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December 10, 2016 7:16 am

The “mike drop” at the end of Obama’s little speech on a comedy show denigrates the office….AGAIN.

December 10, 2016 7:24 am

Trump is not president yet.

Until I see him sworn in… I don’t take these people or these comments lightly. I see these comments and I see Overt Threats being said. They are in an eternal fight for their survival and they know it but we as whole don’t understand that… yet.

I think they would be willing to burn the house down before they concede. They have done it throughout history thousands upon thousands of times from local jurisdictions to entire empires and religions.

But maybe this time…. maybe… the evidence trail and global awareness due to the internet is enough to halt it. Maybe.

December 10, 2016 9:19 am

I’m with you, I’ll believe Obama’s gone and Trump in when I see it happen.

Till then I’ll remain as strong and vigilant as I can be and encourage everyone else to be the same.

December 10, 2016 10:25 am


December 10, 2016 8:57 am

With the president demanding a full investigation, the CIA reports, and now fake news reporting that the Russians hacked into “our democracy” and Putin stole the White House for Trump………

He may not be the next president.

I think a Shit Storm is a brewin.

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 10, 2016 9:22 am

Any government “investigation” that was done before inauguration day would be obviously phony.

The government at its best would take more than 60 days or so just to get any investigation organized, much less completed.

December 10, 2016 10:07 am

Tell that to the sheep.

December 10, 2016 11:16 am

Girls, girls, girls, let’s all unknot our panties here. Every one of these people knew that donny boy was going to be pres when they made these comments. (OK maybe not Clooney – he might not have been in the loop.) They knew that their job was to make these comments. Hillary knew that her job was to lose. She set up her loss many years ago when she put what she knew was an illegal server in her house. The State Dept knew that it was illegal, the CIA knew it was illegal, the NSA knew it was illegal. Everybody knew it was illegal so the only reason to do it was so it could be used to make her look bad when she ran against old donny boy, the designated winner.

If you think that these people are swamp dwelling slime then you have to assume that they are all swamp dwelling slime and that anyone who wants to go swim in the swamp is swamp dwelling slime too. No swamp dwelling slime is ever going to drain the swamp.

Take a look at when trump took out the permits on the Trump International on Pennsylvania Ave. That’s when he knew that he was the designated winner in 2016.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 10, 2016 11:33 am


I think you are at least partially right but I am not so sure that the Hildebeast knew she would lose. I think there is a coup going on at the highest levels of the globalist cabal. It appears some weren’t invited to the party and they are not happy about it. The cannibals are doing what they do best – except this time they are feeding on one another. In this sense the period between now and the inauguration are tense times. Angry old fading oligarchs can be dangerous. Particularly when they feel they have been betrayed.

  Francis Marion
December 10, 2016 12:25 pm

I doubt she knew either, I think she actually believed the vote fraud the left had planned would be enough to win.

The left underestimated their enemy and lost, but let’s not make the same mistake as them before Trump in in office lest we end up being final losers.

Or after he is President if he makes it, I don’t doubt they -all of them from politicians to financial powers to Hollywood and everything in between- will do anything and everything they can to defeat everything he is trying to accomplish.

Vigilance and effort, vigilance and effort.

December 10, 2016 11:37 am

FM, I hope your right but I don’t think it will work out that trump will be any different from the rest. He is the ultimate insider. He paid them all to play their game.

December 10, 2016 11:52 am

I’m gonna have a hard time explaining this idea… will see if I can do it simply.

Did you ever read the Hidden Hand interview?

(Note: if you get hung up on specific ‘predictions’ being ‘wrong’ let me know… it is easy to explain)

I’m starting to be convinced that “They” are ready to go. “They” are deliberately forming a VERY VERY clear boundary. Those who continue to side with “Them” when it’s time to go will be taken with “Them” as pets. Because that really is all they are… human pets.

What do you honestly think Trump could “pay” them with. He doesn’t have that much money relative to “Them”… and there is nothing to indicate he is involved in the trafficking of young blood.

It looks like we’re getting close to the revelation of what exactly is being said via “Exitus Acta Probat” (the end justifies the means)

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
December 10, 2016 12:57 pm

I kind of like crows. Noisy birds, they are, but a nice part of nature.

So it is sad that so many will be served as dinner to these fools.

December 10, 2016 2:28 pm

So explain to me how that is “trolling”.

You a leftist that wants the right to go to sleep while you pull off something dirty to get rid of Trump?

That’s what I’m warning about, ya’ know.

Muck About
Muck About
December 10, 2016 3:47 pm

All the comments or “Trump is likely not be President” and all the other noise on this thread just shows how many people just don’t understand.

This political fiasco is just another step along the ever shortening steps toward the down slopes of our current Fourth Turning and all the fun and games that will accompany it.

Just that simple. Sit back and enjoy the ride..


  Muck About
December 10, 2016 4:02 pm

I don’t think anyone is saying Trump is not likely to be president, but I’m saying the leftists are going to try anything and everything from Electoral College coercion to violence to prevent it and may be successful if we don’t stay on our toes to prevent it.

In fact, they’ve already started and most people don’t seem to be taking it as a serious threat.

No one is going to have the option of just sitting back and watching without being affected themselves.

  Muck About
December 10, 2016 7:14 pm

— “Sit back and enjoy the ride.”


Close your eyes baby… it’ll be alright… just a little pressure… shhh… don’t scream… nonono… you’ll get used to it… shhh… (sound of duct tape)… that’s it… shhh… that’s it… yeah… now you see… now you’re ready… shhh… one day you will be as smart as me… shhh…

— “This political fiasco is just another step along the ever shortening steps toward the down slopes of our current Fourth Turning and all the fun and games that will accompany it.”


Or maybe global awareness is a unique moment in recorded history.

We’ll see.