Memo to the Next Administration: Defense Spending Must Be For Actual Defense


In a disturbing indication of how difficult it would be to bring military spending in line with actual threats overseas, House Armed Services Chairman Rep. Mac Thornberry (R – TX) told President Obama last week that his war funding request of $11.6 billion for the rest of the year was far too low. That figure for the last two months of 2016 is larger than Spain’s budget for the entire year! And this is just a “war-fighting” supplemental, not actual “defense” spending! More US troops are being sent to Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and elsewhere and the supplemental request is a way to pay for them without falling afoul of the “sequestration” limits.

The question is whether this increase in US military activity and spending overseas actually keeps us safer, or whether it simply keeps the deep state and the military-industrial complex alive and well-funded.

Unfortunately many Americans confuse defense spending with military spending. The two terms are used almost interchangeably. But there is a huge difference. I have always said that I wouldn’t cut anything from the defense budget. We need a robust defense of the United States and it would be foolish to believe that we have no enemies or potential enemies.

The military budget is something very different from the defense budget. The military budget is the money spent each year not to defend the United States, but to enrich the military-industrial complex, benefit special interests, regime-change countries overseas, maintain a global US military empire, and provide defense to favored allies. The military budget for the United States is larger than the combined military spending budget of the next seven or so countries down the line.

To get the military budget in line with our real defense needs would require a focus on our actual interests and a dramatic decrease in spending. The spending follows the policy, and the policy right now reflects the neocon and media propaganda that we must run the rest of the world or there will be total chaos. This is sometimes called “American exceptionalism,” but it is far from a “pro-American” approach.

Do we really need to continue spending hundreds of billions of dollars manipulating elections overseas? Destabilizing governments that do not do as Washington tells them? Rewarding those who follow Washington’s orders with massive aid and weapons sales? Do we need to continue the endless war in Afghanistan even as we discover that Saudi Arabia had far more to do with 9/11 than the Taliban we have been fighting for a decade and a half? Do we really need 800 US military bases in more than 70 countries overseas? Do we need to continue to serve as the military protection force for our wealthy NATO partners even though they are more than capable of defending themselves? Do we need our CIA to continue to provoke revolutions like in Ukraine or armed insurgencies like in Syria?

If the answer to these questions is “yes,” then I am afraid we should prepare for economic collapse in very short order. Then, with our economy in ruins, we will face the wrath of those countries overseas which have been in the crosshairs of our interventionist foreign policy. If the answer is no, then we must work to convince our countrymen to reject the idea of Empire and embrace the United States as a constitutional republic that no longer goes abroad seeking monsters to slay. The choice is ours.


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November 14, 2016 7:17 am

I really think Trump should promote a Constitutional Convention. There are so many things so very WRONG with this country and so many of our institutions are crumbling. There should be a new foundation put in place.

I would have never thought it possible to have a situation where a majority of states would potentially sign on to forming a convention, but I sense the idea is in the air. Let’s make it contagion, Ron Paul. Let’s educate people about Liberty.

And to those people who insist the Constitution is some sacred document handed down to us by saints? IT IS NOT THE BUCKING FIBLE!!! (That will be the campaign slogan to get the necessary number of states to sign on. I think it is 35, but am not sure.)

Oh, and Admin? I still have this lovely oil painting of “Phoenix Rising from TBP”…


I am considering penning something promoting this… I shall title it “It is NOT the Bucking Fible.”

November 14, 2016 3:15 pm

The more I reflect upon whats going on in this country, as well as my own values, the more I think you are right in that we need another Constitutional Convention.

A lot of the problems we face each day are due to the patchwork of lies that have been pulled taught over the frame of the Constitution, giving liars and traitors the slack to avoid repercussions while ensnaring their opponents with a tangled web of misconstrued sentences, out of context verbiage, and blatant abuses of power.

Bring it out. Dust it off. And lets fix some of these mistakes.

November 14, 2016 6:40 pm

Exactly… we don’t have to re-write. REVISE and CLARIFY… get rid of the Amendments after the first ten, REVISED and clarified in a way we agree dispels with the freaking legalese wars about what is is or that makes it clear someone is not qualified to be President of the United States when she lies so much she can’t recall when she can’t recall. And, when someone says I can’t recall hundreds of times after serving as Secretary of State and allowing soldiers to DIE in a way they did not deserve (left behind for NO REASON that makes sense other than it covered your Foundation’s pay for play games), there should be a way to hold them accountable. There ought to be something about EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW in there and it needs to be spelled out.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 14, 2016 6:59 pm

Chopping up the Constitution is the last thing we need………..I can see the end coming closer like a high speed train.

  Bea Lever
November 14, 2016 7:19 pm

Bea, either you realize that a 4T realignment is upon us or you don’t! Our forefathers realized that they had a unique window of opportunity to implement their ideas.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 14, 2016 8:11 pm

Oy Veh…….

November 14, 2016 8:57 pm

I understand your frustration, Maggie, but we sure as hell don’t need to add a Constitutional Convention to our worries; that’s like opening Pandora’s box. How ’bout instead we put forward SCOTUS justices that will uphold what we currently have along with Fed judges who will do the same.
Hopeful sign I saw today was a piece about Trump backing 50 state open carry, nullifying state firearms laws, and that the Pres-elect has his own concealed carry permit!

After reading some of the other comments, please let me add that Trump in the WH is MUCH safer than Criminal Clinton who was dying to get the nuke launch codes so she could start WWIII. And I really believe that, which is why I voted for him.

November 14, 2016 7:55 am

Ron Paul ran on ideas and concepts in 2008 and 2012. Trump ran on feelings and emotions in 2016. One was soundly beaten in the primaries and one ended up becoming the president elect. I can only hope that Trump can convert the enthusiasm of his supporters and the mood of the country into meaningful change.

I wish him luck. I watched a bit of him on 60 minutes and he did a decent job of appearing presidential and I think he realizes that his task is now to be the president for all americans and not just the ones that voted for him. Hopefully his fervent supporters don’t go crazy when he doesn’t destroy obamacare, doesn’t deport all illegals, doesn’t put Hillary on trial, doesn’t actually make america great again….you know all the stuff he said he would do. Hopefully, he figures out how to make some real changes in the trajectory of our country without destroying it. I’d like to see some tariffs on imported goods as part of en effort to bring jobs back here although they would be painful for the rest of us that already have jobs since we will be paying more. I hope he pulls his head out of his ass and doesn’t really think we need to increase military spending. It will be interesting tines that is for sure.

November 14, 2016 10:15 am

that was rather rude.

I think Trump will have his hands full with a shrinking and
worsening economy. More and more people are struggling
to make ends meet, the young people have less jobs to choose
from and the oldsters are losing their savings.

November 14, 2016 11:49 am

@Suzanna, not trying to be rude. I am just not 100% sold on Trump. I am 100% sold on him being better than Hillary, but we all know how campaign promises go. I’m hoping the ones he ends up keeping aren’t the ones I disagree with.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 14, 2016 12:35 pm

Oh to read the history of the Obama vs. Trump presidential “legacies” 30 years hence…

November 14, 2016 10:29 pm

I agree with Ron Paul, the US military budget is insane and inane. No more empire building, no more foreign interventionalism, no more overseas military bases for people who don’t even want US there; all the while our OWN borders are wide open. Our people should be here on US soil, most of them stationed on the southern border with orders to shoot anyone coming NORTH.