My Fellow Deplorables…


By Francis Marion – Deplorable Legio III Gallica

My fellow deplorables.

A few days ago the freedom loving peoples of the western world dealt the corporate, marxist elite and their snowflake minions a terrible blow. In spite of relentless media support for the Clinton crime family and their vast network of corporate and national/international political handlers the official narrative and the direction of politics, culture and economy in the West has hit a sudden and by and large, unexpected road block.

For us, the outnumbered, the harassed, the badgered and the marginalized this has been a major victory. And while I believe you should savour this moment I must caution you that this particular battle, while hard fought and honestly won, will be only one in a series of many more that must be pursued if we are to save what remains of our once majestic and proud civilization.

Since my last communication with you many have written me and asked myself and others to show our cultural and political opponents some degree of quarter and to exercise diplomacy. Some have suggested that it is time to extend a hand and provide guidance to the young adults among us who are confused and shiftless. But I must remind you that we are still at war and in a position of weakness.

Globally and to some degree, domestically, evening in the US, we are currently outnumbered and control very little if anything in the halls of political power and in the corporate media. With regards to the media I believe this will be an ongoing and lopsided fight that will never tilt in our favour. And while I expect that many individuals sitting on the sidelines and even some from the opponents camp will join us in time this is not the moment to let our guard down.

Ironically, as Michael Moore recently pointed out, Donald Trump was a molotov cocktail thrown into the establishment’s camp. And while we can all clearly see that their tents are ablaze I and many others do not trust that they will continue to burn without our assistance.

The beast that is the financial/marxist establishment is wounded but still alive. It’s armies are scattered, confused and rioting but will soon regroup to push back against our phalanx. As such, now is not the time for idle navel gazing or gratuitous self congratulation. Our spears and shields must remain in position and our attack must be pressed forward. The enemy must be pursued, hunted down, humiliated and destroyed.

Information regarding the corruption and illegal activities of the Clinton regime and its international cabal of financial terrorists and supporters must continue to be mined and leaked to the public. We must continue to shine the light on corruption and illegal activities in every corner of every government and financial institution touched by the Clintonistas and their pay for play foundation.

Moreover, we must continue to press the fight culturally online, in print and wherever the media rears its dishonest and vile head. Progressives must continue to be trolled and humiliated on university campuses, blogs and in halls of power everywhere. The meme war must continue and the pendulum must be pushed to swing in our favour.

With Trump’s inauguration still many weeks away, and with a wounded and flailing progressive beast with scores more than our collective political and financial power combined, still gnashing and clawing its way through your country, anything can happen. We must expect the unexpected, protect our flank and keep watch over hidden trails that might lead to our rear.

Assuming your new president elect makes it to office our task will become two fold. We must continue to press the attack against the globalists outside our continent and within your institutions domestically while simultaneously holding your new government accountable to its promises.  Indeed, Trump is a weapon of mass establishment destruction capable of routing our enemies and preserving our way life but we must not forget from whence he came.

America is and remains the heart of modern western civilization and the fountain from which the tree of liberty drinks and grows. It is ground zero and must not be lost. If it is won then the rest of our civilization can be saved.

This war will not soon be over nor will it be easily won. But shield to shield, shoulder to shoulder and nation to nation without our governments and indeed, in many cases in spite of them, we push onward.

After all,

We are deplorable. We are alpha. And as brothers, once more unto the breach we go.



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November 12, 2016 5:33 am

Spot on, Francis. The big gun here has to be the Justice Department. Anti-Trust and RICO can dismantle almost any overly concentrated power rather quickly. I have big expectations. I don’t believe I’m going to be dissapointed. Leadership involves showing how it’s done. Trump can win over tens of millions more by getting things done that people actually want. Zero tolerance for corruption on the federal level can trickle down quickly. I doubt the dimocrats will be able to find a competent candidate to run next time. They have no rising stars, I can’t think of a single one. Expect them to get crushed in the midterm. Keep up the battle cry, Francis, we’ve got a lot of work to do.

November 12, 2016 8:12 am

Wish I could have your optimistic outlook. Unfortunately, to the forefront will come Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro and Corey Booker.

Al Price
Al Price
November 12, 2016 4:16 pm

Quote from Heraclitus that is timeless for all warriors, “Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.”

November 12, 2016 6:54 am

Trump needs to hit the ground running with a ban on immigration from third world countries especially Mexico and central America.He needs to start building the ” wall ” immediately. Reverse all of Obama’s executive orders.Put Clinton in jail and her criminal organization out of business. Repeal Obama Care .Arrest George Soros .

This would be a good start. Don’t be nice . Show no mercy to these treasonous son of a bitches.

kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
kokoda - A VERY PROUD Deplorable
November 12, 2016 9:33 am

Hillary will not go to jail. Trump has a lot more important items to address.
But, the Clinton foundation investigation is very interesting.

November 12, 2016 7:10 am

You are on a roll FM. Two of my hillbilly friends SHARED your article yesterday. Changing minds, STM.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 12, 2016 7:11 am

It is long overdue that Americans get some straight talk and true information as to just what the Washington to Wall Street elites have been up to and these little minions in offices around the country that promote support and are supported by the BIG LIE ! Making America great again is a noble effort but it will not be with out pain and consequences . The snowflakes are protesting and rioting and the FSA has their collective panties in a wad but the powers that be still control the media message and “THEY” will not go gentle into that good night ! So we need to push them everywhere we can and bankrupt them as they would us “NO PRISONERS” . The next giant sucking sound I want to hear is every non essential government employee being told they are layed off permanently but WAL MART and McDONALDS are hiring all shifts oh and that retirement account you can manage it now good luck but you can’t spend it till your 65 without significant penalties ! Now all the illegals , you have 72 hours to turn your self in and apply for resident alien status oh and the forms are in English ! Don’t like that Americans did not ask you to break our laws by entering the country and now you expect to be accomadated , “NO” Take a good look at the decay of our industrial base and take off the rose colored glasses or the BEER GOGGLES , We have a shit ton of work to do and it’s going to hurt , now we need to assure those responsible for the mess we are in and must clean up pay the price . The Party Is Over

November 12, 2016 7:35 am

The Trump revolution will not; in fact, cannot be betrayed . . . because it isn’t one: The NWO didn’t give us Trump, but they are managing him as fast as they can. When it all goes wrong, Mr. Trump will not be a co-conspirator in need of trial and hanging like Hillary and others; but merely a pawn.

” . . . no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.” ― George Orwell, 1984

November 12, 2016 8:02 am

Just finished reading the article and was getting ready to post the same.
If nothing else guns and ammo will be available and affordable, also rope.
Now is the time to be more out spoken, continue to wear your political attire. Voice your expectation’s, your Demands to those around you, melt a snowflake. Contact your states federal representatives and tell them in no uncertain terms that changes need to happen.
This is a small but solid beginning, CAN WE KEEP IT.

November 12, 2016 8:57 am

Bot,guns and ammo will be available along with rope?!Are you saying you can see the ceiling in your safe/closet?!Damn,you were confident Trump would win,time to get shopping Bot!

I agree this is only a beginning,besides keeping the flames at Trumps and other pols feet we need to lend at least moral support to Wilder/La Penn ect.Yes,take back our country but help others,we need all the friends/like minded folks we can get!

November 12, 2016 9:11 am

Rope Tree journalist some assembly required
Great tee shirt seen in a TBP article. Had no idea who would win election.

November 12, 2016 8:34 am

I don’t think so.

Trump is the public face of the movement, not the movement.

Time will tell.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
November 12, 2016 4:31 pm

Yep, look at who Trump appoints to his administration.
If any neo-cons are appointed, then he is a fraud.

DaBirds (nine hard innings)
DaBirds (nine hard innings)
November 12, 2016 8:07 am

Unfortunately the financial shit storm still approaches and the globalists on this side of the pond have no reason to continue the charade that it’s all manageable. I stated before the election, a Beast win meant WWIII while a Trump win meant economic collapse. The latter is more survivable, but painful nonetheless.
The storm is coming, don’t get complacent.
Shield’s up… si vis pacem para bellum my friends.

November 12, 2016 8:32 am

No one ever said it would be easy.

The left has lost in the civil arena of politics and is now taking to the streets in violence, with the full support of the MSM.

What needs to be done it to cut off the head of the beast, one which will only grow new limbs every time they are cut off.

That means their finances need to be discovered, made public and removed through whatever means is needed (and don’t think this will be done by something so simple as an election or civil action against them). Every violent and illegal act done by them needs to be prosecuted to the max and every financing organization or person needs to be sued relentlessly for damages using the RICO and all other applicable laws.

This is how they got to their position and this is how they need to be taken down.

Kill their money and you kill them. That’s the only thing that will work.

And it won’t be an easy of fast process.

November 12, 2016 12:38 pm

So they don’t like the election results. So what will they do ? Continue crying, burn down their own houses ( they know exactly what will happen if they burn down others houses), stop paying taxes-( IRS will surely have pity on them), stop buying stuff, run stop signs, break all laws, start a real war (where they know they are outgunned and out matched by military veterans – among others.) They will do nothing but complain, maybe civil disobedience? Who cares? Or perhaps someone thinks they have the cohones to spend a large potion of their lives in jail and the remainder as convicted felons- as a matter of principle. They have already identified themselves as cowards. The will do what cowards do- they will cower.

As an afterthought- some liberal said these riots were “protected first amendment speech”- funny how that works- if it was the other side rioting, they would surely be screaming this is hate speech and not protected. Must be nice to cherry pick what laws the constitution allows as you need them and then deny others the same right.


November 12, 2016 3:28 pm

Yes, the globalist and Progressive Liberals have gotten to where they have, largely a result of Fiat Currency. It is truly their money and not the money of the people. The people’s money has been stolen and replaced to serve an agenda.

Fiatman60(Not so Deplorable Anymore)
Fiatman60(Not so Deplorable Anymore)
November 13, 2016 11:55 am

Ah yes!! Homer has been doing his homework! Well stated!

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 12, 2016 8:50 am

These F’ers are even fighting the Electoral college. They concede nothing, neither should we. Run them over, back up, repeat. Facts, knowledge, facts, knowledge. Interesting that Michael Moore continues to defend us.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Back in PA Mike
November 12, 2016 9:41 am

Michael Moore has reverted back to his form. While I liked the video put together in FM’s post today (the “pointed out” hyperlink) which seemed to indicate he had aligned with the deplorables, I saw him on MSNBC last night and he’s back in full retard mode:

November 12, 2016 9:25 am

wonderful article and thank you for it.
Two things:…oops three:
*Jaime Dimon may be the pick of Trump for his $ guy. This is good,
a guy from the enemy camp (so to speak) will be best to help with
the great unwinding.
*An arrest warrant for George Soros must be issued because he is guilty
of sedition. We are nearly certain he is funding the “protests”/the agitators.
*Eventually we will have to end the FED, but for now they are needed to work
on the great unwinding. Should they cooperate (even under threat of prosecution)?
Some of the boys, and gals, will save their miserable hides.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
November 12, 2016 10:58 pm

If you think Jamie Dimon is going to dismantle the corrupt and predatory banking system, you’ve got another think coming.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 12, 2016 9:49 am

Francis, great articles you have been posting. I agree that the road ahead will be rocky. This battle has only just begun.

Went to the range yesterday and it was busy since it was Veteran’s Day and most people had the day off (with lots of guv people here in Northern Virginia, even more so since all guv offices were closed). Still breaking in my newest toy–put 150 rounds through the Beretta handgun but gotta work on my accuracy. At least there were no hiccups as far as FTFs or FTEs go.

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November 12, 2016 10:31 am

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November 12, 2016 8:31 pm

This poster moves me. It’s beautiful! Perhaps, it’s a reminder when I came home with a booboo, Mom kissed it and made it well. The pain was still there but it just didn’t seem to hurt as much. Or, perhaps, it was the times I came home distressed at the events of the day and her encouraging words of affirmation and love buoyed my confidence. Moms are important in so many ways.

This gallant gal is defending America. What is she defending America from? I think it’s from the errors that take down America’s way of life, that diminish America as a beacon of hope for the world.

It is not a mistake that America is represented as feminine. I wouldn’t think of America any other way. The Statue of Liberty embodies hope and freedom recognized the world around. A feminine symbol. There is unbelievable power in femininity. Women need to understand that. Franklin Roosevelt would have been a lesser man without Eleanor Roosevelt behind him, I think.

The great betrayal of American women has been the Feminine Movement. It has led to a coterie of unhappy women who were led to believe that they could have it all–kids and a career. To often, many women are saddened to find out their biological clock has run out and that they are left childless because a career was more important than raising a family. A sadness that many women face every day.

Women were also convinced by the Feminine Movement that abortion was ok, even up to the ninth month. Women were the givers of life, the protectors of life, and nurturers of life. This belief in abortion was the antithesis of their biological nature. I personally know where this betrayal of their biological nature has led to severe psychological problems. To be happy as a woman, there must be an expression of their psychological and biological nature. That’s just the way it is.

I see this poster as a woman defending life, defending the high Ideals that America IS, against the onslaught of those who would destroy the best that America is.

She’s my hero!

November 12, 2016 10:36 am

I’m gonna buy you guys a book of Greek letters. 🙂 [At least link to one]

November 12, 2016 11:46 am

I am sorry about your father.

November 12, 2016 11:58 am

Interesting speculation by Miles Mathis that of course Hillary was the annointed one but her health issues forced “them” to cobble up plan B (the Don). The folks Trump seems to be surrounding himself with might lead one towards that conclusion.

November 12, 2016 3:04 pm

A very well written and cogent piece.

The Liberal Progressives have gained their success thru stealth and incrementalism over many generations. I have often wondered how this is possible and have concluded that a force exists that has been operating from time immemorial to the detriment of human life. What this force is, I don’t fully know. Some call it evil. Some call it Satan or evil extraterrestrials meddling in our affairs. It may even be our own selfish, rebellious nature.

Liberal Progressives are like a cancer. It grew undetected and is now at stage 4. It is now impacting our very survival as a civilization. It has devoured our substance from within. We still aren’t fully aware of its insidious nature which is, I think, to destroy mankind thru fiat currencies, civil chaos, exclusive (as in exclusion) policies, cultural and Constitutional destruction, and WAR. Do you see this happening? I have seen this for very long time. Looking back at what Liberal Progressive agenda has fomented it is visible for all eyes to see. Theirs is a damning indictment of our current problems. What are we to do?

The Progressive Liberals when they lose power like they did when the Repubs won both the Senate and House, they always talk ‘working together’ ‘sharing power’, etc. What do they do when in power? Pass Obama care without any input from the opposition party. They change the Senate rules to benefit themselves. They are hypocrites. They believe that the “Ends justifies the Means” which means duplicity and evil Means. They are like a cancer moving to another part of the body politic when attacked. Trying every means to regain the upper hand.

Like cancer, you root it out. You destroy it, completely, or you eventually die. There is no compromise with cancer. Trust me, Socialism is a cancer. One only need to look at the countries that have tried it. Look at Venezuela today–the latest country to benefit from Socialism.

The greatest mistake that you can make is to not realize the lethal effects of Socialism and your belief that you can come to a compromise with this great evil. Like CANCER, it is you or it. Make no mistake–you or it! You must realize that you are at War. They realize it! Wake up, America!

And…Choose wisely!

Dave Bowman
Dave Bowman
November 12, 2016 4:53 pm

I confess to being a little… umm… surprised…that you need a label for “the Force”, which is working to destroy us all and return the planet to the dark ages of life – except for itself, of course, as it intends to be the sole Overlord of the ruins.

Allow me to assist and enlighten you on the proper label you seek.


  Dave Bowman
November 12, 2016 4:57 pm


November 12, 2016 4:47 pm

“The future isn’t what it use to be.”–Yogi Berra! One thing you can be sure of despite your belief that tomorrow is going to be just like today, is that tomorrow isn’t going to be like today. The Fourth Turning says precisely that.

We cling to what we know and Donald Trump is representative of that truth. He promises to make ‘America Great Again’ and by that, it means, to return to the former glory of Rome. It didn’t work then and it ain’t gonna work today. Why is that, Homer, you ask? Well, it’s because of the model that it was based upon.

Rome relied upon plunder of other countries and, later, their own citizens as it began to fail, a constant expansion of the Empire, the idea of War as a method of social agreement, and an elitist attitude. These carry within it, the seeds of its own destruction as it has where ever its been tried.

I see similarities between Rome and the American Empire, today. Others, too, have noted it well.
Does this shock you? Have you thought that the wars we have been engaged in since 1945 have been to spread democracy throughout the world? Or, has it been to spread American Imperialism?
Aren’t we the ‘exceptional people’ and like Rome deserving of it? Aren’t we destined to be the world’s leader, come ‘hell or high water’? Hasn’t history handed us the baton of world rulership?

I’m just asking. In considering our actions as a nation does answering these questions make you feel uncomfortable? Does it incite indignant anger? The number of thumbs down will provide the answer, I guess.

We, as a nation, must confront what we have become. We must confront our mistakes we made as a nation and take a hard look at where we have deviated from the guiding principles upon which this nation was founded. I think those principles were good and life affirming. If this nation is to heal, we need to take a good hard look in the mirror of reality. Only then can we move ahead into the future in a good way. Only then can we have a future worth living.

Donald’s not going to give us that. His job is to be a leader and awaken within us the truth and then our job creating a future worth living for us, our children, and our grand children will be an easy one.

The Truth shall set you free! You can’t solve a problem unless you understand the problem.

  Francis Marion
November 12, 2016 6:46 pm

I’m trying to go thru life, anonymously. I’ll leave the writing to Jim, you, and others. I’m just here to keep you guys on track and remember what’s important.

There are things that are really important and sometimes we get lost in the chaff. I have a profound belief, if the American people keep a vigilant eye on the important things, we can navigate the perilous sea confronting our nation, safely.

Trump is at the helm and we must encourage him to lead fearlessly. That’s what I pray for every day.

I’m anxious for part III.

P.S. We have to come, as a nation, to some agreement on the important things. It starts with our core beliefs.

November 12, 2016 7:48 pm

I respectfully agree, but there’s a deeper truth. America is immoral. To become an American, you don’t have to be born here, you have to agree to our morals. That’s why illegal immigration is a problem. That’s why Hillary lost: no morals. Trump is minimally better: he ascribes to his own set of morals that have served him well. You want liberty? Give me a man who will rule himself.

November 12, 2016 9:36 pm

Yup! ” Give me a man who will rule himself.” Diogenes of Sinope carrying a lantern looking for an honest man, thinking he found one, set his lantern down only to find the guy running off with it.

It is easier to conquer the baseness in another than to confront and conquer the baseness in oneself.

P.S. America isn’t immoral. It’s people who choose to be immoral. I know what you mean, it’s the people of America that are immoral.

I think that the people of America are moral as a whole and that it is only a few immoral ones that presently have the upper hand. Of course we subscribe to our own set of morals. Morals are a personal thing. There are conducts that the people as a whole consider immoral. I don’t think Trump has demonstrated conduct that people consider immoral or else he wouldn’t be the President Elect.

People have an innate sense of fairness and what is right conduct. Well, most people with the exception of the 47% that voted for HiLIARy. hahaha!

Do I want Liberty? That’s a question that deserves thinking about. I suppose it comes down to what you mean by Liberty.

Fiatman60(Not so Deplorable Anymore)
Fiatman60(Not so Deplorable Anymore)
November 13, 2016 12:06 pm

If you want to get rid of the immoral’s……

Shut off the EBT cards……

November 12, 2016 5:13 pm

The problem Dave Bowman thinks is the ‘Jews’. A simplistic answer to a complex problem.

A lot of fingers point to a lot of causes as to the blame for our nation’s problems. I might add that when you point a finger, three fingers are pointing back at you.

“We have met the enemy and he is us.”–Pogo–Walt Kelly

November 12, 2016 7:02 pm

People are stupid, the allure of getting stuff for free is irresistible for the craven and weak willed, especially when coupled with the politics of envy, and those in charge have figured out how to divide with BLM etc.

A telling meme is the left wondering why non-rich people don’t vote left as it is to their mind against their self interest. They are so far gone that they do not even understand character – a thief does not understand why everyone is not a thief.

That is why eventually they will win outright and we will go the way of all other western style democracies. Sorry to be a downer, but I agree, fight them until the end.

November 12, 2016 9:45 pm

David–I gave you a thumbs up with the exception of the last sentence.

What you’re saying is that God doesn’t stand a chance. Forgive me, I’m going with the God thing.

November 12, 2016 8:04 pm

The key thing to keep in mind is that this system seeks power above all else. Now that the democrats are out of power, focus must shift to the republicans. Watch closely as this system moves in like a black pool of slime from a B movie, coalescing around the most corrupt elements of the republican party, attempting to gain access to Trump any way it can. Now that this black cloud is moving away from progressives, you will find that their minds, what’s left of them, will now be more reachable. This system acts as if it has control over them even after it shifts its focus away from them, but that is not how it works.

November 12, 2016 8:28 pm

No dude, Government has always been corrupt. Don’t characterize that in terms of Us, them, Hillary, Trump, Conservative, Liberal, Left, Right, Mean, Median; it’s corrupt.

November 12, 2016 9:39 pm

iconoclast421–I like your use of metaphors.

FredTaverns–The bottom line of government is, “Do what we tell you to do or we will kill you!” How is that moral? Corruption stems from immorality. Immorality consists of choosing one’s own selfish interests above the legitimate interests of others.

November 13, 2016 1:25 pm

Thus was great, Mario. I dug it. Keep rollin

November 13, 2016 1:57 pm

‘Personnel is policy.’ I have maybe a 1/10,000 chance of getting an appointment, but I put in for one at My ‘cover letter’ was the letter to the local paper that they published last month. They need people who are neither careerists nor opportunists bent on undermining from within. Goldwater wrote in his autobiography that Ike and Nixon failed to get control of the bureaucracy and it cost them.

‘The battle for Helm’s Deep is over; the battle for Middle Earth is about to begin.’ Mr. Marion is right that this is only the first victory, like fighting off the Luftwaffe in 1940; it only gives us a fighting chance. If they want to hate-bomb your State’s Electors to get them to subvert the election, the you – we – ought to write in support of what is just and right, and implore them not to be faithless and bring on civil war. We ought also hope for further ‘breaking news’ on Team Clinton that will make her too toxic to foist off on us as a last-minute Electoral College ‘nod to the popular vote,’ fraud-enhanced as that was.

Finally, we ought to be very active locally, as next year’s city council members will be the stuff of the next generation’s Senators and Governors. This is a fight that will last until the last of the Woodstock Generation goes un-quietly into the night, and beyond.

November 13, 2016 2:20 pm

P.S. If you feel your attention waning, remember that what they want to do to us is arguably genocide, if one considers the shipping of jobs overseas, the marginalization of white people (non-rich, straight, Christian ones, anyway), the de-Christianization of society, the over-prescribing of opiates and the resulting epidemic of drug abuse deaths, and the deliberate ‘multiculturalizing’ of our communities through mass immigration of un-assimilated people.
The U.N. definition of genocide follows; it should help define the stakes in this fight.

Legal definition of genocide
Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention
on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide
“any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to
members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
1; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]
forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 13, 2016 5:33 pm

That last sentence would indicate the Child Protective Services people are illegal? Always thought so. Just define the family as a group!