Notley’s War on Alberta – Scorched Earth Policy Part II

Guest Post by Francis Marion

I’m posting this here primarily to show that we have several lying pieces of shit from my country who visit this site on a regular basis. Cdubbya is the primary culprit. He made a statement last week that my assertion that the NDP government was shutting down the coal industry in Alberta was a lie. I responded by posting the party’s platform on the topic. Here it is again:

Trolls, agents and useful idiots of the far left will say pretty much anything to avoid dealing with the truth. The truth is the Notley government is dangerous not just because of their ideological stance but because of their inability to do basic math and their propensity towards extreme incompetence. Ontario has been suffering under similar management for years and is now one of (if not the largest) sub sovereign debt holders on the planet:

Alberta is now competing for that position and if they continue at the rate they are going the province will literally be gutted financially before the next election rolls around. Of course, given the hostility towards the private sector working class in the West by people like Notley and our friend Cdubbya who writes:

“The sooner Alberta is relegated to it’s former position of relative unimportance as a source of beef and skiing while power naturally returns to the mature and civilized end of the country (Ontario/Quebec) the better for all.”

that may very well be the plan. I suppose you should never attribute to incompetence that which can be explained by plain old malice. There is a movement afoot in this country to break the backs of the private sector middle class. The far left, finally having seized the reigns of political power federally and in many cases provincially, is now busy using the hammer of the state to do just that. And they will do it by miring us in so much debt and by increasing our cost of living so dramatically that only the very wealthy be able to afford to live here. The rest of us can simply eat cake. Right Cdubbya?

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May 15, 2016 7:35 am

Those numbers are staggering. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder, and not understanding where money comes from is a huge part of the problem.

May 15, 2016 9:18 am

Ontario will win the race to the bottom. Our only hope here now is for the province to lose it’s ability to borrow any more money. Despite demonstrated overwhelming malfeasance, fraud, corruption and fiscal mismanagement, I expect the Liberals in Ontario to be re-elected again. The people of Toronto and Ottawa control who gets into power here and they just keep voting Liberal. I expect Notley in Alberta will be a one term premier, and she knows it, so she’ll have to implement her vision for the province very quickly, before she gets tossed out of office.

When I asked a friend who worked in the oil fields at the time how Notley’s crew ever got elected in the first place, he said ‘city people’. He said he wasn’t going to give up double overtime to drive 3-4 hours to vote, and many of his coworkers felt the same so they didn’t vote either. Between what Notley has done to the farmers by imposing city work rules on them and her continued undermining of natural resource industries in Alberta, I don’t think she stands a chance a re-election. (However, the last 2 elections here, I thought the same about the Liberals in Ontario and they just keep getting re-elected.) I hope Albertans are smarter than Ontarians, and toss Notley and politicians like her to the curb when they get the chance.

May 15, 2016 10:00 am

Sounds like the whole country is going to experience the Curly Effect, all the wealth makers and creators will leave, or go Gault, and there will be nothing left but the wealth redistributors and takers, if so Canada is gong to go the way of Argentina, or Venezuela.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
May 15, 2016 8:17 pm

The reckoning is here in Nova Scotia. Real Estate in rural areas is getting crushed. Mostly because the work has dried up out west. Literally. For now the city of Halifax is doing okay but it is getting propped up by Government monies. Nobody here in Nova Scotia is happy to see what is happening out West. We at least understand where our bread gets buttered. I will say that my province is at least close to balancing the books. Admittedly with some help in form of equalization payments from out West.

Unfortunately Quebec and Ontario are still being whores by sitting at bar and drinking as much as they can. Hoping that someone else will pay the tab. The whole time talking shit about everyone else in country and never wasting a chance to tell everyone how they are better than everyone else.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 15, 2016 11:11 pm

“The reckoning is here in Nova Scotia. Real Estate in rural areas is getting crushed.”

And on the opposite side of the country we have entered epic bubble territory. I am going to guess that in our area prices have climbed about 10 to 15 percent over the past 6 to 10 months. All this while the economy is fading into the sunset. It’s crazy.

“I will say that my province is at least close to balancing the books. Admittedly with some help in form of equalization payments from out West.”

This is the problem. We’ve had two or three provinces carrying the rest of the country for too long. Now the party is over. The hangover’s going to be a bitch – we’ll find out shortly exactly whose books are balanced and who’s aren’t.

For those of you in the US – Canada is divided into two types of provinces – ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. The productive send extortion money to the unproductive in the form of what we call “equalization” payments. This helps to fund programs and balance the books of the have nots. Problem is no one ever figured out what they were going to do if every province became a “have not”. Guess we’re gonna find out. Realities a bitch ain’t it? 🙂

May 16, 2016 6:55 am

“Notley’s crew ever got elected in the first place, he said ‘city people’.”

Here, the answer is “electronic voting machine fraud.” When a hugely unpopular retired state trooper who had lost 2 earlier elections in landslides won the office of sheriff here, his win came after the county got electronic touch screen voting machines.

In a previous election, he had garnered 6 votes in my precinct, and when he “won” the same precinct with a large margin over a well liked incumbent, the reason was obvious.

May 16, 2016 11:46 am

Hi Francis,
While I am honoured you would offer a posting just to rebut me I very much doubt anyone is much interested in our spat and wonder why Admin would bother posting a sequel to your unsubstantiated rant.
Regarding coal in Alberta did you even bother to read the coal policy piece? It quite explicitly states: “study and drafting of a plan to phase-out coal-generated power in Alberta” which is quite different from ‘shutting down the coal industry’.

Debt (like bureaucracy) grows under ‘right wing governments as much (or more) than Liberal governments. (No I dont support the Liberals, Cons or NDP, they are pretty much all the same.)
Here’s some facts:
1984 to 1994 the ‘Conservative’ Mulroney government increased federal debt by 67%.
1994 to 2004 the ‘Liberal’ Chretien government decreased federal debt by 1.8%
Then in 2006 came the ‘Conservative Harper government’ who inherited a surplus of $13.8 billion — which they turned into a deficit of $5.8 billion within two years. After 9 years the federal debt had increased by over $150 billion.

You are obviously as naive as you are blindly partisan (are you by chance Ezra Levant’s niece, or is it nephew?) Let me offer you a little education:
Regardless of what party forms the governments in Canada they ultimately have very little latitude to alter existing entitlements. To do so is political suicide. The public (of all political stripes) are almost always willing to be bribed with their own money.
Additionally, the banks and corporations have a strong influence over fiscal policy because they depend on continued economic growth to prop up the whole edifice.

In closing I will simply quote from my old man; “You dont know your arse from a hole in the ground”.



May 16, 2016 1:31 pm

This is great! Better than anything on TeeVee!

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