

Don’t argue with an idiot he will take you down to his level then beat you with experience

Matty in FL
Matty in FL
October 22, 2015 7:07 pm

I mean it. You assholes are just jealous. You don’t know shit. You just hate me because youse is all stupid. If youse was smart youse would be on my side. Fuck youse all.

October 22, 2015 7:09 pm

@uncomfortably numb my son autistic I live this every day
@TE wow ive never seen you but your soul shines , I often think we all are angels with only one wing and we can only fly when we are joined , I mean nothing inappropriate by that , just that without others I think we are less than we can be? My code is god first then family then friends then work I have no time for anything else , altho im an idiot ( be well in all things you can be
@ Matty in fla really ? a privately owned central bank is in control and you think that individuals are possibly in charge of their finances? When Mr. Yellen said that the US dollar was not a store of value ? Ya its my fault for not saving a currency that the privately owned central banks create out of thin air ? are you batshit stupid? Im a long time reader of various financial blogs including zerohedge and beyond the particular article the firstperson comments pertaining to individual circumstances are very valuable . Why would anyone save fiat currency when other options are available ? Let me guess ? You are also a proponent of ZIRP/NIRP and any other program to stimulate unending growth when we live in a finite world? I stop here tho if you learn some history about the privately owned central banks and I mean really learn the history then maybe you can have a leg to stand on wtf do I know? im just a fucking chef

October 22, 2015 7:12 pm

Matty the ignorant shithead defines fidelis as truthful. Gee, that is a new one on me. And here I always thought it meant faithful and loyal.

Maybe Matty is defining it under the pig Latin, rather than the more common regular old Latin. That would seem appropriate.

October 22, 2015 7:19 pm

gm – what about me? Does my soul shine too? Why does TE get all the love (I know the answer to that – she is hot and lovable!), while I get none? I am lovable in my own kinda way, you know. Here is an actual picture of me. I am cute, and really am and old softy at heart:

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 22, 2015 7:35 pm

Mattie’s panties are in a wad because he was serious about trying to enlighten us here, you stupid Shit Throwing Monkeys. Mattie probably has a cool condo on the beach we could have had our next get together at…


October 22, 2015 7:36 pm

@llpoh, LOVE the picture of Mattiepants in boxing gloves.

Matti Who Takes it in the Rear
Matti Who Takes it in the Rear
October 22, 2015 8:16 pm

Semper Fi fellas

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 22, 2015 8:25 pm

Marty, please. i just ate dinner

October 22, 2015 8:39 pm

Admin… have you seen this?

October 22, 2015 8:41 pm
October 22, 2015 8:44 pm

Maggie saying she likes my post gets more likes than my post. Go figure. Ingrates.


[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 22, 2015 8:47 pm

Sorry, LLPOH, remember, I had my kid disable my thumbs on the laptop. I went to the basement to even the score.

October 22, 2015 8:48 pm

I like being thumbless and blind to thumbs most of the time here on TBP. I’ll try to be more sensitive.

October 22, 2015 10:05 pm

Colonel Wilkerson shedding light on the Legislative branch

Matty in FL
Matty in FL
October 22, 2015 10:30 pm


You ignore my challenges – two, so far – and lose credibility accordingly.

As for your challenge to me: To what “fine folks of TBP” shall I prove my IQ – that aren’t already accusing me of trying to show off my IQ? The one calling me a Fag? Or the one calling me an Obamatard (at a site with disturbing indications of being PaulTard)? Or the one who wants to nitpick my use of “Fidelis”? (Who knows exactly what the fuck I mean, and can Go Fuck Himself.)

Or would it perhaps be the Shit Throwing Monkey(s), absolutely correct in her assessment that she will not (as no STM ever will) be admitted into my cool beachfront condo?

I hear and acknowlege your (repeated) invitation(s) to “hit the fucking road”, and respond: Fuck You, I’m not ready to. Meanwhile I’m pretty sure I “understand the message of this blog” – which is exactly why I attack the more bullshit part(s) of it. Namely, once again: you can’t blame consumers (and who TF set you up as their judge, anyway?) for losing a game stacked and rigged, from top-to-bottom, by Wall Street. Being stupid – not to mention mentally ill – is not a Crime. Exploiting that stupidity, and/or disability, in order to steal their fucking money IS. And we should implement Regime Change on those motherfuckers – on Wall Street and anywhere else – who have, and continue to do so.

If you have “(read) twenty paragraphs and (still understood) absolutely nothing” I’ve said, then perhaps you should re-read, more carefully. Just like the one fine TBPer excoriating me for “think(ing) that individuals are possibly in charge of their finances” (YOUR very argument, Big Jim (LMAO))!

I am sure I am every bit “as stupid as (my) comments sound”. I am equally sure that is nowhere near as retarded and juvenile as almost all the responses so far directed at me – including your own.

No, you have not “gotten (my) goat”. You can Go Fuck A Goat (if that’s the way you want to play it) – but you haven’t gotten mine.

Meanwhile, so far it is only Shit-Throwing Maggie who has come even remotely close to recognizing who I even am. (Too bad she has already blown any Chance of Getting into MattyPants…)

Semper Fi,

Matty in FL