Cruz and Rubio Side With BLM Over Land Grab In Oregon.

Hat tip John Coster.

 The title is a bit drab but the article is excellent. The video of Rep. Greg Walden is well worth the time to watch. The man is passionate.

Be sure to read the updates below the video as well. Apparently Trump is sending his own man to the NWR to end the psyop and report the truth.  Excellent! It’s going to be sad when TPTB rub him out.

Cruz and Rubio Side With BLM Over Land Grab In Oregon.

Any Senator or Congress person, and any candidate who is saying that the Oregon defenders of the constitution are being lawless need to do a bit of homework and look at why they are standing up and what they are really fighting. They are tired of the land grab of the BLM, tired of the bully tactics, the harsh and cruel punishment for those defending their land and land rights to water and grasslands.

Both Cruz and Rubio spoke out for the ranchers to obey the BLM and follow the law.  The law that has usurped the law?  The truth is the lawlessness is coming from the BLM and Obama’s move to move along the sustainable development programs.  You see,  the Government takeover of national reserves, parks and property is all part of the Wildlands  Project of sustainable development for a 21st century new world order of the United Nations, of which past and present presidents have little by little handed the United States over to without their permission.

Lou Dobbs said it well when he shamed the media for not reporting the true facts on the events taking place in Oregon. They would rather debate on whether Obama’s tears were real or from an onion as he tries to take our guns away.  Well, where are his tears for the children that were at the refuge that he ordered the FBI to go in and blast away?  Where are the tears for those children Obama? While the debate of tears continues, a real trail of tears is taking place in Oregon.  People getting pushed off their land just like the Cherokee were pushed when the government decided they wanted it.

Read the rest here.

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January 8, 2016 9:43 am

The establishment is the establishment and will always side with the establishment against anyone opposing it.

January 8, 2016 10:23 am

Excellent article and video. Well worth the time. Greg Walden is indeed passionate in his speech. He asked the excellent question:” How do you have faith in a government that doesn’t ever listen to you?”
Quite simply, you don’t. While not unique to the current administration, this administration is a prime example of a government that doesn’t give a damn about what the majority of Americans think and believe. Obama and his cronies are hell-bent on forcing their ideology down the throats of those who don’t agree with them. Be it 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, or over-reach by the BLM or HUD they care not about the will of the people, because they have a plan to fundamentally transform this nation at the expense of the majority for the benefit of the minority. Obama has the mentality of a college freshmen that has become enamored with the teachings of his Marxist Political Science 101 professor, and truly believes he can achieve a Marxist utopia. Who can truly say that they have faith in this government?

January 8, 2016 11:31 am

The remarkable thing about this long-simmering crapfest is the fact that the policies implemented by the federal Bureau of Land Management (and other such agencies, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) have been resulting in the worsening desertification of western grasslands for at least half a century now, and the only prospect for reclamation and remediation remains with the cattle ranchers – like the Hammonds and the Bundys and their neighbors – who have already proven to have preserved and strengthened ecological viability in the lands under their ownership and permit-holding stewardship.

See Alan Savory’s 2013 TED talk online at

I disagree profoundly with Mr. Savory’s focus on CO2 capture (the “man-made global climate change” yammer about how anthropogenic planetary warming has been effected by way of the combustion of petrochemical fuels is – and always has been – utterly fraudulent), but the results of agricultural experimentation using herds of cattle and sheep to directedly undertake intensive browsing on grasslands are undeniable. Savory and his colleagues – like the Hammonds and the Bundys – have discovered what works, and demonstrated the fact that only cattle can save the American west from the malignant policies and practices of assholes like those making up the federal BLM.

January 8, 2016 11:53 am

Cruz was on my good list – this is a severe knock, just like Trump with Snowden. Any more severe knocks on these candidates and I won’t vote for anyone.

January 8, 2016 12:09 pm

Kokoda, the only one I have left on my good list is Rand Paul. So far I’ve got some minor issues with him but nothing major. Doesn’t matter since they are blocking him just as effectively as they did his father, so there’s no way that he’ll be the nominee regardless of how many people vote for him.

January 8, 2016 12:34 pm

Tucci, that’s a great comment on the site the link goes to. Looks like trump is probably doing something similar to what you advise.

Broken hearted
Broken hearted
January 9, 2016 11:58 am

Goverment was created of the peopl, by the people, FOR THE PEOPLE!!! For the people not against the people. They are suppose to stand for us not stand against us. They are to protect what we stand for not take us over and try to make us comply to what they want us to stand for, not to control us and have power over us unconstitutional. People need to remember goverment was put together by the people and can be taken apart by the people if need be. We control them they don’t control us we must stand up for our rights or we will not have any.

Karen Taylor
Karen Taylor
January 10, 2016 8:13 pm

IF it is true that Ted Cruz is supporting BLM and FWS, he will NO LONGER HAVE MY VOTE or ANY of my Families either!!!! I thought he was the only one with any common sense. He’d better do some SERIOUS HOMEWORK such as go talk to Ammon Bundy and others and tell them to PROVE what they are saying which I KNOW they CAN and he would have to agree with them not BLM or FWS. Anyway, I am damn disappointed IF this is true.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 10, 2016 8:29 pm

tRumpf’s own man doesnt have any “Psyop” experience.

Someone rattled a door knob…thats it.

But the ever braindead media and twitosphere ran with it.

January 14, 2016 4:21 pm

Political pandering at its best. Tea baggers know their voters aren’t well educated and believe simpletons like Bundy. Sheeple!