Persuasion and ISIS

Guest Post by Scott Adams

Experts say ISIS can’t be beaten by military means alone. You have to get to the “deep” causes. Here are two experts saying just that, including a former head of the CIA. The problem is that observers seem to have different ideas of what is at the root of it all.

According to the article, many people believe the underlying problem is “chaos, poor governance, and poverty.” But that framing does a poor job of explaining why – as the article claims – Arab countries are 5% of the population of the world but produce 50% of the terror acts. Why are the other places with the same poor conditions NOT becoming terrorists at the same rate?

Former CIA director Hayden says the fight has to be on “ideological” grounds, the way communism was eventually defeated. He refers to that as the “deep fight” and points out that Westerners have no credibility in the ideological framing of either Islamic beliefs or terrorist beliefs. We can’t influence them from the inside where it matters because we’re not on the inside.


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If you have been reading my blog for the past year, allow me to translate what I just said into persuasion language. What the former head of the CIA is saying is that we don’t have the opportunity for “pacing and leading” the terrorists because we are too different from the start. To influence people at the “deep” level it helps to first become like them, to build trust and credibility. Later perhaps you can lead them to a better place, once they recognize you as one of their own.

That’s what Nixon did when he went to China. First he paced Americans who were distrustful of China until he was just like them. Then he visited China – a big deal at the time – and led Americans to his position of friendly relations.

Likewise, Trump paced the most hardcore Republican base in the primaries before leading them to moderation on immigration, Obamacare repeal, waterboarding, and more. Same persuasion method as Nixon.

But we have no pacing and leading strategy for ISIS because there is no way for non-terrorists to act just like terrorists before leading them somewhere better. That path is closed off. We need a different type of persuasion.

So what would Trump, the Master Persuader, do in a situation in which pacing and leading are not available as tools? I think he would look to the physical environment for his persuasion. He would look to manipulate the physical situation around ISIS like it was the user interface to their brains. The tell for this brand of persuasion is that there would be major physical activity in ISIS territory that was not specifically military. Look for the Master Persuader to change something large and physical in their environment that they can’t ignore. That’s the persuasion play in disguise.

And guess what? Trump has been telling you his persuasion play against ISIS for over a year. You didn’t recognize it because it is disguised as something else.

And guess what else? I have been describing that same persuasion play against ISIS to you for over two years. Based on the comments in my blog at the time, you found my suggestions to be unrealistic and simplistic. But the context has changed. You watched me predict the outcome of the election using the Persuasion Filter, getting it right while the experts got it wrong. Now my crazy ideas from the past have a new life because you have to ask yourself if any other ridiculous things I have blogged about might also be correct. This is one of those cases.

I called my idea for a persuasion play against ISIS a “filter fence.” Trump calls his persuasion play “safe zones.” Same thing.

The reason you don’t recognize Trump’s plan as persuasion is that he’s disguised it as humanitarian assistance to the innocent. That’s how you start. But once the safe zones are up and running, the persuasion begins.

Safe zones would be a big deal to the psychology of the region. It would give hope to the innocent. It would give ISIS a new thing to worry about. It would be large and physical and influence lots of things around it. But most of all – and this is the important part – it creates a mental categorization that has in one bucket the people who are in the safe zone and in the other bucket the people who are not. And the people inside will probably mostly be women and children – also known as the future of ISIS.

The long term persuasion play is to slowly drain ISIS of any illusion that someday they will be happily making love to their multiple wives while their many children are studying the holy scriptures. You ruin that illusion by putting the women and children from ISIS territory in the safe zone, unavailable to the adult men of ISIS now or later. Once ISIS has been reduced to nothing but horny, angry men with no biological future, they will turn on each other because all of that energy has to go somewhere. Here I’m assuming the border countries have their own walls to keep ISIS in. That’s happening as we speak.

Humans are biological entities before they are mental entities. Our biology influences our minds. And our most important biological imperative is to reproduce. When ISIS sees their biological future escaping to safe zones it will leave them with nothing. Their caliphate will become a jail.

Once you have the safe zones up and running then you also have to do something about the drug that ISIS gives their fighters. It’s called Captagon, or in some cases it might be meth by another name. Apparently that’s the secret ingredient to their violent ways. The persuasion play in this case is to create mountains of counterfeit Captagon pills with either too-weak, too-strong, or different chemistry. You want ISIS to no longer trust their drug sources. That will get in their heads too.

And that’s how you beat ISIS with persuasion.

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kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
December 16, 2016 1:49 pm

I prefer killing as many as possible but for longer term effects, do no allow any Mosques in any civilized area. Reduce current Mosques to rubble. Islam is NOT a religion in the normal understanding of the word.

The Mosques are the heart of terrorist Islam.

December 16, 2016 3:08 pm

safe zone? your kidding us, right Scott? would this be like a safe space, on a college campus,
or perhaps, on no fly zone?

hmm, who else wanted a no fly zone, and creating safe spaces for useful idiots?

Go back to inking comic strips, Scott.

As an arm chair general I would maybe try actually killing these bastards while they were leaving Mosul, on there way to Palmyra when they were all out in the open, driving their Toyota’s provided by SA and Qatar.

Oh, that’s right, we provided them with mpads and can no longer risk aircraft against our team – rogue one/rebels/the farsi is with them.

Scott does not address the current situation in Syria using logic, he uses persuasion, which is like mother milk for people with uninformed brains

December 16, 2016 6:37 pm

Never forget Scott is ultimately a liberal.

December 16, 2016 4:20 pm

There was no arab terrorism to speak of prior to the six day war, after which the US started arming the zionist regime to the teeth. There was little arab terrorism between the six day war and the yom kippur war when only massive airlifts of armaments saved the zionist regime from certain defeat at the hands of the Egyptians. See a pattern here?

Once upon a time the arabs put their faith in the British to help free them from the nasty Turks only to see their dreams of independence crushed after the Versailles Treaty, with the added insult of the Balfour Agreement which illegally declared a Jewish state in Palestine. Then the arabs pinned their hopes on secular arab nationalists such as Nasser, Assad, Hussein, Sadat and Khadafy but these dreams were gradually crushed beginning with the German defeat in WW2 and culminating with Khadafy being anally raped with a knife. Likewise just as gradually the arabs turned to Islam to save them from foreign devils.

As for ISIS, could it be merely coincidence that it began shortly after the “surge” in Iraq, where the US allied with the shias against the sunnis and drove the latter out of power altogether? Is it coincidence that afterward the sunnis then went to Syria to regroup and then stormed back into Iraq with a vengeance (literally) under the black flag of ISIS?

Scott Adams is grasping at straws on this one, but then he couldn’t possibly connect the dots that leads to the real statement of the problem without being labeled an anti-semite.

Thankfully you have me around who doesn’t give a fuck to set things straight.

You’re welcome.

Joseph Constable
Joseph Constable
December 16, 2016 7:14 pm

The present of Jews doesn’t explain the degree of hatred of Arabs or the narrow mindedness of Islam. Besides, what are you going to do, expel them? Who is going to expel them? Our friends the Iranians? If the hatred could dissipate the Palestinians would find opportunity for their future in the economic engine of Israel.

December 17, 2016 1:12 am

There was no arab terrorism to speak of prior to the six day war

This is preposterous, The history of islam is one of endless terrorism and murder, essentially unbroken, from its inception until the present day.

December 16, 2016 7:24 pm

Joseph Constable says:
December 16, 2016 at 7:14 pm
The present of Jews doesn’t explain the degree of hatred of Arabs or the narrow mindedness of Islam. Besides, what are you going to do, expel them? Who is going to expel them? Our friends the Iranians? If the hatred could dissipate the Palestinians would find opportunity for their future in the economic engine of Israel.

Well since you brought it up, the official position of the Iranian government as to Israel/Palestine is that there should be a country-wide referendum which of course includes all occupied areas (and dispora palestinians) as to what kind of country it should be. Of course since under such rules Palestinians would outnumber Israeli Jews, the expected result would likely mean the end of a Jewish state in Palestine.

This should be US policy as well.

December 16, 2016 9:20 pm

What about the impressions the Muslims had on Winston Churchill?Thomas Jefferson?
Did we cause our Muslim problems then?

December 16, 2016 11:51 pm

Very good question. I hope someone answers this.

December 16, 2016 9:26 pm

To defeat ISIS, stop supplying them.

December 16, 2016 10:42 pm

TampaRed says:
December 16, 2016 at 9:20 pm
What about the impressions the Muslims had on Winston Churchill?Thomas Jefferson?
Did we cause our Muslim problems then?
From what I have read of Jefferson he held Mohammedans in high esteem. His problem were with certain pirates along the Tunisian (Barbary) coast that preyed on American (as well as any other) merchant shipping. If I remember correctly, they left the shipping of nations who paid protection money alone. Jefferson didn’t want to pay. I don’t believe religion had anything to do with it, except maybe for the pirates.

December 17, 2016 11:14 am

I’m not going to take time looking up the exact words of either Churchill or Jefferson but both were opposed to Islam.
I wonder if the following story could have anything to do with it.I did not go looking for this.It was on the news feed that is on the screen beside my sign in grid.

Five girls killed in Pakistan for dancing–