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November 20, 2015 9:33 am

Eigo wa hanasemasen

November 20, 2015 9:35 am

That’s some scary shit right there.

America and the world would be a much different place, that’s for sure, which makes me fear for the future.

November 20, 2015 9:35 am

What he said

November 20, 2015 9:39 am

The Ottoman empire would have been restored.

November 20, 2015 9:44 am

The American people were a different people in 1941 than today, not just the President.

That cartoon reflects today’s American population as much as the President they elected twice.

Which is why we are going to lose the next serious go around.

Be ready for it, I doubt it is that far away.

November 20, 2015 9:57 am

Americans would never have elected a nigger in 1941.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
November 20, 2015 9:57 am

Read Pat Buchanan: “…The Unnecessary War”.

Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
November 20, 2015 10:44 am

Unless of course the Japs bombed the Pearl Harbor base Golf Course, then he would have been pissed.

November 20, 2015 11:11 am

@Hope, my father was a POW in japan for 3 1/2 years in WWII. He spoke a bit of Japanese and taught me just a little.

He could sing the Japanese national anthem from memory, having been forced to sing it each morning for all that time. He would embarass my mother quite often by singing it in public when people would ask him to.

November 20, 2015 11:36 am

We would all be speaking Germany or Japanese right now.

November 20, 2015 2:53 pm

@ bb, you would not!
the US won and I am still speaking german,

and I have friends, really good friend in Seattle,
my church in germany was established by Derek Prince, (good stuff and bad stuff).
it took a time for this church to get rid of the sheperding, today a good church.
thank you derek, god bless you

and about the stupid (false narrative) cartoon:

before pearl harbor the american people said:
“I could not care less, who fuels the war in asia.
let me live my life, I dont want a war.”
then the people (who fueled the war in asia) cut of the oil supply for japan in April 41. why?
after the attak, the duped american people was war-appetent.

japan was duped to start a war, germany was duped to start a war
and america was duped by the rigged “game”

never forget the maine, or the gulf of tonkin, or the gleiwitz incident

was japan a tool, or a tool-maker?
a tool-maker can fuel a tool, a tool is fueled.

god bless the american people!

and stucky, dont be puberal

November 20, 2015 4:25 pm

While we’re going down the “what-if” trail, I’ll play along…what if “W” had been pres in ’41?

The answer is clear, he would have bombed China.

I still can’t believe you posted an Ann Coulter piece. It’ll take some time to pass that turd!

Jackson, reflecting on "What If" history,
Jackson, reflecting on "What If" history,
November 20, 2015 7:13 pm

Obama, had he been president in 1941, would never have been able to take the US to war.
Stucky’s nailed the primary reason: Obama ‘s Black. In racially segregated 1941, he’d have been a feckless leader no white person would followed along an American president’s necessarily duplicitous path to war.
Second, and if we ignore reason #1, Obama’s too dumb and has been too weak politically to have been able to have pulled off pushing the US into war 1941. Obama is no FDR. Obama’s not cunning, forceful, and charismatic as FDR needed to be to overcome strong “America First” and isolationist anti-war sentiment.
Had Obama been president in 1941 likely the Japanese wouldn’t have attacked us. Likely, too, we wouldn’t have provoked the Germans enough for them to have declared war on us. Further, we surely wouldn’t have Truman as a president which means, likely no Cold War.
But those are just my ideas. You surely have different conclusions that are as well reasoned and supportable.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 20, 2015 7:25 pm

puberal, that’s going down in the notebook along with lurv.

November 20, 2015 8:30 pm

He would have done what his jewish handlers told him, just as it has been, and is now. My WASP ancestors called the new deal the Jew deal for a reason. We had to go to war against Christian Germany, who were fighting godless communists, because the Jews in the media said so.

And thank god we did. Death to the evil Nadzees! Kill them! They wanted to make Europe a white commie free continent. How dare they? Thank god we got rid of the evil hitler and his Nadzees.

Come to think of it, we opposed the evil Chiang kai-Shek also. And most recently, the evil Saddam Hussein, and the evil gaddafi, and now the evil Assad. They were/are evil and had gassed their own people. Just like hitler. He gassed six million Jews, then turned them into lampshades. They were then reconstituted by mengele, ground up into fertilizer, then reconstituted again only to be killed by a steam bath again! Gerald shekelberger said so. Goddamn those nadzees!

November 20, 2015 10:37 pm

I think in that time he would have been in Leavenworth waiting on death row for his crimes.Ditto for Hillary.Easy peasy

November 20, 2015 11:21 pm

Wow. So much wrong with this post. Admin, you know better than this. At least I think you do. This isn’t to excuse or defend Obama, but that entire war was just as unnecessary as Iraq, as was our involvement in it. Had we minding our own business from the get go, none of this shit would have happened. There have been many books written about it. You can choose to believe what you are taught in schools, or you can do your own research. This cartoon is shit.

November 20, 2015 11:23 pm

Anonymous, get real! No American president who’s taken this country to war illegally or by deceit has ever been impeached, convicted, jailed, or sentenced to to death for his crimes.
Instead most all have lionized. The worse the war, the more Americans killed… provided that we’ve won…the greater the president. That’s the way it’s been in the United States.
The only thing that keeps Obama from being a Great President is his fecklessness. He’s been indecisive and ineffective. Had Obama pushed hard in Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and now Syria with more troops and bombs; had Obama forced Russia to back down or fight over the Crimea and Novorussia; had Obama kicked the Chinese off the Spratley reefs; had Obama sent our military into the Central Asia countries; had we defeated or humiliated the Russians and Chinese; and had we greatly extended American power, Barak Obama would have a place in the pantheon of Great American Presidents. Instead the Black boy has been an embarassment that an Exceptional People have had to endure.
America’s next great president will be HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON. She’ll confront the Russians and Chinese. With troops, and bombs, and force President Clinton will take back all that America’s lost no matter what the cost. We’ll be proud again.

November 21, 2015 10:07 am

@ administrator 3.04pm
I wrote: japan was duped to start a war,
germany was duped to start a war
and america was duped by the rigged “game”

so, I said: “germany started the WW II.”

but who are “the germans” ? when you read smedley butler “war is a racket”
he is not talking about “the americans”

some people in the US are able to use the mujahedin to fight against the russins in afganistan
some people in the US are able to use mullas to fight in yugoslavia against the serbs
some people in the US are able to use alkaida to fight in Libya against gadafi
some people in the US are able to use IS to fight assad in syria

some people pay mercenary
some people starve people to make them to do stupid stuff

is Joe sixpack able to do this stuff?
no, he is not.

is Joe sixpack interestet to do so?
no, he is not.

he is gullible, and when the social draft pulls him into boots,
he is loosing his ass, or leg or eye or his innocence.

when he lost his ass, than wave a flag
when he lost his innocence, then all of you can blame him.

and the real sad story is: when a crowd runs mad, not only the morons are in this madness

but the “some people” from the different nations still make deals and buiseness
and they blame the suckers

was spain eliminated after the armada? … no
was austria eliminated after WW I? .. no
was “great” britan eliminated after WW II? .. no
was germany eliminated after WW II? … no

the US will be a powerful state, even if it stops the attempt to be “the only one super power”

so, God bless Joe Sixpack and his neighbors

November 21, 2015 4:57 pm

I think WW2 was started by the privately owned central banks? POCB . Would not have mattered who was president in USA. They would have followed their marching orders from the POCB’s.

Who are the owners of the POCB’s? Now there is a worthy question for TBP!!
Altho that is a deep assed rabbit hole lol .