And Then They Came For the Big Rigs

Guest Post by Eric Peters

No one appears to have noticed this yet. But they will.

Not on the road – or at the car dealership.

At the supermarket.   

For openers.

Uncle is “proposing” a “program” (the soft-sell language hides the reality of regulations issued by an unelected bureaucracy – EPA – which will be extremely mandatory) in order to “Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Improve Fuel Efficiency (their exact language, in the EPA’s pretentious Federal All Caps Style)  of “Medium, and Heavy Duty Vehicles.”

See here.

Translation – sans the All Caps pretentiousness –  commercial vehicles such as big rigs that pull freight, cement trucks, flatbeds/rollbacks, busses, 2500 and 3500 series work trucks and so on will have both fuel economy mandatory minimums imposed on them and be subjected to new “emissions” regulations that are based on the idea that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. trucks-2

Because “climate change.”

This will be der untergang of whatever’s left of the already eviscerated economy. I’ll explain.

Until now, vehicles over a certain gross weight – 2500 series and larger – were exempted from federal Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) mandatory minimums (currently set at 35.5 MPG on average for passenger cars) on the basis of the fact that heavy duty trucks are heavy and must be so in order to be fit for any sort of duty. 

Which means bigger engines, more fuel used. You can have heavy-duty capability or you can have high fuel economy.

You cannot have both in the same package.

If you need a vehicle capable of pulling say a 15,000 pound trailer, a turbo four cylinder in a unibody chassis connected to a CVT transmission isn’t going to cut it.truck-emissions

For serious work, you need beefy steel frames – and big V8s and diesels. But expecting them to be fuel-sippy is like expecting a 300 pound NFL lineman to subsist on a 2,000 calorie per day diet and still be capable of functioning as an NFL lineman.

But this is precisely what Uncle expects.

Or rather, is going to demand – at gunpoint.pyramid

Remember, this is not a “program.” It is a regulatory fatwa – with the weight of Uncle behind it.

And it will not be Uncle who pays the freight (literally).

It will be us – as always.

We – who had no opportunity to vote for (much less against) any of this.

EPA – a federal bureaucracy peopled by unelected apparatchiks who have never received anyone’s consent to be governed – simply decided that the time has come for “…a strong and comprehensive heavy-duty national program (there’s that word again) designed to address the urgent and closely intertwined challenges of dependence on oil, energy security and global climate change.” (Italics added.)


Why is how much fuel we buy and burn  – with our money – their business? And “Global climate change”?

Who says?

Why, they do! Fuhrer befehl, wir folgen! befehl

The arrogance is luminous.         

We are looking at a Mike Tyson in his prime one-two punch here. It’s not merely that they will be imposing fuel efficiency regs on heavy trucks – an engineering oxymoron akin to our NFL lineman on a 2,000 calorie a day diet – but also that they will be imposing an “emissions” mandate that cannot be complied with by mechanical/catalytic means.

This is critical to understand.

The EPA knows most people – who know nil about chemistry or physics – will not understand. They will only hear about “global climate change,” which they’ve (mostly) bought into – not knowing just how much they have bought into.

I’ll explain.

It is one thing to make an engine run more cleanly; to reduce its emissions output. That is, emissions properly defined. As they used to be defined: The byproducts of incomplete or inefficient combustion. Things like unburned hydrocarbons (fuel vapors, basically) and oxides of nitrogen which are reactive and cause legitimate/actual problems such as air pollution and acid rain. These emissions can be reduced to practically nil (as they have been) by extremely precise fuel metering and optimization of air-fuel ratios so that the engine burns the fuel more efficiently and by after-treatment of the exhaust gasses, as by catalytic converters.uncle-pic

You can still have large – and powerful – engines. In big – and heavy – vehicles.

But the only way to reduce greenhouse gas “emissions” is to reduce the quantity of fuel burned – because a given volume of gas or diesel, when burned, will result in a given volume of gas. You can scrub the gas so as to render it no-longer-noxious. But you can’t reduce the quantity produced – a key difference that Uncle is well-ware of.

And counting on the masses to not be aware of, until it is a done deal and too late to do anything about it.

No matter how “clean” a vehicle is in terms of noxious/reactive gasses such as HC and NOx, if it produces “x” volume of “greenhouse” gasses – which means carbon dioxide, which is an inert/non-reactive gas as far as all the former criteria – then Uncle is aggrieved.

Put plainly, Uncle is targeting heavy-duty vehicles for termination.

Two things are going to happen.stossel

First, these vehicles are going to become much more expensive to buy and to operate as the compliance costs of Uncle’s fatwas filter down the food chain. We got a taste of this a few years ago when Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel and particulate emissions regs were imposed on big rigs. You may have noticed the price of a steak (and many other things) went up.

A lot.

Truckers paid top dollar to buy Freightliners and Volvos and Macks built pre-fatwa (and so not yet encumbered by the expensive new  “emissions” gear, which also had the effect of reducing their fuel economy as a side benefit). But the supply of the pre-fatwa engines was finite and as the new, Uncle compliant rigs – and engines and fuel – supplanted the older equipment, costs increased. Everyone was forced to pay more. The truckers for their trucks and fuel; us for the stuff those more expensive and less-efficient trucks brought to the stores.heretic

But the new fatwas are going to do more than just double down on things.

They may well end things.

As explained above, it is one thing to make an engine run more cleanly. This is a doable (though not cost-free) thing. But to reduce “greenhouse gas emissions” (as they’re politically styled) will not be possible without making heavy-duty rigs (or their engines) smaller and so, less heavy duty.

And much more expensive to buy and operate.

You cannot “clean” C02. All you can do is produce less of it. And that’s possible – given any known technology, at least – only by  burning less fuel.

This is engineering and chemistry.     

Politics, actually.strong

Because “climate change” is a shibboleth, a con. A trump card brought out by the same people who’ve been striving for years to resurrect the feudal/company town model that briefly went away in the United States, as the pyramid got wider in the hips and material prosperity for working and middle class people abounded.

That resulted in a content populace that had no use for authoritarian socialism (or authoritarian fascism) and the “leaders” and their “programs” that come with either.

Socialism (and fascism) didn’t sell. Enter environmentalism.deniers

Same con – new label.

If you are skeptical, consider: Will the few at the top of the newly pointy pyramid be materially diminished by these “programs.” Will the  “urgent and closely intertwined challenges of dependence on oil, energy security and global climate change” affect them in any way whatsoever?

The question hardly needs to be asked.

We all know the answer.

The real question is: Why do we tolerate it? 


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starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
November 3, 2016 10:43 am

Big deal. Climate change has about five days of life left.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
  starfcker the deplorable
November 3, 2016 12:40 pm

You can laugh – these people will say and do anything to promote their agenda:

Idiots: Green party blames #WorldSeries rain delay on 'global warming'

harry p
harry p
November 3, 2016 10:55 am

It has to do with depopulation because this is what the result will be.

What else creates CO2?

Go look in the mirror…

November 3, 2016 11:09 am

EP is always such a breath of fresh air. Invigorating. He makes me feel so alive!

end, sarcasm.

It would be AWESOME if Trump shut down the EPA lock, stock, and barrel in his first 100 days. Then send all those employees to FEMA camp. Forever.

harry p.
harry p.
November 3, 2016 1:29 pm

FEMA camp would be too good, send them to work in the coal mines.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 3, 2016 9:29 pm

Hey Stuck, just the other day I was thinking as I drove home, about the Air Quality Management District. I was musing this way: How do you manage air quality? Air moves, if you actually cleaned it, it would proceed to Nevada. You regulate productive sources of pollution to insure that Nevada has clean air.

Of course Californians are fools because on paydays, they run to Las Vegas to drop off their wages. So, yeah, let’s send Harry some clean air also.

November 3, 2016 11:10 am

I watched Leonardo DeCaprio for a few minutes on his National Geographics propaganda film. Leo admitted his carbon footprint was ‘probably’ bigger than most peoples but he had important work to do.

There was Leo by the Taj Mahal, Leo in the South Pacific, Leo everywhere and with him his camera and sound crew. Point is this modern man didn’t need to be on scene in Kiribati or watching Indian women make cow pies to cook with. The footage could have been filmed by local camera crews ( You know a jobs program for starving third worlders) and DiCaprio could have sat in a studio in Los Angeles and narrated it. But that would mean no private jet or $2500 per night hotel rooms. If you do a NatGeo 90 minute production for $50,000 how in the hell can you ask Disney for $50 million per movie?

Fed Up
Fed Up
November 3, 2016 11:42 am

Leo Decaprio. What an ass. He is the very imbodiment of the modern clueless liberal. I saw the previews for that “documentary” and the first thing I thought of was another dopey environmental film like that one Gore did in the 90’s. Some idiot that has no training in anything other than reading other people’s lines, telling throngs of other losers how we all need to “do something” at the point of a Government gun, so the rest of us can keep their backyard clean. What a load of crap. You know, maybe Leo the savior should have visited a couple of factories in China, and pointed out how the environmental arbitrage our Government has allowed for the last 35 years under the guise of “globalism” has virtually destroyed the air, water and the precious “environment” for the average Chinese citizen. Or how the near endless credit and growth paradyme of the last half century, enforced and fostered by the Fed and the Government has forced businesses to use that environmental arbitrage to give Americans the elusion of lower prices, and the wonderful “gift” of Walmart. Maybe he could explain to the out of work factory worker or steel mill worker how it is better for the environment that his job has been outsourced to China so their air can be polluted. I hope if Trump is elected that he goes after all of these idiots and their hypocritical “climate change” shit. I am one deplorable that has just had enough of this – because the Earth crap.

  Fed Up
November 3, 2016 2:48 pm

Leo Decaprio
tiny hands, tiny feet, tiny mind.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 3, 2016 9:23 pm

Suzie, Does that cogito ergo sum logic apply to the Donald?

November 3, 2016 11:48 am

Relax. The Big Truck folks saw this coming. There is already a huge foundation of electronic fuel control systems in use on OTR Trucks. Mileage has increase a bunch in the last 15 years. Low sulpher fuels have really cleaned up ground level smog produced by big rigs.

And how did they see this coming? California.

November 3, 2016 11:53 am

How ’bout $11,000 for six new injectors?! Not labor, shop fees, environmental surcharges, tax, shipping/freight, ‘general shop expense’ and such……just six electronic injectors shot to shit by the same DEF system mandated by Ovomit et al.
Same for turbos, $5000+ for just the turbo…..
Wanna go re-man drop in?……Really? …..without a core……$38,000 – $44,000. Fuck me. Core?…..add about $6,000.

November 3, 2016 1:50 pm

DEF system is an exhaust AFTER injection system that has jack to do with the electric/hydraulic fuel injectors. The number one cause of Turbo Failure is lazy drivers and cheap owners who fail to service the air filter.

We have several Owner Operators with 1.5 million on the odometer because they care about the equipment. Most live large and take 2 months off a year.

November 4, 2016 2:09 pm

Not if the system is calibrated or out of spec – Dallas Volvo shop says DEF caused it…..otherwise I’d agree. Bullshit about living large – unless you’ve got some niche operation, no fucking way dude. And idling – TriPacs, etc. not withstanding, are the trouble makers for the bulk of the systems.

Turbo failures are primarily caused by fuel overload – drivers dumping their foot into increasingly automatic transmissions leaving the driving to just floor it thinking it can’t hurt itself…….just saying.

And one more time, bull fucking shit to the living large sentiment.

November 4, 2016 2:12 pm

……household goods?

November 3, 2016 3:41 pm

CO2 is bad; it’s a pollutant, really? Ok then shut down all the soft drink factories because of course you do know those drinks that you consume every day are full of CO2, Probably one of the largest uses of CO2 in the world. Let’s see how well that idea is accepted.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
November 3, 2016 6:45 pm

Friends of ours work for Manildra Group – they are THE major provider of ethanol to the Australian “Blended Fuel” industry – and this ethanol is produced entirely by fermentation of cereals. A well known byproduct of all fermentation processes is CO2, and Manildra have certainly been selling this “resource” for many years – they liquefy it and sell it to BOC for use in the Beverage Industry (and elsewhere) –

[imgcomment image[/img]

This is a photo of their Nowra (NSW) plant – the CO2 liquefaction facility is the area on the bottom right side of the highway – the long cigar-like horizontal tank has a capacity of about 1000 tonnes liquified CO2 I am told.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 3, 2016 4:05 pm

CO2 is PLANT FOOD. Why do you want to starve the plants? Are you opposed to a healthy environment? In times past when the CO2 component of the atmosphere was way higher, plants were found in locations that now are deserts. If the CO2 component rose now, food production per acre would rise. Got something against eating, too?
Oh, THOSE climate models? The ones that don’t accurately account for water vapor impact, sunlight input or weather effects? Why should I change my behavior when all you have to argue with is compromised data sets (looking at YOU, James Hansen of NASA), compromised charting (hockey stick graphs, anyone?), compromised scientists (East Anglia Emails, “hide the decline”), compromised climate journalists (“If we keep the deniers from publishing in the journals, we can claim ‘no peer-reviewed journals have published any papers that show climate change is ridiculous’! Let’s be sure to reject any skeptic’s papers so we can claim there’s no evidence against our position!”) and finally compromised funding (“Make sure our conclusion supports AGW so we can get more money for next year!”).
Global cooling in the 1970’s turned to AGW in the 80’s / 90’s and now it’s “climate change”, blaming CO2 emissions for falsified data to support a failed hypothesis. Give it up already, no one is listening.

November 3, 2016 5:34 pm

Peter’s should give it a rest and take a vacation until after (s)election day. If tRump wins he might not have anything left to bitch about and if Hiligula wins he’s not bitching nearly enough.

November 3, 2016 6:48 pm

Why is the scientific fraud of man-made ‘global warming’/climate change still being pushed by politicians, major corporations, the government-media complex, and special interest groups? Servando Gonzalez in his essential book, “Psychological Warfare and the New World Order,” describes why on page 249:

“Global warming is actually a psychological warfare operation waged against the peoples of the world. Its goal is to convince the people to voluntarily accept the lowering of their standards of living to pre-industrial levels of consumption and willingly become medieval serfs for the NWO [New World Order] masters.

“There is strong evidence proving that the global warming theory is nothing but a psychological warfare operation. This evidence is the way the conspirators-controlled global warmers have implanted in the mind of a large majority of the people in the world the idea that an inert gas, vital in the maintenance of life in this planet, is actually a dangerous, poisonous pollutant.”

The goal of this psyop is to:

•De-industrialize the west
•Enact misnamed “carbon taxes” to enrich bankrupt governments and international banks (FYI: “carbon” is not “carbon dioxide”)
•Erect a global government to manage the carbon dioxide reduction schemes and destroy American sovereignty and the economy

November 3, 2016 7:02 pm

I know a lot about trucks/the trucking industry.

Here is the deal. The US should not use nearly so many big rigs. For fuck sake, the US hauls freight cross country by truck. That is enormously inefficient. Shit, some of those suckers into a headwind get like a mile to a gallon.

The US should use trains. Lots and lots of trains. And distribute product from trains to consumer via smaller trucks, not long-hauls. The track infrastructure does not exist, but that is another issue.

A side benefit of this is that you might never have to repair a highway again, as trucks, you see, cause a serious amount of damage to roads. A 4000 lb car simply causes very little damage compared to a big long-hauler.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 3, 2016 9:36 pm

They forced the rigs sitting at the port of LA in San Pedro to switch to newer, less polluting trucks. Somebody had the idea to ship incoming containers to Palmdale to lighten the load on San Pedro. Nix.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
November 3, 2016 8:16 pm

Peters should stick to brake pads and mud flats.

Let serious, informed people handle the politics.