The Revolt of the Media

Guest Post by The Zman

Way back in the olden thymes, “the media” was the local newspaper, news radio and the evening news on the television. My father would read the paper every evening after dinner, while my mother would watch the evening news. Once in a while my mother would put on the radio and listen to the news channel, but that was rare. If the people in charge wanted to get the attention of the peasants, they had to do it in those small windows when people paid any attention to the news.

We live in a different age, but it is a very new age. We are saturated with media. Young people have no frame of reference so they just assume it has always been thus, but our modern mass media culture is one of those rare things that is truly new. It really was not so long ago when it was easy to be entirely uninformed about the world. It took great effort to be well informed. That’s not to say we are all worldly cosmopolitans, but the world is literally at our fingertips. More important, media is everywhere and it hard to escape it.

This newness means that the people in charge have struggled to put it to their uses. Buying off a few newspaper publishers was easy. Controlling the three TV networks required hardly any effort at all. A free wheeling mass media with millions of bloggers, podcasters and small outlets is a different task. Rounding up the farm’s bull is a hard job, but rounding up all the barn cats is actually much tougher. The former can get you killed, but the latter has a maddening number of variables.

When the masses started to get on-line, the “media experts” said it was ushering in an era of wonderfulness because the people would now have a say. The news would be interactive! It was not that long ago when every Progressive commentator went on and on about the wonderfulness of interactive media. I used to laugh at it as I was on-line long before the media airheads had heard of the internet. I knew those hothouse flowers would not last very long in the rough and tumble world of the internet, but like missionaries headed off to the the jungle, they were sure it was going to be great

I was thinking about that yesterday when National Review announced they had been taken over by Facebook. Like a lot of these sites, they learned the hard way that their audience was not going to just nod along and clap when instructed. Instead, they posted articles and the comments filled up with ridicule and criticism. That led to lots of comments from NR writers about the awfulness of the comment threads. Now that millennial pansies are in charge, they have turned it over to Facebook to police their comments.

It turns out that popular opinion is not all that popular with the people in the media. All over, news and opinion sites are clamping down on comments. They are heavily policed or they are shut down entirely. Twitter has allowed a band of angry lesbians to take over the moderation duties. Reddit hired Chinese grifter Ellen Pao to chase off the bad thinkers. Faceberg, of course, is run by howling lunatics, who ban people for any deviation from the orthodoxy. The media is slowly shutting down public comment in a rather deliberate effort to shut down dissent.

This started a couple of years ago, but the process has been accelerating. The claim from the media is the comment sections are revolting. Coincidentally, it is happening just when the public is revolting. It also coincides with a sudden solidarity among the media. They no longer seem to be divided along ideological lines. Now, they are quite unified. Read National Review, for example, and you could be forgiven for thinking it is New York Magazine or Salon. Glenn Beck, once the scourge of the Left, is now getting a sex change and supporting Clinton.

It’s one of those things you can read different ways. It could be real fear on the part of media over what’s coming their way through the comment sections. This is the sort of thing we associate with reactionaries facing a revolution. The people in charge try to suppress dissent so they can win the public relations campaign. If only one side can speak and they are holding a megaphone, enough people will be swayed to back the regime so that the revolt losses steam. That’s the theory, anyway.

On the other hand, the Cloud People speak a slightly different language than the rest of us. It’s why a crime story using the phrase “Minnesota man” means the man was not from Minnesota or even North America. In the language of the Cloud, interactive may have meant that they yell at you and you obey. These are people who truly believe they are called by the blank spot where God once existed to lead the Dirt People in the right direction. Ask any of them why they chose their career and they say, “I wanted to make a difference.”

There’s also the possibility that the people in media are just very stupid. Spend any time on an elite college campus and it is not hard to figure out that they select for things other than raw IQ. The kids that end up in the soft majors are not selected because they pegged the math portion of their SAT. Way back in the stone age, I was in college with a couple of rich kids who were as dumb as goldfish. But, family money is worth two SD’s on the entrance exams so they were accepted and put into sociology and psychology respectively.

My sense is that the Cloud People are beginning to master the new media tools. Oddly, the lesson they are learning is the lesson the Nazis learned. People naturally follow the herd. Put the herd into a big arena, pump in some emotional content and the herd goes where you tell it. Go to a Dallas Cowboy game and watch the buildup. It’s easy to see what happened in Germany.The 20 minutes before the game is a Nuremberg rally. Even if you’re not from Texas, you want to put on a cowboy hat, pull on your boots and defend the Alamo.

We are social animals that look to one another for guidance and acceptance. Unleashing click farms to promote the Cloud People narrative, while demoting the critics, gets the herd moving in the right direction. It also keeps the people holding the megaphones in high spirits. By having only cheering crowds in their line of sight, they truly feel they are making a difference and therefore redouble their efforts for the cause. That’s the weird thing about propaganda. It’s often more effective on the sender than the receiver.

All of this is fine if your ideal society is one where the bulk of the people are treated like cattle. That’s certainly the way our world has shaped up so far in the mass media age. The “big data” guys start from the assumption that we’re all in the hive. following orders from the queen via subtle signalling and nudging. Alter the composition of the signals and you alter society. The drones have no agency of their own. That’s the theory and maybe they are right. The great success of central planning suggest they may be onto something.

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August 5, 2016 4:19 pm

I tend to believe the “highest of the high” cloud people know exactly what they want and how to get there.

The political establishment and mainstream media, however, represent the “middle cloud” folks stumbling around in the fog of their own survival instincts. Greed is how they obtain what they want. Fear is why they rally around what they do NOT want. Indeed, those of the “middle clouds” are guided by greed and fear and this is how the “highest of the high” shape those below them.

The Hegelian Dialectic is how Orwell’s vision of a jackboot stomping upon the faces of all, forever, will be achieved.

As for most of the dirt people: Due to apathy, materialism, bread, and circuses, they will continue to enjoy it down in the mud until the time comes for war, societal breakdown, economic chaos, disarmament and privation. Then it will be too late.

As for the remaining dirt people: Some will go out in a blaze of glory. Others will laugh hysterically as the world turns, and burns. And some will watch it all go down with eyes wide open while congregating together, online and in person, to share their perspectives with a sense of irony, humor, nostalgia and sadness.

That’s how I see it. Maybe I’m wrong. I hope I am wrong. But I don’t think so.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 5, 2016 4:40 pm

One by one people are turning off the MSM’s brain rotting waste of time programs and not so subtle propaganda designed for the 80 IQ dolts not to mention the endless stupid ads nobody watched anyway.

August 5, 2016 4:43 pm

“Glenn Beck, once the scourge of the Left, is now getting a sex change and supporting Clinton.”

I literally laughed out loud, my wife asked what was so funny, so I read it to her, and she just rolled her eyes. You are right about the direction this is all taking. I don’t have facebook or twitter or any of the rest of it. What were once promoted as avenues of free speech have turned into mere echo chambers where uttering one politically incorrect thing gets you banned. Its now just a way for you to get yourself in trouble in an argument. I’m sure there is plenty to use against me from my now deleted profile, I went through FB and deleted every post I made and every picture from every album individually over the course of a couple days, then deleted my account, but Im sure it all exists somewhere, since it becomes the property of Facebook once you post it.

I only really comment on here and ZH. I actualy commented on salon a couple times a long time ago, literally just asking questions, trying to have an honest discussion, and I was banned. It was a stealth ban, too, very sneaky and underhanded, as you would expect from a bunch of liberals. I can log in and post, but only I can see what I post. Thinking it was odd that I never got the typical straw man or hateful response, I typed something and posted it, then opened a Tor window and went to the article and it wasn’t there. I obviously respect the owners of any site to ban whomever they want, but I gotta wonder how much of that happens with places like that. The comment sections look like the typical abject stupidity you would expect, with all of them feeding off each other with very little dissenting opinion, you gotta wonder what it would look like with an open comment forum, they would be getting destroyed.

Another good post, Zman, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your writing so far.

Hollow man
Hollow man
August 5, 2016 5:44 pm

This how an open free republic dies. This is the death blow. Clinton gets elected it happens in 2 to 4 years. Trump delays maybe another 2 to 4 years.

August 5, 2016 5:50 pm

A kafkaesque vision of 1984

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
August 5, 2016 6:04 pm

what is hard for them is satire, way over their heads. for those who read zero hedger i often wondered whether million dollar bonus was satire or serious. they do not seem to enjoy humor of any stripe.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  fear & loathing
August 5, 2016 7:09 pm

MDB was pure satire. Seemed to be lost on many. That’s why I like it here.

  Francis Marion
August 5, 2016 9:57 pm

I agree. I’ve never seen someone go through so much effort to troll and satire, though. Making his own website and everything, posting about an article a week.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
  Francis Marion
August 6, 2016 11:44 am

I left ZH when MDB stopped posting. That was satire at it’s finest and the responses from the dolts were priceless. King ( or Queen) of the Trolls. I asked a few times, if she was a woman whether she would marry me.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 5, 2016 8:42 pm

Great read. Of course the modern approach is far more Soviet than Nazi in both tone and content.

Along the same lines I was thinking about the Olympics- I mean why would they continue with them- besides the huge cash/corruption/grift angle- as it undermines the entire narrative of equality and gender neutrality. Gold medals for first place? How is that even possible in a world where everyone is equal? Doesn’t that imply some kind of unfair advantage, a type of privilege that undermines the entire basis for the globalist agenda? And why are men and women segregated based on a social construct? Shouldn’t they compete against each other, mano a mano- oops, sorry, didn’t mean to trigger anyone.

The fact is that just as there are physical specimens that can run faster, jump higher, throw faster, there are those who are apex predators, con artists, liars and thieves and they use these skills to obtain another form of recognition- elected office.

It really doesn’t matter how this thing plays out, the math is the math. Whatever is coming isn’t going to be what we have today, not even close.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  hardscrabble farmer
August 5, 2016 10:33 pm

HF, speaking of huge cash/corruption/grift angle, do you have any theory on why the news always comments on the dire straits of the hosting economy?

Today, somebody said that Brazil was doing great up until a few months ago. I wonder if the money malinvested in Olympic venues has anything to do with that situation?

If it is indeed real and not simply my imagination.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
August 5, 2016 9:43 pm

then there is fornstar and bitcoin, yet my favorite who no longer posts was the ” liberal,” that was terrific stuff/

August 6, 2016 12:11 am

I became a regular Glenn Beck listener after hearing his monologue contrasting a description of a surgery he’d had and follow-up care he received at a couple different US medical facilities, while I was driving the only Mustang convertible I ever got as a corporate rental customer back to the airport somewhere in the US northeast in the mid-2000’s. After enduring countless beige mid-size domestic sedans over the years, the Mustang was a treat.

Glenn Beck has lost me completely in the past few months with his shenanigans for Ted Cruz, anti-Trump rhetoric, and now seemingly pro-Hillary crap…it’s the same with Red State / sometime Rush Limbaugh fill-in Erick Erickson…I thought these people sometimes had interesting thoughts worth considering…now they sound like the know-nothing, know-it-alls I encounter in Toronto who think Trudeau is awesome and Canada is so much better now.

I don’t bother to point out that our province has the largest non-sovereign debt anywhere in the world and our provincial government spends more than $1 billion a month servicing that debt…or that a one or two point climb in interest rates ends all the ‘sunny ways’ and leads to hard choices or default.

I guess I’ll go back to Dave Ramsey who’s radio broadcast I first heard while driving back and forth to the hotel while working on Canada’s east coast…at least he helped me remember it was important to get and stay out of debt…and we are…and hoping we will be able to hunker down and survive the storm that is coming.

August 6, 2016 3:04 am

Cognitive dissonance leads to the end of online publications, like NR – they tell you Paul Ryan is good for you, and you learn about Paul Ryan’s positions and think, “He is in no way good for me”, and you discount NR and eventually quit reading it. You read Salon / HuffPost / the Atlantic and they tell you “Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in the world”, and you learn about Hillary’s past antics and you think, “This gal is a snob and a bitch and about as smart as peanut butter” and you discount Salon / HuffPost / the Atlantic and eventually quit reading it. Eventually, you are left with a few sites you can credit SOMEWHAT such as Breitbart, Drudge, TBP, ZH and a few more, but even they are subject to cognitive dissonance on small matters; if it rises to major matters you will quit reading them.
MSM lost most of us years ago; I never went on FB or Twitter or MySpace or any of the rest of them, about the only place I have an account is LinkedIn; but now it has been bought [Google?]. As soon as the push promotions and ads start I will drop LinkedIn, I didn’t join it to help Google do anything (I think they ARE evil). Intelligence is what’s missing in most of these operations, and until it shows up, I have better things to do.

August 6, 2016 11:38 am

The noose of censorship is ever tightening around our necks. I really like Zman’s stuff. Went to his site and read his My Theory of Everything series. Very good. As TBP gets bigger and bigger, it will come under more and more scrutiny and attacks.