Time to Say Goodbye…

Is it finally time for us to say goodbye?


How my wife’s liberal friends see me. Deplorable.

A few months ago my wife and I made a trip into the city from our small rural community for an evening of dining and visiting with some of her old childhood friends. We started our date with just the two of us at a well known vegetarian restaurant. Later we met up with the rest of the crew at a local park near the beach to watch some skits and some dancing while the sun went down over English Bay. It was a beautiful sunset in an amazing setting.

While we’re sitting and chatting in the bleachers of the small amphitheatre my wife’s friend asks us at which restaurant we ate. We told her and with a raised eyebrow she replies: “Really, Francis actually ate in a vegetarian restaurant? Wow. That must have been quite an experience for you!”

I guess I don’t have a reputation amongst her city dwelling friends as being very cultured. But the truth is I like lots of things that aren’t redneck staples. Even vegetarian and vegan food. Hell, I just like to eat and so long as it’s quality it doesn’t much matter to me whether there’s meat on the plate or not. At the end of the meal I am concerned with three things: did I get enough, was it prepared properly and was the service more than adequate? Simple.

But that off the cuff comment set the tone for the evening and it was obvious by the end of it, that with the exception of chit chat about the old days, that I didn’t have much to say to these folks nor they to me. Not that they’re bad people but from my perspective their lives are narrow, kinda fake and frankly, completely out of touch with reality. They rarely leave the city unless it is to hop on a plane to another country or another major metropolitan area and in all the years that we have lived a short one and a half hour drive down the road from them they have never come to visit that I can recall. In fact, when we see them in the city (for me no more than once every two or three years now) the conversation inevitably ends up with them wondering how we can live so “remotely”. We’re an hour and half drive from the city for Pete’s sake. And they figure that’s remote?

What I came to realize from the visit that evening and from others in the past is that our nations have truly begun to polarize themselves culturally along geopolitical lines. We have become nations divided. And it’s not something that’s likely to change. Ever.

Indeed, where there is heavy urban population the social and political culture is highly liberal. In the hinterlands where there is no economy to speak of and the government is the primary employer, well, guess who gets the votes?



2016 Election Results By County



2015 Election Results by Riding (Blue Conservative/Red Liberal/Yellow NDP [socialist])

This is a pattern that has been repeating itself with more and more frequency all cross the western world over a period of decades. The liberals and the elites that grow up around these patterns of ‘decadence and dependency’ are a different breed than those of use from the conservative and normally productive heartlands of our nations. Indeed, I wonder, what do people like this, a product of liberal moral nihilism living in a densely populated urban enclave have in common with the rest of us these days? And they have the nerve to call those of us in flyover country “deplorable”?

Now that’s not to say that there aren’t exceptions to all these patterns, of course there are, but as a rule of thumb the trend has been one of division and distancing ourselves from one another along the lines of both philosophy and geography for at least the last 50 years or more. The last two elections, both south and north of the 49th parallel, prove it.

And as time goes on we are beginning to see just how deep those geographical and cultural divisions truly are. Makes you sort of wonder: Why are we fighting it? Maybe, like a marriage gone sideways, it’s time to admit that we’d be better off living separately than together. Maybe it’s time to say farewell? As a person with a family living in the toe of the conservative heartland of Canada I can tell you I think our posterity would be better off for it.

Moreover, I think the time is approaching when we will have to address this issue one way or the other whether we want to or not. It would be nice to think we can do it peacefully and in a civilized manner. But as the links above show, I’m not real clear on just how civilized the guys on team liberal can act. Frankly, I’m unclear as to whether or not the word is even in their vocabulary. I suppose time will tell.

But whether we want to address it or not the reality is our societies are evenly and very clearly divided. The purpose of elections has now become a contest to see which political ideology can wield the hammer of state so that it can subjugate one side to the other. So perhaps instead of spending the next four to eight years in both countries trying to shore up our defenses so that when the other side wins back the hammer it is harder for them to beat us with it maybe we should just start drawing up the framework to go our separate ways? From my perspective, particularly in the US at this stage, it is better for conservatives of all stripes to begin this dialogue from a position of political power. Not because you wield the hammer of state but because the dialogue right now can be viewed as more honest. Under the current circumstances you can’t be accused of leaving because you are a ‘sore loser’ and in the case of those liberal enclaves who might like to leave you can even appear magnanimous.

On the North side of the line separatist movements are nothing new in either the East or the West. For Canada, our status as a nation has been tenuous for a very long time, with the West occasionally grumbling about leaving on and off since the 80’s and in the East where Quebec nearly made it a reality. Truthfully, many of us wish they’d been successful.

Of course the other option is we can keep doing the same thing over and over again and hope for better results. But we all know how that story ends now, don’t we?

At any rate, these two say it better than I can:

And they say I’m not cultured…









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November 30, 2016 7:44 am

Great essay.
Nothing more I’d like then for progressive liberals to separate, or secede and just go away.

But, we all know what that would mean, in their pink polka dot sky world the producers would still have to produce for them, it’s only fair…

November 30, 2016 4:36 pm

what…come to my garden and dig out potatoes?

December 1, 2016 9:48 am

In post war Germany the occupying armies issued advisories that ANYBODY scouring the fields for unharvested potatoes was to be shot on sight. Since there was nothing to eat my parents (city folks but not liberals) nonetheless risked their lives to feed themselves and the kids. When TSHTF the city dwellers will invade any land with crops on it. This will signal the failure of the irrational Agenda 21 and the beginning of unheard of social chaos.

December 2, 2016 7:47 pm

I really appreciate the author’s candor here. I am both on the liberal side of the spectrum and from a rural area. The arrogance and condescension described embarrasses me and I also experience because of where I come from. I think there are excellent views to be discussed and anyone who shuts down a view without a willing ear is not worth debating. We all can find ourselves in a bubble and those worth engaging and those who are willing to consider views that differ or even oppose their own. I, for one, appreciate being challenged. I learn more.

December 3, 2016 7:51 am

Their views arent there for a mere challenge, their views are dangerous, they intend to coerce you into lockstep, with or without your cooperation.. didnt you learn anything from the last 8 yrs?

December 3, 2016 8:27 am

No one said we wouldn’t sell to them.

November 30, 2016 7:44 am

I have already made that decision.I don’t have to deal with many liberal progressives except the ones on my mom’s side of the family.I dislike them and they resent me. I Tolerate them for my mom’s sake and they me.I have no common cause with them and no love or like.When my mom leaves this earth i hope to never see them again.Fuck them and their treasonous mindset .How can you be at peace with traitors ?

November 30, 2016 5:09 pm

Before my wonderful mom died I was in your boat. After her death and their rude behavior before her funeral I did just what you are proposing. I said Fuck em and the rat they rode in on. I have not had contact with any of them and I am at total peace with my decision.

December 1, 2016 7:29 pm

The same with me. I don’t miss my liberal ex-friends. Besides, I’ve found conservative replacements.

November 30, 2016 11:50 pm

“Fuck them…”

Ah, WWJD? Surely he would “Fuck them”.

Jay Sherman
Jay Sherman
December 3, 2016 12:41 pm


What He did with the Pharisees! Called them vipers and the sons of Hell- basically the 1st century equivakent of GFY…..

December 2, 2016 3:01 pm

Same here. I used to visit Mom 2 or 3 times a year-usually a 1100 mile drive to Chicago. My ultra REgressive sister and her creepy, academia husband were loaded for snark.

She passed 20 years ago and I haven’t been back once.

November 30, 2016 7:54 am

The fart sniffing libs will never allow a separation. They need your labor and that of your unborn children to finance their Utopia.

November 30, 2016 8:40 am

Exactly–those in District 1 need districts 8 thrugh 12 to remain subservient an productive.
The movie and books “The Hunger Games” get more prophetic and our society is inarguably trending towards this. The liberals hive in their city zones/districts–with their outlandish, foppish attire, glitter, multi-colored hair and vapid trends that try and impress each other.
The “unwashed masses” or deplorables cling to our guns, bibles, morals, families and traditions. We are looked down upon by the trendy District 1 and 2 elitists–but they could never maintain their pretentious and fictional lives without the production of those they think beneath them.
I could go on and on with examples of how we are trending toward this hunger games reality but I believe your essay illustrates very concisely how disparate the rural and urban dwellers have become. Whether we are divided as cities vs country or District 1 vs District 12–the chasm is vast and can never be banded together.

November 30, 2016 9:55 am

The Hunger Games will wake up a lot of young folks about government. I have a 16 year old niece I was visiting recently and I asked her if she had read them and she said yes. I ask her if she understood them and how they apply to today. She said not really. I asked her if she knew Washington DC and the surrounding counties are the wealthiest in America…I said that is the Capital City in the Hunger Games. Her eyes light up and she said, “Then that makes us District 12, correct?” We live in Appalachia so she made the connection.

Hopefully more young folks will make the connection.

December 1, 2016 10:12 pm

You just need problem solvers in the right positions of government, people with critical thinking skills, people like me 🙂

Dare Tuitt
Dare Tuitt
December 3, 2016 10:57 am

Yes, Liberals don’t learn history because it would frighten them. For one thing, they would learn that Socialism/Marxism has never worked and results in mass murder. And for another thing, they would discover just how much they have in common with the French aristocracy just before the French Revolution. Either lesson = not pretty.

John Vancouver
John Vancouver
December 1, 2016 11:24 am

And here-in lies the truth. Somewhere deep down in their tortured psyche, liberals understand that they are useless to society. All-in-all they produce nothing that anyone needs to buy…voluntarily, of course. That’s why they are social-workers, teachers and H.R. directors, but not not architects, engineers, carpenters or mechanics. Go to any college and peruse the halls between the hard sciences and applied technologies vs the liberal arts schools.

Of course not all libs fall into these categories, and there are degrees, but in the aggregate, the trend is painfully obvious. It would be wonderful to set up parallel societies with liberals on one side and conservatives on the other; you would see anarchy and mayhem soon enough amongst the libs. More crime, more debt, and eventually social failure. Liberals are basically Africans with a higher I.Q., which makes them dangerous. And I suspect deep down they know this. They are children.

  John Vancouver
December 2, 2016 12:10 am

“Liberals are basically Africans with a higher I.Q., which makes them dangerous.”

Funny as hell but true!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 7:56 am

Well said.

I have been trying very hard to craft a similar piece with little success, so thank you for doing a much better job at it.

Since the primary directive of progressive politics has been to correct for the mistakes of the past and to disentangle us from our earlier forms, perhaps we should examine the entire package. Why remain as a 50 state Union? Is that not a vestige of western expansion and a legacy of Manifest Destiny? Then let us deconstruct that as well.

Once upon a time when a man and a woman entered the state of matrimony the only out was death. It was the progressive leaders of the day who said perhaps we should alter the agreement and institute divorce for the betterment of each spouse. Maybe it’s time we did the same thing with the concept of citizenry. I divorce thee, Amerikwa. If two divorced people can live in the same town, why can’t we split along ideological lines as well? You want big government? It’s yours, but you have to shoulder the cost without us. We’ll forgo the perks of EBT and Section 8 housing and keep our share of the money that supports it. We can draw up a list of common uses and split the costs. National highway systems, National Defense… I can’t think of anything else but we can always open the table for discussion. That way you don’t have to support my Neanderthal outlook and I don’t have to maintain your weeping rooms.

A split up is coming and I personally prefer we do this like adults with a minimum of bloodshed.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 11:02 am

I think we could undo a lot of this nonsense by removing the federal government from all the responsibilities that states are really supposed to manage. The more local the fiscal decisions, the easier it is for citizens to understand the direct impact on their lives. Liberals might even come out of their trance when the bills come due (state taxes) to support the unproductive/irresponsible lifestyles that have become popular these days. Some might start looking longingly at the state next door that has stopped feeding the monster and notice that the quality of life looks a lot better over there.

There is definitely a deep chasm forming. It is ultimately a foundational difference in world view and the two sides may as well be living on different planets. The only thing that will bring them together is a serious fight for the very survival of the nation against an outside force.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 30, 2016 12:03 pm

“Some might start looking longingly at the state next door that has stopped feeding the monster and notice that the quality of life looks a lot better over there.”
Unfortunately, this leads to Californication, where liberals cause financial collapse of their state, leave it and go to another state to repeat the process, screwing it up just as bad as the one they left. Just ask Oregon, Washington State, etc. what the cost of unchecked liberal immigration is!

  james the deplorable wanderer
November 30, 2016 12:24 pm

True story. I’ve seen it in Florida as well. Liberals from the NE retire down here, since it’s so much cheaper to live here than up there, with the no state income tax, lower property tax, etc. The problem is they also vote here now. The policies they have voted for are a large part of why it’s so expensive to live in their former home states, but they still want to do the same thing to Florida. I pretty much hate them all. They are also a large part of why Florida is considered a swing state at all.

November 30, 2016 5:35 pm

VA and NC and soon to be GA too

November 30, 2016 6:18 pm

I spent most of my life in “small towns.” Always, the leaders of these towns are trying their darndest to be just like xyz large town/city. If these leaders want to live in a large city, just move there and quit screwing up our nice small town.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
December 1, 2016 8:55 am

Same here; this includes the mindset of many of the smaller colleges/universities. They started out as land grants with a specific purpose to fulfill a specific need (this wasn’t a bad idea, as at first they did work that way — our local one worked pretty well at this until about 20 years ago, then the rot that had set in really kicked into overdrive).

Although I don’t think a split can happen — it has to do with strategic locations; most large urban centers are where they are at for a reason; they are small in comparison to the rest of the country (at least the U.S. other places I’m not so sure about) for a reason. And the split isn’t exactly along geographic lines — it’s not a clean split along any line. No, whatever happens it won’t be peaceful.

December 1, 2016 10:11 am

I am a “young” (28) New Yorker who is dying to leave in order to go to Florida. I despise leftism of any kind and would love to live in a more conservative/libertarian state. Unfortunately, I see it happening all the time. NYers move to Florida and bring their damn leftism with them.

  james the deplorable wanderer
November 30, 2016 3:38 pm

You have a point..

  james the deplorable wanderer
November 30, 2016 3:43 pm

It has just been announced that both the house and senate in California now have Democrat supermajorities. I may need to move.

December 1, 2016 9:50 am

Leave before you can’t. Be around like minded people you’ll be happier.

Harry Flashman
Harry Flashman
  james the deplorable wanderer
December 3, 2016 1:54 am

“Unfortunately, this leads to Californication, where liberals cause financial collapse of their state, leave it and go to another state to repeat the process, screwing it up just as bad as the one they left.”
Except that in this case, under the rules of the new order, the successful states get to establish their own conditions for residency. Consider a state whose laws restrict immigration only to those with waiting jobs or sponsors who agree to assume the financial burden of the supporting the newcomers. In such a case, only those who benefit the state are accepted.

Jay Sherman
Jay Sherman
  james the deplorable wanderer
December 3, 2016 12:58 pm

“this leads to Californication”

Very simple way to fix that: Stop entitlements and publicly-funded works programs. Liberals abhor a free-market where their prosperity and quality of life is dependent solely upon their own actions, as opposed to the manipulation of a system whereby they benefit from the purloined wealth of others.

When I left NY, I came to one of the freer states. You don’t see other NYers coming here and ruining it, like they have to FL, NC, et al. This is the last place they want to be, because they want big cities and wide roads, and “programs” to keep their kids busy, so that they don’t have to be bothered with them. They want to just work in an office, and don’t seem to mind paying $15K a year in property taxes, because the gov’t where they come from takes care of every aspect of life.

The fact that there are empty stores in every shopping center, and foreclosed houses on every block, and rampant crime because the 2nd amendment somehow doesn’t apply to their state, doesn’t seem to bother them. They think it’s prosperity because on paper they make $100K a year (Even though after all the taxes and cost of living, they don’t have a thing to show for it)- and they laugh at the state I live in, because “we’re poor” (LOL)- but meanwhile, there are no empty stores or foreclosed homes here, and I live better here on a third of what I made in NY.

God forbid that their neighbor might live in a mobile home! They would move away or have a heart attack!

  hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 5:02 pm

FM and HSF…very much smarties in their writings…
I have dreams (unwittingly) of such separations…and unfortunately
there are visions of zombies sneaking around demanding things.

The book clubs, special parties, theater, travel and especially the “idea
sharing” of the most compassionate thoughts. The city folks, my peers
from the past, can not fathom a rural life worth living. I believe they
are shaking their heads, just knowing I have lost my mind.
The truth of it is, we, that have left, could not tolerate the endless rally
of Liberalism and the Democratic Party. I am sooo glad I am missing out
on the grief work demonstrated with the loss of Hill’s presidential bid.
And, no one has come to visit. Out of sight, out of mind. Good thing.

Jenny R.
Jenny R.
December 1, 2016 9:06 am

In fairness, theater (when correctly done and with good material) and book clubs (ditto) aren’t all that bad.
In my small town (which is far more rural than I’m thinking anyone on here is used to: less than 500 people, further than 2 hours away from any large city) used to have quite good performances put on by the local high school, a summer time music series, and the lady who ran the book club lived in a single wide and loved Shakespeare and Twain, so it was enjoyable to attend and speak at them. We even had a couple of high school teachers who were history and nature buffs who used to volunteer time to give talks out of their homes (one had a working replica cannon, quite fun). It gave my small, hillbilly area a lot of liveliness underneath the surface.
I suppose the thing I’ve hated most, outside of the economic deprivation and loss of self-reliance (but it was never wealthy) is the brainwashing of that areas youth (by the city driven media) that because they are hicks from the sticks they aren’t supposed to be interested in that sort of thing…it’s faded away steadily.
It’s only the urban upper class apparently, who are supposed to have any cultural leanings whatsoever (and one look at that picture gives hint at what those leanings are…I suppose that bat is supposed to be Nebuchadnezzer…).

  hardscrabble farmer
December 1, 2016 12:12 am

I’m with you hardscrabble, but I think something is going to upset the apple cart of our society long before we have a chance to separate. When that happens, the cities will look like The Walking Dead.

Bill in IL
Bill in IL
  hardscrabble farmer
December 1, 2016 10:15 am

I simply do not think the commies will let us go peacefully. While almost all conservatives and libertarians would be willing to work out a divorce agreement both sides could live with, the commies, being the nasty, selfish, evil people they are, would not be amicable to this at all. They need us to insult, look down upon and treat with contempt.

Ms. Ciscero
Ms. Ciscero
  hardscrabble farmer
December 4, 2016 12:37 am

Great minds think alike.

“Like a marriage that has gone bad, I believe there are enough irreconcilable differences between those who want to control and those want to be left alone that divorce is the only peaceable alternative. Just as in a marriage, where vows are broken, our human rights protections guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution have been grossly violated by a government instituted to protect them. Americans who are responsible for and support constitutional abrogation have no intention of mending their ways.” Walter Williams


November 30, 2016 8:00 am

If I ever manage to get a place ninety minutes away from a big city, I don’t really envision ever going back to the city except for medical care maybe. I might have a touch more Neanderthal in me than you do Francis.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 30, 2016 4:15 pm

Zara is back !! Turned up in the “Swamp” thread bigger than life.

First Flash and now Zara- the chil’ren is coming home.

December 1, 2016 9:55 am

Forget about the medical care. You’ll be used for an “experiment” since you’ll be considered a “healthy freak”.

December 1, 2016 10:43 pm

Used to live in the big city Minneapolis, crack houses, death threats, murders, robberies, burglaries, moved to a small town in SD near black Hills and do not miss it, big cities have decent paying interesting challenging jobs that I miss.

November 30, 2016 8:08 am

Good reasonings in your essay. Dealing with the progressives in my family is very similar. I love to grin at them when I see them, even in the depths of Obama’s administration I had my grin going. It seems they could not believe that I could have an upbeat attitude. At times I wondered if there would ever be any liberty left in our Republic. I have the good fortune of having a wife who has been a foundation of faith and encouragement for me. I have learned to focus on what is important to me, not to them. I place little faith in politicians of either stripe. Politicians are prideful individuals and they’re all set up for failure. I am an individual and I will always resist the collective no matter what!

November 30, 2016 8:05 pm

Then explain the name ‘we’re fucked’. Funny

November 30, 2016 8:36 pm

Everyone has a handle, just to keep things interesting, I have no problem with “Starfcker”. You sound jealous to me!

November 30, 2016 10:27 pm

You came up with a good handle. That was meant as a compliment. I like the optimism in the post. It’s just funny coming from we’re fucked. Carry on

November 30, 2016 10:42 pm

Funny world, isn’t it!

November 30, 2016 11:49 pm

Although I understood the pronunciation of your clever screen name the first time I saw it, the dark side of me saw it as “queer fucked”.

Another screen name I like here is Chubby Bubbles although I think it should be shortened to Chubbles.

I love da versatility of da engrish rangridge!

November 30, 2016 11:58 pm

English plus French, you can never tell!

December 1, 2016 10:50 pm

PeRFeCTLY SaiD Ouirphuqd.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
November 30, 2016 8:25 am

I do not socialize with liberals unless they are family and I can’t avoid it. I do not suffer fools gladly and will not sit and listen to these simpletons blather on. I feel an uncontrollable urge to kick them off their chairs.

  Southern Sage
November 30, 2016 12:29 pm

I’m in the same boat. I have no desire to associate with the types of people who wish to inflict the likes of Clinton or sanders on me, and insist I help pay for a bunch of things I find abhorrent. Fuck them all. They are a huge impediment to any kind of improvement in this countries condition. There are about 50 million in this country, plus probably another 50 million useless eaters that depend on them plundering the rest of us for their govt handouts that we can be rid of. Imagine how different this country would look without them.

Willem Willems
Willem Willems
December 3, 2016 1:36 am

>>>There are about 50 million in this country, plus probably another 50 million useless eaters that depend on them plundering the rest of us…

In spite of those numbers (reasonably accurate, I think) hope remains. The following thought did not originate with me, but I also believe this to be accurate: 90% of America’s problems could be effectively addressed by pulling 100 key individuals out of their lairs, frog-marching them down to the street, and putting a bullet through their heads. FWIW I’m a peaceful old fart… just making an observation… and hoping that this can all be handled in a civilized manner.

In the meantime, just resist.

  Southern Sage
December 1, 2016 10:53 pm

oH HeLL YeS !

Jay Sherman
Jay Sherman
December 1, 2016 11:29 pm

This is why I never married! Living the first 39 years of my life in the environs of NYC, I’d meet nothing but liberal girls, or quasi-conservative girls, who tolerated liberal friends. Can’t have a decent marriage unless both parties are of one mind and totally on-board, especially when it comes to worldview/politics/religion. Lesser things can be compromised, and will be minimal if the biggies are agreed.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
November 30, 2016 8:30 am

So true. These collectivists of ‘decadence and dependency’ are mere parasites, and like a tick clinging to my dog’s ear, need to be plucked from the host and starved into non-existence.

  Greg in NC
November 30, 2016 5:08 pm

put the tick in a small bottle of alcohol

November 30, 2016 11:33 pm

That’s a waste of alcohol.

November 30, 2016 11:52 pm


fear & loathing
fear & loathing
November 30, 2016 8:35 am

even after the revolution the yanks knew they had to have the south and they happily changed the terms for their benefit. so now the freaks of california want out, no argument from me. you would thi nk the liberals would be glad we deplorables of the south just went away, yet they prefer to belittle yet hold us in a union. the history of the world would have been far different if the yanks had let loose the reins. the empire began then, and their lust of greed and plunder, of course from the throne of moral high ground, always their fallback claim.

November 30, 2016 8:43 am

At thanksgiving dinner I sat between two of the shitlibtards of our family. To make a point, I got none of the food served to put on my own plate, and instead ate directly from their plates. Of course there was much laughter from the deplorables and an argument ensued that pretty much destroyed the meal. Best. Thanksgiving. Ever.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 8:55 am

Now that is some profoundly funny stuff. You ought to turn that into an essay.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  hardscrabble farmer
November 30, 2016 10:19 am

Travis- That was priceless.
If you had taken some cash out of their wallets and laughingly put it in your pocket, I would personally put you up for an award.

Alter Boyz
Alter Boyz
November 30, 2016 10:25 am

“I got none of the food served to put on my own plate, and instead ate directly from their plates”


I wish I had thought of that. Perfect actually. Whoops – maybe there’s a way to work a ‘leftover’ bag to take home in there somehow. Like an ebt/section 8 concept of you’re never through feeding the FSA bums.

Next Year… and Thanks !

November 30, 2016 10:44 am

Best Thanksgiving remark I’ve heard yet. Great stuff.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 30, 2016 8:59 am

God is drawing the wicked into cities which He will destroy and the good into sanctuaries that He will protect. Make your choice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu-5JAjZOxk

  rhs jr
November 30, 2016 10:46 am

Working on it. My parents live in the country and every time I visit I tell them this is where God lives.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
November 30, 2016 11:47 am

“I tell them this is where God lives.”

Wow! Sounds like a beautiful place! I can’t claim that the area my little cabin is in, is “where God lives” — but I have it on good authority that it is where God goes to on vacation.


November 30, 2016 9:18 am

A month or so ago someone online proposed we split amicably along voting lines. New England to the North East, Cascadia in the far west (CA/WA/OR coastline) and the United States of America (or some other name) in the heartland.

Of course, such a thing is an impossibility. The Cascadia region has no water, and is dependent on hoovering up every last drop it can from the surrounding territory. The North East has all the banking and politicians, two groups not known for their productivity.

The heartland? We honestly don’t need anything from them. Except to be left alone.

  Francis Marion
November 30, 2016 11:51 am

Not yet Francis….. more rain and then possibly snow Mon Tue then back to the downpours for awhile yet….. were just getting started!
Which your buds at English Bay will not see snow on the mountains for a few weeks yet…. they gotta go to Whistler: oh the humanity!
But your absolutely right….. The difference between rural and urban with regards to productivity and lifestyle is staggering especially in the LM

  Francis Marion
November 30, 2016 1:25 pm

Smartass lol

I was primarily referring to California’s end of it, which carries the lion’s share of humanity, debt, and resource consumption in the area.

They’ve been in a severe drought for over 10 years now I believe. The groundwater is so depleted that things are starting to lower in elevation.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 30, 2016 5:18 pm

yes and the chem trail weather drying of CA is a government project.
Then they rub it in the CA peoples faces with fracking and water pollution.
Perhaps you doubt that? Do research. As for the northern end, Utah, Nevada,
Oregon, “there is gold in them there hills,” or Uranium and so on. Gov. intends
to take that land.

November 30, 2016 4:27 pm

WA has plenty of water, so much in fact that the Commiefornians are proposing that a pipeline be built to siphon water from the Columbia River. FUCK THEM! Central WA is damn near a desert and if I dropped you off out there you’d believe you were in a desert. Eastern WA has one of the most pristine Ice Age aquifers in the US and is rather wet and dreary for about 4-6 months every year with plenty of year round lakes, rivers and streams.

OR is perhaps a bit drier, especially the central portion in summer.

Commiefornia just needs to adapt to the drier conditions. They CO River delta has already been destroyed by ignoring reality and history and wasting water resources.

December 3, 2016 9:36 am

Where does dry California get its water now? I’m guessing they have to pay for it. Why would secession change that? Maybe they’d have to pay another “country” but I’d hope commerce could continue freely between the various regions.

November 30, 2016 9:19 am

Liberalism is a disease.

November 30, 2016 5:43 pm

“Liberalism is a mental disorder.”–Michael Savage

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 30, 2016 9:51 am

Watch it with the veganism, Francis. Vegans are short vitamin B12 unless they take supplements. B12 deficiency is a trigger of various mental illnesses – including schizophrenia. Could explain a lot of libtard craziness. I enjoy telling vegetarians “Oh, you’re a vegetarian? That’s nice. Hitler was a vegetarian”.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  Iska Waran
November 30, 2016 11:52 am

It is well known that Idi Amin lived to such an old age because he only ate vegetarians.

  Jason Calley
November 30, 2016 5:44 pm


Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
November 30, 2016 11:19 am

In case you all forgot, the rural folks in the USA once tried to get out of their marriage with the urban people. The urban people didn’t like that idea very much and started a little skirmish that killed 700,000 people.

I’m pretty sure that any movement of the red counties to leave the USA would result in the feds nuking Nebraska.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  Trapped in Portlandia
November 30, 2016 3:09 pm

But all the nukes are in the midwest.

Willem Willems
Willem Willems
  Miles Long
December 3, 2016 1:51 am

About 30% of US nukes are in, or operated out of, the Puget Sound area. Purportedly, WA is the world’s third-ranking nuclear weapons state (after Russia, and the remaining 49 US states.

November 30, 2016 11:21 am

When I saw the headline and author I thought “Oh, no! Francis is leaving TBP!!”. Thankfully, that was not the case!

I/we all love personal stories that tie into the greater political-economic picture. You did a terrific job, Francis.

I haven’t seen my libtard seester since last Christmas. We live 15 miles apart. Oh, excuse me, I DID hear from her, via a text on Ms Freud’s phone, just a few days ago.

My parents have an old cat. The cat is going senile. She’s starting to shit and piss everywhere EXCEPT the litter box. That, plus feeding and caring for the cat is becoming a major burden for my mom (dad hates the cat and doesn’t do jack shit for it). Mom told me she simply can’t do it anymore. We can’t take the cat because Ms Freud is allergic to cats. That leaves only one solution; put the cat to sleep.

This past Saturday I called a vet in my parents’ town. Made an appointment for Monday. $170. Yikes! Anyway, my seester made a RARE phone call to mom on Sunday, and she found out about it. I heard from Ms Libtard Sunday evening.

Various phrases in the text; “…. I’m taking over ….. leave the damn cat alone!!! …. how could you kill mom’s cat??? …. what is wrong with you ….. I’ll take the cat ….. again, do not kill the cat or there will be hell to pay. Period.”

She called the vet and cancelled the appointment.

Nice, eh? Libtardism — where animals are more important than people.

I would love to live at least 500 miles from the nearest fuktard-libfuk. Really. I just don’t know how that’s possible.

December 1, 2016 12:15 am

The most disturbing part of that story is that someone would actually spend $170 to put a cat down. There are more cost effective “solutions”.

Shefali O'Hara
Shefali O'Hara
December 1, 2016 9:43 am

I am pretty conservative but I’m also an animal lover (I have yet to be back-stabbed by any of my pets whereas certain family members and so-called friends have been pretty awful). I definitely want my beloved pets to die in a humane manner. Now, shooting something in the head IS pretty humane IF you know what you are doing. But if not… besides which, then you have that last memory of the pet with its head blown off. So yeah I’ve spent the money to have pets put to sleep. We get that last memory of giving them a last cuddle before they die and the death seems gentle.

Animals are (for the most part) so innocent that I want them to have a gentle death. But I have no problems with a less humane death for, say, a mass murderer or rapist. That doesn’t mean though that I value human beings less than animals. I value innocent human beings quite a bit. I value them enough that I don’t want murderers and rapists to be out there preying on them.

December 1, 2016 10:32 am

Tree Farmer

I’m in the early stages of dementia.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 2, 2016 8:41 pm

Like antifreeze.

But I like cats. We got one mysteriously because our two queens are fixed. I just buy more cat food. We have a medium large can that holds about a 25 lb bag’s worth of cat food. And I have a spare bag in the garage. The cats rely on my mother in law to feed them. The tom was a skinny kitten a few months ago. He looks quite large now, almost twice the size of the two heifers. The ‘ladies’ are nearly 16 years old and, like the beautiful blonde, still think they are awesome pussies.

December 1, 2016 3:00 am

Now you see why I’m willing to make a one way trip to Mars as long as I get to go BY MYSELF!

Shefali O'Hara
Shefali O'Hara
December 1, 2016 9:38 am

I am pretty conservative but I also love animals and I can see her POV to some degree, though I would tend to argue that the cat’s quality of life is pretty low if it can’t control it’s bowels. To me, when an animal no longer has a decent quality of life, it is humane to put it down, and the only reason to keep it alive at this point is due to the Mom’s feelings… but anyway, at least she stepped up to the plate and took responsibility for the cat instead of simply giving grief and also expecting someone else to take care of it. But the gratuitous insults and attitude are rude.

  Shefali O'Hara
December 1, 2016 10:36 am

Shefali O’Hara

My mom is in her 80’s with severe bone degeneration. She can barely walk. The litter box, water, and food are in the basement. They have a chairlift, but it still requires much effort on her part. The cat is about 11 years old, has lived a full life, and has a college degree. Cat heaven and the Cat God are anticipating her arrival.

December 1, 2016 10:40 am


Had an old cat who started pooping and pissing around the house. Vet said the cat had a tumor that made them do it. Putting the cat to sleep is the only option.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 2, 2016 8:48 pm

11 years is middle age for a cat. My daughter adopted the cat of a lady (now gone) she cared for in the old folks home. She quickly won over the heart of her dog lover hubs.

Does my wife bring home a little pussy for me? No, she hates cats.

November 30, 2016 11:55 am

It’s strange how people think about location sometimes. I live 15 mins drive outside a small town (10k people), yet my friends from that town act like I live in middle of nowhere. They simply can’t imagine not being able to have pizza delivered to their doorstep, or being able to easily get fast food. In many respects it forces you to be healthier, you can’t give into a fast food craving easily. We make our own pizzas and proofing the dough is fun for our child to watch. So many things learned from doing more yourself, many of them only take an extra 10 minutes, which most would waste driving around anyway.

I like my neighbors, beef cows to my right, and mennonites with a dwarf pony farm to my left. We wave, we don’t talk, but we have all helped eachother on occasion when we get stuck on the dirt road. Birds and trees are good for me. I spent 8 years in a city and hated every minute of it. I would rather be poorer and live out here than have a fancier job and live in the city again.

November 30, 2016 12:44 pm

Some really wonder and enlightening stories . Truly a great read , funny comments ?.
Having libturds in our family also ,thats a mind-blowing experience, who needs drugs just get a libtard. And you dont have to worry about the awful side effects, munchies , Jail .
Have a nephew that is still in college and only an associate s degree. Still lives at home and doesn’t work.
My son whom is just a few months older has finished engineering school and been out working for 5yrs. Like i said mind blowing and it makes me thankful ( that isnt our child ).
Libtards the new entertainment, well for us conservative s.

December 1, 2016 3:03 am

“And you dont have to worry about the awful side effects, munchies , Jail .”

My problem would be staving off the urge to murder them………in creative ways that make the pizzagate people look like pikers.

November 30, 2016 1:02 pm

Well worked my whole life to get big house, cars, but not having that collage was still look down on, hate them and now would not help them if they were dieing.

Old Guy
Old Guy
November 30, 2016 1:15 pm

Personally I just allow my liberal friends to speak their minds. They live in the city not I. City dwelling I left long ago and I am better off for it. What many forget living in cities, everything they consume comes from rural areas. California born and raised here and lived in Redondo Beach and now Arkansas. Watching my brothers and sisters struggle to live is almost comical. I visit once a year and listen to their complaints and hand them some home realtor publications. They reply well we love the beach!! I ask when was the last time you went only to receive blank stares.

Remember friends when large metropolitan dwellers think they should run the country, they forget we just do not have their problems. We have not had a murder where I live in two years, almost 10 years before that one. We grow our own food and cattle. Many forget how well we have it and actually I want all of the left to remain in large cities. I am sure many here see the liberal coming to town wanting to change it. Screw them they are in our world now!!!!!

ursel doran
ursel doran
November 30, 2016 1:51 pm

I am compelled to point out the source of the problems, whereas all the excellent notes are discussing the symptoms of the liberal disease. The source of most of our evils is the FED, producing tens of Trillions of debt “money” out of nowhere from nothing but a
computer click. The inviolate rule of that which you subsidize is encouraged and you will get more of it. Our welfare warfare state financed by such enabling is now crushing under the weight, and I guarantee you ask any libtard cult member about this and you will get a blank stare. State department loses Six trillion, Pentagon loses Three and then how much unknown trillions?Student loans now $1.2 Trillion, about the same as credit card number. National debt for all the wars and welfare is now $20 Trillion. NOBODY cares, it is all an abstraction that no one pays attention to.
So far. The brutal Hundreds of Millions spent on the election was all about who gets to keep control of the stealing rights..

Willem Willems
Willem Willems
  ursel doran
December 3, 2016 2:01 am

>>>The source of most of our evils is the FED, producing tens of Trillions of debt “money” out of nowhere from nothing….

Imagine a system capable of creating any amount of money imaginable, and directing these resources anywhere, and to any purpose. ANY purpose….

We are the Krell. Enjoy your stay here on Altair IV.

November 30, 2016 3:03 pm

Liberals on the coasts have one thing in common,They want free shit.Even if their state is broke.
I don’t think the average kid is a very deep thinker.I often point out the hidden themes in movies or what a book was talking about.Blame it on our society where cell phones seem to be very important to many.
When Trump was running for office i pointed out that he would get rid of Obamacare.Many would argue that OC was great.I mentioned that i didn’t like gov. mandated health care that was enforced by the IRS. The funny thing is how many people said they were ok with it. Not much rugged individualism going on out there.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 30, 2016 3:05 pm

Goodbye is not likely after all the left controlled population centers may find us deplorable ! Especially when us nuckle draggers stop delivering food or keeping the lights on or stop maintaining water and sewage systems or the police stop showing up when the 911 says do the best you can . We will all be deplorable then and our left leaning leaches will be getting counseling and aroma therapy among other such nonsense but get up of their collective asses , no way ! Unless it’s to protest riot and attempting to lay claim on more of what we earn after all “they need it” . The belief that a need on someone’s part is a signal that I am to supply and fill that need is horse shit !

November 30, 2016 3:22 pm

Excellent reading. When dealing with the other side, I enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of a lot of it. I have also had to look at the some of my own as well. I have never been to a veg. restaurant, nor do I think I might any time soon. I have had to look at the serious flaws to my points of view. I had dreams of being a gynecologist when I was quite young and the word about abortion being legal, in the near future, horrified me. It came true shortly thereafter and I didn’t feel I could ever stand before the JUDGE and say I condoned it in any way. This was long before I could vote. I still can’t ever say I condoned it. Ain’t happening. Algebra killed those aspirations, no matter how many times I RETRIED GETTING IT. The Liberal progressive movement started gearing up back then to become what it is today. A lot of liberals spend their lives in the city to head to the country around retirement or start looking into some cute small farm thingy. You know HATE THE NEIGHBORS ROOSTER, types. Staunch Democraps that begin to hate city life or their party to become libertarians or Trump voters.
I like to read. I now see my side has had a nefarious agenda all its own. I never realized my vote was a vote to take away more freedom and build up the police state, while other side was blatant immorality. These days only the big corps are making any money, and both sides are all over that. I watched a video this morning with That dog triumph asking N.H. college students to be politically correct, and it was really sad. I think it was on truthstream. I couldn’t help feeling like I share the blame. We allowed the textbooks, and the dumbing down of these last generations and those kids really aren’t interested now, in what we have to say. I mean seriously safe spaces. We know who was stupid enough to come up with it.. They don’t!!! They eat poisoned food breathe bad air and drink poisoned water out of plastic bottles. I really liked the posts about stealing the food from their plates, I look at the other side of it and I could have tried to stuff the food from my plate into their mouth’s telling them where it comes from all the poisons they vote to consume and how in the city they don’t have any choice about their food and water, and how when the % of the gov money and food stamps quits they will be headed out of town for food, and water.
I know my side of the aisle bears some of this madness but, If we know these things and tell no one it kinda makes me feel like dumb and dumber. I mean That swamp still needs drained and prosecutions for everyone that is involved in the dismantling of it

Miles Long
Miles Long
November 30, 2016 3:24 pm

I ran across this the other night.


“They” say pain is the touchstone of all personal growth. Maybe it’s time for the pampered to learn what pain is?

  Miles Long
November 30, 2016 3:51 pm

Excellent article…thanx for the link.

  Miles Long
December 1, 2016 10:36 am


I enjoyed this below from your link above:

“Political Correctness is just a set of mandatory lies in the service of political power. It’s all bullshit; you don’t have to believe any of it.”

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 30, 2016 3:26 pm

Eventually, everyone will become self-sufficient or productive enough in some fashion to support themselves by their own efforts.
Everyone else will have starved, when the JIT delivery systems hit bank failures / regional – national shortages of commodities and food because the currency is worthless.

November 30, 2016 5:16 pm

If I may point out a possible solution, suggested by information in a comment on another site:

‘A bit of info you might not have seen. There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57. There are 62 counties in New York State. Trump won 46 of them. Clinton won 16.
Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes. In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million
more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles. The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles. When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country.

Semi-Housetrained Polecat Pastmemories • 3 minutes ago
Yes, but those five counties are on the right side of history. You racist CIS males wouldn’t understand.

cynic Pastmemories • a minute ago
A very concentrated target. A short sharp dose of radiation could cure the body politic.

December 1, 2016 3:10 am

That’s why I don’t worry about “terrorists” setting off a nuke in NYC. That, and I live on the other coast!

December 3, 2016 9:50 pm

Great post, and the mentioned (cynic Pastmemories • a minute ago
A very concentrated target. A short sharp dose of radiation could cure the body politic.)
and much needed remedy is often spoke of in this Smoky Mtn household (Left Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex).

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 30, 2016 5:57 pm

Politics in the last few years have caused a big wedge between members of my family. I’ve avoided annual Christmas parties as an unfortunate result, which is really sad because most of them I get along with just fine–it’s the immediate siblings that the rift is the widest.

In the spirit of F.M. with his video, here’s one with somewhat of a similar theme:

Is This “Climbing Up To The Moon?”
Or Is It Bailing Out Too Soon?
I Hope We Didn’t Wait Too Long.
All That I Wanted To Say – Words Only Got In The Way.
But Then I Found Another Way To Communicate.
Is This “Climbing Up To The Moon?”
Or Is It Fadin Out Too Soon??
I Know We Didn’t, I Know We Didn’t Wait Too Long –
Cause Anytime’s A Good Time To Move On.
Things I Could Say To Myself – I Could Never Say To Anyone Else.
But What Madonna Said Really Helped –
She Said: “Boy – You Better Learn To Express Yourself!”
I Know We Didn’t, I Know We Didn’t Wait Too Long.
Cause Anytime’s A Good Time To Move On.

November 30, 2016 6:11 pm

The gulf between the urban and rural/small town in this nation is gigantic. Also, the rural people don’t try to tell the urbanites how to live, but the urbanites just love telling the rural folk how they should live. Of course, our “Constitution” as written was well aware of this (amazing) but has been so abused that there aren’t really any protections, other than distance, in place for rural/small town america.

November 30, 2016 6:15 pm

FM–When I lived in Seattle, I observed with dismay, British Columbia, becoming more socialist every year. I never really understood what it was with Canadians. Perhaps they were infected like many others with the idea that something for free was really FREE! That is the immorality of Socialist thought. The lie behind Socialist thought. Of course, it isn’t. Someone always pays.

The Socialist promise of FREE to be accepted requires one to relinquish rational thought to maintain a sense of being a moral person. In their mistaken understanding of what moral means, Socialists elevates theft to a moral imperative. Creating justification for their thoughts and actions where none exists.

I read a good column by Aaron Clarey, the title of which is “Simplifying Marxism”. It was a good short read. I have thought of writing a book called “Marxism for Dummies”. It would be only one page and it would explain all you ever needed to know about Socialism. Aaron said it perfectly and would be the one sentence of text you read after you turn the title page. It would say–

“Marxism is–‘”It’s an excuse for lazy fucks to steal your shit so they don’t have to work.'”

That sentence sums it up perfectly. What Bernie Sanders is and what every Progressive Liberal that has ever come down the “Pike” is.

Read Aaron’s insights here.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 30, 2016 8:45 pm

Good essay. I reposted it on SLL.

  Francis Marion
December 1, 2016 1:05 am

50 seconds on TBP. https://youtu.be/9jxd4474GsU

December 1, 2016 3:22 am

I LOVE that video! Makes me smile and laugh every time. Go Monkeys!

December 1, 2016 9:29 am

States and provinces have become anachronisms, and there’s been talk, here in the States, about “nations” on the U.S./Canadian land mass defined by race, gender and the criteria of identity politics. There’s still great prejudice against the American South and, in consequence, any talk of secession except that now this kind of talk is coming from the other side: California and here in Massachusetts.

BTW, Western Mass. has had an on and off tradition of wanting out of our Metro-Boston dominated Commonwealth with the hope of hooking up with Vermont except that Vermont, perhaps wisely, doesn’t want us.

Paul Bonneau
Paul Bonneau
December 1, 2016 10:43 am

Secession is one way, but there may be an easier and more complete one: Panarchy.


Panarchy is not a political philosophy, but only a mechanism that makes it possible for different political philosophies to co-exist. The idea of religious tolerance, that appeared a couple hundred years ago, is an example of Panarchy.

I’m still a fan of secession however, even if Panarchy tends to relieve the pressures that lead to secession.

December 1, 2016 11:02 am

News flash, it’s not just the “blue” areas that are the problem, it’s the whole country. Liberals want government to be in control but most conservatives feel the same way, they just want a different form of control. How many of you liberty-loving conservatives get off when our military bombs the crap out of another country (that never did a thing to us)? Oh, don’t blame the servicemen, blame the government. Sorry folks, it isn’t the government killing people, it’s the same people that you slavishly thank for their “service”. How about police? Another group that fake conservatives adore. Why, they don’t stop crime? Today’s cops are angry, steroid infused, shaved-headed thugs. But conservatives just love them to pieces. This is the problem people, neither conservatives nor liberals have any understanding of liberty or what it means. Liberty is freedom that is limited by the rights of others, period. Liberals don’t like liberty because they are weak and want their daddy Uncle Sam to take care of them. Conservatives give lip service to liberty but want to ban anything that pisses them off (drugs, prostitution, black people, muslims, etc). So if you conservatives want to be a part of the solution stop being so ignorant to what liberty is and why our forefathers fought and died to protect it. It most certainly is not a massive military traveling the world and killing people and it isn’t paranoid, militarist police treating every infraction like it was mass murder. And liberty is most certainly not nationalist or patriotism (those are tools of the state). Liberty is not defined by politicians like Trump or Clinton (they are completely ignorant of liberty). Liberty is standing up for another’s rights no matter how much you dislike the person or their exercise of those rights.

Jay Sherman I'll only worry when I start seeing mimes!
Jay Sherman I'll only worry when I start seeing mimes!
December 1, 2016 11:26 am

I lived the first 39 years of my life in the New York City area. It was horrible! The people (all lefty-loonies), the environs (noise-filled concrete jungles which exist to accomodate traffic more than people), the tyranny (every aspect of life is regulated and taxed), and that is what you get, for living in one of the most expensive places in the country!

15 years ago I moved 1000 miles away, to “flyover country”, and life is now good! My neighbors are sane decent people, and I have 28 acres, and can do what I want. Half the problems in the world today exist because people live too close together.

The local economy here, number-wise, would be poked fun at by New Yorkers, but when you consider it in it’s own context, it is actually MUCH healthier than that of NY, because the cost of living is a fraction of what it is in NY, and the little guy (like myself) can still afford land (cheap to buy, and not taxed and regulated to death); The little guy can still start a small business here- and those businesses thrive; and one can have a quality of life unattainable to even the rich in places like NY.

I have nothing in common with my former NY neighbors. I have not set foot back there since moving 15 years ago. And now with the most recent election, it has really hammered-home the point: What do we even need a Federal government for? They take our money, and the best we can hope for is that the person who will do the least harm will get elected (and thank goodness he did, this time)- and at worst, someone who is our philosophical and literal enemy will get elected and do a lot of harm. Why must people in New York and California often determine how we are ruled?

Aren’t state governments more than enough? Look what happened to Europe when they tried to unite their various country-states under a single government! This is one reason why I do not vote. I do not want to vote for A or B to head a Federal government; I want to vote for an option which is never on the ballot: None Of The Above – Abolish The Office!

It might not have been so bad, had the Federal gov’t been constrained to reside within the narrow scope of powers which it was authorized to have dominion over by our Constitution, but it ceased staying within those bounds well over 100 years ago. Every state should secede. (Maybe it would have been better if Hillary had won, then that reality would have become more likely- but now that the better candidate won, half of the people will go back to sleep, and most of the states won’t care, as long as he doesn’t negatively impact their finances).

The only thing having a Federal government is accomplishing, is a false dichotomy between two sides, and nothing positive ever gets accomplished, but regardless of who is in, the illicit wars, surveillance, taxes, regulation, debt, etc. continue unabated. Enough already! (And the few legitimate things which a Federal gov’t should be doing, like defending our borders, they DON’T do!)

Brad Smith
Brad Smith
December 1, 2016 6:35 pm

Another great reason for the split to happen now, is that right now, they actually want to leave. The second they get back in power they will not want to leave and they will not want us to leave either. Why? Because their ultimate goal is power. If they get back in charge they will demand we stay so they can wield the hammer and they will too. Most if not all liberty minded people couldn’t care less what they do with their part of world. Let them turn it into any damn thing they please.

The only chance of a peaceful succession is when We are in power. We would gladly see them gone, there is no way that they would do the same for us unless they are worried that we have the hammer and plan to use it. And right now they are freaking out big time wondering when that hammer will fall. It would come as a relief to many of them to know that we would prefer to not use it and simply let them go on their own way.

The tricky part is getting them to believe they came up with the idea on their own, if they think we actually want them gone they will fight it. “liberals” if anything are the constant contrarians. Let them think we are demanding they stay and they will vote to leave.

December 1, 2016 7:10 pm

100. Gettin it done, Francis

December 1, 2016 7:15 pm

Lew Rockwell posted this article today. Lots of views.

December 1, 2016 10:05 pm

Yes he did. That’s how I found this article.

December 1, 2016 10:42 pm

But of course there are no CLEAR dividing lines geographically. I live across the street from raving Progressive liberals, and quite frankly I find the republican party to be nearly as horrible as the democrats (in the US). There is no longer any respect for freedom, liberty, private property rights, self-ownership, sound money, sound foreign policy, or anything that the US was founded on. So believing that there are 2 countries only works once you realize that there is one that still believes in freedom and liberty and then there is one that continues to vote for republicans, democrats, greens, and the rest of the non-libertarian folks who find big government and big government power perfectly acceptable. If we are breaking things up, let’s not stop at 2 countries, lets go for 322,750,000+ sovereign nations each inhabited by 1 person. Anything less will involve the victimization of one by another as we have today. It was not supposed to be that way. The Constitution was supposed to protect against that, but clearly a piece of paper is not going to keep the majority from victimizing the minority so clearly the experiment has been an abject failure (when it comes to freedom and liberty). Begin the breakup before we begin the civil war…indeed.

December 2, 2016 10:12 am

#AmExit the only path to peace between a violent authoritarian dominated left and the limited government free speech protecting right.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Diane Ryan
Diane Ryan
December 2, 2016 1:52 pm

Amen Mr. Marion. At some point, if you can’t change the people you’re with, you need to change the people you’re with.

Since the McCain/Obama NDAA was signed on New Years Eve 2011, I’ve said, ‘We need a divorce’. But it is much worse now. The Blue Cities are gangrenous. It is triage time. We need new Republic(s).

I like Texas north to the Redoubt. How about you throwing in Alberta and BC?

December 2, 2016 7:54 pm

“And as time goes on we are beginning to see just how deep those geographical and cultural divisions truly are. Makes you sort of wonder: Why are we fighting it? Maybe, like a marriage gone sideways, it’s time to admit that we’d be better off living separately than together. Maybe it’s time to say farewell?”

I don’t think the Establishment and the Left in particular would ever agree to ‘going our separate ways’. Their system doesn’t work without the ability to siphon wealth from the productive. And when you consider a subject like Agenda21 or what is now termed ‘Agenda2030’, they have it in their plans to force the productive off the land and into their dystopian ‘mega-cities’ complete with universal surveillance and the ‘internet-of-things’. I think this thing will come to a head at some point however, because any attempt to force independent-minded people out of rural areas and into cities would be met with some kind of resistance. What the nature of that resistance would be, I don’t know. But maybe the system collapses before we reach that point?


December 3, 2016 11:53 am

Anyone who treats you like that is not, and has never been, a friend. They will trash you and back stab you. Drop them like hot rocks. Better no friends at all than liberal assholes posing as friends.