Carbon taxes – regressive and useless

Via Single Dude Travel

by Duane Norman
Al Gore's Global Warming and Climate Change GameI’m going to say it: I believe in climate change. There have been many times throughout our planet’s history that the planet has both been largely covered with glacial ice as well as completely absent of it. 55 million years ago there were palm trees growing in Greenland, and there was no ice on the planet at all up until approximately 35 million years ago. Today’s world, on average, is cooler than the planet’s historical average. I’m going to state something else I feel is obvious; I believe humans have an impact on the planet’s environment and climate. Currently numbering at over 7 billion and counting, human beings are by far the most dominant organism on the planet, and there’s not even a close second.

Not only our numbers massive, we are able to reshape and manipulate the entire planet as we see fit, from the deep seas to geostationary orbit and beyond – something that no other species that has ever lived on the planet has been able to do. And make no mistake about it, everything we do as a species has some sort of impact, with no one pollutant or activity contributing more than the whole of our species’ activities.

Take very close note of my emphasis on the last sentence. Our atmosphere’s gas mixture has not been consistent throughout history, far from it. While the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere currently stands at 0.04%, historically it has been much higher. Even Oxygen, currently comprising 21% of the atmosphere, has been as high as 35% and as low as 10%. Natural fluctuations in the atmosphere’s composition affected life and climate on the planet significantly, almost certainly much more than variations in CO2 concentration alone. While most mainstream climate models look back only 50-150 years…

1955 - 2010 temperature and CO2 data
1955 – 2010 temperature and CO2 data

…it is much more pertinent to look much further back into the planet’s history to determine the true correlation, if any, between CO2 and temperature.

Geological Timescale: Concentration of CO2 and Temperature Fluctuations
Geological Timescale: Concentration of CO2 and Temperature Fluctuations

Anyone that purports to see any correlation in that chart must be some sort of greenseer. Contrary to the climate propaganda the mainstream media continually pukes up, climate science is not “settled” by any means.

But, for argument’s sake, let’s say that I’m wrong, and climate alarmists are right. The science is “settled”, and CO2 emissions are going to warm the planet, change the climate drastically, and result in the extinction of the human race. To use an analogy, the Earth is the patient, “climate scientists” are the doctors and increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere is a potentially terminal illness.

Since the problem has been diagnosed, a solution must now be devised that will reduce CO2 emissions and by extension, the overall CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. If the proposed solution is “carbon tax”, not only will the brunt of the burden fall upon the poor and underprivileged (regressive), it will do almost nothing to significantly slow emissions of CO2 let alone decrease CO2 concentration in the atmosphere (useless).

In illustrating the absurdity of carbon taxes, I would like to begin by pointing out that the people calling for higher taxes on the rich (progressive taxes) are almost always the same ones calling for carbon taxes; namely, the left-leaning mainstream media through their rag publications (I’ve cited the NY Times but there are countless others). However, nearly every economist, even the most leftward leaning, all agree: a carbon tax is regressive and most heavily impacts poor people. It doesn’t take a PhD in economics from Stanford or even a high school GED to figure out why – the businesses and industries that will pay the majority of carbon taxes will just pass these costs along to their customers.

Larry the CEO, Mohamed the Sheik and Bono the douchebag did not spend $50 million on their brand new Gulfstream Jets to stop using them just because the tax on the aircraft and fuel went up a few percentage points. A less rich but still very wealthy person might balk at the higher tax on a Ferrari but it certainly won’t stop them from buying and driving a gas guzzling sports car of some kind; is the CO2 emitted by a Corvette not chemically identical to that of a Ferrari? Someone of even less wealth might choose to buy a Honda instead of a Lexus and someone poorer still might have to buy car used instead of new car and so on and so forth. Consider the poorest people on the planet, they still must buy whatever food they need just to survive and they still require transportation to get to work but will need to dedicate an even greater portion of their meager paychecks to satisfying their most basic needs. The fact is, the poorer a person is, the higher the percentage of their budget will be needed to satisfy carbon taxes and higher energy costs lead to higher costs for all goods.

Higher energy cost don’t effect the CEOs and Sheiks of the world much if at all, but it will certainly make a difference between a poor person having enough money for a week’s worth of food, or having enough money to buy simple 2 cylinder 1 seat ultra economy car, or perhaps being able to afford to use air-conditioning on a blistering hot day. What happened to the rich paying their “fair share”?

To recap, the same people who say “trickle down economics doesn’t work,” are now saying that it will work in the case of carbon taxes. This stunning hypocrisy should not come as a surprise.

A carbon tax is analogous to a doctor treating a patient with a severed femoral artery by giving them morphine – while it makes one part of the body feel great (the brain), it does nothing to prevent the patient from bleeding to death.

Satellite Temperature Data 1979-2013
No big changes here

Those that supposedly believe that continuing to emit CO2 at the current rate will result in an extinction level event have done nothing to demonstrate that carbon taxes, or indeed any other of their harebrained schemes, will significantly reduce global CO2 emissions. Although the US and the European Union together do produce a significant chunk of global CO2 emissions, China’s output alone is higher, and Indian and Russia together produce almost as much CO2 as the US. The US certainly cannot act alone since the US total output is estimated at only 15-25% of the total.

Therein lies the first problem – the world is not going to act in concert on this issue. China, India and Brazil have repeatedly stated that they will not go along with planned reductions in carbon emissions. The recent “monumental” Paris climate conference spawned pledges were almost universally viewed as a joke, with no meaningful progress made to reduce overall global CO2 emissions. Even the left-leaning MSM outlets conceded as much.

Let’s assume for argument’s sake that somehow a global carbon tax can be mandated, at a rate of 25% (or whatever rate is deemed necessary to save the planet). The assumption is that such a tax will reduce energy consumption and that the resulting revenue can be allocated to research and development of “clean” energy sources. Has anyone demonstrated a plausible model of a reduction in emissions that will be meaningful or even large enough to counteract the effects of population growth? I certainly have been unable to find one. Energy demand is relatively inelastic and consumers of energy will not meaningfully reduce their consumption. Many consumers of energy will simply pay more and as previously stated this new economic burden will hit the poor the hardest. Energy consumption is directly correlated with standard living, so while the rich continue to enjoy their private jets, those at the margins will be forced back into poverty through higher prices for energy. Just look at how much CO2 we’ve put into the atmosphere over the last 50 years:

Global CO2 Emissions 1955 - 2011
Global CO2 Emissions 1955 – 2011

Even if the “tax” reduced output by 25% (it wouldn’t even come close), look at the level of CO2 emissions annually. If CO2 is as dangerous climate alarmists claim, our demise is clearly inevitable. Could these ill-conceived plans even delay our demise by a few decades? This is all assuming a carbon taxes reduce overall emissions at all.

Those that believe a carbon tax will go towards funding research on “clean” energy, might examine the example of state lotteries. Even if some funds are allocated to “green” energy development, government projects consistently produce failures and colossal wastes of money; the funds often end up in the hands of political insiders who donated to the right campaign at the right time.

Using the doctor patient analogy again, in addition to the morphine, this is carbon taxes are at best a band aid on a severed femoral artery. The patient’s inevitable death will be delayed by minutes at most.

If CO2 emissions are the disease, and reducing CO2 emissions is the cure, the only way to curtail emissions is to change behavior, and to do so forcibly and on a global scale. Start by looking at the source of emissions increases in the atmosphere:

Global CO2 Emissions by Source
Global CO2 Emissions by Source

Emissions from every segment of this chart would need to be reduced via mandate. Here is a hypothetical proposal that might meaningfully reduce CO2 emissions on a global scale:

  • Force the closure of all coal power plants globally, and put a maximum CO2 output target on any source of power generation
  • Ban coal and wood burning, as well as any other combustible within a similar CO2 emission profile
  • Replace lost power generation with nuclear plants and subsidize their construction
  • Ban any source of heat generation that does not meet strict CO2 emissions criteria
  • Ban deforestation and the destruction of any tree that is not dead and no longer undergoing photosynthesis
  • Provide subsidies to anyone who maintains any plant undergoing photosynthesis
  • Mandate handling manure as a solid and ban liquid manure storage
  • Ban all civilian and non-military government private aviation, and set low CO2 emission targets per passenger
  • Reduce vehicular and aviation military exercises to an absolute minimum
  • Cease production of any vehicle that doesn’t meet appropriate fuel efficiency target, and seize, destroy or recycle low efficiency vehicles, especially luxury and exotic cars
  • Mandate strict CO2 emission limits for all industrial processes
  • Mandate energy efficient building codes, light fixtures, temperature controls

For the record, I’m not in favor of or an advocate of mandating any of the measures listed above, I am merely trying to illustrate what would be necessary to actually reduce global CO2 output. I also do not believe in the hoax perpetuated by the mainstream media that CO2 emissions are detrimental to the environment and a survival threat to mankind.

Also “green” energy isn’t carbon free, far from it. Often times the overall “carbon impact” of a so-called “green technology” is not any different than just burning coal or oil or gas. Think about a wind turbine…. well you’ve got to mine all the metals to make it (oil and fossil fuels), you’ve got to melt them and process them and make alloys (oil and fossil fuels), you’ve got to ship them and install them (oil and fossil fuels), you’ve got to install them (oil and fossil fuels), you’ve got to maintain and lubricate them (oil and fossil fuels). At the end of the day many of the so-called green technologies, if you look at the entire product life cycle from mining the raw materials used to build them, they really aren’t any more efficient or greener or less CO2 producing than just burning some plain old oil. This is not often enough stated fact. Same thing with these stupid Tesla cars (all electric cars really), lithium mining is bad for the environment and the used up batteries are toxic waste and then the majority of the electricity used to charge the cars is generated with fossil fuels anyway!

Everything human beings do has an affect on the planet, and it’s up us to keep the planet in a habitable condition. That means not treating the planet as irresponsibly as we have. People trashing a camp site is a microcosm of what humans have been doing to the planet – ruining it for everyone else who uses and interacts with its habitat. CO2 is the least of our worries.

Carbon taxes not only will fail to meaningfully alter human behavior they will do significant harm the world’s poorest. Anyone who supports a carbon tax is either completely ignorant of the facts, or stands to profit from them. Consider this next time you read MSM or government propaganda advocating any form of carbon taxes or carbon credits.


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rhs jr
rhs jr
June 5, 2016 10:23 am

Put a heavy tax on the Heat Islands.

June 5, 2016 10:45 am

To the Author, a couple of insights:

1. Climate Change – you have a misunderstanding that is commonplace and was effected on the population intentionally. Natural Climate Change or Global Warming Climate Change – which one are you referring to when you ‘Climate Change’? When they change their wording from Global Warming to Climate Change, it was done for two reasons – it wasn’t warming per their predictions and they now wanted to endorse that Global Warming now causes everything weather related (stupid people would buy into that).

2. Your chart “Global CO2 Emissions 1955 – 2011” : Many charts/graphs can be purposely deceptive by choosing the parameters of the Y-Axis. In this case, CO2 level only charted to 400 ppm; if you charted this to the highest geological levels (4,000-7,000), the Slope of CO2 gain in the last 50 years would be a flat line.

June 5, 2016 11:26 am

Way too much analysis in this piece. Not nessesary. Let’s just call climate change what it is. Fraud. Another fucking wall street fraud. Think of how disconnected weather and taxes actually are. Yet those assholes have convinced a portion of the population that the answer to dealing with weather is taxes? Don’t be fools. Grifters gotta grift. And we have to make them pay. There are laws against this kind of thing. With really steep penalties. Let’s enforce the law.

Muck About
Muck About
June 5, 2016 11:28 am

Good article if you can get through it and the charts. But truth at any rate.


June 5, 2016 12:14 pm

I’m still waiting to hear from the government as to how exactly are they going to stop glow – bull warming with all these extra carbon taxes???? Are they “buying” something to stop it?

No they aren’t……. the money will go into general revenues to be spent on something they want.

The plan is…….. there is no plan.

Wanna stop CO2 emissions? Jack the price up until no one wants it anymore. Oh right I forgot……

Amerika was built up on very cheap oil. Take that away and the empire collapses!!

Duane Norman
Duane Norman
June 5, 2016 1:06 pm


1) To your first point, I understand completely what the “Climate Change” movement is trying to do, and why they stopped calling it “Global Warming” – because they are trying to blame any bad weather or natural disaster on CO2 emissions, and they’ve been dead wrong on temperatures going up. Their predictions overall are such dogshit that if you forced them to bet on their own models, they’d be broke.

My piece, though long and probably redundant, was merely focused on taking down the fraud that is a “carbon tax”. The climate will change again, with or without man’s impact, and while man’s impact right now is a massive unknown, it is certainly not zero, and in particular, the impact of CO2 emissions is almost certainly overstated.

2) I understand that the chart I included is deceptive – I pulled it from a “Climate Change” website. The chart is merely pointing out how much CO2 man has put into the atmosphere by their measure. A carbon tax would do next to nothing to alter human behavior; if one were implemented, the chart would likely still continue on the same trend.

Thanks for your comments, every bit of criticism and insight helps make my writing and analysis better in the future.

June 5, 2016 4:33 pm

Just as there is always a market for things NO ONE can afford. The tax is irrelevant if you can afford it. How expensive would gas need to be to stop you driving? I am not changing my habits so someone living half a world away doesn’t get wet feet at high tide. I love Italy, but not so much I wouldn’t fly there. The entire premise is silly anyway. How much pollution could we eliminate if we just stopped exploding other countries. When the UN ends all war and manufacture of weaponry in the name of co2 caused warming I Wil believe it.

June 5, 2016 5:48 pm

Fabulous, you’re making one of the mistakes that they want us to make, conflating co2 with pollution and anthropogenic climate change “initiatives” with fighting pollution. co2 is necessary for life on earth. Did you know that they pump co2 into greenhouses to help the plants grow? The anthropogenic climate change “initiatives” attempt to tax and control co2 emissions, but do nothing for fighting pollution. Rather, they take the focus and the money away from fixing real pollution.

June 5, 2016 7:01 pm

British Columbia, my province of Canada, has had a carbon tax for some years now. It is called leadership. Yes, in stupidity. I, an ordinairy Joe slob peon, estimate it has now cost me between $1500 and $2000 so far. And that is just for driving my compact old car. Which the guvamint would like to see junked and replaced with a shiny new electrical. And will pay anyone a subsidy for that. We are a stupid rich society, when we can trash perfectly good running cars, and pay that subsidy to replace.

But that is not enough. Lots of retards want the tax higher. Much higher.

And, what happens to the money ? The provincial guvamint says the collection and disbursement is “revenue neutral.” What does that mean, since one might believe that all tax collection and spending is revenue neutral-government never saves money.
Anyway, guvamint reports that much or most of the money is disbursed via grants to various selected lucky organizations. Not at all necessarily green specimens. Maybe those which might most affect votes. For the guvamint. It’s all pretty murky anyway.

I never, from day one, took a sip of Al Gore Inc Kool Aid.
A massive orchestration from the first, One of many.
Without boring details, one thing does interest me. CO2, at .04%, is a trace gas, comprising just one part out of 2500 parts of atmosphere. 1/2500. But it is supposed to cause massive change. Sorry. I will never get that.

June 5, 2016 8:02 pm

Hey joey, its no where near as high a number as you have there. Check the wiki page. Oh holy shit. The page has changed! It used to say closer to .00037 or some shit and the percent humans were responsible for was 5% of that and that the earth naturally removed 42% of that. Which ran the number infinitesimal ly small.

June 5, 2016 8:32 pm


Well I was equating co2 with pollution. I did not know it was pumped into greenhouses. It still doesn’t make sense to me.
Why wouldn’t it just be the sun? Hot in the sun. Cold at night. Now you are telling me they put it into a greenhouse. So why isn’t good outside if they pump it inside? The concept is nonsense. And why is a climate refugee bad and a war refugee is just the cost of doing business?
I’m not changing while people telling me to change are acting like hypocrites. I am never trading my Infiniti QX 80 limited for a Toyota prius. __throws boa over shoulder and stomps out of room___

June 5, 2016 10:25 pm

Fabulous, co2 is good outside – especially for the trees and gardens. Trees take in more co2 and grow faster. You cut down the trees to make firewood to heat your home. Burning the wood releases the co2 again which makes the trees grow faster. Hard to see what’s wrong with that. Burning “fossil fuels” adds some more co2 into the atmosphere, so what? Even if you believed the computer models that they based all of the anthropogenic global warming nonsense on they’re talking about a sea level rise of a few inches over the next 50-100 years. This is the big disaster that they’re talking about. Compare that to the many underwater archeology sites around the world. Dwarka off the coast of India is dated to around 9500 years ago and is under 70 or more feet of water. I don’t think that internal combustion engines burning “fossil fuels” over 9500 years ago caused a sea level rise of over 70 feet.

Yes, why not the sun? The 11 year cycles and the 400 year cycles in the output from the sun are common knowledge yet their computer models don’t take output from the sun into account at all because they say that changes in the sun are not significant. Changes to a plasma reactor (the sun) that is over 300,000 times the size of the earth are not significant but it is “settled science” that a change in the percentage of a trace gas (co2) that is 400 parts per million (0.04%) of the earth’s atmosphere is causing anthropogenic climate change. Doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

If they really were concerned about co2 levels caused by vehicles they never would have done “Cash for Clunkers” and they certainly wouldn’t be telling you to get rid of your Infiniti or keying my 12 year old SUV. All the “fossil fuel” comparisons that they do on vehicles don’t take the fuel used to construct the vehicle at the beginning of it’s life and recycle/dispose of the vehicle at the end of it’s life into account. I haven’t been able to find any specific numbers (it doesn’t benefit either the car companies or the government to produce such numbers so it’s likely they don’t even exist), but I suspect the amount of energy required to produce all the car parts and put them together is close to the amount of energy used running that car over it’s lifetime. So if they really were concerned about the amount of co2 a vehicle produces over it’s entire lifetime they would make sure that it was used for as long as possible to spread that initial massive use of energy over as many years of use as possible.

Ooh, is it a purple boa? I really like purple, such a regal color!

June 5, 2016 10:33 pm

It’s a white feather boa, is there any other kind honey? When I’m home I like to accessorize!

June 5, 2016 10:59 pm

It was raining today so no golf after church, so we went shooting. so picture it annie: at the indoor range today, black canali alba suit, black tie, black patent leather Wingtips, floor length white boa, shooting the mk9 rental full automatic carbine rifle. Manly yes, but I like it too! I look like a fabulous secret agent.

June 5, 2016 11:05 pm

Fabulous, I’d worry about getting gunpowder residue on the white boa. I guess that’s why I’m just Annie and you’re Fabulous.

June 5, 2016 11:57 pm

You think I have only one boa? That’s my indoor range boa. Same me with the suit. I’m not going to wear camo indoors.

June 6, 2016 5:40 am

Just like Beck explained years ago its a con designed to make a hand full o politicians/bankers filthy rich

June 6, 2016 8:07 am

“A plan to make bankers an d politicians rich”

Thank you! Finally someone says what I have been thinking for years. I always said it was all Gore’s consolation prize for giving GWB the win. Shady gangsters is all they are.