Republicans Call for Trump to Bow Out of Election Confirming They Are Conspiring With Hillary


If there was ever proof that the Republican elite want Hillary to win, you just got it. The  video published by the Washington Post showing Trump having a vulgar discussion about a number of women is indeed over the top and something you would expect from a locker-room banter. Trump himself had to admit he was wrong. That in itself is rare for anyone running for any office. Trump issued an apology:

“I’ve never said I’m a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret and the words released today, on this more than a decade old video, are one of them,” he said in a video released by his campaign. “I was wrong and I apologize.”

While his comments are outrageous, he conceded:  “I’ve said some foolish things but there is a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women.” On that score he is correct. There are countless stories about Bill even on a flight with his friend to his private island where his friend had sex with underage girls and Bill told the Secret Service not to go on those trips. One of the girls who said she was held as a sex slave, Virginia Roberts, has come out and the press ignores everything from the Clinton side. So there is clearly a huge double standard here.

Why has the Democrats not demanded that Hillary step down? Simply, the career politicians do not want ANYONE who is an outsider to run the White House and upset their world of perks.

From every possible angle, both the Republican elite and Democrats conspire to defeat Trump and the Press is a co-conspirator. So if they put Hillary in the White House, I can imagine the corruption will just go off the chart. This is looking to be the greatest rigged election perhaps in world history, not just the United States. We are watching the complete collapse of Western society. It will NEVER be the same after this election. Our model warns that Civil Unrest will soar in the United States after they rig this one.


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October 9, 2016 10:44 am

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 9, 2016 11:27 am

The fix was in but the Repuplicrats & Dempublicans are in fear Americans are angry enough to upset the apple cart and Trump may actually win and there ability to cheat lie and steal the election for their true pick “Hillary” to keep the game going a few more quarters could be up so the destroyers are circling the wagons and pulling out all the stops ! Media and Hollywood whores are thumping and stumping for Hillary and it’s so obvious you can’t not see it ! So in years past my absolute political formula has always proven true ! If the majority in Washington and press are for it , it’s bad for the country and the majority of Americans and if they recommend something should be banned average people need to stock up and have a dozen on hand ! I don’t know if Trump can achieve squat but I know the other side of this shit show is just that “full of shit” so no Trump is not the perfect pick but he is all average Americans have now and it’s obvious the other side wants us out of the way so VOTE TRUMP he may be an asshole but he is our asshole !

October 9, 2016 2:47 pm

I agree completely… Trump is all we have standing between us and full on revolution/civil war. Only the brain dead could possibly miss the collusion of politicians/press/banks/ but I do believe most of the People understand… finally. The Repulsives clearly demonstrated there is only one ‘party’ in Washington and that’s the “MONEY” party as the pigs squirm their way to get closer to the trough.
However, be aware, the ‘tweaked’ so called ‘polls’ are attempting to establish a meme that this bizarro circus of an ‘election’ is a close race and it is not. Trump is far ahead of HRC. If the lying mass media can convince the public of this lie they may believe they can say HRC ‘won’ a squeaker and this will be the ultimate betrayal of every American. I believe the American people are sufficiently aware and alert to this and will never believe such a cockamamie story. We’ll see.