Phished Emails, Child Molesters and the Power of the Suffix

During the month of October 2016, I subjected myself to more hours of television news than I had over the previous five years in total. Mostly I wanted to know what the self-appointed keepers of the world were selling to the masses. What kept me tuning in to the slow motion train wreck was the sheer stupidity of their plan. I now find it hilarious (though not enough to sit and watch) that so many have doubled down on their contrived fear of a real estate developer and his Ian Fleming inspired plan for world domination. A bold scheme complete with an evil Russian villain, rogue FBI agents and a first lady that would give any Bond girl to date a run for her money.

If Trump was actually handed this election from Russia with love, I wonder how long before the news peddlers, celebrities and technology gurus admit how grossly they all underestimated Donald Trump? Previous to the election they portrayed an image of a man who was unfit to lead and hindered by his inflated ego. A man completely incapable of working with others thereby unable to accomplish anything. They are so caught up in their own narrative that they can’t comprehend that it would be an acknowledgement President Elect Trump is a master tactician and he is dozens of steps ahead of them. As of now, only the dimmest of wits are still buying what the network news companies and their minions are selling. It has been truly enjoyable to witness Hillary’s ethical black hole pull the credibility of the network news machine right across the event horizon, never to be seen again.


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I weened myself from television based propaganda during the few weeks after the November 8th election and I don’t miss it at all. I haven’t watched more than three consecutive seconds of television news in over three weeks now and I feel a strange relief. Something about being treated like an idiot was really wearing on me. It felt so liberating to ignore the talking heads that I decided to scale back my daily online news reading as well.

Not many headlines successfully capture my attention these days anyway. Clickbait is easy enough to spot and avoid. I don’t understand technical articles regarding finance enough to bother reading them. Reading articles speculating about President Elect Trump’s future actions by people who have been spectacularly wrong in their predictions to date strikes me as a waste of time. If I see a celebrity’s name in an article’s title I know it isn’t worth reading. Discussing the issue of climate change is as pointless as discussing how to stop plate tectonics so I don’t bother to read anything from either side of that debate.

One topic that I still see popping up is referred to as Pizza-gate. If you do not know to what this is referring I suggest you are better off. I can’t even bring myself to read up on the topic because it is so disgusting. Besides that, I wouldn’t put it past a forward thinking TLA (Three Letter Agency) to plant illegal pictures in false articles which could then be used against the demographic that might take issue with an organized child molesting club.

The Power of the Suffix

When a friend or family member tells me that they want to quit smoking cigarettes I always discourage them. Not because I own stock in tobacco companies or I enjoy watching the self-sabotage of loved ones but because I feel that they are using the wrong word. Quit.

We have been told our whole lives that winners never quit and quitters never win. Quitters are considered worthless pieces of shit and nobody likes a quitter. From the moment a resolution to quit smoking is adopted in a person’s brain they have committed to becoming a loser in order to be healthy. It is no great surprise that so many people fail to become successful quitters. Instead I support and encourage everyone to stop smoking or at the very least to cut back. After all, it says right there on the package that cigarettes will kill you so the fewer the better I say. To be honest I’m kind of a dick about it and I have found that casually informing a friend that they are the smartest person I know that still smokes usually snaps them to action.

Another word that I take issue with is Pedophile. Child lover. It seems straight from Orwelian newspeak however it apparently originated in the late 1800’s. I don’t have a problem with the whole word really, just the suffix –phile. There are definitely children involved but there is no love, just rape and abuse of people who are not equipped to defend themselves.

We use the term audiophile to describe individuals who possess an intense appreciation for the sound quality of the music they listen to. I have known a few audiophiles over the years and I can see their passion when I watch their ritual like approach to playing an album. They will spend five minutes taking the album out of it’s sleeve and cleaning it before the stylus arm ever comes off it’s rest (assuming of course that the tubes in the amp have already come up to temperature). Audiophiles have genuine respect for their albums and equipment. This seems like a more correct usage of –phile to me.

A francophile of course has a deep love for France. If the suffix -phile were to be used in the same manor as in the word pedophile I would suspect that the migrants in this video are Francophiles of the highest order.

One thing I am sure of is that if somebody cracked me over the head with a 2X4 and took my cash I would not consider them a nomismaphile. A money lover. Yet that is how we are supposed to perceive child molesters. They love abusing children so much that they can’t control themselves. Committing heinous crimes and permanently destroying innocent lives as if they are some kind of child rape connoisseur. We might as well call the town drunk an oenophile.

Another powerful suffix that I see as being used to influence our perspectives comes to us from President Richard Nixon by way of G. Gordon Liddy via the Watergate Hotel. For many years I have taken issue with the unofficial suffix –gate that is tacked onto any scandal involving US government employees or their affiliates. I believe that the suffix is used strategically to sway opinions in much the same way as the term “conspiracy theory”. Crimes get lumped together under the suffix and it takes the focus away from the seriousness of the offenses that were allegedly committed. Benghazi-gate doesn’t sound as serious as it would if it were constantly described as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s abandonment of US citizens resulting in the deaths of U.S Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone S Woods and Glen Doherty.

Whether the allegations are true or not, when we use the word Pizza-gate we are in essence putting child rape on par with the crime of breaking and entering.

The Children Need Action

I have been attempting to apply game theory type logic since before I knew that there was a term for it. While I am not very good at anticipating peoples future moves, I have definitely benefited by making the effort. One of the areas where I struggle with game theory is when my data gets based on what I would do if I was in my opponent’s position. While my actions were I in their shoes are a consideration, I believe that what they would do in their situation needs to factor far more heavily than what I would do. I cannot effectively process the future actions of my dog or a crackhead based on what I would do because I am neither dog nor crackhead. Likewise, I am not a child molester so I have no idea what a child molester would do if their true nature was exposed. One would initially suspect that the prospect of getting caught would bring a hiatus to their enterprise. However, I believe that these people have an addiction and they are not capable of ceasing their crimes . I also believe that this behavior has become so ingrained in them that they feel that it is normal and not something they need to make an effort to hide. One sign of their hubris is the artwork they proudly display. Consider yourself lucky that I did not include images of Podesta’s art collection. Some things you can’t un-see. Combine all that with their narcissistic tendencies and I suspect that the people involved believe they are above the law. So far nothing has happened to prove them wrong.

For a short time it was getting more difficult for the corporate news propagandists to ignore the stories that didn’t suit their bosses thanks to social media. I’m not sure what threats or promises were made but clearly the most popular search engines and social media corporations are now fully on board with all things globalist. Don’t believe that there is manipulation going on? Use Google to search the word “protester” then click images. Notice any ethnic groups that are unrepresented? Now do the word “criminal”.

Remember Ahmed Khan Rahami? The New York pressure cooker bomber. Well I believe that he was one of many FBI terror dupes. Borderline retards that are easily manipulated into ridiculous terror plots then arrested with much fanfare. Hooray, the FBI caught some idiot that wasn’t dangerous until he was provided with government assistance. I think Rahami went off script a tiny bit and his handlers lost control. After Rahami’s capture we were told that the authorities wanted to question him but he couldn’t speak because of damage done to his neck in the shootout during his arrest. I suppose he must have been interrogated by millennial FBI agents that have never heard of a pen and pad of paper.

The fact that all the major news peddlers went along with the story without question despite the complete lack of a visible neck injury tells me I am being lied to. They stalled just long enough so that we would be distracted by the next shiny thing and the story disappears.

By the way, the Orlando jihadi that shot up his favorite drinking hole used his wife as an admitted accomplice yet I haven’t seen any updates to the story that would explain how that investigation is going. Joseph Goebbles would be envious that I do not know her name yet I am well aware of Dylann Roof and his act of racist terrorism. In fact I just wanted to verify his name and this is all it took.

Corporate news outlets need to step up and at least discuss the content of the phished Podesta emails. Social media censorship of the topic should mean that the individuals who made the decision to censor should face charges as accomplices if the allegations prove to be true. More children are potentially being harmed every day. This story is not going away.

Even though I don’t use any social media and I generally don’t pay attention to celebrities, I still feel overexposed to their opinions. They all have something to say about right wing assholes, climate change and firearms. It sure would be nice if they spoke up on child molesting. I would think that by now The Burning Platform has more than a few A-list celebrities and plenty of B-list celebrities who read regularly and possibly even comment here. In fact I am pretty sure that both Randy Quaid and Gary Busey must be commenting under several different names. In all seriousness though, I hope all celebrities use their influence to help force a public discussion on this issue. I would like to throw one of the social progressives own catchphrases back at them and say “Be on the right side of history”.

I have no way to know for sure if the Podesta email chains in question are using poorly coded conversations to organize child molesting but I believe that even Chief Inspector Clouseau could figure out that they are not actually talking about pizza and handkerchiefs. The FBI needs to publicly acknowledge the related Podesta emails and announce an investigation into everyone involved in the email chains. Ignoring the issue makes them look complicit and the last thing the FBI needs right now is a loss of what little credibility they have left. It is also dangerous to delay. At least one person has decided to take action because there is no official investigation. Just start with the least powerful people involved in the email chains and offer immunity deals until somebody rolls over.

If the businesses and people involved are innocent of the accusations then they should be screaming the loudest for an official investigation which would clear their name. Maybe I missed it but has Podesta or anyone else accused in the child molesting ring done anything to address these accusations or even acknowledge them? These questions need to be shouted at them every time they are in public until they actually sit down for interviews and explain exactly what the cloaked conversations are really discussing. And it better be plausible. Then we can move on and maybe a few years down the road I can enjoy a pizza again.

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December 16, 2016 7:27 am

Well thought out article, but you fail to understand the power and necessity of memetic warfare.

Pizzagate is successful specifically because it creates a “silly sounding” doorway for people to enter and become aware of the NOT safe problem being pointed to. Every attempt to bring attention to the abuse and trafficking prior to Pizzagate has failed spectacularly specifically because of this sort of thinking…

— “If you do not know to what this is referring I suggest you are better off.”

NO. Nobody is better off not knowing the moon that Pizzagate is pointing to. Everyone needs to take a hard look at it and Pizzagate is the first time normal well intentioned people like you have spent long enough looking to realize there is a legitimate problem.

December 17, 2016 8:46 pm

I disagree with you only in terms of why pizzagate is succeeding where others didn’t.

Every other incident in the past has been easy to relegate to “Somebody Else’s Problem”

Last week at work someone posted a comment that “Pizzagate stops being funny when it starts affecting my pizza” and posted a link to a local pizza shop we all at the company enjoy who has been getting phone calls about their logos, etc. I told him that pizzagate was never funny, and I’m glad he’s finally giving a damn about the subject.

Pizzagate is making it *everyone’s* problem because pizza is universal. Catholicism… despite the real meaning of the word… isn’t universal. The Franklin case isn’t universal. The life of hollywood child actors isn’t universal.

But pizza… when you start making pizza controversial that becomes everyone’s problem.

Take care and I enjoy reading your well thought through posts.

Count Zero
Count Zero
December 16, 2016 8:48 am

Mesomorph you echoed what I’d been musing about, but had not as yet put into any kind of coherent thought. Well done, sir.

To help answer one of your questions, that of why the Podesta brothers have remained totally silent about the subject of accusations of their potential child molestation let me point out the following: that is the damage control ploy of choice for accused evil-doers, say nothing in hopes that the news cycle will pass by and an easily forgetful public will simply go onto the next shining bauble offered by a compliant mainstream media. But in this case it hasn’t worked, thanks to the ongoing drumbeat of “fake news” sources that continue to hammer away at the story.

And by the way, what is being called “fake news” is, for the most part, simply a different point of view.

December 16, 2016 9:13 am

Pedophile: One who is attracted to children.
Pederast: One who acts on his/her attraction to children.
Polite way of saying child molester.
At first glance the words appear to have Greek or Greco/Roman roots. They probably have Babylonian and Sumerian roots.
As with all of what is today considered to be deviant behavior, this seems to have been with us since dirt.
As with all civilislations in decline, these behaviors “come out”, become acceptable and end up widely practiced. (Think Sodom and Gomorrah.)

December 16, 2016 6:29 pm

The left is correct when they say that a person can’t help who they are attracted to.

Where they jumped the shark is when they started to promote normalization of acting on attraction outside of the family unit. Civilization can endure an underground of “alternative behavior”. It can not endure equating orgasm desire with love forged through mutual effort and eternal commitment.

I feel cheated having been raised in this environment. But perhaps my role is to help rage against the machine in order to sow the fields for the next generation. Perhaps I am part of the destroyer… but the “good” part. Either way… I was not raised to build a family… it seems more and more I was raised to help destroy the left.

December 16, 2016 9:47 am

Excellent perspectives and a very enjoyable read. Thanks Meso.

Also – when referring to the bias of online searches, I am amazed at how much information is being scrubbed from the net currently (in comparison to just a few years ago) as well as how fast the so called “fact-checker” websites are currently responding to truth flare-ups on the web in order to spin them back to narratives inline with the globalist’s agenda.

Google searches are completely biased and even if one uses other search engines like Ixquick (which used to bypass Google algorithms) you will now find Snopes and Politifact narratives ranked as the top listings. This was not the case a few years ago.

In my experience, whenever I arranged to optimize a website to increase SEO rankings it would take days or weeks for the measures to propagate on the web. But the factcheckers don’t seem to have this delay.

For example, within hours (if not minutes) of Trump’s “Russia” Tweet yesterday, the search engines were ranking Politifact’s damage control / response at top of the page. (See link below).

Indeed. It is becoming downright Orwellian:

December 17, 2016 11:03 am

I believe it is collusion between Google and those behind the factchecker sites.

Years ago, on another forum, I wrote something about Obamacare and someone else used Snopes in an attempt to discredit my argument. It was the first time I ever heard of Snopes and, at that time, I researched them and discovered ties to liberal organizations.

Maybe it is time to do a piece about factchecking the factcheckers.

December 16, 2016 9:52 am

We are making excellent progress here,
we used to be afraid of the folks who screw goats in caves, thousands of mile away, and blame them for all the worlds tragedy.

now we are blaming politicians, and their “advisors”

that is evolution, from primitive evil, to advanced evil

December 16, 2016 4:57 pm

The elites have made it a crime to even investigate anything associated with this subject. Look what happened to Pete Townsend.

December 16, 2016 6:24 pm

Illegal has always ultimately stood for “threatening to someone with the will to hurt you”.

December 16, 2016 9:59 pm

Neat article. I rather like the creative ways in which the english language is used but then I’m smart enough to realize that is also creatively used to manipulate and herd us.

“We have been told our whole lives that winners never quit and quitters never win. Quitters are considered worthless pieces of shit and nobody likes a quitter.”

I saw a little kid one day in a grocery store wearing an oversized black t-shirt that said “Rehab is for quitters.” Given that a little kid was wearing had me laughing out loud while also marveling over the dichotomy of rehab and quitting.

“To be honest I’m kind of a dick about it and I have found that casually informing a friend that they are the smartest person I know that still smokes usually snaps them to action.”

That is what you call “diplomacy”. I worked for an old guy that had a sign in his business that said “Diplomacy: The ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a nice way that they look forward to the trip.” “Killing them with kindness” is another one I like.

Love is love.
Love is love.
November 27, 2021 10:11 pm

When I was a toddler, I had a cousin who would molest me in the bath. I thought it was a fun game; so much so, that I’d strip naked from the waist down and run into the room every time she came over. As you might imagine, this appalled my parents. 😉

Kids can be made to consent.