War or Peace: The Essential Question Before American Voters on November 8th

Maggie said I was profanely optimistic about Trump. I told her this was not true — that many of his beliefs give me great concern.  I said there were two big things that make me a Trump supporter. 

—- First, I believe he will fix the immigration problem … a country without borders is no country at all. 

—- Second, he is very unlikely to continue our Perpetual War doctrine, especially the incredible foolishness of poking the Russian Bear (who have just as many nukes as we do, and the capability to deliver them) which, suddenly and without much warning, will likely result in each country’s annihilation.

Below is as good an article that I’ve ever seen which explains the war issue — and why Hillary is truly an utterly horrendous choice for Commander-In-Chief.

If you’re not on the Trump Train, it’s because you simply do not understand what is at stake.

Understand this pivotal point in history and you will run, not walk, to the polling booth this November …. especially all you people who proudly and joyfully intend to not vote this November.  If you survive the nuclear winter will you tell your children (they’ll have three eyes and a big head) — “I could have voted for the guy who might have prevented this, but I stayed home.” — or, will you hide in a corner so they won’t see you weeping in shame?  Here is  an excellent comment made on the host website that might describe you;

“At what point will Hillary supporters [and non-voters] realize they have made a terrible. horrific mistake? When she orders a no fly zone over Syria to which the Russians state they will shoot down any NATO aircraft? Will it be when Hillary calls their bluff and sends aircraft to shoot down Russian and Syrian aircraft and a shooting war breaks out? Or will it be her decision to send lethal weapons to Ukraine, who set about an invasion of Crimea which the Russians repel? Or will it be when Hillary orders American “boots on the ground” in Ukraine to attack Crimea? Or when Russia responds by threatening tactical nuclear weapons and Hillary responds in kind? Or will it be when Russia readies their ICBMs and goes to the equivalent of DEFCON 1? Or tactical nuclear weapons take out the bases in Romania and Poland? At what point will Hillary supporters [and non-voters] realize what they have done?”

This is such a crucial issue, folks! Send the article below to everyone you know (friend, family, and foe), especially to those who like Hillary or, those who are on the fence.  I would like to think that only the most diehard Clinton fan would still vote for her after reading this. I wish millions would see this article because if Hillary is elected, you might as well move the Doomsday Clock to one second before midnight.



War or Peace: The Essential Question Before American Voters on November 8th

By Gilbert Doctorow

In the 1992 presidential election, the campaign team of Bill Clinton had the remarkable insight to simplify the choice before the American electorate in November, encapsulating the whole thought process in the phrase “it’s the economy, stupid.”  Following this advice, voters ignored the foreign policy triumphs of President George W. Bush’s administration, including the recently won war against Iraq to liberate occupied Kuwait, and the slightly more remote “victory” in the Cold War, which Bush recalled to the nation in the forlorn hope of eliciting gratitude. Indeed, going into the elections, the economy was anemic, for cyclical reasons, and it was not to the incumbent’s advantage that this fact be highlighted.

Today, as another Clinton faces off with an unconventional and widely demonized Republican candidate, the economy is once again anemic, though this time under the stewardship of a Democratic administration, and again for cyclical reasons, but the economy and the domestic welfare programs that are so dependent on vibrant performance are not what the election is all about.

Voters will not confront a typical Right-Left choice, although supporters of Hillary Clinton would like to play it that way. It will not be about who gets more of the economic pie and who gets less, who is more equal than others and who is less equal.

Charges that Hillary is in the pocket of Wall Street and big business, who have generously financed her campaign, were first brought against her very effectively and persistently by her opponent in the Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders, who embodied the Left by his persona and points in his platform. He lost to Hillary, the Centrist. Meanwhile, across the court, notwithstanding the support he has consistently received from Tea Party Republicans for his anti-establishment rhetoric, Trump is in many ways more of a Nelson Rockefeller Republican on domestic economic issues, that is to say a Centrist, who, unlike that quintessential Tea Party campaigner, Ron Paul, has no desire to tear down the Federal Reserve and deconstruct the federal government.

In matters of substance as opposed to character assassination that both parties’ candidates have engaged in freely, what separates the candidates and makes it worthwhile to register and vote on November 8th is the domain of international relations. This, as a general rule, is the only area where a president has free hands anyway, whatever position his party holds in the Congress.  Here the choice facing voters is stark, I would say existential:  do we want War or Peace?

Do we want to pursue our path of global hegemony, which is bringing us into growing confrontation with Russia, meaning a high probability of war, (the policy of Hillary Clinton), or do we want a harmonious international order in which the U.S. plays its role at the board of governors, just like other major world powers (the policy of Donald Trump).

Let me go one step further and explain what “war” means, since it is not something that gets much attention in our media, whereas it is at the top of the news each day in Russia.

“War” does not mean Cold War-II, a kind of scab you can pick to indulge a pleasure in pain that is not life threatening. War means what our military like to call “kinetics” to mask the horror of it all. It means live ammunition, ranging from conventional to thermonuclear devices that can devastate large swathes of the United States if we play our hand badly, as would likely be the case for reasons I explain below should Hillary and her flock of Neocon armchair strategists take the reins of power in January 2017.

Let us consider the following:

1.  Where we are presently in relations with the world’s only other nuclear superpower, Russia, which, I remind you, together with the United States, has 50:50 ownership of 95% of all nuclear warheads on earth.

Briefly, we are in an escalating confrontation with the Russians, who have said openly and clearly that they view our ongoing build-up of NATO forces at their borders in the Baltics and Poland as posing an unacceptable threat to their security. They have also said openly and clearly that our completion this spring of what is called an anti-missile defense base in Romania and construction of a similar base in Poland, due for completion in 2017, threatens to upset the strategic nuclear balance by giving the United States a first strike capability. Whether they are right or wrong in their assessment of our words and deeds is beside the point. They are laying down their response based on their view of us, not our view of us.

For the past year or more, the Kremlin has said vaguely that host countries of the missile defense bases would be in their “crosshairs.”  Russian positions have become more specific and more threatening following the NATO summit in Warsaw in early July that approved an American led program of provocative military exercises near Russia’s borders and stationing in the Baltic States of 4 brigades with mixed NATO Member State contingents. This has forced the Russian military to move to the previously ‘safe’ and undefended Western frontier region near St Petersburg large masses of troops and equipment from the center of their country, east of Moscow. By their public statements, the Russians have made no secret of their intention to act preemptively, as necessary, to wipe out the US bases in Romania and Poland and restore what they see as strategic parity.

Just a couple of weeks ago, on a widely watched Russian state television run political talk show, Duma deputy and leader of the nationalist LDPR party Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that Germans risked utter destruction if they continued on their present track of operating Bundeswehr forces in the Baltics. Zhirinovsky would never make such threats without tacit Kremlin backing.

For his part, in a recent press conference, President Vladimir Putin asked rhetorically why Western leaders “don’t get it” – why they are not heeding Russia’s warnings on its determination to protect vital security interests, including by means of preemptive strikes.

Indeed, why are we tone deaf when our very survival is at risk?

2.  Why is it that the American political Establishment, of which Hillary Clinton is the standard bearer in this presidential election, does not take the Russians seriously?

Back in the 1960s and 70s, when the bard Tom Lehrer was touring college campuses with his irreverent song devoted to the nuclear Armageddon “We’ll all go together when we go,”  Americans feared and even respected the USSR for what its military arsenal signified.

Our sense that we had “won” the Cold War when the USSR collapsed in 1992 was followed by our witnessing the economic collapse of Russia as it struggled to make a transition from directed to market economy in the 1990s. Meanwhile Russia’s national wealth was siphoned off by newly emerged “oligarchs.” The vast majority of the population was pauperized in that period, as we plainly understood when our religious communities sent assistance packages to the Russian people.

And Russia’s political infrastructure fell apart, replaced by regional satrapies and would- be successor states from among minority nationalities. The net result is that the United States Establishment’s respect for Russia degraded into open mockery. The fact that Russia was led in the 1990s by a confirmed alcoholic with multiple health problems that took him away from his desk for weeks at a time, only contributed to the sense that Russia had become the “Sick Man of Europe” both literally and figuratively.

This image of Russia has persisted in the thinking of our Establishment, when it is not jostled by images of a tin-pot dictator named Vladimir Putin who holds onto power by making frightening poses against foreign powers, in particular, against the United States. For our establishment, Russia remains, as Barack Obama said a couple of years ago, “just a regional power,” “ a bully” in its neighborhood who has to be put in his place, and also a country that produces nothing that anyone wants, to which no one willingly emigrates (all patently false statements). In sharing all of these views, Hillary is no different from the rest of our political Establishment.

It is Donald Trump and his questioning the wisdom of poking the Russian bear in the eye who is the odd man out. What makes Hillary different from her Establishment peers is the opportunity she has had in the Obama administration to act on her beliefs with all the powers of Secretary of State.

We should have given our view of Russian capabilities a serious rethink following their military action in Crimea in March 2014, when they engineered a bloodless takeover of the peninsula notwithstanding the local presence of nearly the same number of Ukrainian armed forces (20,000) as their own. Another jolt back to present reality could have emerged from Russian military action in Syria as from October 2015, which they used as a proving ground for their most up-to-date military gear and troops.

However, the U.S. response, with Hillary as cheerleader, has been to double down, ignore the potential risks of conflict, and continue to drive the Russians to the wall, so as to “negotiate from a position of strength” if indeed we have any intention of negotiating with the Russians at all.

3.  Why do I say that Hillary Clinton is the War Party candidate?

The record of  Hillary Clinton on foreign policy issues has been very well documented in a recent article that appeared in Consortium News, entitled, The Fear Of Hillary’s Foreign Policy, and was republished in Russia Insider. The author, James Carden, is a former State Department employee with concentration in Russia who left the service in the George Bush Jr. years to become a journalist and now is a regular contributor to The Nation.

I will not repeat blow for blow Carden’s chronology of Hillary’s terrible foreign policy baggage, going back to the decisions taken in Bill’s second term that brought us more US military interventions abroad than any other similar period in the country’s history while also setting up the dangerous confrontation with Russia, the New Cold War, that dominates headlines today. As James Carden shows, the baggage carries through to Hillary’s consistent behavior as Secretary of State in the Obama Administration, where she was always among the most hawkish, pro-military action voices, working hard to overcome the passive resistance of Obama to anything resembling policy decisions.

Here I will focus on one non-Russian issue, for the sake of simplification and clarification:  Libya.  No, not the Libya of the Benghazi catastrophe and the killing of our US consul. That has been discussed endlessly in our media, but misses the point entirely regarding Hillary’s culpability and why she will be a disastrous president.  

The Libyan intervention to remove Colonel Gaddafi had the full support of Hillary within the Administration. She was a cheerleader in this exercise of American global (mis)management and regime change leading to chaos.  It was fully in line with her basic instincts, call it all-American hubris or arrogance.  And the most revealing proof of her unfitness to be Commander in Chief is the now widely publicized video sequence of Hillary, face distorted in glee, celebrating (!) the savage murder of Gaddafi following his being sodomized and grievously wounded:  “we came, we saw, he died.”

It is not for nothing that the Neocon vultures that took control of US foreign and military policy under Bush-Cheney are now avid supporters of Hillary’s candidacy.

As regards Russia, Hillary has been pouring oil on the flames of potential conflict for years now.  She has publicly likened Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler, an insult that no one dared to apply to Russian (Soviet) leaders during the 50 years of the Cold War.  That coming from our nation’s senior diplomat virtually closes the door on diplomacy and reason, leaving us with brute force to settle our differences. She has called repeatedly for providing lethal weapons to Ukraine, which, if implemented would put us on a direct collision course with Russia.  She has called for establishing a no-flight zone in Syria well after the Russians introduced their air force assets, including a highly advanced air defense system covering all of Syrian air space/ The result of implementing her recommendations in Syria would be direct armed conflict with the Russian forces in the region if we attempted to enforce an interdiction. And de jure, we  would be in the wrong, because Russian presence has the express support of the Syrian government, whereas ours does not.

Hillary’s public statements on Russia are highly irresponsible and make sense only if we were prepared to launch a war on that country here and now.  I doubt that is the case.  Meanwhile, the asymmetrical structures of political decision making in the USA and Russia, whereby the Russian President can act with full authority far more quickly than his American counterpart, render this kind of US bluffing and posturing extremely dangerous. Russia is not Iraq. Russia is not Libya. The Russian leadership is tough, experienced and…brave.

For reasons of Hillary’s past record of ill-considered adventurism abroad and for reasons of the mad advisers from the Neocon camp whom she has in her inner circle today, it could be a fatal mistake to vote Hillary Clinton on November 8th.  

About Trump’s past record in power, there is not much to say.  About his present promises on foreign policy, one may have doubts.  However, the bad blood between him and the Neocons ensures us that a Trump presidency would finally put them out on the curb, where they belong. And if we step back from our present policies on Russia, Moscow will surely reciprocate and seek accommodation. After all, even as late as 2008 Vladimir Putin harbored hopes of his country joining NATO.

SOURCE:  http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/war-or-peace-essential-question-american-voters-november-8th/ri15970

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 4, 2016 7:58 am

Well, now I’m flattered to get the shout out, Stucky. I shouldn’t have to call you names to get a bit of respect though.

I agree that this election is perhaps more clearly about preserving our national sovereignty (Trump) versus joining the Global community of formerly independent and culturally rich nations that have ceded their ability to control their own borders and finances (Clinton). However, I’ve been burned before. I voted for Perot because he made a lot of sense and the giant sucking sound was really a long-running leak that deflated the economy over a decade rather than immediately.

However, Perot’s running/not running antics made me wary of outsiders. And, THAT is how we ended up with the horndog Clinton. Now, we are hoping a vote for Trump will stop the Clinton machine that seems unrelenting. Like the Terminator, the Clintons won’t stop until the country looks like Arkansas.

August 4, 2016 8:11 am

Clinton got 43% of the popular vote and 370 electoral votes.
Bush got 37.45% of the popular vote and 168 electoral votes.
Perot got 19% of the popular vote, he did not receive one electoral vote.

Perot did not cost Bush the election and we the people do not elect the president.

August 4, 2016 9:01 am

Perot got 19% of the vote and not one of those folks would have voted for Bush? Well, my husband and I would have voted straight R had it not been for Perot and I am BETTING many others would have as well. However, I do agree that the popular vote… citizens’ votes… rarely makes a difference.

But, perhaps, as our profanely optimistic voting efficacy cheerleader Stucky points out, this election is that RARE occasion when it is worth the effort.

August 4, 2016 8:03 am

It will be very difficult to get the average American to understand the importance of the game certain politicians are playing with Russia, and China and us. Patriotism will get in the way.

Since the 50’s we have been programed that Russia is the enemy, we’re the biggest, the baddest MoFo on this playground, and we need to “knock them down a peg.”
Send more mothers, fathers and kids off to die, light those mother fuckers up if need be……why?

Just because we have a big hammer and the rest of the world is a nail?

And can Trump stop the military complex, or the great congress that supports that military complex in the name of American exceptionalism?

News at 11:00: President Donald Trump and all others aboard Air Force One died in a plane crash today…and this just in……….the Russians did it.

August 4, 2016 8:12 am

This is a problem that Hillary Clinton will only make worse but our real threat of war will probably come from the The South China Sea . As to which country claims to own what.China has recently made its own threats
North Korea is also prepared for war as the Korea war never ended. We have been in a ceasefire agreement with them for all these years .

August 4, 2016 8:21 am

Wars solve problems.

Big wars solve big problems.

Really big wars solve really big problems.

The United States is facing really big problems that will be demanding a solution in the very near future.

So is Europe for that matter.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 4, 2016 8:39 am

First of all, if Brussels has a war cooked up the Donald would be powerless to stop it. Brussels does not bow to the dictates of his likes. Secondly, Russia has advanced weapons that would thwart any enemy aircraft that would come into any airspace that they deem crucial to their security and also have the capability to completely disable any ships/carriers that come into waters they control.

The US warship Donald Cook has been rendered completely dead in the water and towed home not once but twice because of this Russian weapon capable of blowing out the entire electrical system to the point that the ship had to be completely rewired. Anyone who is put in the White House is there to simply do the acting job of head of state, they really have no say over what decisions are made for the country……..it’s really just theater.

If Donald Trump were to try to rally the military against the constant war machine, he would not be around long. There is big money in war and drugs and the CIA won’t let Trump or any other puppet put a monkey wrench in the cabal.

  Bea Lever
August 4, 2016 8:49 am

Bea….Brussels does not have the authority to go to war with Russia. That decision is controlled by the U.S.

Brussels does bow down to the U.S.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 4, 2016 9:03 am

kokoda-That is where you are in the weeds, start thinking of this as the Entertainment Industrial Complex for the support of a global mafia type cabal. The Fed is not part of the government just as Brussels serves to complete scenarios that aid the cabal, both are considered legit bodies that serve a particular purpose which is contrary to what they actually do……so that is your mistaken perception.

I would like to add that the three world wars were cooked up in 1871, the first two have come off as per the script and I am sure they will bring about the third which is not the decision of the US as a sovereign but the wishes of the owners.

August 4, 2016 9:03 am

Correction… they bow to certain people in the U.S.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 4, 2016 8:50 am

How the Russians think summed up in seventeen seconds.

August 4, 2016 9:05 am

The ones with loaded guns take their vodka straight.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 4, 2016 9:41 pm

or Southern Comfort.

August 4, 2016 9:08 am

The USS HArvey Milk will certainly save us from the Bear. She will be crewed exclusively by GBLTQ individuals. Instead of 5 inch shells, her cannon will fire used feminine hygiene products and various other tings. Seriously, excellent article! I’ve been saying all along the the world will not survive President Hitlery Clinton and it looks like some folks a whole lot smarter than me think the same way.

August 4, 2016 9:27 am

Holy priceless collections of Etruscan Snoods Batman! Do you think our “leaders” will listen to us the next time the banks need bailing out too?

War is coming no matter what. It’s the tool of choice to obscure the the impending economic calamity and to usher in “the cure” for said calamity in the way of the new world reserve currency, SDR’s.

I am 99.99995% certain that the true owners and masters of this shit show have not worked for the better part of a century or more to allow anyone including tRump to head them off at the pass. Not. Gonna. Happen. Hitary may be the most evil cunt on earth but she simply chose the path of least resistance to the inevitable. The next president will either be the impetus for or the cause of (patsy) the coming war.

If non voters (me) are to be declared the cause of war if tRump fails to get (s)elected then so be it. It may as well befall those who did the very least to prevent it like the spend now save later Boomers, the skeptical X’ers and the disconnected millenials. The seriously fucked up part is that after the smoke of war has cleared, the very same batch of evil banker, oligarch scum will still be large and in charge as the new fourth turning cycle gets underway.

I worked hard. I was honest. Paid my taxes. Voted. Lived below my means. Paid my bills. Shunned welfare. Did my best to obey the laws. I said the Pledge of Allegiance (and meant it). Supported the troops. Did my best to live and let live. I even believed all the lies I was told growing up and coming of age in ‘Murica. For what? That I am either with you are against you? To be told this time is different? This time it really matters? It will be my fault if it doesn’t work out? I’m beyond done! I do not require or desire a leader and I won’t be voting for one either! If anyone takes umbrage with that, a line is forming to kiss my gleaming white ass!

EDIT: I went looking for a picture of a gleaming white ass to post with this so I searched on “gleaming white ass” and clicked images. All I saw were pictures of hot Indian wimmens (dot head) in colorful, elegant dresses. I don’t see the connection.

August 4, 2016 10:44 am

I thought this a good opportunity to use my favorite donkey photo.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 4, 2016 11:05 am

Well damn I/S, that was well put. Old Stuck is sweating bullets because he knows NJ dwellers are toast so he is trying to rally the troops. This time is no different and we ain’t playing anymore.

  Bea Lever
August 4, 2016 5:12 pm

I just finally came to the realization that dozens of people have run for president and billions of votes have been cast toward that end since I was born 50 years ago…………..all to arrive at this……..whatever the fuck you call this. Seems to me voting IS the problem! It’s certainly NOT the solution! Calling it a distraction seems more than fair.

The criminal scum that control the shit show are going to have to be run out of town on a rail! I see NO other option especially with a majority population that clings to their chains of enslavement but we are a long way, if ever, from doing that.

In the meantime, Keep Calm and Enjoy the Entertainment!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 4, 2016 12:50 pm

Stucky- Can’t we just post for the excitement of the debate? Trumpeteers are welcome to believe in the Donald, non-belivers are welcomed to tell Trumpeteer why they are at odds with them.
If all who are in the “Don’t Give A Fuck” camp quit posting you would not have much left for comment count. People are tired Stuck, we just had the HNIC shoved up our ass for almost 8 years, we all know the next puppet will be the same. The biggest mistake the owners ever made was giving us the internet and shoving Oreo down our throats. Maybe we should just trade recipes and become a cooking club.

August 4, 2016 4:46 pm

Ask and ye shall receive:

[imgcomment image[/img]

[imgcomment image?v=1464618858[/img]

Now go in peace my son……….or conflict. I don’t give a fuck! 🙂

August 4, 2016 4:50 pm

Stucky said:
“Still can’t figure out why people who don’t give a fuck, you know, actually post here.”

It is a mystery for the ages innit?

Sarcastic answer? I’m here for the entertainment.

True answer? There is NO better site on the innerwebz to stay informed.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 5, 2016 8:56 am

Come on guys we all care a little.

Being pissed off while reading books on a beach only works for so long. The urge to chronicle the ongoing catastrophe is still strong in me at least. You are right though IS, this is a good place to stay informed. Reading my books the other night I realized what was wrong. Even dogs need to piss on a tree once in a while to mark their spot and say that they were here.

August 4, 2016 10:00 am

Trump will win in a landslide. That being said, if hillary were to win, it would be the last day i ever posted anything on the internet

August 4, 2016 10:08 am

You pussy! In for a penny, in for a pound! You’re already in for at least three cents now.

May as well grovel and lick her shoes when the Wasserman Kommandos come to take you away!

August 4, 2016 10:19 am

I can’t get over the feeling that we’ve been set up.

Time and time again Trump pulled shit in the primaries and the media talked about it but really gave him a pass, now that guy can’t even eat chicken with a knife and a fork and the media doesn’t rip him up.
hilary is walking on water.

Something is very different.

August 4, 2016 3:42 pm

What’s different is that the Ruling Establishment was just scared before and now they’re terrified.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 4, 2016 11:09 am

Card802 says, “hilary is walking on water. Something is very different.”

Now Card, what in the wide, wide world of sports is different in getting this FIRST WOMENZ selected and the shameful display of how fabulous almost godlike the kneegrow was to get the FIRST HNIC selected? Nothing different here, move along.

August 4, 2016 2:08 pm

OK, look at the way it has been done in the past: When it’s the Eevull Party’s turn to occupy the White House for 8 years, the Stoopid Party runs someone their own rank and file won’t vote for: a sorry liberal cunt like Mittens, a raving lunatic like McCain, or a doddering old retard like Dole in the initial election or the 2nd term for the Eevull candidate.

When it’s the Stoopid Party’s turn, the Eevull Party runs a mental retard without a prayer or a moral retard who is owed a huge chunk of retirement cash out of the party’s war chest for standing as a sacrificial lamb who is going to lose no matter what.

The result is always laid on in advance. Everybody who is hooked on TV gets all excited about it and insists that it’s the most important election in history. You can tell if someone is a TV addict by how worked up they are about the “HISTORIC CHOICE” the merkin people have before them.

This cycle has been more entertaining than the last two, I’ll admit, but it’s still the same old shit in a new bucket. It’s the Stoopid Party’s turn. No need to get worked up enough about it to go vote. Turn off the TV and in a few years you’ll be in the right frame of mind to see this bullshit for what it is.

It’s bullshit. If you’re all worked up about it, that just means you watch waaay too much TV.

Ignatious J Reilly
Ignatious J Reilly
August 4, 2016 3:49 pm

If that article isn’t enough to discourage folks from voting for skankles, this one should finish the the job.

Filthy hillary is in deep.

Paris strikes astonishing partnership with secret Isis sponsor tied to Hillary Clinton [EXCLUSIVE]

The City of Paris has struck a corporate partnership with French industrial giant, Lafarge, recently accused of secretly sponsoring the Islamic State (Isis or Daesh) for profit.

Documents obtained by several journalistic investigations reveal that Lafarge has paid taxes to the terror group to operate its cement plant in Syria, and even bought Isis oil for years.

Yet according to the campaign group, SumOfUs, Lafarge is the corporate partner and sand provider to the City of Paris for this summer’s Paris-Plages urban beach event. The project run by Office of the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, will create artificial beaches along the river Seine in the centre and northeast of Paris.

Lafarge also has close ties to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Apart from being a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton herself was a director of Lafarge in the early 1990s, and did legal work for the firm in the 1980s. During her connection to Lafarge, the firm was implicated in facilitating a CIA-backed covert arms export network to Saddam Hussein.
Blood money

An investigative report by the French daily Le Monde revealed in June that the corporation, the world’s leader in construction materials, had paid taxes to Isis middlemen, as well as other armed groups in Syria, to protect its cement business operations in the country.

But the Le Monde story only covered a fraction of the revelations. Previous investigations by Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news outlet run by elements of the Syrian opposition, revealed that Lafarge had even regularly bought oil from Isis.

Al-Wasl’s original investigation, which Le Monde appears to have borrowed from considerably, was published in February, and based on internal documents and emails from the company. Al-Wasl reported that the CEO of Lafarge Cement Syria, Frederic Jolibois, had personally instructed his firm to make payments to Isis.
Under fire

France has repeatedly been targeted by Daesh, and Daesh-inspired terrorists, over the last few years. The latest mass atrocity occurred in Nice, where 84 people were killed on Bastille Day. On Tuesday, a priest in Normandy was brutally murdered by Isis terrorists.

Paris itself has been repeatedly attacked by terrorists. On 13 November 2015, Isis coordinated a series of terror strikes in Paris and its northern suburb, Saint-Denis, killing 130 people and injuring 368.

Yet Paris’ new corporate partner, according to Le Monde, sponsored the Isis terror group in Syria in the preceding years to keep up company profits.
Profit over people

Emails discovered by Le Monde reveal that Lafarge – which merged with Swiss cement maker Holcim in 2015 – had made “arrangements […] with the jihadist group to continue production until September 19, 2014.”

Most of these emails seem to have been first obtained by Zaman al-Wasl. Lafarge’s Syria operations ended on that date when Isis took over the firm’s facility in Jalabiya.

Documents show that Lafarge’s Paris headquarters were fully aware of the business deal with Isis. The company even sent a representative into Isis territory “to get permission from Isis group to let employees past checkpoints,” reports Le Monde.

A “pass stamped with an Isis group stamp and endorsed by [Isis] finance chief in the Aleppo region” confirms Lafarge’s deal with Daesh to allow the free circulation of its goods.

In February 2015, Isis were driven out of the Jalabiya region by Kurdish forces.

Lafarge has declined to address the allegations, stating only that the firm’s highest priority was to protect the safety of its employees in Syria.

However, instead of ending its Syrian investments when the conflict began as most other international firms had done, which would have been the safest option, the firm struck a lucrative business deal with the jihadist terror group to maximise profits from its local cement operations.
Who is buying Isis oil?

According to Zaman al-Wasl, Lafarge regularly purchased fuel from Isis for its own operations, and even supplied cement for Isis to sell in Syria.

In one email trail, Lafarge general manager Bruno Pescheux received a warning from his Syria senior plant manager about repercussions due to the firm’s “illegal purchasing of petroleum products from ‘non-governmental organizations’ in areas outside the control of the Syrian government […] there are high expectations about a government action or a resolution against individuals and companies who purchase illegal petroleum products.”

Pescheux’s response was revealing. Agreeing that this could be a “worrying” issue “in the future” for Lafarge, he suggested the company prepare justifications for its policy, such as:

– at least the HFO [residual fuel oil] we consume is not smuggled abroad and benefits to [sic] Syria construction activity

– it is very minimum quantity compared to what is smuggled to Turkey.

Lafarge is not the only major company implicated in buying Isis oil, though it is perhaps the first case where a deliberate policy of purchasing oil from the jihadist group has been confirmed through the firm’s own internal documents.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 4, 2016 4:25 pm

1st: Trump would lose alot of employees if he actually got rid of illegals and harm his bottom line.

2nd: Once Trump gains office he will be placed in an intelligence bubble and will continue the same agenda as Oblamer And W. Botch.


August 4, 2016 5:09 pm

Trump is a straw man created by PTB to insure Hilary’s election. It might backfire on them but it will make little difference. When the crisis hits it will be on a scale equivalent to the civil war crisis. Then it will shake out one way or the other. Then PTB will start over again. They will only lose if the 4 turning is an epic like the fall of Rome.

August 4, 2016 5:30 pm

I understand the feeling of not giving a fuck. It’s how I felt when I understood that the DNC was working against Bernie. Point is though, I DO give a fuck because I have kids and grandkids, and I’d like to see them grow, prosper, and live happy useful lives.
I don’t think that’s going to be possible if Hitliary Rotten gets the power she desires, because she’s a warmongering tool of the neocons.
So I’ll be voting for Trump, with the hope upon hope that he is the real deal. If he’s not, then we’re probably better off then Hitliary anyway.
And for all those of you who profess not to give a flying fuck, I’m not buying it, because were that the case you wouldn’t be posting the fact that you supposedly DON’T give a fuck!

August 4, 2016 6:07 pm

I’m the real deal Westie. I’ve lived a good, honest, decent life and I’m going to get fucked for it anyway!

I’m not burdened with the overwhelming worry that comes with having children in this environment but I get your point. Were it not for my wife and dogs I might be a household name by now.

Much like Martin Sheen in Falling Down, I truly don’t give a fuck!

August 4, 2016 6:29 pm

“And for all those of you who profess not to give a flying fuck, I’m not buying it, because were that the case you wouldn’t be posting the fact that you supposedly DON’T give a fuck!”

True dat, and ditto for all of the “your vote doesn’t matter”, “leaders are selected not elected”, “if voting made a difference we wouldn’t be allowed to do it” blah blah blah shitheads as well.

August 5, 2016 8:52 am

“At what point will Hillary supporters [and non-voters] realize they have made a terrible. horrific mistake? ”

What a steaming moist load of equestrian fecal matter driven by gravity.

This is like saying you must VOTE for the PROBLEM to solve the PROBLEM.

Go fornicate yourself with Richard Gears hamster, maroon.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
August 6, 2016 2:48 am

You mean Michael Douglas..