I wrote the first three parts of this article back in September and planned to finish it in early October, but life intervened and truthfully I don’t think I was ready to confront how bad things will likely get as this Fourth Turning moves into the violent, chaotic war stage just over the horizon. The developments in the Middle East, Europe, U.S., China and across the globe in the last months have confirmed my belief war drums are beating louder, global war beckons, and much bloodshed will be the result. Fourth Turnings proceed at their own pace within the 20 to 25 year crisis framework, but there is one guarantee – they never de-intensify as they progress. Just as Winter gets colder, stormier and more bitter as you proceed from December through February, Fourth Turnings get nastier, grimmer, more perilous, with our way of life hanging in the balance.

In Part 1 of this article I discussed the catalyst spark which ignited this Fourth Turning and the seemingly delayed regeneracy. In Part 2 I pondered possible Grey Champion prophet generation leaders who could arise during the regeneracy. In Part 3 I focused on the economic channel of distress which is likely to be the primary driving force in the next phase of this Crisis. In Part 4 I will assess the social and cultural channels of distress dividing the nation, Part 5 the technological, ecological, political, military channels of distress likely to burst forth with the molten ingredients of this Fourth Turning, and finally in Part 6 our rendezvous with destiny, with potential climaxes to this Winter of our discontent.

The road ahead will be distressful for everyone living in the U.S., as we experience the horrors of war, economic collapse, civil chaos, political upheaval, and the tearing of society’s social fabric. The pain and suffering being experienced across the globe today will not bypass the people of the United States. Winter has arrived and lethal storms are gathering in the distance. Don’t think you can escape. You can prepare, but this Crisis will reshape our society for better or worse, and you cannot sidestep the consequences or cruel environment we must survive.

“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age break down. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impossible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance. Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a saecular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” – Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

Social Distress

The vast and growing Grand Canyon sized gap between the haves and have nots, and the societal implications of an elitist uber-wealthy minority capturing the levers of our economic, financial, and political systems, using that control to further enrich themselves at the expense of the isolated working class, can be clearly understood by following the dialogue between three billionaires chatting on stage at a conference thrown by a convicted Wall Street criminal.

Sheryl Sandberg: “Yeah, so let’s follow up on a bunch of the things we were talking about. Let’s start with income inequality.”

Hank Paulson: “Ok, well.. income inequality. I think this is something we’ve all thought about. You know I was working on that topic when I was still at Goldman Sachs..”

Robert Rubin: “In which direction? You were working on increasing it.”

Hank Paulson then bursts out laughing: “Yeah! We were making it wider!”

Paulson and Rubin spent vast portions of their lives working for the vampire squid on the face of America – Goldman Sachs. This firm represents everything wrong with our social order, as they use all means (legal or illegal) to enrich themselves, whether it be back stabbing clients, double crossing partners, eviscerating vulnerable competitors, robbing the poor, rigging markets, buying influence, placing executives in the highest levels of government, or screwing the taxpayer when their risky gambles blow up the world. Paulson and Rubin are the perfect representatives of the .1% ruling class who protect their interests and the interests of their crony capitalist colleagues at all costs. They truly believe they are shrewder, more astute, cleverer, deserving of the billions they have absconded through rigging the markets, should be running the country behind the scenes, and merit the worship of the lowly peasantry.

The gap between the richest 1% and the bottom 90% has never been wider in history. The previous largest gap occurred in 1929, at the start of the last Fourth Turning. When the real median household income hasn’t advanced in the last 26 years and men’s real wages are where they were in 1971, while CEOs of S&P 500 companies make 331 times their workers and Wall Street hedge fund managers make billions while paying no taxes, you have building anger, disillusionment and calls for retribution.

Some people are waking up to the fact the Ben Bernanke led Federal Reserve and the Hank Paulson/Tim Geithner led Treasury saved their buddies on Wall Street while throwing the people on Main Street under the bus. When Wall Street’s leveraged risk bets pay off, they reap all the riches – as is happening today. When their colossal wagers go bad, the propaganda about systematic failure is rolled out and the American people are stuck with the losses. The goal has always been to revive the stock market and make sure the Wall Street banks continue to generate billions in profits, while leaving the taxpayer on the hook for their failed bets.

The OWS and Tea Party were both grass roots initiated movements as a societal response to the distress created by Wall Street and their government crony cohorts. The Wall Street banks colluded with DHS and captured politicians of both parties to crush OWS and subvert the Tea Party. The Deep State’s success in squashing dissent from what they considered the lowly peasants has only been temporarily papered over by the $10 trillion of debt issued to keep the masses sedated, deluded and ignorant about the true nature of the ongoing crisis. The storyline about the 1% is misleading, as many people in the 1% are small business owners, doctors, and professional workers. The true story is the exponential wealth increase of the .1% over the last 35 years as the financialization of the economy has enriched psychopathic, highly educated men who produce nothing but misery, debt, and ultimately social unrest.

Decomposing the 1% reveals the top .1% increasing their share of the national wealth from less than 9% in 1980 to over 21% today. These are the corporate CEO’s buying back their company stock at all-time highs in order to boost their stock based compensation, Wall Street executives who committed the largest control fraud in world history while unabashedly flaunting laws & regulations, hedge fund managers who manipulate and rig the markets while paying no taxes on their billion dollar profits, and billionaire cronies who profit from the military industrial complex and sick care complex by paying off politicians to write laws in their favor and funnel government contracts to them. The sacking and pillaging of the nation’s wealth by psychopaths who are never satisfied with their current vast level of riches, power and control, exposes itself in the tremendous recovery on Wall Street and the ongoing depression on Main Street.

A simmering rage is bubbling below the surface as 20% of American households rely on food stamps to survive, the percentage of Americans in the labor force stands at a four decade low, real household income remains stagnant at 1988 levels, corporate profits have reached record levels while corporations continue to fire Americans – shipping their jobs overseas, and the six mega-corporations representing the mainstream media cover up the truth, mislead the public with propaganda, while celebrating the .1% as saviors of our economy. There is nothing more volatile to societal stability than millions of unemployed men, growing angry and resentful towards the ruling class for their lot in life.

The vast gulf between the haves and have nots will fuel further violence between the classes, as our fraying society is already seething with anger between races, religions, political parties, and genders. The increasingly brutal police state, militarization of local police forces, shaking down of citizens through fines, and unlawful surveillance of our electronic communications, will lead to a backlash against police.

The Black Lives Matter movement, begun after a number of police brutality incidents against black men, has been hijacked by politically motived race baiters and is exacerbating tensions between blacks and whites. The false storyline perpetuated by the media disregards the fact blacks, who represent 13% of the population, commit 22% of all violent crimes and 93% of black shooting victims are shot by other blacks. The white population, abiding by laws, is getting sick of being blamed for the gun violence and lawlessness in liberal ghetto bastions like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis and Philadelphia.

Cultural Distress

Even though the vast majority of gun related crimes happen in urban ghettos and the much publicized mass shootings are committed by mentally deranged young men on psychotropic drugs, liberal control freak politicians use scare tactics and misinformation in their effort to grab the guns of law abiding Americans living in rural regions. It is the elitist hypocrite politicians living on the coasts, protected by armed guards, who want to eviscerate the 2nd Amendment, and think it is fine for the 4th Amendment to be disregarded by police thugs across the land. Disarming the citizenry is essential to implementing a dictatorial regime. The race wars have intensified, as the Black Lives Matter meme has spread to college campuses in Missouri and in the hallowed Ivy League at Yale and Princeton.

The bullying tactics of the pampered participation trophy generation of entitled millennials, being misled by social justice warrior ideologues, is fueling a backlash by older generations who studied, worked hard, obtained useful college degrees, repaid their student loans, and didn’t use race, gender, or micro-aggressions as excuses when they failed. College campuses, which once championed free speech and free thought, have now become bastions of censorship, left wing ideology, suppression of opinion, shouting down of dissent, thought control, and subduing the rights of the majority for the benefit of an outraged minority who resort to violent rhetoric to achieve their outcomes.

Institutions of higher education have become nothing more than glorified daycare centers for kids who never grew up, learned personal responsibility, or developed critical thinking skills. The feckless college faculty and administrators have allowed financial considerations to override learning, as the curriculum has been dumbed down to meet the degraded capabilities of their high self-esteem/low intelligence students. The reality of an increasingly brutal economic environment and high likelihood of war is about to crash headlong into the coddled, pampered, parent protected, iGadget, facebook worlds of millions of millennials.

They will be nothing but cannon fodder for the Deep State unless they develop a backbone, start thinking critically about what is happening in this world, start dealing with reality, stop trusting the government to save them, and make a stand against the corporate fascist tyranny consuming our nation. The Peter Pan Syndrome, where people with the body of an adult but the mind of a child, increasingly dominate the landscape, as a larger number of supposed adults exhibit emotionally immature behaviors. The self-neutering of young men is the result of twelve years of feminist social engineering in government controlled public schools. The wussificiation is complete.

The combination of social justice warriors, pushing agendas completely out of step with mainstream Americans, and a dying legacy media providing infotainment disguised as news, fuels further cultural distress from coast to coast. With liberalism rampant and dominant on the coasts and conservatism governing the heartland, the cultural divide in the country is a gaping chasm. Average Americans trying to live their lives, pay their bills, and raise families have no strong opinions about gay marriage, men dressing like women, or other deviant behavior performed by consenting adults in the privacy of their own households. But when the liberal media, social justice warriors, and Hollywood elites shove the “right” to gay marriage, the crucifying of people for their religious beliefs, the “courage” of a man pretending to be a woman, and the glorification of abhorrent behavior, down the throats of Americans trying to mind their own business, an unforeseen backlash is inevitable.

The war on the traditional family unit, white males, societal norms, common decency, and community standards has gone too far and the pushback from common decent middle class folks has begun. It is a proven fact that households with married parents are on average wealthier, raise kids who do better in school, can withstand economic setbacks better, and have been the backbone of this country since its inception. The feminist belief that women can raise children without men has proven to be a disaster.

With the percentage of married households plunging from over 70% in 1970 to under 50% today, an ominous tipping point has been reached. Rather than address this truly disastrous problem, the radical feminists and race baiters carry on their culture wars. The social justice warriors, prodded by the liberal media and agenda driven ideologues, are offended by free speech, white people, men, married couples, religious freedom, having to repay loans, gun owners, capitalism, carbon dioxide, meat, yoga and anyone who dares to disagree with their antagonistic, bombastic, vacuous nonsense.

Shockingly, they aren’t offended by the tattooed, pierced freaks roaming the streets, angry because no one will hire them. They aren’t offended by the millions of willfully ignorant, low class army of lazy Obama voters who feel entitled to free housing, free medical care, free food, free phones, and free education at the expense of the working middle class. They aren’t offended by the 70% of black babies born out of wedlock and black men shirking their responsibilities as fathers. They aren’t offended by the rampant criminality and murder rates in the Democrat controlled urban ghettos, created by the welfare policies implemented over the last 50 years.

They aren’t offended by 93% of black murders being committed by blacks. They aren’t offended by a president droning wedding parties and bombing hospitals, while fighting undeclared wars in foreign lands. They aren’t offended by the widespread Medicare, SSDI, and food stamp fraud, costing taxpayers billions per year. Normal people living normal lives are sick and tired of the hypocritical, hollow horseshit rubbed in their faces by a dying legacy media and agenda driven social networks on a daily basis. The foolishness and lunacy of these feckless feeble minded warriors against normalcy will be exposed when confronted by the harsh reality of a Fourth Turning.

The rise of Donald Trump and Ben Carson in the early polls for Republican presidential candidate is being fueled by a rising anger and discontent with the corporate media promoting offensive social agendas, the flaunting of the Constitution by a president ruling by executive order, a GOP establishment corrupted by power and unanswerable to their constituents, the disinterest of politicians in both parties in securing our porous southern borders from foreign invasion by illegal hordes. Now the repercussions of Obama ignoring the threats of Islamic extremism and allowing tens of thousands of undocumented Syrian refugees to flood into the country immediately overwhelming our insolvent welfare system and refusing to assimilate into our culture as they worship at mosques where they are taught to hate everything about American culture, is further fueling a political backlash.

As Aldous Huxley realized six decades ago, the truth is unimportant to those controlling the “free” press and shallow distractions will keep the masses occupied while the controllers achieve their goals.

“In regard to propaganda the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or it might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies — the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.” Aldous Huxley, 1958, in the article The Capitalist Free Press

The media will use their standard propaganda techniques of showing crying women and children to tug at the heartstrings of a naïve, unaware populace to allow refugees from a conflict created by the U.S. in Syria to come into our country. You know the tired rhetoric – give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. But this is a Fourth Turning where the harsh reality crashes headlong into rhetoric, memes, and storylines.

Whether the U.S. government is responsible or not for creating the wave of Islamic radicals practicing their warped religious beliefs across the globe by committing murder against innocent people, the fact remains that only Muslims are waging this war against non-believers. There are no Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans, Jews, Buddhists, or atheists spreading their religious beliefs by committing acts of terror or waging war. A religious war is brewing and the consequences will be far reaching and bloody for those practicing Islam. There may be only a small minority of radical jihadists, but the silence of the majority speaks volumes to non-Muslims around the world.

As this Fourth Turning continues to intensify, the bowing down to political correctness and agendas of social justice warrior bigots by traditional minded Americans is going to stop. The pushback may be violent, as the aggressive tactics of these free speech hating fascists is met with armed confrontation they aren’t anticipating. These “warriors” aren’t exactly the Hero generation who did the heavy lifting during the last Fourth Turning. Privileged, entitled, ignorant millennials bullying weak kneed college professors and milquetoast administrators on the campuses of liberal arts colleges isn’t exactly storming the beaches of Normandy or battling through the jungles on Guadalcanal.

When confronted with Americans who have seen their standard of living falling for the last twenty five years and are sick and tired of hearing drivel about white privilege, black lives matter, safe spaces, gay and transgender “rights”, micro-aggressions, rape culture, misogyny, $15 minimum wage, and a myriad of other offenses against feminism, these easily offended “warriors” will piss their pants. These trivialities will seem so quaint when they are confronted with an angry guy with a gun on the streets or when they are told to report for duty as we wage war with Russia and China. The foolishness of the culture wars will become strikingly apparent when economic collapse and life or death choices confront our special snowflake generation.

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 12:33 am

I pity you, BW, your not getting much traction here. I suspect you had a childhood of molestation, does that song remind you of girl, interrupted? Thought so. You make light of so many traumatic events in your life. I guess that, otherwise, you would have blown your brains out already.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 12:36 am

I gave you a chance to get 100, you dope. End of the World was #100. You blew it like everything else.

BW's Elementary Teacher - 1985
BW's Elementary Teacher - 1985
November 29, 2015 12:51 am

Class, we have a new student and before we meet her I’d like to say a few words of advice: don’t say nothing about her hunchback and club foot, she hasn’t got any parents so she lives with a family of A-rabs up in hooter-holler. This will be her first year of formal schooling so, like Obama, she will be starting school in 8th grade. Like I said, she is a little slow and tends to miss a few numbers when counting from 0 to 100. We forgive her right, class? Oh-Kay so let’s meet our newest member of the class of 2001, Raydeanthelmalou Frikkenwald!

November 29, 2015 1:03 am

In among some relevant and useful information there appears some major ideological claptrap associated with brainwashing of capitalism and patriotism as the only sound values for a social system as propagated down the generations by the servants of the power elites. I caught to many whiffs of this to bother finishing reading this most likely libertarian right wing complaint about fantasy free markets and invisible hands. I’m just glad I started here and not had bothered with this whole series.

November 29, 2015 1:15 am

Fabulous article Admin. Never truer words written. The privileged younger set are not going to know what hit them. I get a little tired of the “what would you know looks and glances”. Come what may.

I was just thinking…..what a great site.Everyone pleasant to one another without the scathing remarks you can find on other sites and then it starts…..shame.
We all don’t have long left so be nice to one another as we all seem to be on the same side here.

And yep…I have rooms full of TP, along with all the hand operated equipment, canned food… name it, I’ve got it for what is coming down the road.

November 29, 2015 1:24 am

@El Can’t spell

You should brush up on your contractions if you’re going to talk so much smack.

November 29, 2015 5:35 am

The entire US culture and economy is unsustainable. The billionaires believe they can rape and pillage forever. They cannot. The middle class believes it can maintain its standards of living, despite enormous personal debt, falling educational standards, a sub-standard work ethic, and enormous foreign competition.

The article mentions white men having no real wage increase in years. That ties to the drop in manufacturing employment. Manufacturing was the engine of the middle class. It was doomed to disappear owing to ever increasing technology and cheap foreign labor, and disappear and dwindle it has and will.

Americans – indeed developed nations world-wide – are living far beyond what can be sustained. Promises have been made and believed that are simply never going to be honored – SS, pensions, healthcare, etc.

It is going to be ugly, and terrible to behold.

November 29, 2015 7:30 am

[imgcomment image?oh=eee246d475d121d128047e044e72c50a&oe=56EBCC00[/img]

November 29, 2015 7:56 am

The wisps of smoke started when the Supreme Court decided that the individual no longer had a right to protect their reputation. The Supreme Court gutted state defamation laws requiring the media to tell the truth or face financial ruin. At that time there were 1800 plus independent media outlets. NOW JUST 50 YEARS LATER THERE ARE 6. But that was mere accelerent on the fire that was brewing.

The popular election of Senators and income taxation were the progenators of our demise. They gutted our republican form of government and allowed the federal government and a new Legal Class to run roughshod over just about everything as has been so aptly described in this article.

Just a few minor points to make. From someone looking outside at the Democratic party and Obama bin Laden, it would be clear to any objective observer that the Democratic party is engaged in a war to exterminate the black race from America. Everything they have done increases the black on black crimes, lowers the birth rate and makes just about the entire race desperate individuals with only one sense; that of entitlement. The Democrats have set up the black race for a final extermination that will be sure to come in the 4th Turning. Not much will have to be done because when the welfare payments stop they will destroy their own communities and kill each other wholesale. The remnants will be easy to mop up. Hearty thanks to the Democratic Party.

The only thing that can fix the problems is a Plain Meaning rule for Constitutional Interpretation, state appointment of Senators, legislative approval of all rules and regulations formulated by any agency, balanced budget amendments for the federal government, term limits for all elected officials at the federal level, no one on welfare will be allowed to vote in any election unless and until they reimburse their welfare benefits, a limitation on the powers of the commerce clause so that any law passed under its authority does not permit Congress to bribe any state into submission and only laws that affect 1% or more of the economy are valid, corporations have no rights of free speech in any election and must remain silent for 1 year prior to any election, drugs must be made legal, there must be substantive limits on the combined powers of all governments wherein no more than 35% of anyone’s earnings can be taxed by any means except in wartime, prisoners must work as slaves until they pay the victims of their crimes for the damages they have caused, and finally there will be two types of laws wherein a state and the federal government can each pass up to 100 pages of laws which every citizen is required to know or be presumed to know and any laws passed after that, the citizen must be informed they are breaking a law and given a chance to go fix it and if not then and only them suffer the penalties,

Seeing how none of this will get done, my suggestion to you is to start preparing yourself secretly with as much food and abilities to protect it and your family or loved ones because a French Revolution or Russian Revolution type event is coming. Once the event passes hopefully we will have another Constitutional Convention and the issues above will present themselves and things will be fixed.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
November 29, 2015 8:51 am


I kin already tell yer gonner fit in just great. There’s uh ton uh faggoty kumbaya TP obsessed dipshits here (El Coyote is their leader) who wheedle out the last of those few remaining days browsing youtube tryin ter find the perfect embedded video retort. Ricken, stick around fer yer beaner dickin, yew and El Coyote were made fer each other.

November 29, 2015 9:16 am


That “cabin” pic … well, +1,000,000. Liked it so much that it is now the background pic on my computer.

We had the home inspection on Friday. The inspector, AND the buyer, AND the buyer’s father who is in construction were here for TWO hours!! Unreal. But, it went fine … no major issues, a few minor ones we agreed to fix. The buyer has a mortgage commitment letter from the bank. Looks like we’ll have to be out of here in 6 weeks.

Anyway, your picture is a beautiful reminder of what I want … and hopefully, what Ms Freud wants (she’s a city girl at heart and is hesitant to move “to the country”, but she is weakening daily). Thank you, again.

November 29, 2015 9:49 am

@Lysander, I laughed when I saw your comment about the soap. I miss being close to a military commissary, where the “bulk” aisle sometimes displays those enormous blocks of Ivory soap bars that used to be so cheap. (10 bucks for 24 bars!)

I hope that you also save the little pieces that aren’t quite big enough to leave in the shower and aren’t quite small enough to throw away. I have taken to storing them in empty laundry detergent tubs. My friend in Oklahoma who turned me onto the laundry tub idea said she plans to add water and let them stand in the heat to “melt” into hand soap when SHTF.

We actually laugh about our prepper tendencies now. At first, we were frantic, realizing that we were behind the power curve and had so much to learn. Now we laugh. It isn’t that we enjoy the idea of TEOTWAWKI and having to struggle to rebuild something from whatever remains, it is that we are batshit crazy with hope that the frigging FSA, roaches and leeches will be at least partially exterminated.

Whoever thumbed down LLPOH needs their head examined.

@gm I assume that Admin keeps BW around for comic relief… like the three stooges.

@Helena Handbasket… BEST name I’ve seen I think!

@BRF Immediately when I saw your name, I thought “that makes me feel like throwing up.”

@Ricken Except for the rare village idiot, the hate filled vitriolic remarks here are constructive criticism. (And EC isn’t as bad as he seems… actually grows on you like mildew after a while.)

The real troll is BW, whose personality is just slightly more attractive than the image. I printed one of these for target practice and put a bullseye on the nose..

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 29, 2015 10:03 am

Stucky… Tell Ms. Freud that you and she could come try out the treehouse this winter! Nick and I are getting ready to put the wood stove inside, which should make it a hundred times cozier than it was last year when we relied on space heaters and that sorry wall unit heater that barely kept the 600 square feet above freezing all by itself. But the place is CHARMING in the nth degree, tucked away under the hillside in the woods a quarter mile from our place, beside the creek. I still like the treehouse, even though the log home is almost complete…

Of course, now I’ve admitted that YOU are welcome at least at the South end of our paradise. LOL

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 29, 2015 10:36 am

Stuck, FWIW, I would take the advice Thoams Chittum offered up in his demographically dystopian work Civil War II and look at something in Upstate New York as it is still a white majority controlled region and abundant water, with good soil.. or something very similar. Stay away form large populations of FSA’s fer shure.

November 29, 2015 10:54 am

The Federal government has clearly slipped past stupid into the area of total insanity. Even though hundred of trillions of dollars in debt , with tens of thousands homeless and millions unemployed , the fucktard Feds have created another bureaucracy dedicated to settling refugees ( or better explained as colonizing America with third world chea labor) and demand state comply….WTF next?

Obama administration tells states they can’t refuse Syrian refugees…so much for the Tenth Amendment . …Feds might as well take a big steaming shit on the rest of the Constitution as well.

The Obama administration has warned states to comply with federal efforts to resettle Syrian refugees in communities around the U.S. or else find their states subject to enforcement action.

In a letter this week, the Office of Refugee Resettlement threatens states concerned about resettling Syrians with punitive responses if they refuse to accept the refugees. ORR explains that states may not refuse ORR-funded benefits for refugees on the basis of religion and national origin.

“Accordingly, states may not categorically deny ORR-funded benefits and services to Syrian refugees,” ORR Director Robert Carey wrote in the letter. “Any state with such a policy would not be in compliance with the State Plan requirements, applicable statutes, and their own assurances, and could be subject to enforcement action, including suspension and termination.” [I’m afraid of overloading you, but beware of termination because the feds and contractors may well make your state a Wilson-Fish state, if it isn’t already. They would like nothing better!—ed]

The agency also pointed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibiting discrimination for federally funded assistance benefits. Refugees are immediately eligible for welfare and other benefits upon admission to the U.S.

“Thus, it is not permissible to deny federally funded benefits such as Medicaid or [Temporary Assistance for Needy Families] to refugees who otherwise meet the eligibilities requirements,” the letter reads. “ORR is committed to ensuring that all refugees receive assistance and services vital to achieving their potential in the United States and becoming self-sufficient, integrated members of our communities.”

If nothing else comes out of this, we are pleased to say that the American taxpaying public is being educated about the huge costs this program places on our welfare system—nationally and locally! The contractor’s job is to get refugees their welfare benefits and then they move on to the next paying batch of refugee CLIENTS.

***Nine major federal contractors which like to call themselves VOLAGs (Voluntary agencies) which is such a joke considering how much federal money they receive:

Church World Service (CWS)
Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
World Relief Corporation (WR)

November 29, 2015 10:58 am

BTW, Stuck,I know of a rural village where a charming albeit rustic townhouse can be had on the cheap…just say when.

[imgcomment image?m=1291957068[/img]

November 29, 2015 11:29 am

@BillahsWife I can tell you ain’t no lady ! You definitely won’t need as much TP ! LOL

November 29, 2015 11:34 am

Admin- You could write a hundred articles with charts and grafts and correlate them to cycles of war and economic downturns etc. but we have no control and no say in how the script is written. If you know a dangerous storm is coming you move to the basement or storm shelter and hope you are spared, that your property will be standing and your town can go on with business as usual after the front passes through.

There are some who have written that this will all take place over a weekend and by Monday we (Merica) will surrender. That speaks of nuclear devastation in my mind and would not surprise me at all. Short and quick with the currency collapsed quickly because God knows they have a replacement currency ready to roll “the day after”. I can tell you on good account that there are warehouses stacked to the rafters with currency that is red in color and far different from what we are used to using.

I can believe the scenario where it is all very swift in turning this country as they have already mapped out the areas for destruction (which are usually ghettos) sometimes just areas they want depopulated. You could very well wake up from a weekend and find you live in a communist controlled country…..but you already live in that country (Oreo is as Marxist as they come). It is also my understanding that coastal populations and populations near large bodies of water will not be allowed to remain.

One thing I can assure you is there will be no damage to the .001% property or lifestyle. Military vehicles by the score were sent to The Hamptons a couple of years ago and are stored for the big event. You can bet that area will be a fortress and not a hair will be harmed on their heads. The Billionaires Club will sip champagne and boast of the profits to be made as they have always worked equally as well in communist countries as in free Republics (if there ever was such a thing as a truly free Republic). They have already put their plans on the drawing board for projects to be started as soon as the sheep accept the new storyline.

The culling will go on in mass for years to come. It is what it is. Talking about it won’t change it.

November 29, 2015 12:25 pm

@ Bea Lever….”One thing I can assure you is there will be no damage to the .001% property or lifestyle.”

I agree. I used to say that when this country burns the .1% will be flying out on their privates jets looking out the window at a nation of suckers fighting over a can of tuna fish and they will be laughing their asses off. They have had ample time to set up fortresses somewhere. The rich ones left here to manage the remains after the fighting stops will be guarded by the military, like you said.

@ Maggie….Great minds think alike! Yes I do save the little scraps of soap.

November 29, 2015 12:32 pm

The recent article by the Washington Times details that the new Captain America is fighting right wing conservatives who are a part of an “evil” militia known as “The Sons of the Serpents.” These right wing conservatives are accusing illegal immigrants of “invading a sovereign land to spread disease and crime, take American jobs, and collect welfare.”ii What’s more, the article further quotes that the story within the comic states, “by invading this sovereign land, you defy the laws of God, nature, and the United States Constitution! Therefore, I hereby apprehend you by the power vested in me by the aforementioned God, nature, et cetera, et cetera.”[2] My concern here is this: if Captain America is fighting the “new enemy” when his original enemy was Hitler and Nazi Germany, this act details that Captain America is now associating God and the U.S. Constitution with Hitler. In contrast, Captain America is not fighting ISIS, he is not fighting Muslim extremists. Keep in mind the many news stories of recent years have reported that Muslim extremists have been known to cross our southern border. Even filmmaker James O’Keefe put on a Bin Laden mask and crossed the border without a hitch. If you ever had a shred of doubt that the U.S. is under attack, maybe this article could provide some perspective and support for your concern. If you are concerned, Captain America is coming for you.

November 29, 2015 1:04 pm

Lysander and Maggie-

All of this talk of soap reminds me of a article I read a couple of years ago, “Fifty Things You Should Stop Buying And Start Making”. You can find that article in many place around the net.

Shampoo can be made by grating soap on a grater , add purified water and cook up a soap stew. Adding essential oils to the stew will produce different shampoos to address different hair/scalp types and add different smells. Castile soap is the best for making shampoo and body washes.

Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
November 29, 2015 2:30 pm


the problem with the whole fourth turning book is this, it does not apply to the current situation, because there will be a fifth turning to come not a first turning. The fifth turning is one a crises so profound that there is a a total societal and economic collapse, akin to the collapse of the Roman Empire, that is what is coming in this next crises.

The Strauss–Howe generational theory, after each fourth turning there is a renewal, after the crises of a fourth turning, powered by a hero generation. No generation that they studied would really be capable of dealing with A fifth crises, but it is worse here in the Former USA because the hero generation that we have coming up is the Millennials, Gen Y.

There is simply no way that this generation of narcissistic, every one gets an award because every one is special, raised by their helicopter parents, will ever get their nose out of their I gadgets long enough to be the heroes of any thing, they will only notice something is wrong when their Game Boys and X Boxes and I Phones/I pads stop working. At which point it will be post SHTF time and then they will crawl out of their parents basement and figure out that they have no real skills or any rational understanding of their skills because they all are winners. They will probably respond by marching around chanting Black Lives matter or some other drivel.

In addition the world has never seen such a crises as this, the world’s governments have spent and borrowed too much, and set up a fiat financial system that is bound to fail, and when it does the world’s economy will quickly grind to a halt, our economic system is so inter dependent that virtually no area of the country or world, for that matter is self sufficient, as a result the failure of fiat currencies and the subsequent economic reset will have catastrophic consequences.

Borrowing is nothing more than spending money real money or wealth from labor, crops and manufactured goods, you will have, but do not have. So much has been borrowed by governments that the future that it can not be paid, governments will have to tax their subjects (even here in the former USA) so it all future earnings will go to taxes, the entire economy will go under ground, and the Government will become increasingly desperate to acquire revenue through fees and fines.

Borrowing by individuals and business will also crash as interest rates skyrocket, and as fiat money dies, no more goods will be shipped because there will be no way to collect on accounts payable in any thing but perhaps worthless paper fiat currency.

The inter connected world economy will disintegrate into a resource crises, economic migrants will surge into perceived wealthy countries, crushing them, destroying their ability to provide for their own citizens.

It will be in a word apocalyptic. .

EL Coyote with an educational video for BW
EL Coyote with an educational video for BW
November 29, 2015 2:30 pm
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 2:38 pm

Mahtomedi says: @El You should brush up on your contractions if you’re going to talk so much smack.

Yew, Yourn, Y’all. This’n, That’n, Th’other.

I got it down pat. I’m fluent, baby!

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
November 29, 2015 2:56 pm

Edmond Dantes

I wish you would shove yer 5th turning prognostication up yer no source material readin anus. Have you read the gawd dammed book? There ain’t no 5th turning – if the cycle don’t start over you descend inter batshit crazy chaos and yer got ter rebuild from the ground up. You better pray ter the gawd uh people with gay British names that we see a transition into turning one, er we’re all toast, though I do agree this cataclysm appears ter be final.

We already have uh village idiot here. Her name is Maggie, though her fellow Co-dependent internet forum commenters call her Mags – so you might want ter move on.

November 29, 2015 3:39 pm

flash —- We’ll be staying local until my parents die. Obligations … no choice in that regard. We’re about 90% sure we’ll be renting this place —>

YO! ADMIN!!! Wanna make Avalon real happy? Take her to see Brooklyn! Excellent movie. You’ll like it also … very Irish.

The Creed movie was OK. Basically the plot is virtually identical to the original Rocky … except the fight scenes are filmed much better. We didn’t pay. Heh! BUT … our seats were in the very first row, AND all the way on the right end. I could hardly see the whole movie screen.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 3:49 pm

BW, I tried to explain last time that each turning is a quarter cycle. There is no stated value on the vertical and no time on the horizontal. Once we reach a complete cycle, the next four turnings may drop lower or rise higher than the previous cycle. The level does not determine when a turning ends or begins, it’s the characteristics of the times. If we tracked the turnings, we could see a pattern and identify the frequency of occurrence but we can only forecast from the patterns and not predict according to the graph. Edmund is attempting to assign values and timelines to an illustration. He might as well attempt to predict the second coming of Christ.

Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
November 29, 2015 3:55 pm

Yea Billah’s wife first of all personal insults are the sign of an intellectually deficient mind, one which is unlikely to understand complex concepts, I will not really need to respond to you in the same level because that would be pointless, as you yourself have already demonstrated your lack of cognitive skills.

The book does not have a fifth turning, my point is that the book does not take into consideration a complete collapse scenario, and in that way it is lacking.

The total catabolic collapse scenario has happened before, the Mayans, Rome, just to name a couple. Complex societies break down when increasing complexity results in negative marginal
returns. I recommend that you read Gibbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, or J. A. Tainter, “The collapse of complex societies”. that is if you can find the comic book versions..
The fact is that the world economy is overly interdependent, and supply chains are so long, that once that chain breaks, goods (including food and fuel) will stop moving, and services will stop. Fiat money will be worthless. At that point no “transition into turning one”. Sorry but societies do sometimes totally collapse, however if you want to stay blissfully ignorant, and I do mean ignorant, then you are free to do so.

OBTW Dantes is French, but considering your obvious lack of intellectual capacity, your confusion is expected.

Timescales of collapse for selected civilizations (all dates from Tainter 1988)
Onset of collapse
Time to collapse
Minoan Crete
c. 1500 BCE
c. 300 years
Mycenean Greece
c.1200 BCE
c. 150 years
Hittite Empire
c. 120 BCE
c. 100 years
Western Chou empire
934 BCE
163 years
Western Roman Empire
166 CE
310 years
Medieval Mesopotamia
c.650 CE
c. 550 years
Lowland Classic Maya
c.750 CE
c. 150 years

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 4:09 pm

Edmund, how do you explain the longevity of the Byzantine Empire? By listing timelines for several civilizations you do not explain anything, maybe they support your 5th turning final solution theory but except for the Roman Empire example, there is no support for your implied 1-4 turnings.

Where the fuck is Billy?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 4:14 pm

I gave you the Roman Empire, we don’t know what happened to the Maya, scientists point to climate change, drought.

OBTW, Did you ever read of Dana Lamb’s discovery of the lost Maya city?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 4:20 pm


BW is a Yankee and very smart in spite of that. For reasons unbeknownst, BW chooses to write like a total moran.

November 29, 2015 4:47 pm

Admin, I almost laughed out loud at this, but then, when I thought about it, I realized that maybe you have stared into the abyss too long after all.

**Administrator says:


We saw the final chapter of the Hunger Games last week. [[[[[Very grim. I loved it.]]]]] 🙂

Stucky, just because you are staying local doesn’t mean you couldn’t venture into flyover country for the last part of deer season. We have a nice herd of doe on the land and there is a very clever 12 point buck that has been breeding them in the early mornings up behind the treehouse. You could add to your horse copulating photos and films!

@Edmond… anyone who takes the heat off me from the troll is okay in my book.

Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
November 29, 2015 4:52 pm

El Coy:

After the split of the Roman Empire the western empire produced 1/3 the revenues of the eastern empire, but had more than twice as much northern frontier to defend against barbarian encroachments, this placed most of the original empire’s vulnerabilities in one half and most of its remaining resources in the other, as for the Mayans, the most widely accepted model of the Maya collapse holds on demographic and paleoecological evidence that Maya populations grew to a level that could not be indefinitely supported by agricultural practices on the nutrient-poor soils of the Yucatan lowlands. These collapses were resource crises, something we are also facing. And perhaps in the not too distant future. As Lucius Annaeus Seneca wrote “increases are of sluggish growth, but the way to ruin is rapid.”

Admin/Jim I did not read the book, I watched several presentations S and H made on the subject none of which addressed total collapse, in fact their lack of mentioning that, is preciously why I did not bother to read the book. Regardless even if things were better than they are I reiterate that there is no way the Millennials, as a group, are up to the task of Hero Generation. Mea Culpa.

We can disagree about whether there will be a reset or a collapse, however the we have a complex integrated world economy, for example Scientific American had an article a ways back about the five thousand salad, where a salad’s components travel five thousand miles to the dinner plate. Lettuce from Spain, avocados from Mexico, pomegranates from Israel—all arrive for your dining pleasure.
The more complex a system is the easier it is to unravel, years ago the Massachusetts transit authority bought a bunch of new LRV street cars, to replace the old PCCs. The old PCCs doors opened by a lever system, made up out of four parts, those mechanisms rarely if ever broke, the LRVs cars doors opened by pushing a button, it took over a thousand parts to open the doors as a result they always were out of service, the odds of one of 4 parts breaking were far less than one of a thousand.

November 29, 2015 4:52 pm

Oh, and EC? This was funny. I hope you meant for it to be.

“I gave you the Roman Empire, we don’t know what happened to the Maya, scientists point to climate change, drought.”

November 29, 2015 4:55 pm

“They aren’t offended by the 70% of black babies born out of wedlock and black men shirking their responsibilities as fathers. ”

Odd how these writers simply regurgitate the Oprah Winfrey line, the same memes and stereotypes as MSM and bureaucracy, without ever noticing that legitimate (and little-publicized) research paints a different picture.

Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
November 29, 2015 5:08 pm

@Maggie he/she/it is clearly a troll. I just hope it acts out this way because of some sort of mental disorder, and not as a paid NSA/DHS/GCHQ Government troll, because it is so pathetic that if it is a paid Govt troll, then the country has deteriorated further than I had suspected and we are in worse shape than I thought, and that would be really bad.

November 29, 2015 5:17 pm

Stuck, Same here.I stay in this African infested low IQ shithole because of concerns for my mostly, beyond help, ignorant family.As the the captain of the Titanic succumbed, I will most likely go down with he ship…but such is fate..

November 29, 2015 5:22 pm

@ Edmond Dantes Inferno… you haven’t seen anything yet. Hell hath no fury like a mentally unstable BW who just discovered a new commenter on TBP thinks it’s a troll when, in fact, it is a poorly constructed 2nd persona for one of the regulars here.

This is BW on a good day. [imgcomment image[/img]

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
November 29, 2015 8:44 pm

Edmond Dante

Watching a gawd dammed youtube interview with S and H don’t make you an expert. When yer in a nuclear winter, who cares how fuckin complex the global economy was prior to launch?

Of course wer’re headed towards a derailing of the 4th T in regards to the American cycle. The issue here is that yer halitosis breathin dipshitted noggin can’t seem ter comprehend that this reality is not contrary ter the observations re: the saeculuum found in the gawd dammed book.

Plus, Dante was an Italian, and Edmond is the name of many prominent English homosexuals, so say what you want, yer name sounds euro and gay.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 11:01 pm

Ed, you seem to have all the answers, however, recent explorations of circle island point to a drought.

Drought May Have Led to Decline of Ancient Mayan Empire

Also, many books have been written about the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, what a waste of time, they should just have consulted you.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 11:06 pm

How do I know you are not a government troll pushing the old Malthus and Ricardo economic theory of national decline? It couldn’t be bankers, no, it has to be disease, war and famine as you aver.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 11:13 pm

Edmund, I don’t want to let this opportunity pass since you seem to have all the answers, what happened to the Anasazi? Was it too many people chasing too few goods? What do your paleoecological entrails point to?

Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
November 29, 2015 11:54 pm

Anasazi, a drought.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 29, 2015 11:59 pm

Your a good sport, Edmond. Welcome to TBP.

Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
November 30, 2015 12:01 am

EC, you don’t know that I am or am not a government troll, just as I don’t know whether or not you are either, I never said the Bankers were not stealing the nations wealth, they are, the fed is truly the creature from Jeckel Island, however that they are stealing the wealth from the present and future does not mean that there will be a resource based population crash, in fact it increases the possibility that would happen, they are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
November 30, 2015 12:13 am

BW you do realize that your use of profanity and ad hominem insults instead of at least attempting to use clearly articulated logic does not indicate someone with a strong position they believe in but a weak one, that they are unsure of, perhaps you are just argumentative and rude because you are in need of attention, and are desperate for it, and seek to get any response possible. As for your use of profane blasphemy, you appear to have a sad and troubled soul. I will say a prayer for you, you obviously need it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 30, 2015 12:24 am

I had to go over my remarks, I used one bad word when I asked where is Billy, otherwise, I’ve been nice.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 30, 2015 12:28 am

5″When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. 6″But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. 7″And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words.…

November 30, 2015 12:37 am

I don’t want to break up the welcome wagon EC, but I thought I would place this here to avoid detracting from the fifth 4th Turning article.

Admin or anyone who has a clue or at least a reasonable idea. (I.e., BW shut your clueless yap.)

I went to ZH to see what sort of comments the articles were getting there and discovered that Admin has his own troll there in the form of one David Pierre, who apparently lurks not unlike aforementioned Cretin that seems to come out only when certain people are commenting here on TBP, although that could be a coinky dink.

Anyway, this David Pierre is absolutely hellbent on making sure any comments that are positive about JQ’s article are derailed immediately. It is so obvious that one of the regulars made this comment:
:Dude. What do you do most days when there ISN’T an article about the “fourth turning” ?
It must be frustrating to have to scan constantly for a fourth turning article, so you can be the first to post. Do the tylers send you an e-mail telling you when and at what time a fourth turning article is posting?”

Anyway, by the comments on the second page, he’d quit interjecting his hatred of Admin and the comments ranged from reasonable to idiotic. About like here, except that here, we pretty much all know about the 4th turning.
EXCEPT STUCK who refuses to read 300 pages.

Oh, well, just being nosy about this David Pierre, wondering why he seems to hold a real grudge. Grudges are interesting.

November 30, 2015 12:42 am

I like this guy’s reply to one of Pierre’s rants on the 3rd Turning article.

“You once again have not mentioned a single specific line of thought in Howe&Strauss’ book.
I see mostly dumbed down generalizations.

Let’s go deeper on one a little more specific example you brought up:

What part of the preparations urged onto their readers are almost fascist?

Please point to statements in the book (page numbers appreciated.)”