Stucky Q.O.T.D. — Ivy League Morans

First, watch this just released short video.

These are supposedly Amerika’s best and brightest — our future, so to say.  Two questions

1) —- In terms of common sense, are Ivy League grads generally the dumbest fuckers you’ve ever known?

2) —- Many Ivy League grads eventually become the elite One Percenters. Has any other group done more to destroy Amerika? Should we hunt them down and send them to the Great Beyond?


Regarding #2 above, consider this brief list;

1) Harvard – 2,964 super-rich graduates worth a total $622 billion – alumni include Bill Gates

2) University of Pennsylvania – 1,502, $242b – including Donald Trump

3) Stanford University – 1,174, $171b – including Tiger Woods

4) Columbia University – 889, $116b – including Barack Obama

5) NYU – 828, $110b – including Martin Scorcese

6) University of Chicago – 658, $144b – including Daniel L. Doctoroff, CEO of Bloomberg

7) MIT – 581, $172b – including William Reddington Hewlett, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard

8) Yale – 568, $125b – including Forrest Mars Jr, grandson of founder of confectionery co.

9) Cornell – 528, $60b – including Al Bernardin, founder of the McDonald’s Quarter Pounder

10) Princeton – 508, $70b – including Donald Rumsfeld.

I’m outta here!

(NOTE:  All TBP Ivy League grads are exempt, except Llpoh) 


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 17, 2015 11:10 am

Ivy leaguer’s tend to be privileged class people who never consider that any laws or regulations or such they would propose or support would apply to themselves (just to others who are beneath them).

Not condemning all of them of course, but the ones drawing attention to social causes and such usually are.

AT least IMO.

December 17, 2015 11:30 am

I’ve worked with a few guys from MIT; all were insufferably arrogant dicks, but one was actually pretty smart. I got along with him, but very few others did. I think the worst are UVA guys – all the elitist attitude of the Ivy League assholes, but hardly justified. What I’ve observed after two decades in the tech industry is that the brand name on the Diploma doesn’t amount to much…. people can sneak through a “good” school without learning shit (but an elitist attitude), and other people can go to an unknown school and absorb all sorts of good learning, ending up bright, eager AND with a good attitude.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 17, 2015 11:38 am

About ten years ago I was at Princeton talking with some guys at the radio station (WPRB). One of the young men was a senior majoring in Economics and during the conversation the Federal Reserve came up. He had no idea that the Fed was not part of the government, had never heard of Jekyll Island, didn’t know why it was created, what it’s purpose was or anything about it other than he knew that it existed.

Princeton University Economics major about two months away from receiving his degree. Very sharp kid in all other aspects- articulate, well mannered, etc. And yet he was completely uninformed of what has to be considered a pillar of US economic theory, not to mention one of the single most important aspects of our economy.

Part of it I will lay off on the kid. If you’re interested enough in a subject to attend a school like Princeton and choose economics as your major, you ought to be at least curious enough about that subject to understand the fundamentals on your own. What I found most disturbing is that whoever was paying for his education- probably his parents, and at that time we’re talking a minimum of a quarter of a million dollars for an undergrad degree- was getting ripped off.

Maybe I’m mistaken, maybe the Federal Reserve isn’t connected to economics and I’m just assuming that it is, after all it’s called the Federal Reserve and it isn’t part of the government, so obviously names don’t matter.

Am I wrong to assume that no matter what school people are attending that unless you’ve got the intellectual curiosity and passion for knowledge, it’s just a suck hole for money in order to credential a society of dolts?

December 17, 2015 11:52 am

If these idiots that attend our grand halls of higher learning are the future for this country, we are completely screwed.

How are these snowflakes supposed to function in the real world? Reality is going to hit them like the proverbial ton of bricks.

December 17, 2015 11:55 am

I was reading Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding the other day and realized that his philosophy was read by schoolchildren in the early decades of this country. Young people in their teens could discuss and debate Hobbes, Locke, Descartes, etc. without having to Google those names and Wiki their philosophy and then try to discern the meaning of those really big words they’d never seen.

I read Locke in high school, but only as background for a term paper. It wasn’t assigned.

My son’s high school history book was completely revisionist history and if I hadn’t known better, I would have come away from his tenth grade history class thinking this country was full of slave-owning bigots who rode the backs of their slaves to greatness until MLK came along and made them realize that slavery was wrong.

I had a discussion with a professor in a Journalism History class when I was in college about FDR’s friendship with Henry Luce and how I had a theory that FDR’s insistence on giving China a seat at the Big Four table was because of Luce’s fondness for China (having been born to missionary parents there.) A young woman in the class spoke up, demanding to know how I knew that because she had been looking through the text book during our discussion and couldn’t find anything about it.

The professor told her that there was more to history than what was in the textbook. The young lady mumbled under her breath that all she cared about was what would be on the test. The professor assured her that she wouldn’t ask anything about Luce’s background in China.

Unfortuately, what college education has done to our society is teach young people that the grade on the test determines your success. When, in reality, life and how you apply your knowledge and understanding about the topics you’ve studied is the real FINAL exam.

And we are, as a society, failing miserably.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 17, 2015 11:59 am

And for what it’s worth, I am proud to be a Moran.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
December 17, 2015 2:08 pm

the ivy league has influenced government an especially state dept for a very long time, so the outcome is hardly surprising..this club is finally being exposed for what it really is. the idiots are to create the polices that support these views.

December 17, 2015 5:15 pm

Yalies…you do not have the brains you were born with

December 17, 2015 5:31 pm

Stucky callin’ llpoh out:

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Rise Up
Rise Up
December 17, 2015 7:02 pm

Bill Gates should not be on this list. He was given an ceremonious “honorary” degree–he did not earn one.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 17, 2015 7:38 pm

You know what happens to The Useful Idiots after the Communist achieve absolute power…

December 17, 2015 10:13 pm

HF -“it’s just a suck hole for money in order to credential a society of dolts?” Agreed, but those credentials matter in some circles.
A good friend of mine used hers to maximum effect. Her magic piece of paper opened doors to “jobs” granting high pay with very little actual responsibility or effort. It’s as if there is a budgetary percentage devoted to supporting credentialed dolts in a significant amount of enterprises. Inexplicable, I tell ya.

Rise- “Bill Gates should not be on this list. He was given an ceremonious “honorary” degree–he did not earn one.”
They had to cover their ass, can’t have the plebs making unprofitable conclusions.