I wrote the first three parts of this article back in September and planned to finish it in early October, but life intervened and truthfully I don’t think I was ready to confront how bad things will likely get as this Fourth Turning moves into the violent, chaotic war stage just over the horizon. The developments in the Middle East, Europe, U.S., China and across the globe in the last months have confirmed my belief war drums are beating louder, global war beckons, and much bloodshed will be the result. Fourth Turnings proceed at their own pace within the 20 to 25 year crisis framework, but there is one guarantee – they never de-intensify as they progress. Just as Winter gets colder, stormier and more bitter as you proceed from December through February, Fourth Turnings get nastier, grimmer, more perilous, with our way of life hanging in the balance.

In Part 1 of this article I discussed the catalyst spark which ignited this Fourth Turning and the seemingly delayed regeneracy. In Part 2 I pondered possible Grey Champion prophet generation leaders who could arise during the regeneracy. In Part 3 I focused on the economic channel of distress which is likely to be the primary driving force in the next phase of this Crisis. In Part 4 I will assess the social and cultural channels of distress dividing the nation, Part 5 the technological, ecological, political, military channels of distress likely to burst forth with the molten ingredients of this Fourth Turning, and finally in Part 6 our rendezvous with destiny, with potential climaxes to this Winter of our discontent.

The road ahead will be distressful for everyone living in the U.S., as we experience the horrors of war, economic collapse, civil chaos, political upheaval, and the tearing of society’s social fabric. The pain and suffering being experienced across the globe today will not bypass the people of the United States. Winter has arrived and lethal storms are gathering in the distance. Don’t think you can escape. You can prepare, but this Crisis will reshape our society for better or worse, and you cannot sidestep the consequences or cruel environment we must survive.

“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age break down. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impossible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance. Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a saecular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

Social Distress

The vast and growing Grand Canyon sized gap between the haves and have nots, and the societal implications of an elitist uber-wealthy minority capturing the levers of our economic, financial, and political systems, using that control to further enrich themselves at the expense of the isolated working class, can be clearly understood by following the dialogue between three billionaires chatting on stage at a conference thrown by a convicted Wall Street criminal.

Sheryl Sandberg: “Yeah, so let’s follow up on a bunch of the things we were talking about. Let’s start with income inequality.”

Hank Paulson: “Ok, well.. income inequality. I think this is something we’ve all thought about. You know I was working on that topic when I was still at Goldman Sachs..”

Robert Rubin: “In which direction? You were working on increasing it.”

Hank Paulson then bursts out laughing: “Yeah! We were making it wider!”

Paulson and Rubin spent vast portions of their lives working for the vampire squid on the face of America – Goldman Sachs. This firm represents everything wrong with our social order, as they use all means (legal or illegal) to enrich themselves, whether it be back stabbing clients, double crossing partners, eviscerating vulnerable competitors, robbing the poor, rigging markets, buying influence, placing executives in the highest levels of government, or screwing the taxpayer when their risky gambles blow up the world. Paulson and Rubin are the perfect representatives of the .1% ruling class who protect their interests and the interests of their crony capitalist colleagues at all costs. They truly believe they are shrewder, more astute, cleverer, deserving of the billions they have absconded through rigging the markets, should be running the country behind the scenes, and merit the worship of the lowly peasantry.

The gap between the richest 1% and the bottom 90% has never been wider in history. The previous largest gap occurred in 1929, at the start of the last Fourth Turning. When the real median household income hasn’t advanced in the last 26 years and men’s real wages are where they were in 1971, while CEOs of S&P 500 companies make 331 times their workers and Wall Street hedge fund managers make billions while paying no taxes, you have building anger, disillusionment and calls for retribution.

Some people are waking up to the fact the Ben Bernanke led Federal Reserve and the Hank Paulson/Tim Geithner led Treasury saved their buddies on Wall Street while throwing the people on Main Street under the bus. When Wall Street’s leveraged risk bets pay off, they reap all the riches – as is happening today. When their colossal wagers go bad, the propaganda about systematic failure is rolled out and the American people are stuck with the losses. The goal has always been to revive the stock market and make sure the Wall Street banks continue to generate billions in profits, while leaving the taxpayer on the hook for their failed bets.

The OWS and Tea Party were both grass roots initiated movements as a societal response to the distress created by Wall Street and their government crony cohorts. The Wall Street banks colluded with DHS and captured politicians of both parties to crush OWS and subvert the Tea Party. The Deep State’s success in squashing dissent from what they considered the lowly peasants has only been temporarily papered over by the $10 trillion of debt issued to keep the masses sedated, deluded and ignorant about the true nature of the ongoing crisis. The storyline about the 1% is misleading, as many people in the 1% are small business owners, doctors, and professional workers. The true story is the exponential wealth increase of the .1% over the last 35 years as the financialization of the economy has enriched psychopathic, highly educated men who produce nothing but misery, debt, and ultimately social unrest.

Decomposing the 1% reveals the top .1% increasing their share of the national wealth from less than 9% in 1980 to over 21% today. These are the corporate CEO’s buying back their company stock at all-time highs in order to boost their stock based compensation, Wall Street executives who committed the largest control fraud in world history while unabashedly flaunting laws & regulations, hedge fund managers who manipulate and rig the markets while paying no taxes on their billion dollar profits, and billionaire cronies who profit from the military industrial complex and sick care complex by paying off politicians to write laws in their favor and funnel government contracts to them. The sacking and pillaging of the nation’s wealth by psychopaths who are never satisfied with their current vast level of riches, power and control, exposes itself in the tremendous recovery on Wall Street and the ongoing depression on Main Street.

A simmering rage is bubbling below the surface as 20% of American households rely on food stamps to survive, the percentage of Americans in the labor force stands at a four decade low, real household income remains stagnant at 1988 levels, corporate profits have reached record levels while corporations continue to fire Americans – shipping their jobs overseas, and the six mega-corporations representing the mainstream media cover up the truth, mislead the public with propaganda, while celebrating the .1% as saviors of our economy. There is nothing more volatile to societal stability than millions of unemployed men, growing angry and resentful towards the ruling class for their lot in life.

The vast gulf between the haves and have nots will fuel further violence between the classes, as our fraying society is already seething with anger between races, religions, political parties, and genders. The increasingly brutal police state, militarization of local police forces, shaking down of citizens through fines, and unlawful surveillance of our electronic communications, will lead to a backlash against police.

The Black Lives Matter movement, begun after a number of police brutality incidents against black men, has been hijacked by politically motived race baiters and is exacerbating tensions between blacks and whites. The false storyline perpetuated by the media disregards the fact blacks, who represent 13% of the population, commit 22% of all violent crimes and 93% of black shooting victims are shot by other blacks. The white population, abiding by laws, is getting sick of being blamed for the gun violence and lawlessness in liberal ghetto bastions like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis and Philadelphia.

Cultural Distress

Even though the vast majority of gun related crimes happen in urban ghettos and the much publicized mass shootings are committed by mentally deranged young men on psychotropic drugs, liberal control freak politicians use scare tactics and misinformation in their effort to grab the guns of law abiding Americans living in rural regions. It is the elitist hypocrite politicians living on the coasts, protected by armed guards, who want to eviscerate the 2nd Amendment, and think it is fine for the 4th Amendment to be disregarded by police thugs across the land. Disarming the citizenry is essential to implementing a dictatorial regime. The race wars have intensified, as the Black Lives Matter meme has spread to college campuses in Missouri and in the hallowed Ivy League at Yale and Princeton.

The bullying tactics of the pampered participation trophy generation of entitled millennials, being misled by social justice warrior ideologues, is fueling a backlash by older generations who studied, worked hard, obtained useful college degrees, repaid their student loans, and didn’t use race, gender, or micro-aggressions as excuses when they failed. College campuses, which once championed free speech and free thought, have now become bastions of censorship, left wing ideology, suppression of opinion, shouting down of dissent, thought control, and subduing the rights of the majority for the benefit of an outraged minority who resort to violent rhetoric to achieve their outcomes.

Institutions of higher education have become nothing more than glorified daycare centers for kids who never grew up, learned personal responsibility, or developed critical thinking skills. The feckless college faculty and administrators have allowed financial considerations to override learning, as the curriculum has been dumbed down to meet the degraded capabilities of their high self-esteem/low intelligence students. The reality of an increasingly brutal economic environment and high likelihood of war is about to crash headlong into the coddled, pampered, parent protected, iGadget, facebook worlds of millions of millennials.

They will be nothing but cannon fodder for the Deep State unless they develop a backbone, start thinking critically about what is happening in this world, start dealing with reality, stop trusting the government to save them, and make a stand against the corporate fascist tyranny consuming our nation. The Peter Pan Syndrome, where people with the body of an adult but the mind of a child, increasingly dominate the landscape, as a larger number of supposed adults exhibit emotionally immature behaviors. The self-neutering of young men is the result of twelve years of feminist social engineering in government controlled public schools. The wussificiation is complete.

The combination of social justice warriors, pushing agendas completely out of step with mainstream Americans, and a dying legacy media providing infotainment disguised as news, fuels further cultural distress from coast to coast. With liberalism rampant and dominant on the coasts and conservatism governing the heartland, the cultural divide in the country is a gaping chasm. Average Americans trying to live their lives, pay their bills, and raise families have no strong opinions about gay marriage, men dressing like women, or other deviant behavior performed by consenting adults in the privacy of their own households. But when the liberal media, social justice warriors, and Hollywood elites shove the “right” to gay marriage, the crucifying of people for their religious beliefs, the “courage” of a man pretending to be a woman, and the glorification of abhorrent behavior, down the throats of Americans trying to mind their own business, an unforeseen backlash is inevitable.

The war on the traditional family unit, white males, societal norms, common decency, and community standards has gone too far and the pushback from common decent middle class folks has begun. It is a proven fact that households with married parents are on average wealthier, raise kids who do better in school, can withstand economic setbacks better, and have been the backbone of this country since its inception. The feminist belief that women can raise children without men has proven to be a disaster.

With the percentage of married households plunging from over 70% in 1970 to under 50% today, an ominous tipping point has been reached. Rather than address this truly disastrous problem, the radical feminists and race baiters carry on their culture wars. The social justice warriors, prodded by the liberal media and agenda driven ideologues, are offended by free speech, white people, men, married couples, religious freedom, having to repay loans, gun owners, capitalism, carbon dioxide, meat, yoga and anyone who dares to disagree with their antagonistic, bombastic, vacuous nonsense.

Shockingly, they aren’t offended by the tattooed, pierced freaks roaming the streets, angry because no one will hire them. They aren’t offended by the millions of willfully ignorant, low class army of lazy Obama voters who feel entitled to free housing, free medical care, free food, free phones, and free education at the expense of the working middle class. They aren’t offended by the 70% of black babies born out of wedlock and black men shirking their responsibilities as fathers. They aren’t offended by the rampant criminality and murder rates in the Democrat controlled urban ghettos, created by the welfare policies implemented over the last 50 years.

They aren’t offended by 93% of black murders being committed by blacks. They aren’t offended by a president droning wedding parties and bombing hospitals, while fighting undeclared wars in foreign lands. They aren’t offended by the widespread Medicare, SSDI, and food stamp fraud, costing taxpayers billions per year. Normal people living normal lives are sick and tired of the hypocritical, hollow horseshit rubbed in their faces by a dying legacy media and agenda driven social networks on a daily basis. The foolishness and lunacy of these feckless feeble minded warriors against normalcy will be exposed when confronted by the harsh reality of a Fourth Turning.

The rise of Donald Trump and Ben Carson in the early polls for Republican presidential candidate is being fueled by a rising anger and discontent with the corporate media promoting offensive social agendas, the flaunting of the Constitution by a president ruling by executive order, a GOP establishment corrupted by power and unanswerable to their constituents, the disinterest of politicians in both parties in securing our porous southern borders from foreign invasion by illegal hordes. Now the repercussions of Obama ignoring the threats of Islamic extremism and allowing tens of thousands of undocumented Syrian refugees to flood into the country immediately overwhelming our insolvent welfare system and refusing to assimilate into our culture as they worship at mosques where they are taught to hate everything about American culture, is further fueling a political backlash.

As Aldous Huxley realized six decades ago, the truth is unimportant to those controlling the “free” press and shallow distractions will keep the masses occupied while the controllers achieve their goals.

“In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or it might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies — the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.” Aldous Huxley, 1958, in the article The Capitalist Free Press

The media will use their standard propaganda techniques of showing crying women and children to tug at the heartstrings of a naïve, unaware populace to allow refugees from a conflict created by the U.S. in Syria to come into our country. You know the tired rhetoric – give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. But this is a Fourth Turning where the harsh reality crashes headlong into rhetoric, memes, and storylines.

Whether the U.S. government is responsible or not for creating the wave of Islamic radicals practicing their warped religious beliefs across the globe by committing murder against innocent people, the fact remains that only Muslims are waging this war against non-believers. There are no Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans, Jews, Buddhists, or atheists spreading their religious beliefs by committing acts of terror or waging war. A religious war is brewing and the consequences will be far reaching and bloody for those practicing Islam. There may be only a small minority of radical jihadists, but the silence of the majority speaks volumes to non-Muslims around the world.

As this Fourth Turning continues to intensify, the bowing down to political correctness and agendas of social justice warrior bigots by traditional minded Americans is going to stop. The pushback may be violent, as the aggressive tactics of these free speech hating fascists is met with armed confrontation they aren’t anticipating. These “warriors” aren’t exactly the Hero generation who did the heavy lifting during the last Fourth Turning. Privileged, entitled, ignorant millennials bullying weak kneed college professors and milquetoast administrators on the campuses of liberal arts colleges isn’t exactly storming the beaches of Normandy or battling through the jungles on Guadalcanal.

When confronted with Americans who have seen their standard of living falling for the last twenty five years and are sick and tired of hearing drivel about white privilege, black lives matter, safe spaces, gay and transgender “rights”, micro-aggressions, rape culture, misogyny, $15 minimum wage, and a myriad of other offenses against feminism, these easily offended “warriors” will piss their pants. These trivialities will seem so quaint when they are confronted with an angry guy with a gun on the streets or when they are told to report for duty as we wage war with Russia and China. The foolishness of the culture wars will become strikingly apparent when economic collapse and life or death choices confront our special snowflake generation.

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Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 27, 2015 7:26 pm

I continue to be amazed at the utter cluelessness of the Establishment Republicans and, of course, the “Progressive” Democrats. They are dancing on the edge of a volcano and think they are in the ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton. This article is right on the money. Nobody can say exactly when or why, but the storm will break on our heads soon. It will be gruesome and it will be long. There will be retribution against the people who have ruined our country. You can bet that there are angry men across the land with lists who are shrewd enough to wait for chaos to descend before they act.

The freak of nature in the White House is perfectly capable of stumbling into all-out war in the Middle East. Imagine, if you will, a U.S. Navy task force annihilated or an entire army division wiped out in a matter of hours. The ignorant posturing fool in the White House would have a gun put to his head by the generals, who would demand he go nuclear to save their asses. Think this is extreme? Think it can’t happen?

Stay tuned, friends.

November 27, 2015 7:33 pm

The ruthless elites construct the new enemies

November 27, 2015 7:53 pm

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better!

I haven’t read it yet, but I just had to let you know that seeing this here tonight is better than if I’d discovered there’s a 1 cent sale on 4 roll packs of Charmin tissue at

And you KNOW how I love a sale on TP!

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 27, 2015 8:04 pm

Uh – oh…….. Maggie going on a bender!!!!

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
November 27, 2015 8:42 pm

Maggie, please don’t unleash yer blithering retardation on Admenstruater’s awesome piece of black doom.

Oh mah gawd the next decade is gonna be all shit and no enema, if you know what I mean. Great work Jimmy Q!

November 27, 2015 8:52 pm

Well! Happy Thanksgiving. I am to old to participate but Sage saying there are some out there with Retribution Lists warms my old heart. I would be pleased to see some of those sob,s be hung up like Mussolini.

There are many angry people out there but they direct their anger at most people on this site. Protect yourselves. You will be needed when the dust settles.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 27, 2015 8:54 pm

I was literally standing up as I got to the last four or five paragraphs. That was absolutely brilliant. There are few things in life as mesmerizing or exciting as pure unadulterated truth in written form, it’s like watching a thunderstorm when you’re standing in the middle of an open field.

Wow. Just wow. And not in an ironic way.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 27, 2015 8:54 pm

Sage….the establishment Rep’s and Dem’s are not clueless – they just don’t care, as the driving force for them is money and power.

November 27, 2015 9:15 pm
November 27, 2015 9:35 pm

I don’t comment on your bigger pieces until I get a chance to read them a few times, they are information dense, and takes me awhile to absorb. One question, do I read correctly that you anticipate war on our soil?

November 27, 2015 9:41 pm

Sandberg ,Paulson , Rubin, Bernanke ,Geithner are all from the same hostile ethnic tribe.

Black lives matter is funded almost entirely by George Soros.

99% of Feminist are from the same subversive tribe.

The tired rhetoric : give us your poor ,your huddled masses… Was written by a communist feminist from the same hostile tribe.

You all see the pattern ?

November 27, 2015 9:46 pm


One question, do I read correctly that you anticipate war on our soil?

–While I can’t answer for Admin, I can give you the opinion of my armed and prepared to defend friends who have been preparing for the war on our woil for the last 7 years, telling our Family of Families group that they are more than happy to support our efforts to make a difference, but they are also realistic.

Yes, this time, blood will spill on our soil. A lot of it will be Americans, I fear.

November 27, 2015 9:51 pm

Most of the liberal media ( Hollywood , TV ,New Media , the Music industry and the internet companies , Google , Facebook , YouTube ) are controlled by hostile Jews and their White Lackies .

All of them are agenda driven ideologues who are hostile to traditional society.

It’s like living within a total mind seize . Seems like being completely surrounded with hostile views and hostile people.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 27, 2015 9:52 pm

Jim Quinn for President.

Seriously, if Donald Trump could articulate our current societal mess half as good as Admin can, he’d be a lock for winning the election. On the other hand, there are so may low information voters who haven’t a clue about the state of economy, culture, and corrupt government that we are probably doomed to another 4 years of asswipe liberalism.

The dam is gonna burst sooner or later.

November 27, 2015 9:54 pm

Almost forgot . Great job Admin as always. I look forward to your next two articles. bb

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 27, 2015 9:56 pm

Westcoaster, that Mark Almond song is one of my favorites from him, and it was that song of that led me to buy the album back in the 1970’s, as a young man trying to find my way in life.

Thanks for the memory.

November 27, 2015 10:45 pm

Special snowflakes in action. Hard to say which is worse, the performance itself or the liberal “professors” applauding at the end.

November 27, 2015 10:50 pm

(Action in the video above starts at about 1:05:00. Takes them an hour to get it setup.)

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 27, 2015 11:19 pm

Good piece Jim. Very cheery. 🙂

Whenever I read a 4th turning piece I end up thinking I’m not prepared enough for the inevitable. But when I consider what the inevitable could end up looking like I’m not sure that it’s possible to be truly prepared. Oh well – can’t say life isn’t interesting….

November 27, 2015 11:30 pm

The cruelest irony of all is that the social and cultural distress created by TPTB is also their excuse to assume even more power. Madness is upon us.

The series has been a treasure. Your prose are a delight, even if topic isn’t. Another cruel irony.

November 27, 2015 11:59 pm

I got around to reading the article and am as delighted as I expected I would be.

There is not enough TP in the store room.

November 28, 2015 12:10 am

@John… I skipped ahead to 1:05 and watched a bit. What exactly was I watching?

November 28, 2015 12:24 am

Good stuff admin, let ‘er buck.

November 28, 2015 12:29 am

@Rise Up: I used to be a Radio dj and found “Other peoples rooms” in the production music bin. It followed me home and has become a favorite of mine too. Glad to hear you enjoy it too!

November 28, 2015 12:34 am

Brilliant, terrifying…unadulterated truth. Can’t wait for the rest.

I hate nitpicks like this, but in this case I feel it a service: the word is milquetoast.

November 28, 2015 1:33 am

@admin really enjoy your 4th turning series . I wish I could write as well as you and HSF , and several others here can .

I ponder, what happens in this age of post scarcity , when scarcity returns .

I see the zombies everyday , living their lives thru a 3inch video screen on a cell phone .

@ BB correct again sir .

@starfcker War on our soil has already started , Way too many coincidental attacks on
infrastructure, like power plants ,internet etc. Cyber attacks of many types . If you read
the history of Pre conflict , these are the precursers to actual combat. Attacking infrastructure

@Mahtomedi created crisis indeed .

@ Maggie no , you do NOT have enough TP or other essentials lol . Look at Venezuala, I think , and the current issues they are having . Maybe it is Brazil ?

Just the meandering thoughts I have. Peace and good fortune to all here , even Billah’s wife who spells even worse than I do lol ))))))))))) whatever

November 28, 2015 1:51 am

Very well done as usual, Admin. You have a great way of getting right to the point of issues.

The upcoming conflict on our soil will be the biggie. The world war will be horrendous as long as it lasts, but given that it doesn’t escalate into a full scale nuclear exchange (which I doubt), the battle here at home will be the seminal moment of all of our lives.

The millennial’s will be gob-smacked by what’s about to happen, as you said, and so will many good people who didn’t see it coming or ignored the warning signs. Some of them will be mind-blown by the enormity of it all and be as good as useless. Some may turn out to be not as ‘good’ as you thought. But the really good people can be helped to save themselves (and help you as well) if you can present them with knowledge, organization and skills. It would behoove us to gather as much knowledge as we can, in the form of books and info from the Internet, printed-out of course, or at least kept on a thumb drive. Info such as Admin’s Fourth Turning articles, for instance, to explain ‘how we got here’.

You can buy books (though admins link to Amazon of course) such as ‘Where there’s no Doctor’, ‘Where’s there no dentist’, first aid books, articles from the ‘net showing how to prepare a latrine, purify water, treat combat wounds, dispose of the dead,and so forth. Print them out.

Then there are the websites that may help you better understand the basics of personal and small unit combat. I’m no Rambo and never will be, but I don’t think that having the knowledge of how men fight will do anybody any harm.

Here’s a few websites. Keep in mind that these people are serious. They have been readying themselves through training and organization for years. Some are ex-military, in fact most of them are. Don’t let that make you think that you will never do all the say so why even try. Hell, I can’t do anywheres near what they suggest, but it’s info worth knowing. *Commentary, Tactics, links to many useful sites *Commentary and Tactics *Communications and tactics *A real nurse giving instructions on many topics *Grid down medical advice

November 28, 2015 2:02 am

Lysander, maggie, I’m genuinely curious, who is going to be fighting who here in america? I suppose it could happen, but the who and how eludes me. America is a big fucking place

November 28, 2015 2:23 am

@ Lysander great sites those are .

Wasn’t asked , but thru class division , damn near everyone against everyone else .This is @starfcker Classic divide and conquer from TPTB . Read you strfcking history ! lol

November 28, 2015 5:12 am

What you watched was a national collegiate policy debate final. Determining the top three teams in the country.

November 28, 2015 6:32 am

Okay, I only watched the strange rant of that big woman in the split skirt and t-shirt who asked for a flash drive then put the laptop on top of the tub and used it as a podium.

That was rather disturbing in and of itself,but there was no debate going on… just a bizarre rant.

My son, when he was in debate, wore a suit and had index cards with topical points to cue his arguments in favor or against a topic. (until they actually began the debate, the teams didn’t know which “side” they were on. So they knedw the topic, NOT whether they were for or against.)

This seemed nothing like that. Of course, we are white, so what do I know.

November 28, 2015 6:34 am

@gm… I KNOW. I hadda go buy more TP. I have a barn full of essentials though. Just never enough TP.

November 28, 2015 7:02 am

The war that my FF prepper pals train for is one that will be fought by guerilla warfare here on our soil. The first is against the FSA that is being trained and sustained by a bureacracy that is as inept at training dissidents as it is everything else it does with our tax dollars. The FSA, according to my FF defense training team, will band together in hordes that will fan out from the urban areas to find sustenance. They will loot, pillage and destroy everywhere there is limited resistance. They will be armed, but not professional. A few rounds from a few guards on perimeter watch should send them elsewhere. If they do get onto your property and surprise you, they will be ruthless and cruel unless you give them what they want. We have a special PVC buried with cash, junk silver and medicines to dig up for the unexpected FSA invasion and hopefully provide enough narcotic and real and fiat money to persuade them they have gotten all we have.

The Horde isn’t going to last long… they will die off from poor health and inner fighting, as well as drug withdrawals and side effects from addictions, according to my FF buds and the literature we read as a group.

The invading foreign army will be the real test for us. By the time people realize that the loss of power from the EMP or surprise attack on the grid is not just a glitch, the U.S. military will be in chaos, with poorly trained leaders unsure of how to instruct their poorly trained troops without constant input from Pentagon puppetmasters. Soldiers will not only fire on local citizens that try to get onto bases for safety, they will start looting local neighborhoods to supplant their own supplies. Some of you out there do not believe us former military types about just how bad we view current service members on the whole. It isn’t ALL of them, but it is enough to make them worthless in most cases.

Russia and the Chinese will be allies, we believe and they will be ruthless. Those of us living in the central part of the country who hope to create something after the TEOTWAWKI hope to form a network with our ham/murs radios something along the lines of Samuel Adams’s committees of correspondence to assess the willingness of survivors to join the last great fight for liberty.

Now, having tossed that out there for ridicule by the trolls here, I will add one thing. We aren’t looking for volunteers. We are where we want to be and that is that.

November 28, 2015 7:04 am

Excellent work.

For those wondering how it is going to be when it all comes apart, I would take a look at the book One Second After. The author, I think, captures what it will be like in a worse case scenario as normal social rules and laws breakdown. I will not offer a spoiler about what triggers things, it is not important what causes the breakdown. It is how the breakdown unfolds and how people/communities react.

I live in the area the author writes about and the author is correct in his knowledge of the people here and how they react to catastrophes.

I will add the Foxfire books have a wealth of knowledge about how people did things and lived before electricity…

November 28, 2015 7:17 am

Tator, our FF group read and discussed One Second After as well as the Rawles book that was based on a slightly different scenario. You are right in it being a good assessment.

November 28, 2015 7:20 am

It isn’t too late to form a group with your like minded friends and neighbors and take advantage of group buys on books and various gear.

November 28, 2015 7:28 am

Maggie, I figured as much. Your comment above mine was not up when I started typing my post. After I hit Submit, I saw your comment and figure you had read the book as I think many other here have.

November 28, 2015 7:50 am

admin- the imagery provoked in the mind by your gut wrenching psychoanalytical dismemberment of modern American society and the geo-politcal turbulence to come is disturbingly brilliant … I worry about you sometimes starring so long into the abyss in order to bring into focus such dark imagery, but at the same time thankful for all that you do….just be careful, as Nietzsche warned , not to stare to long.

And you’re right.all who care to see know where this is headed.


November 28, 2015 8:40 am

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November 28, 2015 8:49 am

Just another great one, Admin.. Looking forward to being depressed all weekend when you post Parts 4 and 5!!


November 28, 2015 8:52 am

Can anyone deny that American sovereignty is being sold out at an alarming rate by the two parties of globalist curs?

John Derbyshire: “That’s Not Who We Are”—Sez Who?

Ryan was speaking to Sean Hannity on November 19th. Hannity asked him whether it’s smart to permit settlement in the U.S.A. of great numbers of people from a culture as different and hostile as Islam. How do we know if they want to assimilate? Hannity asked. How do we know who’ll turn terrorist?

That gave crapweasel Ryan his opening. “Well, first of all, I don’t think a religious test is appropriate,” he honked. Then he added—wait for it: “That’s not who we are. We believe in the First Amendment of religious freedom.” End honk.
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The Parable of the Good Cuckservatan
A man was going down from Jerusalem to Damascus, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.

A Democrat happened to be going down the same road, and when she saw the man, she passed by on the other side, telling herself that it was the federal government’s job to do something about it. She felt really bad about it, though, and she tweeted a photo of the man she’d taken along with a sad face emoji and the hashtag #justawful.

So too, a Republican, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side, figuring that this was just the sort of thing for which he paid his taxes. They were too high anyway, but he felt good that in at least this one case, they would be paying for something worthwhile. The sight of the man reminded him that he’d been intending to sell his shares in Adeptus Health, so he logged into E-Trade and made a 12 percent profit.

But a Cuckservatan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on the robbers who had fallen so low as to be reduced to making a living by robbery. He went to the robbers and invited them to move into an empty house in his neighborhood, then took up a collection demanding money from his neighbors so that the robbers could bring their wives, and children, and parents, and cousins to join them and live in their nice suburban neighborhood.

When his neighbors complained that their homes were being burgled, their lawns were being trashed, their daughters were being raped, their sons were being beaten, and their taxes were being raised without their consent, the Cuckservatan told them that they were racists, and shrieking, bigoted cowards, and they could just leave the neighborhood if they didn’t like it.

Which of these three do you think will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes?

What happened to the man? Nobody knows. Nobody cares. What is the point in actually helping those in need when there is virtue to be signaled at the expense of your neighbors?

November 28, 2015 9:08 am

If the 4th Turning will lead to the destruction of CuNNt, Fux, and the rest of the MSM …. and the public execution of the male and female whorefuks who lie lie lie to us on a daily basis … then it just might be worth it.

Not kidding about the public execution part …. I would pay up to $99,95 to see Wolfdick and Megcunt double-tapped on live TV.

November 28, 2015 9:14 am

A serious question regarding the 4th Turning ….

… do the 1%ers survive??

It seems to me they will; gated mansions, private security forces, a near invincible way to hide money, or obtain it, or profit from whatever happens one way or another. So when the 4th Turning is over, and if the 1%ers survived, wtf did it accomplish?

November 28, 2015 9:35 am

Admin – Just so much is Spot On. Once again, with hats off and a deep bow, Kudos! I am much looking forward to the last 2 parts and am not in the least surprised that they will be darker. What I see coming is very dark.

November 28, 2015 9:45 am

“I’m curious as to why someone as smart and inquisitive as you wouldn’t read the three hundred page book to understand the concept.” ———— Admin

Too many predictions in the book.

At one time in my life I absolutely IMMERSED myself in predictive books. OK, it was about religion — The End Times. Read everything I could get my hands on. I’m not talking about Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth bullshit … I’m talking about scholarly works. I studied that stuff from every conceivable angle; premillenial, postmillenial, amillennial, and dispensational premillennialism.

Unfortunately (for me) I wound up buying into dispensational premillennialism. The bottom line of that belief system? Jesus Christ would return to earth somewhere around the year 2000. I had thousands of proofs!!!! Obviously that turned out to be one big pile of horseshit.

Not to mention that scientists making predictions is also hardly better than 50-50. And economists making predictions is barely above Haitian Voodoo Dudes tossing chicken bones.

Right or wrong that’s how I came to dislike spending too much time reading about predictions. That’s NOT to say that I don’t read your 4th Turning articles. I do! And, I enjoy them. But reading a 300+ page book? Can’t do it, due to aforementioned reasons.

November 28, 2015 9:53 am

HIJACK ALERT!!!! Skip this post entirely … it has nothing to do with the article.

To all you curs and assholes who criticized one of my best articles ever …. about horses.

On Drudge today: —– “More Swiss people are having sex with horses, according to a sickening new report. There were 105 cases of the maltreatment of horses in Switzerland in 2014 — 10 percent of which involved people having sex with them, according to Tier im Recht, an animal welfare group.”

Take that, bitchezz!!!!

You may now resume to your regularly scheduled programming.

November 28, 2015 10:06 am

This may be an unwelcome thought, but those who know Jesus will be safe whatever happens. It won’t matter who survives or who wins, because in the end, the world will see the Lord returning and putting a stop to all the evil. The Lord God is just about ready to put His foot down and then, brother, you want to make sure you know Him and personally! Anyone who rejects Him, the Bible and His son Jesus, has a LOT of explaining to do when they stand before Him and account for their life. Jesus told us ahead of time not to be deceived by all that will be happening just before He returns. There will be utter chaos and violence. At some point, even a phony “messiah” will show up and claim to have all the answers and fix all that’s broken. This Anti-Christ will be pure evil and will lead many astray from the Truth. In fact, the majority will follow this man. Jesus said the road is NARROW and few find it. Believe this: God sees us all as equally sinful and unless you repent of your sins and believe that Jesus came to be the propitiation for all sin, then you will not only perish from the earth, but spend an eternity in Hell.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 28, 2015 10:36 am

I often ponder what civil unrest would look like. I live in suburban Northern Virginia and it’s probably not very safe for survival. Community assistance would be essential. Guns for self defense are fine but most homes around here are aluminum or vinyl siding and a .223 or .308 can penetrate right through the walls, albeit with probably minimal velocity once through but still enough to cause injury. Roving gangs would probably firebomb houses if they could not gain entry–night raids would be particularly difficult to defend if you did not have night vision instruments. It all gets very depressing to consider, but you gotta have some sort of plan or at least have an understanding of what might come at you.

Bullet penetration testing website here if you are interested, plus there are many YouTube videos of bullet penetration tests.

A TBP’er (Sensetti? dc.sunsets? flash?) recommended “A Failure of Civility”, written by combat veterans, on how to defend (and attack) in urban/suburban environments. I bought the book but have not read it all.

There is a sequel out to “One Second After”–it’s titled “One Year After”

“Lights Out” by David Crawford is a good novel of community survival, although Crawford admits it was a bit slanted in that the main characters had a lot going for them at the onset of the EMP (fuel stores, ammo, etc.). Crawford is planning a second book that will be more realistic.

James Wesley Rawles “How to Survive TEOTWAWKI”. Basic defensive strategies. And his Patriot series novels are great–he really knows his stuff. was his website, although I think he handed off the day-to-day operation of it to others.

“Out of the Ashes”–a good read but not too believable–the hero/main character seems to get pussy everywhere he goes. The story line is intriguing–a military coup gone awry.

“The Road” – Cormac McCarthy. The movie is good as well.

Just some of the ones I’ve read. These are not just for entertainment–they put you in the mindset that you may need soon.

Get a gun you can handle comfortably. Get training. Go to the range often. Dry-fire at home frequently. If you can’t afford the training or range time, maybe you have a friend that can go through the basics with you.

Lastly, know the laws (if they are still in effect) about using a gun in your local jurisdiction. Where I live, simply discharging a firearm, unless in self-defense, is against the law.

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November 28, 2015 10:44 am

Well Admin you have raised my blood pressure again. I try hard to push back against the chronic anger I feel about the current culture, but it is becoming more difficult every day.

The Americans that make up the Getting Screwed Class have tremendous power that is not bring used. A little work now, nonviolent resistence type work, could save some bloodshed later. Here are some examples:

Cast no votes for anyone labeled Democrat or Republican.
Transfer accounts from the big banks to community banks or credit unions.
Remove the influence of depraved entertainment and fascist journalistic entities from homes by unsubscribing from TV services.
Use cash as much as possible for all day-to-day transactions.
Boycott companies that advertise on any news show from the alphabet networks; flood them with letters explaining why.
Become pests at all county supervisors and city council and school board meetings.

We are aching for leaders that will encouage and publicize these types of small but potent actions. We just have to begin to refuse to support this insanity anymore. The question is, what percentage of the enraged are willing to invest the time and resources that the social warriors do?

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