How the establishment will now try to steal the nomination from Donald Trump

Guest Post by Doug Wead

Warning to the Trumpets. It ain’t over. It is just beginning.

Below are a list of tactics that Establishment Republicans may use to block the nomination of Donald Trump.  Yes, I know. If they succeed they will not win the White House but many in the establishment will make just as much money under a Democrat insider as they will with a Republican insider. So they may not care.

All they may want to do is send the message to any future “outsider” candidate, “This is our party and you need our approval to participate. If you try to do this without us we will destroy you.”

These tactics were used in 2012 to keep Libertarian insurgents from winning delegates to the Republican National Convention. The fear was that Ron Paul would be able to place his name in nomination and give a speech about capital cronyism and how big corporations use the system to corrupt free enterprise. Donald Trump can learn from our experience.

What was at stake in 2012? Money. What’s at stake now? Money.

But why will low level party stalwarts who don’t get that money play along and do the bidding of the big party leaders?

To keep their positions as State, County or Precinct Chairmen. Power. Ego. Prestige. They want that all expenses paid trip to the Republican National Convention. Booze. Free corporate gifts. A box of Godiva chocolates left on their pillow in their room each night. They know that candidates like Trump come and go but the party infrastructure, financed by companies and their lobbyists, remain forever.

Here’s what the new Trump supporters can expect. (Carefully follow the links to stories below to see the actual videos and read the details of how these things happened in 2012.)

#1) Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and Romney will cooperate with each other to help block Trump outsiders at key Country and State conventions. There is nothing wrong with this. Just don’t be taken by surprise. You may have most of the delegates at the local event and still lose to this combination. Make your own deals with Chairmen and other party officials before its too late.

#2) The RNC Rules Committee will likely change the rules back to a five state requirement needed to put a name in nomination at the Convention. This will make it easier to nominate Rubio, Cruz, Kasich and even Romney. Trump operatives should block this change and keep it at eight, which was originally designed to protect Romney, the expected incumbent.

#3) Make sure that you have your own people chosen as delegates to the convention. The insiders will fight you to the death over this, saying that it doesn’t matter, that you won the primary or the caucus and so the actual delegates are bound by law to vote for you anyway. (Not true.)

They will say that the governor and the senator and the old former chairman, who has been to every RNC since Eisenhower, should be able to represent their state. Be courteous  and reasonable but you also need large numbers of your own reliable Trump supporters chosen as delegates.

Keep in mind, the only rules that bind the delegates are the rules of the party and those very delegates can change those rules.

What if there is a media hyped Trump scandal and the party votes to “unbind” the delegates on the first ballot?  Then they can vote for whomever they wish.

What if Trump does not win on the first ballot and there is a second ballot? They will then vote their real choice and you will have lost all of those states you thought you had won in primaries.

#4) The place of the caucus that selects the actual delegates who go to the district or state convention may suddenly change without your knowledge. Linked by a telephone chain the insiders will meet without you. Your folks will show up at one hotel and the meeting will take place at another.

#5) The time of the meeting may suddenly change. Your people can show up and find that the building is locked and authorities will say you are too late to be allowed in to participate. This happened many times in 2012, with hundreds of screaming voters left outside.

#6) The chairman may say “Ayes have it,” even if they don’t. This happens at the precinct, county, district, state and even national level. What are you going to do about it? Sue? Meanwhile, their winning precinct delegation will go onto the State Convention as delegates representing your opponent.

You may appeal to the RNC for justice and they may support the cheaters because you don’t have enough of your own people as delegates serving on the Rules Committee.

#7) Off duty police may arrest and detain your newly elected Donald Trump GOP officers. Yep, that happened to us. Your people may be kept for hours in jail cells and those who protest may be arrested as well.

#8) Precinct, Country, State leaders may charge a last minute tax. This happened in 2012 in Alaska. Voters who had not been tipped off could not vote without paying $10. Credit cards not accepted. This worked so well at excluding voters in Alaska that Romney operatives used it in King County, Washington. They also turned away young people who did not appear on their outdated voter registration lists.

#9) If the Caucus Chairman is replaced or does not like the outcome of the vote they may suddenly declare the process invalid. For example, they may say that the new chairman is a Trump partisan and thus it is now a Trump event and the GOP insurance for the event is invalid and thus the meeting is ended. See the video above.

#10) State Conventions will prepare ballots misspelling Trump and then later discount them in the voting for those pledged delegates.

#11) Fake ballots will be distributed listing establishment names as the official Trump delegates, confusing the voters. They may also try to split the Trump slate by nominating competing Trump delegates with real names of public figures.

#12) Counting the ballots at the various conventions will be an exhausting business with delays, postponements until the next day, seals broken on the voting boxes, and all kinds of chicanery.

#13) They may cancel the voting due to weather in a key precinct that is heavily Trump, throwing the State. Even though the weather turns out to be fine in the given precinct.

#14) At convention you may find hotel rooms cancelled. And other rooms may be bugged. They may arrange for the bus bringing your delegates to the Rules Committee to get lost and changes to convention rules may happen in your absence.

#15) When you leave the RNC don’t think it’s over. A Ron Paul delegate was detained by TSA at the airport leaving Tampa when bullets were found in their packed luggage.

The idea is to make you so sick, so weary, so beaten down that you will never, ever, even dare challenge the establishment that runs the Republican Party again. Ever.

Here is the message. It doesn’t belong to you. As in the case of the Democratic Party, it belongs to the insiders, the rich and powerful who make money from a rigged economy that favors a few at the expense of the many. Donald Trump is too independent and too unpredictable for them.

You have been warned. Good luck.

Notify of
March 7, 2016 12:55 pm

#16: you may come to realize that the entire “election” process is totally fake and illegitimate, that it is designed specifically to prevent the majority from being heard.

#17: you may also come to realize that, by extension, the entire federal government in all its facets is now fake and illegitimate, a bizarre bureaucracy built on quicksand and snake oil. You may lose respect for this illegitimate and oppressive enterprise.

March 7, 2016 1:01 pm

#18 You may finally declare “democracy” dead and go with a Dictatorship or Monarchy.

I’d like to take this opportunity to mention my name for the position of Dictator.

You’ll like what I do.

March 7, 2016 1:13 pm

If Rep. Party pulls dirty tactics then the one choice would be to start implementation of a national campaign to stop voting for any Rep in any election.

March 7, 2016 1:15 pm

Calm down, mr. wead. Trump’s got this.

March 7, 2016 1:17 pm

Here is the man, Ron Paul, and his glorious 4.5 minutes that compelled much of the above activity.
Trump sends about the same message, although not neatly as cogent or eloquent, doesn’t matter, his weakness in this regard might be a strength. It obviously will take a blow hard barbarian to dislodge the globalist swine and the RNC hand maidens. Look at how rigged and entrenched the status quo is.


March 7, 2016 1:20 pm

“The idea is to make you so sick, so weary, so beaten down that you will never, ever, even dare challenge the establishment that runs the Republican Party again. Ever.”

Or the Republican party will simply find there aren’t enough people voting Republican anymore to make it retain any semblance of relevance.

Not that it really has any now under their current Establishment rule, call your local Republican office and ask what they have done to block Obama on anything -what they’re blocked- if you don’t believe me (Yes I did that earlier this year, the answer was basically “we don’t know since we can’t find anything”).

If they kick Trump out through anything other than a legitimate loss of the votes it is time for the rise of a Third Party to replace them as they follow the Whigs down the anus of history.

March 7, 2016 1:20 pm

I like this guy. Saw him speak at Ron Paul’s Florida liberty conference in 2013. (As an aside, my wife is cooler than yours – that was our first anniversary…)

He made a good speech, and this post brings back memories of 2012 when all this shit happened. I was infuriated. That’s really the only time I’ve really been disappointed in RP. He should have been screaming bloody murder about all this nonsense, really laid it all out. The media blacked it out but his supporters and delegates made posts and videos about it. A lot of people saw this but they would have been far more effective of Ron himself was doing it.

One good thing about trump, no way in hell will he take this laying down. Since that 2012 election farce I have been waiting for the Republican Party’s demise and I hope trump is that cause. Good riddance. Nothing would make me happier than seeing the Republican Party in the waste in of history where it belongs.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 7, 2016 2:12 pm

Forget about the Tea Garden Party; they talk but do nothing. They endorsed Rubio and have been taken over by the Controlled Opposition.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 7, 2016 2:16 pm

The voters need to put the blame where it belongs. If the delegates thwart the will of the party’s populous then they should be treated like all Tories throughout the last few hundred years. Don’t run screaming about how the media did or the elite did it because it will surely be the loyalists.

I will say it seems that both parties are on the verge of implosion but neither will go quietly. I really hope this election is the spark and they are the fuel!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 7, 2016 2:26 pm

Old Bea blew the whistle on them blocking Trump a long time ago. I almost feel sorry for the Trumpeteers.

Seen it happen with the dirty convention tricks before. The babysitting gig worked out really well for TPTB, consider yourself bedazzled by The Donald.

Downers in 3…..2…..1…..

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 7, 2016 3:50 pm

Good article, but times have changed. If the Establishment hacks try this nonsense it will result in violence on the convention floor. Whoever emerges from the general election – Democrat or Republican – will be viewed by a large part of the country as totally illegitimate. This will be especially true if the horrid creature Romney is foisted on the GOP rank and file. Then the so-called Progressives and the Establishment pukes will learn in the worst possible way why the little people cling to their guns.

March 7, 2016 4:33 pm

The GOP can choose to butt rape Rightwing America once more time if they want, but that will be the last chance they get, for sure. GOPES!

Sympathy for the Donaldites

Trumpism isn’t merely about unfocused anger – it would be super-convenient to write this off as a temper tantrum that will soon blow over and allow us to get back to the business as usual of ignoring the pleas (which are now demands) to stop the immigration disaster, to address the fallout of free trade, and to stop the useless sacrifice of our sons and daughters in wars we’re too damn gutless to win. But it isn’t. Again and again Republicans promised to solve these problems and yet every single time they’ve lied. Rubio got elected in Florida promising to oppose amnesty then not only fails to do so but stands up with the Democrats and did the exact opposite. And we’re surprised a candidate comes along and points that out?

Think of this as, in large part, the struggle between the haves and have nots of globalization. Amnesty was a great idea for bubble people who think illegal immigration satisfies some sort of libertarian ideal, or who only experience its impact by being able to hire a cheaper nanny. It’s a pretty great idea for the illegals too. But leave your nice neighborhood and go where a high school grad who was born here can’t get a job as a roofer since any general contractor who doesn’t hire illegals is going to go broke because his competition will. Tell somebody whose daughter is shot dead in front of him by an illegal who got arrested five times but never got deported that it’s an act of love.

March 7, 2016 4:35 pm

Bea Lever says-Old Bea blew the whistle on them blocking Trump a long time ago. I almost feel sorry for the Trumpeteers.

Geez,, is it the GOP block now ?What happened to controlled opposition? Trump can’t be controlled opposition and anti-establishment both…which is it BL?

March 7, 2016 4:36 pm

Star – if Trump does not have a majority of delegates at the first ballot, he could be in trouble.

March 7, 2016 4:47 pm

Trump , should be the nominee . If not all of America will know voting is a scam. Democracy is a lie .Only options left will be secession from the union or another civil war. Scary but if the nomination is stolen from TRUMP I see no other solutions.

Note from Idaho
Note from Idaho
March 7, 2016 5:10 pm

Here in Idaho phone was ringing all weekend with robo-calls for Rubio.

These calls were being made by our so-called Conservative establishment politician’s.

All out effort to protect the Crony-Baloney system.

March 7, 2016 5:27 pm

Someone on TBP already mentioned this, but worth repeating:

Watch who Trump picks for VP, and this will be your new POTUS.

Trumps airplane will fall out of the sky, just before inauguration.

they will recover the black box, and provide a good enough reason to convince the conspiracy theory types.

Remember, you read it here, first, on TBP!

March 7, 2016 5:28 pm

Llpoh. Logical conclusion. But a lot of things working in his favor, especially time. Eight days from now, if he wins Florida and ohio, Noone else can win. Rubio is toast. He can’t ever win anything in Florida again, because of gang of eight. We hate him. Ohio. Kasich should lose because all those rust belt states hate TPP. Watch Michigan tomorrow. But even if he comes up short. I’m not sure their ready for the raw anger and possible insurrection that might cause. Remember trump has allies too, and if he ends up prez, their could be hell to pay. Sit back, let’s watch the show.

March 7, 2016 5:31 pm

They’re ready. Autocorrect kills again

March 7, 2016 5:41 pm

A five-state race

All right, let’s break down the Republican math, since the mainstream media appears determined to avoid analyzing the numbers in any manner that is even remotely relevant to future events. I’m using a corrected and updated version of the spreadsheet created by a reader here, Frank B. Luke. According to the latest reports on CNN, Trump has 385 delegates and Cruz has 298.

There are the following delegates up for grabs in the next 10 days. The next seven “states” are proportional:

23 PR
19 HI
32 ID
59 MI
40 MS
69 IL
19 DC

271 total

Let’s be conservative and give both Trump and Cruz a minimum of 40 percent of the delegates apiece, or 108. (On Saturday, the day of his big “loss” to Cruz, Cruz took 57 percent and Trump took 44 percent). Now the score is: Trump 493 and Cruz 406. Next comes the big showdown on March 15, winner-takes-all for three states and one territory.

52 MO
99 FL
66 OH
09 (Northern Marianas)

If Trump takes all four, which is currently more likely than not, thhis minimum expected delegate count to 719. Trump will then only need 518 more, 193 of which he can expect to get in a worst-case proportional distribution. (Remember, he can reasonably anticipate more than 108 we assigned him from the 271 available proportional-state delegates; based on the polls, 162 would be a more reasonable estimate.) So, that means to clinch the nomination, he will need somewhere between 271 and 325 delegates from the 606 that remain in the winner-takes-all states, 172 of which are in California.

TL;DR: If Trump wins Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California, plus one state from the following list (Arizona, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin), he wins the nomination. Period. Nothing else matters.

This is why Cruz should spend the week telling his supporters to vote for Rubio in Florida and Kasich in Ohio. But he won’t, because his so-called strategists are far more concerned with what they call optics than they are about actual tactics.

It should be amusing to see how many pundits and analysts suddenly start talking about the significance of the difference between winner-takes-all and proportional states without ever mentioning the source. Because despite all of their endless opining, none of them have bothered to work any of this out.

March 7, 2016 6:18 pm

” If the Establishment hacks try this nonsense it will result in violence on the convention floor.”

No offense, sir, but I doubt that. They foisted Romney off on their deluded rank and file and the only violence done to anybody was done to Paul campaigners. The GOP always foists some liberal asshole off on their “conservative rank and file and the troops just hold their noses and vote for him.

It happens every election.

March 7, 2016 6:30 pm

“The GOP can choose to butt rape Rightwing America once more time if they want, but that will be the last chance they get, for sure. ”

Well, that’s been their MO for as long as I can remember. The whole purpose of the GOP’s Big Tent was to have a place to hold all the conservatives they roped in, until they could be cornholed at the leisure of the party Fatboys.

It’s a little pitiful to watch how some of their contenders for the nomination have clung to them after being betrayed, like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan. Ron stayed loyal to them for 25 years, and Pat is still writing apologia for his beloved party.

This might be their last time to play rapist, but I’ll bet they’re going to go for it.

March 7, 2016 7:28 pm

Elect Trump for payback and political prosecution perp walks!Can’t wait!Put them all in GTMO

mike in ga
mike in ga
March 7, 2016 8:11 pm

bb >>> “Only options left will be secession from the union or another civil war.”

There’s no difference, they are one and the same. And war isn’t gonna happen over the GOP’s quadrennial screwing of the electorate. Look at Venezuela – they have no food on the shelves, their money is worthless and there is still heavy-handed police power keeping protests and riots to a low roar. How much more control and force do you think will be exerted here if we natives get restless? We’re way too decadent to fight. Forget war. Nobody’s gonna get off the couch.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 7, 2016 8:37 pm

Flash, the Rockefeller-Bush Republicans could change some rules before 18July. like: Any candidate for President in 2016 must have a last name that begins with the letter “R”.

March 7, 2016 8:46 pm

@pablo: “pay no attention to the missile shards and burn marks!”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 7, 2016 9:28 pm

pablo says: Trumps airplane will fall out of the sky, just before inauguration.

I’m not in favor of holding contests to see if a candidate gets killed.

Suffice it to say that it has happened before: RFK, Aquino, Colosio…

Then there are the political killings, Monroe, Hoffa, Tower, Brown, Foster..

March 7, 2016 10:16 pm

Mike in ga ,you are probably right but it would be a rude awakening for the decadent masses.I’m beginning to think only a massive economic collapse will save us.Hardship and Tribulations might get people off their butts.

March 7, 2016 10:54 pm

I hope Trump and/or his minions reads and believes this. It’s all sickeningly true. I think Cruz’s people already pulled some stunts in Iowa, and that’s why Trump started going after him.

I joined the republican party for a while during the 2012 cycle. To see all this up close and personal was mind boggling. One of my best friends was a Ron Paul delegate and was on one of the buses that “got lost” at the national convention. All this finally made me realize just how rigged it all is, and how screwed we are. I wouldn’t put anything past these people.

The best thing about Trump is that he’s throwing it back in their faces. I hope it doesn’t cost him his life.

March 8, 2016 12:58 am

Bwahahaha! The mere fact that they can do this kind of shit and get away with it tells you all you need to know about the effectiveness of your vote! You’re a good voter if you do what *they* want………go get yourself a scooby snack. Try to do what *you* want and they just steamroll your starry eyed ass. LOL! Thuckers!

It is going to be sad when/if TPTB decide they need to ventilate tRumps brain pan though but don’t worry, they’ll pony up big bucks for a massive state funeral and act as if they were all cheering for him all along! Thuckers!

March 8, 2016 1:22 am

It never gets old reminding ya’ll that Presidents are selected, not elected.

March 8, 2016 10:43 am

“But why will low level party stalwarts who don’t get that money play along and do the bidding of the big party leaders?”

Because they give head, that’s why. Maybe, though, they’re just dumbasses who think that being on a team Trumps everything else.