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November 9, 2016 1:01 pm

What if Hillary won and Sean Hannity called it a “Blacklash”? Van is raaaaayyyycccisssss and the all members of the leftist media are hypocrites.

November 10, 2016 11:39 am

He’s a straight racist!!!

November 10, 2016 2:10 pm

I’m a Latino who voted for Trump not all white people voted for Trump van Jones is a hypocrite

November 13, 2016 11:37 am

Van jones is just worry about his brothers losing there free ride they had for 8 years in this beautiful country, he makes me sick… GO FUCK YOUR SELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 1, 2017 10:56 am

For 8 years ? Try for at least 52 years !!–of their criminal ‘entitlements’ handed to them by LBJ/MLK- vote-buying set up beginning around 1965 –by their Demon-crap lackeys stealing working class and middle class taxpayers’ hard-earned money.

November 14, 2016 12:41 pm

Yes!! The comments the Van Jones said in election night ” whitelash” are ver racial. He should be let go from CNN due to spreading hate..

Andrew Harbison
Andrew Harbison
November 24, 2016 12:40 pm

I believe Van Jones is contributing to the false narrative that Trump is a racist. If anything Van Jones is the racist. He will keep his job a CNN because only a cable network like CNN would keep an obviosly racist like him as a political commentator. Most American’s by way of the Liberal Media can not discern that Jones is a racist. It is obvious to me

December 2, 2016 9:49 pm

Of course, Van Jones and his entire Black Lives Matter cohort are RACISTs race of this world.
Just because they are BLACK, that they’re not REQUIRED by LAW to be stopped and questioned by the police, that they’re ENTITLED TO BURN BUILDINGS, POLICE CARS AND CURSE EVERYONE except blacks.

Yes, the truth, the whole world is sick and tired by these bad black communities. The progressive Asians, Americans, Europeans and other non-blacks are totally in solidarty against these stupid and idiots, lazy and rioting bad black communities.

Tampa Gold
Tampa Gold
November 9, 2016 1:01 pm

Fuck this worth less than less negroid.

I find the butt-hurt eminating from the leftards extremely gratifying as they sit and spin and wonder why We The People aren’t down with all their fucktarded and warped ideas and plans.

Watching the HitLIARy Obamabots implode is going to be absolutely delicious!

  Tampa Gold
November 9, 2016 11:58 pm


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 9, 2016 1:04 pm

Van Jones is a full blown commie (CPUSA MEMBER) so it is fitting that the communist news network has him on blathering and shit stirring. NOBODY watches CuNNt News……NOBODY.
Go fuck yourself Van.

  Bea Lever
November 9, 2016 2:31 pm

I think if anyone woke up worried today, they should leave. Back to africa. See how worried you wake up there mother fucker

November 9, 2016 1:10 pm

Sorry that whitey isn’t just going to roll over and die for you Van. No we will not be dispossessed, will not be replaced, will not pay for our own racial extinction. Fuck you Van. The AltRight is coming. Hard.

November 9, 2016 1:12 pm

Dear Van Jones,

You have a mooslim friend who texted you and asked if he should leave this country? Yeah, riiiight. How fucken convenient you lying sack of shit. Nevertheless, in case you have such a “friend”, tell him or her this; “Yeah, get the fuck out and go back to your mooslim hellhole.” That’s good advice, right there.

I’m sorry you were afraid to get up for breakfast today. But, I gotta tell ya … I’VE BEEN AFRAID FOR EIGHT STRAIGHT YEARS. You know, cuz that Niggah in da White House; a bully, a bigot, and faggot who never did his homework.

Seriously, my friend, I feel your pain. Send me your email and I’ll send you $500. Please use the money to take your black ass to another country somewhere in Africa. You’ll be happy. I’ll be happy. It’s a win-win.

It’s OUR turn now, fucknuts.

Sincerely and in Christ’s love,

Deplorable millennial
Deplorable millennial
November 9, 2016 4:37 pm

Thanks Stucky! That’s the kind of comment that keeps on giving! Haha! Too funny! Seriously I can’t stop laughing!

November 10, 2016 4:07 pm

Amen -Fire him now CNN. He is a sore looser raciest!

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 9, 2016 1:20 pm

The wicked flee where none pursueth.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Smoke Jensen
November 9, 2016 6:00 pm

Great quote.

Anton Chigurh
Anton Chigurh
  Smoke Jensen
November 10, 2016 3:59 am

which would be Africa? ain’t no one wanna go dere.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
November 9, 2016 1:31 pm

Nah, let him keep his job. Let him have to spend the next 4 years saying “President Trump”. Let him eat that humble pie over and over again.

November 9, 2016 1:45 pm

This is a teachable moment. I’m not going to gloat to all the lefties I know; instead I’m going to simply ask them if they are tired of being lied to by their news sources yet. Do you want your ego to be stroked with liberal confirmation bias, or do you want the truth? Well, you damn sure aren’t going to find the truth on a TV news channel.

November 9, 2016 1:48 pm

“I find the butthurt eminating from the libtards extremely gratifying.” Tampa gold. Do you have that in a bumper sticker? Hey Van, suck this

Tampa Gold
Tampa Gold
November 9, 2016 4:15 pm

Not yet but a friend of mine owns a local sign shop and I think that it can be arranged. Thanks for the idea!

November 9, 2016 1:53 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 9, 2016 2:02 pm

Perhaps one of these days Van will be visitin gramma in the hood and one of his hommies will mistakenly take him out in a drive-by. Look. A fella can dream, can’t he?

November 9, 2016 2:14 pm

This piece of excrement – we should nail his dick to a timber, and burn down the barn.

November 9, 2016 2:26 pm

Hey I just want my country I paid for back.

Noticed a thing last night. 51 million Americans on food stamps. 51 million votes for hillery.

November 9, 2016 8:20 pm

Isn’t he married to a white woman?

November 9, 2016 8:52 pm

Stalin would be proud, race is irrelevant of course, ideology can get you killed quicker than anything. Van Jones is a thug pussy that is loosing his backing. The BLM cocksuckers that are pushing their agenda against an America of tradition are about to get slammed. I’m not prone to violence, just don’t corner me!

November 9, 2016 9:17 pm

Funny how they always leave out the word “illegal” when speaking of “frightened immigrants”. My advice is yes, by all means go home!

November 9, 2016 11:15 pm

You tell your children to get a job. Work hard. And if they do these things they’ll get ahead and maybe even be president some day. So your children get jobs. They work hard. And then they find that the govt steals half their paycheck to give it to a bunch of lazy, no good, lowlife white people, illegal beaners, feral niggers and 12th century savage muslims simply because they have a pulse.

Fuck this nigger! My use of nigger has nothing to do with his color and everything to do with his willfully ignorant position on life.

November 10, 2016 12:10 pm

Racist price of shit. Why the hell did u marry a white woman you piece of shit.

November 10, 2016 3:20 pm

Why does anyone even care what van jones thinks. The vast majority of Americans have never heard of him. He is a sad pathetic clown. The only Eason he is on CNN is because is a token black who can be counted on to say silly outragous statements. CNN needs a larger black audience and I guess they were in a hurry to pick anyone. Why else would this clown be on tv.

November 10, 2016 5:57 pm

Van Jones..you need to tell your children to get an education, get a job, don’t commit crimes, don’t resist arrest, respect the law and respect other people, make your lives matter…

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 10, 2016 8:23 pm

This is the first I’ve heard of him (don’t get cable).

Odd to be able to spot an idiot on first acquaintance.

November 11, 2016 8:30 am

I have been watching Van Jones during this election and I must say what a racist deplorable piece of crap. Why does CNN keep garbage like this around??

November 11, 2016 12:05 pm

White fucked over people matter!
Van I got u a delivery truck full of Kleenex coming to CNN. Be polite and pass them around to all those snibbling mfs. Get used to calling trump …Mr president!!

November 11, 2016 9:01 pm

Wendy bell got fired over the same shit all she said was her opinion on a black situation and boom they called for her head I want the same thing he is racist against whites and should not have a job…. o wait he’s a 1% that actually does so he feels he has a voice and we won’t stand up against it

November 15, 2016 10:11 am

van jones is a racist

November 16, 2016 8:45 am

How can he say it was a white lash against a black president? I saw no black president. Obama is as much of an elitist scumbag and the Clintons and it has nothing to do with his skin color. No white member of the media would have survived making a comment like that in the other direction. They would not have made it out of the studio without being fired. Van Jones is complete shit and exactly what is wrong with this country

November 18, 2016 8:02 pm

I am white Canadian and we Canadians are sick of his racist potty mouth trying to start a race war. Please everyone realize not all black people hate whites don’t judge others based on this filth. We have now blocked van jones in your tv pvr setting go to parental controls and block CNN and any othere news which has offended you with bias racist filth.

November 18, 2016 8:09 pm

Facebook has a boycot CNN page worth checking out. change.or has petitions you can sign against cnn and van jones please check it out. If people stop watching and block the channel they will have to wake up or shut down. Don’t pay for racists news channels. Van jones is a cry baby bigot and should not be allowed on tv again.

November 20, 2016 8:22 pm

CNN is so left and full of bias that a lot of the host don’t even realize that the non left is always offended and considers them racist. I watched this channel for all of the primary’s not knowing the bias was so thick. Now I watch fox which is mostly right. At least fox don’t try to feed a line of shit like vann. He is anti white as they come.!

November 21, 2016 6:17 pm

Van jones perpetuates racism!

November 21, 2016 6:18 pm

So glad chris cuomo, allyson camarote and van jones and the cnn racist staff will have to suck it up for the next 4 years. Jajajaja

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
November 21, 2016 6:43 pm

Almost two weeks later and this post still has legs.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 21, 2016 6:54 pm

He is a moronic sissy. Crybaby. Wuss. You name it. Don’t know how he walks with no backbone?

Vince in Pa
Vince in Pa
November 26, 2016 10:34 am

I don’t watch Cnn because of Van Jones and his white lash comment on election night. Him and Angela Rye seem to be very racist, you see the hated in their eyes and what comes out of their mouths. I voted for Obama both terms and I’m white if I was racist I wouldn’t have done so. I didn’t see this kind of media garbage when Obama won the last two election. Maybe that tells you who the racist really are. This was a presidential election that people were actually afraid to speak about who they voted for-I didn’t see that in the Obama elections. I’ve always believed that as long as man has the ability to hate we shall never have peace in the world. This will lead us to our own extinction no matter what race,sexual orientation or religion you may be. One word “RESPECT” for one another would lead us to the better option.

November 30, 2016 6:09 pm

VAN JONES comment about white lash is disgusting!! He is and always has been a Racist. You can hear the Hate in his voice.

The people voted and Trump won so I am sure he hates all Americans that voted for him.

There is no room on a Cable Network for someone like him who lacks respect and professionalism.

CNN needs to get back to reality and stop giving a voice to an individual who get totally aggressive
when he does not get his way. Stop the hate and fire this man.

John D
John D
December 2, 2016 1:57 pm

Van Jones is an idiot and a racist. Its ok for the blacks to demean the whites but when a white says even the slightest negative against a black, here comes the riots, marches, burning and vandalizing of their own neighborhoods (real smart).
As far as the illegal immigrants, illegal means just that. Try entering any other country in the world and getting away with what goes on here. Who pays for it, the legal tax paying citizens who do not cheat. Free emergency room visits, free school, no taxes paid in cash, no deportation even for awful crimes. Then they want Spanish taught in schools (really?)
Wonder why people are pissed about open borders, I for one am sick of paying for other people that do not belong here to cheat. Build the wall send them back,

December 6, 2016 5:34 pm

Van Jones only likes being in the news to cry about how everyone is racist and how the blacks are being suppressed, cry , cry, cry is all he does.

December 6, 2016 6:11 pm

A month later and still legs on this story. Gotta ask how you found this story.

ที่นอน intex
ที่นอน intex
December 6, 2016 6:51 pm

It will really provide you with the comfort you desire, the cuddliness of one’s desired sleep as well as the connection with sleeping as you come in heaven. Poor
air retention – There is nothing that can be done over it when the main reason behind the thing is the construction. You can inflate it anywhere and set it in your lounge,
rec room or study.

January 26, 2017 7:07 am

This guy hates white people so much he married one. What happenned no real black woman would have a racist fool like you. He speaks nothing but venom and nonsense about topics he knows nothing about. He was a Obama lackey so of course he will defend all this numskulls positions. Wish he would go on fox so Tucker can rip him a new one.

August 15, 2019 9:02 pm

Looks like Lemon is a lemon. Get rid of him. He’s a disgrace to CNN. The guy is accused of sexual assaulting another man back in 2018 for God’s sakes. Yep, Donny boy got sexually aggressive with a man at Murf’s Backstreet Tavern in Sag Harbor in July 2018. Now he’s getting sued. Lawsuit says: “(Lemon) put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into (Hice’s) mustache and under (VICTIM Dustin Hice’s) nose,” reads the lawsuit, Lemon is a monster. A complete fraud. Fake. Phony. Predator. God only knows how many other men he’s secretly abused by using his power and fame. What a complete loser. Poser. Arrogant sexually abusive freak. And this loser has the temerity to judge others? Look at yourself Lemon. You are a total fraud. Wearing a mask of sanity while doing insane things and attacking others while you lead this secret deviant and weird life going around putting your hands down your pants and bullying another man? Really? You’re a grown a@@ man dude. On CNN like you’re the know it all of news and here you are the real deal we always knew you were. A total fraud. Loser.

May 30, 2020 1:22 am

Van Jones is a blatant racist & is inflaming more & more racial discord. I think he’s nuts