Low Voter Turnout Expected for 2024 US Presidential Election

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The public has political fatigue. The 24/7 media cycle has been promoting political divide for years. The last election saw an outcome that was in contrast to the will of the people. No one on either side actually believes Joe Biden secured 81 million votes to become the most popular candidate in US history. Half of the nation deeply hates Donald Trump, and they have grown tired of seeing him appear on every broadcast whether it is in his favor or negatively. A new poll shows that interest in the upcoming presidential election has hit a 20-year low.

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Elections Are Now the Threat to Democracy

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

When Trump won in 2016, that is when it all started. Democracy suddenly became evil “populism” for how dare the people try to vote career politicians out of power. They began their hate campaign against Trump because they could not allow an outsider to upset their feeding troff. I was handling many calls back to them because our computer projected a Trump victory, and they wanted to believe something was wrong. I tried to explain that he was legitimately elected, and it was a vote against those who never leave. Trump ran on draining the swamp and argued that term limits were necessary. He failed to realize that the swamp was an ocean that included both camps.

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CISAgate: Here’s how a criminal network of Public-Private Partnerships has literally institutionalized election theft across the USA.

Via State of the Nation

A Khazarian-Created RICO-Level Criminal Enterprise has been formed to rig and fix,
hijack and steal any and all elections held
in these once United States of America

Editor’s Note: The following exposé presents what is perhaps the best Public-Private Partnership investigation of the highly complex and convoluted criminal conspiracy known as the “2020 POTUS Election Theft”.  However, it’s of paramount importance to understand that this same RICO-level crime syndicate was used to steal countless elections at every level — federal, state, county and city — during both the 2020 and 2022 election cycles.  While everyone was focused solely on Donald Trump in 2020, as they are on Kari Lake in 2022, the Democrat perps got away with stealing untold elections in all 50 states.  Going forward, the Khazarian-directed election thieves now have the institutional apparatus firmly in place to steal any and all future elections held on American soil.  Which means that there will never be another free and fair election for any public office in the land.  Oh, and by the way, the U.S. Federal Government and their NGO co-conspirators are using your hard-earned tax dollars to fund this massive criminal operation which will ensure that your conservative candidate LOSES every Election Day.

Continue reading “CISAgate: Here’s how a criminal network of Public-Private Partnerships has literally institutionalized election theft across the USA.”


“Whether in actual fact the policy of the boot-on-the-face can go on indefinitely seems doubtful. My own belief is that the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power, and these ways will resemble those which I described in Brave New World. Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.” – Aldous Huxley – Letter to George Orwell about 1984 in 1949

The Truman Show (1998) - Posters — The Movie Database (TMDB)

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution” ― Aldous Huxley

When I step back from the day-to-day minutia and trivialities flooding my senses from all directions and media devices, it almost appears as if I’m living in a highly scripted reality TV program where the characters and plots are designed to create passions and reactions to support whatever narrative is being weaved by those directing the show. Huxley really did foresee the future as clearly and concisely as anyone could, decades before his dystopian vision came to fruition.


How Electronic Voting Machines Cheat and What to Do About This

Guest Post by Naomi Wolf

We think of the secret ballot as being fundamental to our rights, and indeed to our democratic system, and in many ways that belief is correct. Or it certainly would be correct, if those secret ballots were cast in a verifiable, accurately- tabulating voting system.

But the secret ballot became a sacred aspect of elections, in the days when ballots were cast in boxes, using paper. There was little risk run by those who cherished the secrecy of their choices in such a system, because the ballots could always be recounted. They were physical artifacts. They either existed or they did not.

People could steal elections in this “analog” technology of paper and locked ballot boxes, of course, by destroying or hiding votes, or by bribing voters, a la Tammany Hall, or by other forms of wrongdoing, so security and chain of custody, as well as anti-corruption scrutiny, were always needed in guaranteeing accurate election counts. But there was no reason, with analog physical processing of votes, to query the tradition of the secret ballot.

Before the digital scanning of votes, you could not hack a wooden ballot box; and you could not set an algorithm to misread a pile of paper ballots. So, at the end of the day, one way or another, you were counting physical documents.

Those days are gone, obviously, and in many districts there are digital systems reading ballots. Both the Left and the Right have accused the other team of nefarious electronic chicanery.

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Republicans Call for Trump to Bow Out of Election Confirming They Are Conspiring With Hillary


If there was ever proof that the Republican elite want Hillary to win, you just got it. The  video published by the Washington Post showing Trump having a vulgar discussion about a number of women is indeed over the top and something you would expect from a locker-room banter. Trump himself had to admit he was wrong. That in itself is rare for anyone running for any office. Trump issued an apology:

“I’ve never said I’m a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret and the words released today, on this more than a decade old video, are one of them,” he said in a video released by his campaign. “I was wrong and I apologize.”

While his comments are outrageous, he conceded:  “I’ve said some foolish things but there is a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women.” On that score he is correct. There are countless stories about Bill even on a flight with his friend to his private island where his friend had sex with underage girls and Bill told the Secret Service not to go on those trips. One of the girls who said she was held as a sex slave, Virginia Roberts, has come out and the press ignores everything from the Clinton side. So there is clearly a huge double standard here.

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Ron Paul: Vote All You Want, The Secret Government Won’t Change

Submitted by Carey Wedler via TheAntiMedia.org,

Former congressman Ron Paul is outspoken. When he retired from Congress, he called lawmakers psychopathic authoritarians to their faces. He’s also called Donald Trump an authoritarian and asserted Hillary Clinton could have run as a Republican. And just last week, Paul took aim at the foundational structure of American ‘democracy.’

In a recent episode of his web show, the Liberty Report, Ron Paul discussed the Department of Homeland Security’s decision last month to take a more active role in U.S. elections. Secretary Jeh Johnson said he was “considering whether elections should be classified as ‘critical infrastructure,’ affording them the same kinds of enhanced protections that the banking system and the electrical grid receive,” POLITICO reported.

The potential move came on the heels of the notorious DNC leak in July, which exposed intentions within the Democratic Party to manipulate the primary race against Senator Bernie Sanders. Politicians and the media quickly blamed the hack on Russia, failing to cite conclusive proof of their allegations yet spawning the narrative that the Kremlin and other foreign threats could compromise U.S. elections.

On his show, Paul took issue with the notion that the Department of Homeland Security, an agency riddled with incompetence and failed objectives — case in point, the TSA — is capable of securing U.S. elections.

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