Could the Elite Survive Without Terrorism?

Could the Elite Survive Without Terrorism?


I’ve been long struck by a comment attributed to Adolph Hitler: “If there were no Jews, we’d have to invent them.”[1]Which it seems he did say, though in a slightly different form. This callous sentiment lies at the heart of rulership, including the rulers of our day. Power needs a frightening enemy. The systems that be, after all, are wholly organized around our fears. Without something to be terribly afraid of, the core justification for rulership fails.

Think of it this way: If we didn’t have scary things to fear – if politics operated on reason – our overlords couldn’t get half the compliance they get now. That’s why they market everything that matters to them through fear. Because, as I’ve been saying over and over, fear makes humans behave stupidly; and in particular, it makes them comply with ridiculous things without reason.

If you actually examine it, the saying, “Never let a crisis go to waste,” it’s just another way of saying, “Get the suckers to go along with you while they’re still afraid.”

To put it simply: Nothing bigger than a barebones government could survive if people made the decision to accept or reject policies based upon reason rather than fear.

Adios USSR; Hola Terrorista

When I was a boy, we were taught to hide under our desks for fear of Russian bombs. And while it’s true the USSR was an evil empire, it wasn’t true they wanted to nuke my home town. Yet that fear remained and was stoked, because it worked.

But the evil empire went away, and the fear of nuclear incineration with it. Partly as a result, we were told by our 1990s figurehead, “The era of big government is over.” Mindless sacrifice in fear of the nuking Russians was gone, and public rhetoric had to be pulled back.

But then, a scant 10 years later, a new fear came screaming across our TV screens. However it came about, 9-11 restored fear to the Western mind. And with fear came another wave of unreasoned compliance. If people had been thinking, they would have made counter-arguments like this one:

Wait… We’ve been spending hundreds of billions of dollars to prevent just this sort of thing, and it failed spectacularly. Shall we now simply reward and expand the system that failed?

Or like this:

We’re told that the various protector agencies knew about this plan shaping up, but they didn’t share information with each other… something they were already required to do. So, the answer is to create another agency? Is there any sane reason to think that they won’t exhibit the same bureaucratic disease?

I could go on, but you get the idea. The vile PATRIOT Act was hustled into effect while the masses were afraid. After that, they had either to defend it or admit they got suckered. And so, since most people hate admitting their errors, they’d defended it.

So, we lost the Soviets, but the overlords replaced them with terrorists. The actual threat level represented by terrorism is much, much lower than that presented by the USSR, but we have much better fear delivery systems these days. So the stupidity remains and accomplishes its necessary service to rulership.

The Foundation of Our World

Please consider this statement carefully:

The world we now live in is arranged around our fears and not around our abilities.

I devoted an entire issue of my subscription newsletter to this issue (#74), and I lack space here. But one of the points I made in that issue was this:

The dominant systems in our world are built upon primitive and low aspects of human nature. They are incarnations of fear and took their shape by about 4000 BC. It’s ridiculous to organize ourselves the same way as people who used stone tools.

So, Could the Elites Survive?

In a word, no. The elites who rule our world from behind the scenes couldn’t continue as they are, without terrorism or some equally telegenic replacement. They must keep fear alive.

And please remember this: Any time someone tries to make you afraid, they’re hacking your brain.

We can do better.

* * * * *

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* * * * *

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 2, 2016 8:44 am

Considering the elites are the ones creating terror groups and events, I would gather they may not survive without the lie that WE need them to save us from terrorism.

November 2, 2016 9:15 am

Once you see that they always NEED a boogeyman, it’s impossible to un-see that fact. Terrorism is the best boogeyman they ever came up with because terrorism will always be whatever THEY say it is. If tRump wins, he has got to educate the sheople. That will be the tool they need to free themselves.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 2, 2016 10:37 am

I/S- First hundred days……LOL.

November 2, 2016 12:25 pm

and it is orchestrated terror.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 2, 2016 12:25 pm

They still have the GloBull Warming Scam. It won’t take much for DC to arrive at another fear-mongering, please save us scam.

November 2, 2016 12:28 pm

only 5% need to “wake up”…some groups are incapable of it,
others deliberately avoid knowing, but some of us are aware.

November 2, 2016 1:57 pm

And Obama can Hillary can continue to stoke the fire of fear by bringing in unvetted so-called Syrian refugees. Time will tell how many of these sub-humans are terrorists waiting to strike and do Obama’s business. For all intents and purposes Obama is virtually inviting Iranian terrorists into the U.S. and thwarting Congress in their attempts to stop him.

Military Leader: Iran Sending Elite Fighters Into U.S., Europe

It seems that Obama, Hillary and the Marxists will not rest, nor be satisfied, until they have destroyed this country. Obama and Hillary need to be swinging from a tree, justice well meted, like Mussolini.

November 2, 2016 3:25 pm

Climate change will be used to control people.Tax them. In the long term this slowly being pushed upon us.My kids in school are taught this stuff.Fits right in with U.N Agenda 21.
Terrorism and its use of fear to control people.Obama talks about evil gun’s each time some nut kills people. Of course all tyrants want guns taken away from people so they can be controlled easier.
A lot of rules for radicals stuff is going on right now.The Democrats would overwhelm the system to destroy it and push their version of how we should live.This election is way more important than a lot of people think.The direction the country takes is in the balance.