What are the odds all these chicks are fat and ugly?

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rhs jr
rhs jr
March 22, 2016 3:39 pm

Women need feminist like fish need a bicycle.

March 22, 2016 3:52 pm

The 19th Amendment was the Great Mistake. History will confirm this fact. Unfortunately, history, as it is recorded, moves at a slower pace than the modern election cycle

harry p.
harry p.
March 22, 2016 3:55 pm

its worse than that, a fish with a bicycle would be stupid but harmless
feminism (as it is now) is actually destroying the female form, its more akin to a self-inflicted gunshot wound

these bitches just need to be ignored

March 22, 2016 4:43 pm

That’s not feminism, that’s hate. Man-haters; the flip side of misogynists.

March 22, 2016 4:44 pm

Ever wonder why all feminists just seem so fuckin masculine?

March 22, 2016 5:23 pm

It’s called misandry, Westcoaster.

I agree; those quotes are not from feminists, but from misandrists.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 22, 2016 6:41 pm

When/If Hitlery is selected, the radical feminazis will be a sight to behold. This bullshittery wil be soooo far out of control it will make the whole “rayciss” era under Oreo seem like a walk in the park.

Keep a tight grip on your balz or these bitchez will have you wearing them for earrings. Just watch Murica’s women back them up.

March 22, 2016 7:02 pm

Catherine MacKinnon was, at the time she uttered her famous man-hating quote, a blonde, slim, and very attractive, but extremely bitter woman.

Strangest thing is that about a year later, she married a guy who was notorious for being an abusive, cheating cad. I guess she couldn’t be attracted to a man who was any better, but had to have a guy who confirmed her view of men. Anyone any better most likely did not register as a “real man”.

I notice the same thing with men who insist that women are stupid. You can bet that this guy will bypass any woman who displays an iota of intelligence and chase after the dimmest bulb he meets. Anyone who betrays signs of intelligence is a “ball-breaker” or a “man-hater”.

And people wonder why they’re miserable.

Go figure.

March 22, 2016 7:46 pm

It’s the male version of misogyny.

If 6 was 9
If 6 was 9
March 22, 2016 8:25 pm
Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
March 22, 2016 9:20 pm

What is feminism then, hate aside westcoaster? The fight for equal pay for less hours, i dont need no man and my kids dont need no dad welfare, , less time for same crime etc etc?

March 22, 2016 10:16 pm

Of course when they need a spider removed, something built or fixed, a war fought etc. hey where are the men?

March 22, 2016 10:42 pm

You can’t really root for one gender over the other because both have their faults and their virtues. Any ideology that bucks this reality, be it feminisn or misogyny, is inherently false.

I’m a woman, and yet I can openly admit that women are not as good at some things as men. My husband is better at seeing the big picture, better at being decisive, and better taking aggressive career and financial moves. He’s also MUCH physically stronger than I am.

I can also plainly see that there are some things that I do better than he can. I am better at keeping track of details, am more intuitive about other people’s thoughts and feelings, and am better at fine motor skill work. I’m not as physically strong, I am better at enduring long and mindnumbing jobs than he is. Therein lies the beauty of it all: we compensate for each others weaknesses and magnify each others strengths.

Why do pro-men and pro-women types have such a hard time seeing this? Why do they feel the need to be eternally superior to one another when it really is much better when the sexes work together in life?

Feminism was a direct response to men acting like chauvinistic assholes. Now women have taken it too far and are aping the sexist men they once abhorred. That is what happens any time one group puts itself above another. The pendulum always goes too far, and then corrects by reverting backwards too far as well. Better not to set the damn thing in motion at all.

It is stupid to be proud to be a man, or proud to be a woman: be proud you’re YOU. Work on being the best you possible, and then seek out like minded people (regardless of gender) that share your values and build a world together.

Life is hard enough without fighting over nonsense like this. When we indulge in the gender wars neither side wins, we both lose.

March 22, 2016 10:53 pm

This was posted her the other day and is funny as hell. Well worth the five minutes to watch.

March 22, 2016 10:54 pm

Where’s Stubb? He’s hit all those feminisms on that list……….maybe in the face. They’d all get a two fer!

March 22, 2016 11:26 pm

Still here. Just been trying to be good and not cum on any of the Gloria Steinem follower’s faces. Sorry to disappoint you indentured servant. But maybe you can set an appointment and you could pay me up front? We can work it out.

March 22, 2016 11:55 pm

Stubb, you should be ashamed for expecting to be paid for a labor of love.

LOL, ever since your corn eating comment, a reference to any disgusting skank brings thoughts of you. That was one fucked up comment but reminds me of a guy I once knew who was every bit as nasty, maybe worse, than you seem to be. Once of his standards, to use the term loosely, was “as long as it’s still warm”. I try not to think of his other “standards” because they were far worse than that or your corn eating comment. 🙂

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 23, 2016 12:26 am

Stubb, we had a third guy for our boy’s night out. I think he was Ed, wants to go pick up chicks in a bowling alley. I guess he thinks keglers do kegels.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 23, 2016 12:53 am
March 23, 2016 12:55 pm

My dear old mother, bless her heart, is a feminist, and was back in the 1970s. She was for equal rights, equal pay and so forth, since even though she worked, she didn’t get equal pay. But she was helping to support her family, so she worked for what she could get. She also had a college degree (in nutrition) from the 1940s, so there was that. Early and pioneering type for feminism.

She’s long decades retired, and still considers herself a feminist. My problem is that she supports Hillary, because it’s time for a woman president. All Hillary’s failings of character (Watergate firing for lying and obstruction), capacity (Benghazi), incompetence (Emails) and outright corruption (cattle futures, Whitewater, foreign contributions to Clinton foundation) don’t matter; it’s time for woman president, and Hillary is the THIRD one running (at least; who remembers the other two in our lifetime?), so she will vote for her, if she can still get out of the house or get an absentee ballot in November.

My mother is 90; still lucid, although diminished on medications some days; a lifelong Democrat (yellow dog Democrat variety) and has always had admiration for FDR for ending the Depression, while some others she could have done without. What’s YOUR excuse for supporting Hillary, if you do?
‘Cause you’re really going to need one if she wins in November….