Satanic Elite

Guest Post by Norman Franklin

As one looks around at the world today, what seems to reign supreme is the ever increasing amount of chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. There is also a global sort of awakening which is manifesting itself in anger towards authority. This rising of human understanding has yet to form any cohesive unifying principle. It seems as if a sort of race exists between the satanic elite that wish to extinguish the pilot light which is the soul of humanity, and people of this planet awakening from their somnambulant stupor to assume their rightful place as the star seed of this universe. The year 2017 seems set to take its rightful place as an historic turning point in human history.

For as long as I can remember the 1000 or so soulless demons that comprise the satanic elite have been performing a sort of magic show/mass deception on a mostly unaware mankind. This perpetual slight of hand has only been possible with the help of the one-percent that carry the water for the satanic elite. These bucket carriers are the smiling faces in the media, politics, banking, insurance, medical, and other corporate related industries which there are too many to mention here. Apparently it now seems that the one-percent is no longer happy controlling 93-95 percent of all the wealth. They now want it all, 99.9 percent.


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At the same time as the elite see the culmination of their trans-generational dream of one world government, with all control vested in the money power that is owned by less than a dozen families, the sleeping mass of humanity is slowly waking to the fact that we are free if we so chose to be. And that we are entitled by the laws of nature and natures god to certain unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And that according to the laws of the universe we as awakened individuals are compelled to resist such laws that do not emanate from the wellspring of the divine ruler of the universe, and that resistance to such tyranny is obedience to god. As Hayduke would say, ‘resist much obey little.’

Apparently as of late these praetorian guards for the satanic elite are in a state of panic, or at least it would seem so. These ghouls are unhappy that we the people no longer have much interest in anything they have to say on almost any subject one can think of. Most of what these f***tards have to say falls on deaf ears. To be fair to f***tards everywhere, there still exists a large number of individuals that are still fascinated by their shiny electrical baubles.

These land-whales, snowflakes, clovers and other social justice types will cull themselves when the great reset comes to town. At some point in this downward spiral, these shiny happy perfect people might realize that something is very wrong, maybe when they can no longer swipe through all their pictures, like little children with an electric etch-a-sketch, or perhaps when no one cares any longer what they had for breakfast, or the organic smoothie they just consumed after their latest adventure at the gym or the mall.

The country is now irredeemably divided, with at least a third of the country acting like cry-babies who expect government to fix everything when in reality government has become so incurably corrupt it can fix next to nothing. What government tries to fix costs more, takes longer, and generally is of less quality than if the private sector had done it. A generation of participation trophies given for just showing up, coupled with an edu-ma-ka-shen system designed to dim all of the brightest bulbs has nearly achieved its goal of reaching peak civilization.

This group will have the most difficult time adapting to the coming shift. Many in this group have very few practical skills, or usefulness. The younger ones among them may have the ability to adapt if they are able to embrace new ideas, evolve, and quickly develop new skill sets. The loudest and most vociferous of the cry-babies will go down like howler monkeys in Johannesburg, flinging there offal at everything and everyone around them. Try to give this subset of cry-babies a wide birth, They will be easy to recognize as they will be the ones pounding their chests and breaking/burning everything around them.

This groups’ vision for our once great country goes something along the lines of a nation of children with the biggest thumb sucker as its queen. Maybe thumb sucker is not quite right, as their skanky queen made a promise to the 20 million or so cuckolded pajama boys to vote for Hillary. So get busy Madonna, where does the line start? Since your orifice is already fully occupied, you should have very little spare time for all your vile abominations. [Some back of the envelope math….. Let’s see… 3 minutes per Lewinsky, working 20 hours a day, 6 days a week, let’s just round it to 300 days a year……so….we shouldn’t hear from you for about 46 years.] So pay or quit biotch.

The next third of the country are the deplorables, or the bitter clingers as the cry-babies and their nanny’s in the media would call them. These so-called deplorables are coming to the end of their rope with many of them coming to the realization that the American dream is a lie and a fraud put forth by the one-percent in order to keep their privileged position. For more than two decades now the angry haters have been told to sit down, shut up and get to the back of the bus even though it was their labor that paid for the fuel, the tires, and the maintenance on the bus.

It was their grandparents who built the bus, and, it was also their sons and daughters that have paid in blood for the oil in the engine. Many deplorables are now so filled with rage at the political system’s unwillingness to address even their smallest concerns that if this goes on for much longer it will probably result in a splintering of the country with much retribution and bloodshed. Many of these deplorables gave up on the system years ago and are now rooting for an epic collapse. Even though some suffer from a cognitive dissonance that fails to let them realize that this business will get out of hand.

There is no telling what twists and turns this ride may take or where it will ultimately end. Some of them have been beaten down for so long that they don’t really give a shit if the whole thing swirls down the drain as long as some form, any form, of justice is served on those they think are responsible for our current condition.

The final third of the country seems rather indifferent to any form of controversy, preferring to remain neutral. Many of these folks will not take a stand until it is clear which side will prevail. They are more interested in the scratch scratch spit spit of sports ball, than the unraveling of the civil society. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of these sad sacks are the words of Adams who said something along the lines of ‘if ye love wealth rather than liberty, the tranquility of servitude more than the animating contest of freedom, then slink away from us in peace. We ask not your arms nor your counsel. Bow down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you now and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.’

Never in my lifetime that I am aware of, has one group that is so weak and pathetically delusional to their own true worth been so convinced of the righteousness of their cause. Long on hyper-emotionalism, snarkiness, and contentiousness, yet short on verifiable facts, logic and reason. Virtue signalers everywhere have a seething irrational hatred of traditional America. Many of them feel it is OK to poke a dog with a stick.

Since they were never taught not to kick dogs around, this lesson may be difficult to learn, especially since the dog they have decided to kick is a bull pit. Some of them scream at the top of their lungs that the dog should be put down, while most of them can’t even ‘put down’ their cellphone, let alone a house mouse. They have to convince other people, people with guns [which they abhor, by the by] to do their dirty work for them. By and large this basket of pinch groups eat there own and couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag. Yet still they spoil for a fight.

Speaking as one single IRREDEEMABLE deplorable I would just ask you sjw’s to say thank you for the western civilization that you live under and go back to playing with your crayons. Leave us alone, you can have California and New York, take in all the non-English speaking people from the south, and take all the head-cutting pedophile rapists from the MENA. Let us know how that works out for you. But please wise up, most of you have never even been punched in the face let alone shot at. We don’t want to hurt you but we ‘dern sure will. You can keep your safe spaces, cry rooms and any other circle jerks that your coddlers and nannies in academia and the fake media have constructed for you.

Don’t tread on us! We grow your food and transport your shinny trinkets to your unsustainable shitholes that you call cities. We make sure you have power, water, and fuel. We show up when you call 911. We hold the high ground and we have the strongholds. We are an army of one and we are legion. And we will give you no quarter. We will keep our powder dry and won’t fire unless we see the whites of your eyes. If you choose to ignore the rattle of our warning, we will not be responsible for the outcome. We will give you no more than we have already given.

Si vis pacem para bellum.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2017 2:31 pm

Man, it’s like everyone has just come out swinging for the stands here lately.

I feel like I’m watching that scene in Oldboy-

Old Guy
Old Guy
January 26, 2017 2:44 pm

I speak only for myself and I’ve no problem with people critical of what I’m about to say. I’m a Christian and I believe Jesus Christ IS the Son of God. All that has unfolded in my lifetime makes perfect sense to me as I see it as Bible Prophesy in the process of fulfillment. This time in the world’s history has been given to satan and I stress, given, that God’s Word be shown as truth and that He is Lord of all things. Anyone can find true peace midst this madness by simply asking Jesus Christ into their heart and offering true repentance for their sins. It really is just that easy. Sometime ago I realized what a weak, wretch of a man I was/am. I still am in many respects. But the difference is today I’m a happy man and at peace with myself and the world around me. I wish you that peace.

  Old Guy
January 27, 2017 12:26 am

wow, thanks old guy.

January 26, 2017 3:00 pm


I don’t know who you are or where you came from, but I’m glad you’re here.

That was f***in’ awesome!

norman franklin
norman franklin
January 26, 2017 3:12 pm

Thanks! I’ve been inspired by you and HardScrabble Farmer. I’ve been lurking around TBP and ZH for years and finally reached my breaking point and had to speak up.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  norman franklin
January 26, 2017 3:19 pm

Well, thank-you Norman!

That was a great rant and I have read a lot of them.

Keep them coming.

  hardscrabble farmer
January 26, 2017 3:37 pm

Amen! and I am not being “punny”. If only this piece would go viral on the net. When I close my eyes, I am seeing visions of pathetic Pizzagate people dissipating in pentagrammic puffs of smoke.

ps – although Admin’s writing brought me here, I too was inspired to comment the first time by HSF. Great stuff all around.

  norman franklin
January 27, 2017 12:28 am

very nice there Norman…and there are really great writers
here. I have never been bored from a visit.

  norman franklin
January 28, 2017 12:38 pm

Great stuff resonating all the way to Finland, thanks Norman. WBRGDS from the final frontier!

January 26, 2017 3:02 pm

That “Satanic” is literal, not figurative.

Most people still don’t seem to realize that yet, but more and more are waking up to it by the day.

The stage for the final battle is being set, be ready for it to begin soon.

January 26, 2017 3:12 pm

Either way, never underestimate the enemy.

January 26, 2017 3:09 pm
January 26, 2017 3:20 pm

That was a fucken’ awesome rant Norman!
Puts force to words the power of the anger of this moment.

Might be time to have a go as a starter, I have been working Middle relief lately toiling in the threads. Not much glory there even though the pay is the same. Anyways the comments and posts are picking up here on TBP. I think we are all bringing a better game. Throwing some quality innings even if only a few of us start.

[imgcomment image[/img]


January 26, 2017 4:22 pm

Im calling this the second Normandy landing, so well said.

January 26, 2017 6:53 pm

Very nicely put.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
January 26, 2017 11:50 pm

“Many of these deplorables gave up on the system years ago and are now rooting for an epic collapse. Even though some suffer from a cognitive dissonance that fails to let them realize that this business will get out of hand.”
We know full well this business will get out of hand – how do you control a revolution?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable”.
They have indeed.
I expect the bankers to hide the punchbowl and crash the economy, probably sooner than later. I expect the media to blame Trump for it. I expect the politicians to try and find a way to profit from the Crunch. And I expect the Left to try to regain power somehow, claiming Trump is an “illegitimate” President and that they are “owed” a return to power.
And I expect the rest of America to show them how fatally stupid they really are. I’m not looking forward to it, planning to enjoy it or eager to die in it myself, though that could easily happen.
But those who want it so bad will have it no other way. And those of us who value freedom and liberty have just about had it.
“And grown men would break down into tears and silence, remembering “Shiloh, bloody Shiloh”.
The first civil war will be remembered as the lesser one.

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
January 27, 2017 9:55 am

Norman, welcome. I’m a former lurker who started commenting and I go to ZeroHedge quite often – been doing so for years myself.

Yours was a cogent, well-written, passionate, truthful, and accurate analysis of the status quo. I am not a fan of division, but I am not sure that the current divisions as you describe them could have been avoided given the past few decades re: policies, politicians, and cultural shifts.

“Never in my lifetime that I am aware of, has one group that is so weak and pathetically delusional to their own true worth been so convinced of the righteousness of their cause. Long on hyper-emotionalism, snarkiness, and contentiousness, yet short on verifiable facts, logic and reason. Virtue signalers everywhere have a seething irrational hatred of traditional America. Many of them feel it is OK to poke a dog with a stick.”

The part on hyper-emotionalism hits the target. I’ve found that some of the most extreme and thoroughly convinced liberals/SJWs are very high on emotion and interpret any challenge/question to their ideology as a personal affront even if this is done politely and by a friend. I myself have let go of whatever filters I had and have offended and upset more than a few people on Facebook – the one medium where one should know what one “is not supposed to say.”

For the first time in my life, I’ve asked myself whether I should join any organization and start getting involved. I’m a member of at least one pro-firearms rights organization, but the Second Amendment is only one of the several fronts we’re fighting.

Thanks again for an uplifting and encouraging post. And please write again.

January 27, 2017 11:10 pm

Old Guy, you are right but a little retribution would be ok with me.

January 29, 2017 12:22 am

Pissed off deplorables would be an understatement in my estimation. I asked my mother when I was young about Jimmy Carter, I detected the rage and disgust in her voice but I didn’t catch what she said, and she told me he was a member of the trilateral commission, and speaking of it was not to be done boldly. She never did tell me what she said. I wonder why noone I knew back then was trying to wake anyone up. I look when life was simpler and busier to what has happened to the age groups between. The damage that this leviathian has grown into and put more and more of its influence on each group of kids coming up. Conscious thought and critical thinking is almost nonexistant in this group that is maturing now and some of the snowflake parents that are pushing them. I mean think about it. give them a live chicken or rabbit and they would starve. If doesn’t have a screen and a keyboard on it what can they do. Hand tools don’t come with instructions,but they can tie their shoes..
The part that gets me is when you try to get some of these new adults to look with their eyes and look for the truth they are done listening and treat you like a rabid dog. like you are trying to poison them by telling them the truth, or telling them to think before reacting. Hypocrisy abounds.

We have been under attack for a very long time. Now the monster is showing its face and bragging about it. We have a glimpse of the hidden enemy within, and it is now time to root them out We have forty or fifty years worth of children to educate. Everything is not OK. The end of the beginning is here. Most excellent rant and I too have been washed by the blood. Swords sharp and powder dry.