Hat tip Hardscrabble Farmer

Open letter to SF Mayor Ed Lee and Greg Suhr (police chief)

I am writing today, to voice my concern and outrage over the increasing homeless and drug problem that the city is faced with. I’ve been living in SF for over three years, and without a doubt it is the worst it has ever been. Every day, on my way to, and from work, I see people sprawled across the sidewalk, tent cities, human feces, and the faces of addiction. The city is becoming a shanty town… Worst of all, it is unsafe.

This holiday weekend, I had my parents in town from Santa Barbara and relatives from Denver and Rochester New York. Unfortunately, there was three separate incidents and countless times that we were approached for money and harassed.

The first incident involved a homeless drunken man in the morning coming up to their car and leaning up against it. Another bystander got frustrated with the drunken man, and they got into a heated pushing and shoving altercation.

The second incident occurred as we were leaving Tadich Grill in the financial district. A distraught, and high person was right in front of the restaurant, yelling, screaming, yelling about cocaine, and even, attempted to pull his pants down and show his genitals.

Finally, last night Valentines, I was at Kabuki Theater inside watching a movie. About two hours into the film, a man stumbled in the front door. He proceeded to walk into the theater, down the aisle to the front, wobbled toward the emergency door, opened it, and then took his shirt off and laid down. He then came back into the theater shielding his eyes from the running projector. My girlfriend was terrified and myself and many people ran out of the theater.

What are you going to do to address this problem? The residents of this amazing city no longer feel safe. I know people are frustrated about gentrification happening in the city, but the reality is, we live in a free market society. The wealthy working people have earned their right to live in the city. They went out, got an education, work hard, and earned it. I shouldn’t have to worry about being accosted. I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day. I want my parents when they come visit to have a great experience, and enjoy this special place.

I am telling you, there is going to be a revolution. People on both sides are frustrated, and you can sense the anger. The city needs to tackle this problem head on, it can no longer ignore it and let people do whatever they want in the city. I don’t have a magic solution… It is a very difficult and complex situation, but somehow during Super Bowl, almost all of the homeless and riff raff[1] seem to up and vanish. I’m willing to bet that was not a coincidence. Money and political pressure can make change. So it is time to start making progress, or we as citizens will make a change in leadership and elect new officials who can.
Democracy is not the last stop in politics. In-fact, the order of progression according to Socrates via Plato in the Republic goes: timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and finally tyranny. Socrates argues that a society will decay and pass through each government in succession, eventually becoming a tyranny.

“The greater my city, the greater the individual.”

[1] I want to apologize for using the term riff raff. It was insensitive and counterproductive.

Justin Keller

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February 19, 2016 12:44 pm

As long as people who are addicted and mentally unstable have the right to remain so the options are limited.
Ideally these people should be taken off the streets, put into a facility, and treated.

February 19, 2016 1:05 pm

“amazing city” – only when you wear liberal coated eye lenses.

And, we can’t bother with the homeless – the migrant beheaders need support more than the homeless, many of which are veterans.

And, the reason the city is cleansed of homeless during Super Bowl – the Gestapo employs the Kelly Thomas routine.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 19, 2016 1:26 pm

My sympathies go to the people that have to associate with Justin Keller. You can arrest the drunks and make them sober but Keller is hopeless.

February 19, 2016 1:37 pm

God forbid that Justin Keller should have to view some reality when he leaves his protective bubble. Should build a castle on a hill so he will never have to come in contact with the serfs. I’m sure his shit doesn’t stink either. Mr. Keller you might escape the sight of suffering, But the grim reaper is stalking you also, you elitist filth

February 19, 2016 1:46 pm

From the letter:
“[1] I want to apologize for using the term riff raff. It was insensitive and counterproductive.”

As long as well intentioned folks feel the need to apologize for using the term “riff raff”, the problem will never………ever get better.

The city of San Fransicko demonstrates perfectly why we all deserve what is coming. San Fransicko is just ahead of the curve.

February 19, 2016 1:51 pm

SF has been a messed up city with homeless, mentally ill and weirdos since AT LEAST the 1990’s, and for all I know back to the 1890’s or earlier. That’s what …. it … is. Don’t like it, don’t live there or work there. Take your tech job or tech company to someplace better, like Austin … or…. uh…. ummm…. any decent city not run by liberal idiots and youthful SJW idiots. (But I repeat myself.)

His letter hits some legit points but the overall argument is terrible. When a city turns sour, I avoid it. Toronto was a great city through the early 1990’s and then somehow turned in Canuckistan’s SF, with the legions of homeless and car window-smearers and all that shit. That’s when I stopped visiting it.

February 19, 2016 1:53 pm

Justin The Dickless -My girlfriend was terrified and myself and many people ran out of the theater.

Safe places , dickless..safe places …must get to.

February 19, 2016 2:09 pm

I’ll explain the whole thing. My wife worked in various mental hospitals as a psychologist in the early 70’s. She said there were over 500,000 in mental hospitals in the 70’s. Now it’s less than 50,000.

The liberals decided that nonviolent, mentally ill people, were being held in state hospitals, against their will. After all they committed no crimes. After suing state after state, and having the Federal Government ‘invent’ new rights – these people were released.

The real lie is to call them homeless. A better term is mentally ill people who are nonfunctional and won’t take their meds.

Here in Minneapolis, they encourage the homeless to use the library! That’s right while all of us work, the homeless are sleeping in the libraries / surfing the web / looking at porn.

A friend of mine – his wife works at a larger library – there was about an 8″ snowstorm. She called in and said she couldn’t make it. Her supervisor called back and said “If we don’t open the library where will the homeless go?”.

You can fucking make this shit up.

February 19, 2016 2:31 pm

Society. It’s falling apart. Truly.


February 19, 2016 2:42 pm

My first time adding a YouTube link. Hope it works
Best song ever

February 19, 2016 2:42 pm

Another liberal run city turned shithole. Big surprise.

Next big surprise…the liberal run USA going the same way.

February 19, 2016 2:42 pm


February 19, 2016 2:45 pm
February 19, 2016 2:46 pm

“My girlfriend was terrified and myself and many people ran out of the theater.” —– letter

“Terrified” of a homeless dude? Ya fuckin’ PUSSY!!! Then again, San Francisco fags terrify me.
“I am telling you, there is going to be a revolution.” ——– letter

Probably not a good idea to tell a government official about revolutions ….. especially when you include your name and address. Enjoy having your name on the DHS list, dickhead.
“I don’t have a magic solution” ———- letter

That much is obvious. On the other hand, you do have a solution. You want the homeless and indignant to be shipped out to ANOTHER city. Pass the buck to some other citizens. Brilliant, ya asshole.

Lastly, blow me. Oh, you’re from SF? Nevermind!!

February 19, 2016 2:47 pm

Mesomorph, on youtube just right click the video, select “copy video URL”, come back to TBP and right click on the message body space and select “paste”.

February 19, 2016 3:01 pm

Thanks IS. I tried pasting the link into the Add images link.

February 19, 2016 3:03 pm

The liberal mindset is a wonder to behold. Many of these people just cannot understand cause and effect. These liberals enacted no building zones throughout San Francisco making an overpriced housing market even more expensive.That’s one of the major reasons for this problem. Most people have been priced out of the housing and Rental properties. Do a Google search and check out the rental prices on small one bedroom apartments.

I know many of these people have addiction problems or emotional problems but even if they get treatment there’s still very little affordable housing available.

February 19, 2016 3:03 pm

Stucky, I’m curious, you generally dislike bashing the down and out. I like a good humanitarian streak in a dude, I think that way, but tend to act in a much harsher way. My question to you is, what do we do about it? I don’t want to see anybody suffer, but that seems to be the life many choose. What do we do? I’m not looking for end all solutions, just how do we turn the corner. That idiot with the pizza place the other day turned my stomach. You can’t run a homeless shelter AND a pizza joint at the same time, for sanitation reasons. What do we do?

February 19, 2016 3:26 pm
February 19, 2016 3:26 pm


I need clarification before I answer.

Are you asking what to do about the homeless problem … the people on the street?

Or, do mean what can be done to reduce homelessness?

February 19, 2016 3:34 pm

strfcker axed:
“what do we do about it?”

Depends on what society is willing to pay for. I’m for institutionalizing some who are unable to care for themselves while being overseen by all the liberal progressive do-gooders (for free of course) to make sure they are not abused. For those who refuse to play ball and integrate into society in a manner that pays their own way at a minimum………euthanasia. Their choice.

As repulsive as my ideas may be, even to me, they won’t fare any better given the shitstorm headed our way.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 19, 2016 3:36 pm

If they’re begging on the streets, don’t give them money. Give them Olanzapine. If they piss or shit on the street, arrest them. Pissing outside should be the sole purview of those who own a house and do it to bug their wife.

February 19, 2016 4:00 pm

Last time was in SF was at a professional meeting 2000 or 2001. Had not been to SF since graduating college in 1983.

Mr. HZK and I were shocked at the filthy status of the city, at being accosted on every goddamn corner by the homeless, the insane and the professional grifter class – and of paying 3x the going rate for a half rate meal at the eateries.

We bailed and spend the rest of the week in Napa.

I can only image the deterioration that has occured in the 16 years hence.

Actually SF is on my list of places To NEVER go, EVER.

Yet another beautiful city ruined by the Liberal Progressivess.

February 19, 2016 4:13 pm

If a person is truly incapable of taking care of themselves then society should take care of them. However they should lose the right to bred and reproduce. If one wants the right to bred and reproduce then society has no obligation to provide their care.

February 19, 2016 4:21 pm

“Somebody need to be held accountable and somebody need to pay “!!!!
[img] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjpGBEPYv80%5B/img%5D

February 19, 2016 4:22 pm
February 19, 2016 4:25 pm

Stuck, I’m not looking for a short answer. I don’t believe there is one. There are plenty of people pointing out problems, and this is one very real problem. I live in the world of, what are we going to do about something, we do it, and adjust as nessesary. There are some smart fucks here, that’s why I like the place. But times have changed, we know what the problems are. How do we dig out?

February 19, 2016 4:27 pm

I’m not trying to back you into a corner, or parse your words, just the opposite. I’m saying, if you had the power, what would you do? That’s how things get solved

February 19, 2016 4:31 pm

Holy shite. If I were homeless I’d want to be drunk and stoned too. My how judgmental the privileged few are in this country.

Happiness is knowing that the scum letter writer will be truly understanding the plight of the homeless before much longer.

The world that we knew is no more. Disparaging and demanding punishments of others while eating cake has turned rotten on more than one occasion in world history.

Freak this guy and the elite horse he road in on.

February 19, 2016 4:36 pm

@Dutchman, that is not exactly true.

What I remember is that the Demoncraps and the Repukes, under Reagan, GUTTED funding for mental hospitals and hundreds of thousands of families/people found themselves out on their asses.

To blame “libs” is rose-coloring history to your preferred bias.

WE decided as a country that we no longer wished to pay for it.

Then, in the ’90s, Clinton and the Repuke led CONgress, gutted welfare for non-parents.

Cripes. Now I remember why I quit reading the comments.

BOTH sides have created this mess so that a handful of people could end up owning 50% of the world’s wealth and keeping BOTH sides in office.

Continue to believe in the “us vs. them” paradigm while thinking that somehow those that broke it will be able to fix it.

Hope reigns eternal to the politically biased.

February 19, 2016 4:51 pm

And when he’s done with apple, he’s gonna hang snowden

February 19, 2016 4:58 pm

My two cents worth: My son lives in SF, a graduate of Missouri University, from what he was as a high school student to what he became when he graduated from Mizzou tells me the leftist indoctrination is the curriculum of most all major colleges. He supports BLM and social justice. I love him as a son and have approached him on these topics to no avail. He is student loan debt free because of my wife and me, we went without putting him through college. I am wondering if that was the correct thing to do! I have been considering the socialist method of spreading the wealth around by spending what we have accumulated so as to be fair, in his world now he would hopefully understand to ask for help from the state instead of us. There would be strings attached in his dealings with the state whereas we gave lovingly. He will wake up soon as all the progressive left will when thing come undone. Higher education is but a big hoax, there is no free lunch and reality is about to really suck!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 19, 2016 5:06 pm

I bet the owner of Tadich Grill is like WTF?

Name drop high end eatery: CHECK!

Apologize for gentrification: CHECK!

Normalize cisgender identification: CHECK!


February 19, 2016 5:24 pm

From the article posted by admin:
““Tim Cook is living in the world of the make believe,” Trump said Friday in a telephone interview. “I would come down so hard on him — you have no idea — his head would be spinning all of the way back to Silicon Valley.””

Fuck tRump and the horse he rode in on! He may not be an establishment politician but he’ll become one in NY minute. He prefers safety to liberty. That’s all I need to know about the tRumpster. With liberty we can provide our own safety.

And fuck Bernie too!

Rise Up
Rise Up
February 19, 2016 5:43 pm

A 38-year-old man was punched and knocked to the ground in broad daylight by two muggers who proceeded to steal his gold teeth in San Francisco’s Financial District, police said Friday.

The street robbery occurred at California and Kearny streets around 4 p.m. Thursday when the two attackers came up from behind the victim and punched him in the face, knocking him down, police said.

The thieves then kicked the man while he was on the ground, police said.

The attackers also took the victim’s cell phone and ripped the gold caps out of his mouth before fleeing the scene on foot, according to police.

The victim also suffered a swollen eye and abrasions to the knee and was taken to the hospital.


February 19, 2016 5:46 pm


Not all universities. My son attends Liberty where there are mandatory courses in the Constitution and they encourage concealed carry. When he hits 21 he’s getting a firearm and a course for his birthday. The FSA does not exist there.

February 19, 2016 5:50 pm


I’m not smart enough to come up with solutions.

Government must be involved …. sometimes. Give me a second to explain before you vote me down.

Let’s say we use a sliding scale of mental deficiency from 1 (low) to 10 (high). The “1” person being what they call “functionally retarded” — very low IQ, but able to hold a job, usually a menial one. The “10” person being literally unable to care even for themselves …. totally retarded, like BuelahMan.

Government involvement needs to be heavy at the “10” level. Who else will/can take care of those who can’t help themselves? Don’t say family. Sure, that would be ideal. But, not even most families –even if they have gobs of love and patience — simply can’t meet the needs of the severely disabled. Of course “charitable organizations” can also come to the rescue. But, there may not be enough of them .. not to mention the government itself greatly handcuffs them.

Of course, the level of government assistance greatly goes down when you reach the “1” level person.

The IDEAL situation would be for society to freely volunteer to take care of the mentally infirm ….. thousands upon thousands of families, friends, and acquaintances taking in the least of these and taking care of them. Good luck with that. Jesus has been calling for his flock to do just that for the last two thousand years. How’s that working out?

I told you I have no answers.

February 19, 2016 6:01 pm

Stucky’s Top 10 — Getting the homeless off the streets;

1)– Let’s get rid of the causes of homelessness!! Yeah, once again, good luck with that. I think we’ve had the War On Poverty now for many decades. How’s that working out?

2)– Arrest them and throw them in jail. Hey, at least they get a cot and three meals a day.

3)– Make them go elsewhere. To a “hidden” part of the city. To another city. Or, just drive all of them to a remote part of Montana and dump them there.

4)– Fuckit … since I’m brainstorming …. why don’t we just kill them.

5)– Reopen or build new mental institutions and send them there.

6)– Vote for Bernie Sanders. He’ll give them all free homes.

7)– Teach them how to read at the 3rd grade level, then give them all jobs at CuNNt or Fux. It would be a massive improvement.

8)– Give ’em all guns. Send them to the Middle East to fight ISIS.

9)– Pray Jeebus comes back soon. We’ll be Raptured to heaven. Let the fucken heathens who are left deal with the problem.

10)– Build more homeless shelters.

That’s all the solutions I can think of. Maye you have more. None of them are very appealing. Jesus might have been right all along — “The poor will always be with you.”

February 19, 2016 6:04 pm

Good to see the lovely person behind the initials “TE” posting today !!!!

February 19, 2016 6:14 pm

ILuvCO2, good your son is enrolled there, I did say most all major universities, read the post carefully.

February 19, 2016 6:15 pm

Stucky, did your pappy ever get his license back? What about mama Stucky since her hip replacement? How goes the home sale?

February 19, 2016 6:28 pm

I got the impression that this guy would be fine with a government-sponsored soylent green plant, so long as it got rid of the unsightly 2nd rate homeless scum that had inconvenienced him and his more important family and friends.

Just round them up at night in discreet unmarked panel vans and in the morning it’ll be as though they never existed.

February 19, 2016 6:33 pm

As a college nursing student my wife worked for a term at St. Elizabeth’s hospital near Washington, DC. As I recall, this well-run government facility was shut down by St. Ronnie. I remember visiting DC afterwards, in the winter, and seeing “homeless” people curled up on top of the metal sidewalk grates exhausting warm air from the surrounding government buildings.
I keep thinking that we used to be better than this.

February 19, 2016 6:48 pm


pappy’s license …… please see my post @8:59AM in this thread —

Stucky’s 6 Undenial Proofs That The Holocaust NEVER Happened

I got two thumbs down for explaining my dad’s situation. Nice.

Momma’s hip is fine. It’s the rest of her body (bones) that are degenerating. Major back issues, and her hands are deformed with arthritis. I see her hobbling in such pain I often cry in the car on my way home. Honestly — not just cuz she’s my mom — in her 20’s mom was just drop dead gorgeous. Thanks for asking.

The house? Lookers, but no buyers. Cocksuckers!!!! We won’t start to panic until springtime. Who the fuck buys houses in Fenruary anyway?

February 19, 2016 6:51 pm

I was just told that “Fenruary” is not a month. Dahum! No wonder people aren’t buying!

February 19, 2016 6:56 pm

Jim, let’s review. I like trump, and I’d like to see apple destroyed. I don’t care how they get sideways with him, as long as he brings the full force of the federal government down on them. This case is as good an excuse as any. I don’t care about the smallball, slippery slope, but I’m scared issues right now. I want to see the trade issue fixed. I want the border under control. I want to see for profit military adventuring cease. I want to see the rule of law apply again, particularly in the areas of counterfeiting, monopoly, slavery, and usery. If I had my druthers, I would say too bad, you don’t get into the phone. But I’m not getting lost in the weeds on little bullshit like this.

February 19, 2016 7:38 pm

Thanks for the update Stuck. I’m happy for your dad but I’d have some trepidation if it were my father. I hope you mom likes gift and enjoys her trip to the market. They sound like quite the pair!

Don’t sweat the sale of the house. Live your life and things will fall into place as they always do even if you have to give ’em a little kick once in awhile!

I passed on your holocaust thread after reading the intervention thread. One can take only so much retardation in one week! After reading your 8:59 comment I’m intrigued enough to tuck into it.

BTW, Congratulations Stucky! I bow to the master!

[imgcomment image[/img]

February 19, 2016 8:12 pm

“I passed on your holocaust thread after reading the intervention thread. One can take only so much retardation in one week!” ———- I_S

Oh, buddy, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. I submitted a new “Stucky Q.O.T.D.” about an hour ago. It’s a real doozy. Has a very real potential to turn into a MAJOR shit fest. Stay tuned ….

February 19, 2016 8:21 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

February 19, 2016 8:23 pm

Dammit! wrong pic!
