Cruz and Rubio Side With BLM Over Land Grab In Oregon.

Hat tip John Coster.

 The title is a bit drab but the article is excellent. The video of Rep. Greg Walden is well worth the time to watch. The man is passionate.

Be sure to read the updates below the video as well. Apparently Trump is sending his own man to the NWR to end the psyop and report the truth.  Excellent! It’s going to be sad when TPTB rub him out.

Cruz and Rubio Side With BLM Over Land Grab In Oregon.

Any Senator or Congress person, and any candidate who is saying that the Oregon defenders of the constitution are being lawless need to do a bit of homework and look at why they are standing up and what they are really fighting. They are tired of the land grab of the BLM, tired of the bully tactics, the harsh and cruel punishment for those defending their land and land rights to water and grasslands.

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