Mucks Minute #22

Down the rabbit hole everywhere you look!


This has been a great week for Bureau of Lies and Scams, the Fed, Obuumer and of course all the dickheads thrashing around out there in the political arena .

The great pundits of Citi, J. P. Morgan and the other blow hards itching to inflate this or that have had a blast pumping out smoke, spouting “alerts” and “warnings”and accomplishing nothing.

For an example..  Silver broke through upper resistance and CDE (Coeur d’alene mines up in some of the most scenic country you will find just East of Coeur d’alene, Idaho) is putting between $500 and $600 a day into my stock account as it rallies off a multi year low along with SLV and a number of other small to medium silver miners.  Right at the moment, the PM’s are are slowly battering levels of resistance and waking up after a 12 year bear market.

The pundits, smoke blowers and liars of the puppets of the Fed, Central Banks and Hedge Funds immediately started pumping out negative information about the silver market – poor reserves, cash short, not enough money in their coffers to support operation and on and on – all horse pucky.

They simply can’t have a producers of real wealth profit from doing their jobs because it makes them looks stupid and threatens the buying power of the dollar.

Enough people feel uneasy about the dollar and  PM’s start to fill in the gaps.

There are other measure of the economic distress starting the stress the system.

Manufacturers of consumer products, processed food and most of the stuff on grocery store shelves have been giving you less product for the same cost in fiat money. 4 lbs. of flour for what 5 lbs used to cost,  same for sugar, cereals, poorer cuts of meat at prices prime cuts went for 6 months ago.  There are any number of ways both the U.S. Government and the manufacturing  complex can keep things flowing, giving you less for the same price.  This is called inflation any way you look at it.  Well disguised and used since market economics were invented to fool the public.

That is inflation.  But the Fed’s have it all under control.  In the Cost-of-Living formulations, they merely shift the baseline year to year to those item that rise slowest.  For example food an other basics of living are not included, neither is the cost of buying a home.  (I guess people don’t need these things to survive and live in the fantasy of the USA’s economic reality.  However since gas has been falling in price they weight it heavily to ‘prove’ the cost of living is stable or dropping.

I continue wondering how stupid the citizens are of this country all.  All the ones who lives in the Weimar Republic were dazzled after WWI at the clever way the reparations were paid to the Allies.  They merely printed enough money to pay it off (of course it was worthless and could not be traded for anything). Presto! Debt gone and depression on.. And that depression was a doozy.  There are several great histories, one being “The Death of Money”  which makes for interesting reading.  For several years, potato soup was the standard fare (when you find potatoes.

Furthermore, as a marvel to behold, once they printed their way out of debt, it was only 20 years they recovered sufficiently to start WWII by invading Austria… amazing.

We are going down the same road, sans (I hope) WWIII.  But I wouldn’t bet on it.

Read “The Death of Money” which is a history of the destruction of the currency of the Weimar Republic after WWI. The “echoes” that ring from there into todays’ tomfoolery are so clear it will give your skin goose bumps!.  Now the floating suggestions going around is to do away with money (cash) entirely, letting our wonderful technology and trustworthy banks and the Fed (and any other Governmental Agency)keep track of every transaction anyone makes, how much, where and of course with no bank notes (which are loosing value by the day) eliminated, then all transactions must then go through the banks and governments (they don’t sleep together or anything, right??) and they can keep track of every cent spent and on what, when, where and why.

The next thing to follow is that they can then tell you what you may buy and what you may not buy.  A loaf of bread is ok, but that handgun is a no-no.It will also make it much easier to initiate so-called “helicopter  money” by merely crediting your plastic card with “X” number of dollars so you can spend more.  Spending money is the “New America”.  Savers and builders of capital will become unpatriotic, not contributing to the wealth of the banks by spending that helicopter money on more stuff you don’t need, don’t want and would rather do with out.  Want to buy a coin (or gold or silver? Nope – that’s not on the approved list to purchase!).

For some reason, the whole concept of making cash vanish and issuing us all “helicopter money” cards to control our purchases does not make me feel secure by any way or means.  Also, not surprisedly, the government and banks can expand the money supply in an totally unlimited way with nothing but the stroke of computer key which will magically deposit “money” on your magic card.  Of course they are already doing it the old fashioned way through unmanageable Ponzie Schemes and credit/debt expansion that will eventually collapse and our system of fiat money will collapse with it.  Only thing this time, it will be world wide and not one more bit containable.  This is going to be the biggy that will drag us all down to an equal  level of poverty.  Except for PTB of course..

I suspect it will become illegal to own gold and silver again (where have we heard that before?) and will be confiscated if they can find it.

The pity of it all is that there is no way to avoid the fate that has been foisted upon us by those political power brokers , military industrial complex, Big Pharma and so many, many others who are out to line their pockets at the expense of the guy who used to be middle class.

Middle aged and older white men who have worked and saved all their lives to feather their nest for retirement some day, make America great, hold up their end by gladly accepting responsibility for themselves and their families, working hard, raised a family (with a two parent household and a couple of kids), little debt and as much savings as the government would allow them keep.

This is going away, day by day.  Uncontrolled borders, so call “Free Trade” that allows the industrial community to shop word wide for the cheapest materials and cheapest labor while at the same time, allowing those “outsourcing” countries to levy tariffs on those products we sell them to make our products more expensive to benefit their own labor.

There is a terrible “one-way”  so called “free trade”  that has all but killed the industrial capability of this country and we MUST MAKE IT A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD.  Fuck “Free Trade” unless it is FREE in both directions.

I don’t know if D.Trump is capable or can manage that but all the other candidates are gung ho for the status quo which favors only big banks, Multi-national Corporations who move their home offices off shore into cheaper locations to pay much lower taxes on sales, leaving the U.S. Government with much smaller tax revenues, fewer investment funds returned to the U.S.A. and we all suffer for it.

I call it, “ The march to equal poverty.” which would fit Bernit and Hellery just fine.

We must turn thing around – how about restoring “workfare” where if you collect welfare monies, food stamps or such – you WORK for it. Right now the pols (Democrats) have decoupled receiving assistance and working for it.  BAD IDEA?? Damn right.

We must also reverse Citizen United Supreme Court Ruling that gave Unions and Businesses the right to unlimited contributions to PACs of candidates (try and find out who runs the PACs! Big joke, you can’t find them behind all the blind companies and squirrelly organization charts.!!)

A Corporation is not a person.  Neither are Unions. Anonymous PACs MUST be brought to heal as it has now degenerated into buy an elected office by who ever has the most money to throw at the election that will win it.

To date I have heard NOT ONE policy statement by any of the candidates – just mud slinging and garbage throwing. We must limit the time to campaign ahead of elections to just long enough for the candidates to explain their proposed policies, ideas and solutions – not just sling mud and scream at each other.  Election campaigns are now nothing more than an extension of stupid reality shows on the boob tube — all crap and not even entertaining and far,far too long.

For the election of 2016, it will make very little – if  any – difference who is elected.  Our immediate and intermediate fate is already sealed. More inflation, eventual debt default, depression and possibly hyper-inflation. We cannot continue to be the policeman of the world and we cannot continue to spend billions manufacturing weapons to give away to our so-called allies who, in most cases are nothing but two-faced sons of bitches who take our weapons and supply them to people they oppose.

So whomever is elected this time around is in deep shit and you can look for more taxes, printed funny money, further expansion of debt by the circular Ponzi now running between the Treasury, Fed and banks, attempts to do away with cash altogether (which is the tap-root of hyperinflation), continued attempts to discredit gold and silver and general turmoil.

It makes one want to dig a hole, climb in, and pull it in after you.  But that wouldn’t work either because isolationism never does.

We are just going to have to stand up and raise hell about what we believe in and make the PTB listen at the risk of passive revolt. Not good. But sometimes it’s necessary to get their attention.

Time will tell..


Author: MuckAbout

Retired Engineer and Scientist (electronic, optics, mechanical) lives in a pleasant retirement community in Central Florida. He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it. A pragmatic libertarian at heart he welcomes comments on all that he writes.

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March 13, 2016 6:14 pm

Actually, a form of National Socialism is quite likely the most ideal state for the vast majority of people.

Think about it: an administered state where large corporations are administered by a large and very watchful state. The state doles out freigeld and universal healthcare along with jobs producing little of value but which keeps the masses calm.

Germany circa 1936/1937 was envied by most people in the West.

March 13, 2016 7:00 pm

“I don’t know if D.Trump is capable or can manage that but all the other candidates are gung ho for the status quo which favors only big banks, Multi-national Corporations who move their home offices off shore into cheaper locations to pay much lower taxes on sales, leaving the U.S. Government with much smaller tax revenues, fewer investment funds returned to the U.S.A. and we all suffer for it.”

You’ve obviously been living under a rock and not heard Bernie Sander’s message. He’s against the “free trade” agreements that have hollowed out our country and decimated the jobs market. Don’t make blanket comments without fact checking, please.

March 13, 2016 7:06 pm

“Silver broke through upper resistance and CDE (Coeur d’alene mines up in some of the most scenic country you will find just East of Coeur d’alene, Idaho) is putting between $500 and $600 a day into my stock account as it rallies off a multi year low along with SLV and a number of other small to medium silver miners.”

Good for you. I look in my app on my phone and see mine going up a good bit some days, makes me smile. Then I log in and see what my actual unrealized loss/gain is, and the smile goes away. I have ‘made a good bit of money’ but everything in my account thats PM related is still deep in the red and will likely remain so for a while. Oh well, I mostly have that for entertainment anyway. I am prepared to lose everything in it, and kinda still expect to, so fuck it.

March 13, 2016 7:46 pm

Most of my younger co-workers (mid to late 30’s) don’t carry any cash now. Not even a dollar or two in case their visa card doesn’t work at the gas pump. I doubt that they will realize anything is wrong when the physical dollars disappear. They seem to think that everything is fine now and will be fine for the foreseeable future. Of course, they are all immigrants and except for maybe Korea the current situation in the US is still better than where they came from.

March 13, 2016 7:55 pm

PS, if you have kids going to college tell them not to bother with hard core computer engineering (Operating Systems, imbedded software, electrical engineering, etc.). Those jobs, especially the ones with the mega-corps, are almost all going to H1Bs. Then the corps celebrate this as “diversity”.

March 13, 2016 11:43 pm

Muck – stop wondering. Americans overall are dumber than a bag of hammers.

Thanks for another fine article.

The left keeps screaming that Trmp supporters, etc., are just a bunch of racists. It is not that. It is just hat so many are seeing their culture and economy destroyed, and they are not blind to what groups are doing it, unlike our politicians. Banksters, politicians, oligarchs, and vast swaths of free shit army soldiers are doing it. And they have had enough.

It will not be pretty in the end.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 14, 2016 9:37 am

Inflation is not a rise in prices, it is purely monetary. It is an increase in the supply of money and/or credit. The increase in prices is simply an effect of the debasement of the money. It may seem trivial but it is very important to keep it in perspective.

There are several categories of money, M1, M2, M3, base money, and more. Each has its own purpose of count within economics. M3 being the largest count, is no longer published by the Fed. It was discontinued in March 2006 because “it is too costly to maintain publishing”, or perhaps the fed is trying to hide something such as inflation. M3 is the basis in the equation for determining inflation, not prices. When producers reduce the amount of packaged product to keep the price down it is not because they are trying to scam you but because they are trying to remain profitable. The blame must remain on the Fed and co-conspirator US goobermint. At the time of being discontinued M3 stood at $10.336Trillion. M2(a lesser count of money supply) stood at $6.724T and today stands at $12.511Trillion. Here… and here…

Debasement is nothing new. It is a hidden form of stealing that goobermints have been practicing for years. One needs to look no further than coinage. All coins have either a ridge around the edge(nickel, penny) or a serrated edge(dime, quarter). This practice came to be because people would trim the coins and keep the shavings(clipping coins). Of course the coins were precious metal and thus valued by weight. Clipping coins was punishable by death in most cultures but goobermints do it by removing precious metal content and replace it with a cheap metal such as zinc.

The new debasement is going digital. TPTB want us all on a form of the WIC system. They want to control what we purchase, what quantity, and how much we individually pay for an item. This is without a doubt the end game. The US is, along with the rest of the western hemisphere, BROKE!!! There is no coming back from this without a total reset of our monetary system. Watch Fed head Lawrence Lindsey admit we are in the end game at the 45min mark just after Fed head Fisher says how smart it is to rack up 100yr debt here…

The vast ignorance of coin, credit, and circulation by the populous has allowed this thievery by the goobermint and the banksters. This cannot and will not be fixed by Trump or the economic illiterate Bernie Sanders. The fix is abolishing the FED and a return to hard money and it will happen but not because the populous votes, but because it is economic law.

If anyone actually hits the links to the St.louis FRED you may also want to search the site for “credit market instruments, asset” and “reverse repo”. You will find credit market instruments, assets discontinued and reverse repurchase agreements out of control. 2008 was a mere blip in repos compared to now. Something is broken! You have been warned by the FED once again. What you do with it is up to you.

March 14, 2016 10:42 am


great summary of problems…imagine all that 10X worse.

The processed crap in super-markets isn’t really food.

Should money go solely digital? How about some selective

hacking? Poof!…what “money”?…and/or whatever “money”

one has may be divided up equally for all. Why should you have

$100.00 “saved” and the guy next door has nothing? Feudalism.

Tampa Gold
Tampa Gold
March 14, 2016 12:25 pm

“workers (mid to late 30’s) don’t carry any cash now. Not even a dollar or two…..”

I ask some of my younger workers if the gov eliminated cash and forced everyone to use debit cards all of the time, would they be OK with that?

Out of 8 sheeple, not one of them saw a problem with that.

Proof yet once again that a comment that I made wayyy back still stands; Everyone under the age of 35 is fucking retarded. Look at Dices’ video, all fucking retards.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 14, 2016 12:47 pm


Very true. What Vaulker did was possible back then as total debt was just a tad under $500Billion and the US still had over 8000tons of gold. To try to raise rates like that now would not create a hard recession but a great depression and a total destruction of our currency as the goobermint would default. If we still have the gold then there would be some hope but I am quite certain we do not. So they will continue on this path of destruction until the same outcome happens, currency destruction and default. The only difference is they can keep the game going for another day as opposed to immediate consequences.

Watching the election process tells me everything about how misguided and distracted the citizens are. They are once again displaying a sense of “hope”. Obama ran on the slogan of hope and I thought it was perfectly fitting because hope is what you cling to when you lose confidence or simply don’t understand the real problem.