Politics Is Poison

Politics Is Poison


Let’s be honest about something we see nonstop but seldom appreciate: Politics makes life ugly. Politics turns people you disagree with into twisted, cartoon images of what they really are, and it pushes you into degrading and hating them. In short, it’s vile, corrosive, and hate-filled.

These things are not “necessary evils”; they’re just evil.

We’ve been programmed to believe that politics is how we rule ourselves… that politics is what saves us from tyranny… that our political system is the necessary and ultimate end of human civilization.

All of that is false, and future generations will either laugh at such thoughts, shake their heads in disbelief, or perhaps cry. As they should. All of it is propaganda, benefitting an abusive elite. Whether or not we learned it from beloved parents or even taught it to our children, it was false and it led us toward darkness.

Politics functions on the fearful, the dangerous, and the negative. When it says, “We’re great,” it means, “We’re above everyone else.” Everything is win-lose, everything is dominance and submission, everything revolves around base instincts. Politics erodes our character.

I’m here to tell you that we can do better… much better.

Turning Away from the Good

I was hard struck by these lines from G.K. Chesterton when I first read them, and I’m convinced there’s something very important in them:

Every one of the great revolutionists, from Isaiah to Shelley, have been optimists. They have been indignant, not about the badness of existence, but about the slowness of men in realizing its goodness.

“Yeah, yeah,” go the responses to such thoughts. “Nice sentiments, but I’m looking at a cold, dangerous world.”

No… you’re looking at the world through politically colored glasses. All you can see through them are dark, ominous, and threatening things. A thousand decent and peaceful people cross your field of view every day. But you don’t see them; you see only the handful who act stupidly.

Chesterton was right; Isaiah was right; Shelley was right: Life can be so much better than it is now. And getting there would involve an easier path than the one we’re currently trudging. But we have to look for it.

Understand, please: We never think of building life around good things. Rather, modern life – political life – is built entirely around cultivated fears. The Russians might bomb us, terrorists might blow up the Sears Tower, China may overtake us, the roads are crumbling, and so on… with never an end.

Not only is this degrading, but it drags us away from what’s good and beautiful. We have limited time, after all.

We crawl out of bed in the morning and most of us will very shortly turn on a TV (where the worst things that happened overnight will be displayed), turn on a radio (where the other side’s political stupidity will be examined at length), or run to Facebook (where our friends will be making fun of the degenerates who disagree with us).

And so begin our days. When we’re not busy with work, we’ll worry about our kids (after all, there are a hundred million predators out there), or we’ll worry about money (everyone else seems to have more), or we’ll worry about getting sick (a terrifying new disease is promoted each year). And we’ll finish our day with more of the same.

All is dark, all is frightful, all is threat… because that’s what works to squeeze more out of us… every day until we die. It keeps our minds ever focused on evil, spending almost no time on the good. In fact, good things are to be avoided. They might pull us away from the obligatory stream of threats… and whether real or imaginary makes no difference.

Life Can Be Beautiful

The vast majority of people don’t think life can be beautiful or at least can’t be beautiful unless they have a huge pile of money to go along with it. And so, they never expect life to be wonderful and never even try to see it. But if they did ever try, they’d find out that life can be beautiful.

Perfectly beautiful? No, of course not. But being less than 100% doesn’t make it zero… unless you’re fixated on making it zero.

And why wouldn’t we want life to be beautiful? Is hanging on to our dismal mindscape really that important?

People have lived non-political, peaceful, and happy lives; we have it, clearly, in the archaeological record. Were they all supermen? Were they all saints? No, of course not. But they weren’t fixated on the dreadful, the ugly, and the hateful.

We could do the same – and certainly much more – if we stopped drinking the poison of politics.

Is it entirely that simple? No, it’s not, but that accounts for a whole lot of it… and we’ll never get to the rest if we can’t put down the bottle.

* * * * *

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* * * * *

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of FreemansPerspective.com, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

Notify of
November 30, 2016 8:01 am

Our political landscape is driven by a Lust for power which creates the Politics of ENVY and where there is Envy you will have bitter HATE and resentment.Just look at how Trump was slander and reviled.

November 30, 2016 9:24 am


More like is.

November 30, 2016 12:54 pm

Politics is the only peaceful alternative for the protection of private property. Without politics, we’d have to use violence to defend our own property, or simply sit back and let others take it.

November 30, 2016 9:24 pm

Same thing with politics. It is just the way it is.

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
December 1, 2016 1:15 pm

Not only can politics not protect private property, private property cannot even truly exist where there is a political system (specifically government) because for government to exist, they must be able to tax, and if they have the authority to take some of your property at will, then they have the authority to take all of your property at will, and if they can do that, do you truly own your property? No. Where government exists, property ownership does not. You only have what the government allows you to have.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 30, 2016 1:00 pm

Or a couple of generations might weed out the genes that say to otherwise decent people: “I have an idea, and my idea is so great you are obligated to support it. Whether or not you agree, and I am justified in using force to MAKE you support it even if you don’t. And by support, I intend to take anything I think I need to propagate my idea and make it grow, from you who made it whether you agree or not.”
There must be a genetic cause to such mental illness; I can’t imagine anyone who lives in reality coming up with that memeset without being mentally defective.

November 30, 2016 6:01 pm

Looking into these things with the right perspective could change this. Sort of like viewing something at a distance while at the same time understanding the subject in great detail.