JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

Hey guys, it’s been a while since I’ve posted… but wanted to share this incredibly long video with you all. I’m sure you think you’ve seen all tin foil hat videos out there. But this one was pretty good. It’s over 200 minutes long. (And amazing with over 4 million views?!)

But worth it.

Not only for the thought-provoking insights – but how it does an amazing job at putting the PEOPLE behind the nefarious actions about the world in the spotlight. Such sick a-holes we live amongst.

Check it out, please. Even if you have to watch a half hour a day for a week. It’s very well done. If you need to bash it, I won’t mind.


However, if you can get through it – watch this video below as another thought-provoking supplement.


Then answer this question: What is preventing a change in America (and beyond?)

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May 8, 2017 7:00 am

The Century of the Self on utube is another 4 hour documentary that will raise your blood pressure to dangerous heights!

But highly recommended if you’re daring (or stupid) enough to take the red pill.

May 8, 2017 9:33 am

Well the first one is so long so I watched the second one first. If the first one is as stupid as the second one it is a waste of time.

May 8, 2017 10:29 am

I’ve finished the first half hour and plan to walk and think about it a bit before returning to it. The point where I’ve stopped: FDR, upon being warned of the plan to overthrow American democracy by fascism by Butler, does nothing.

Somehow, that (leadership opting to do NOTHING) strikes an all too familiar chord with me. I shall walk and think about it for a time.

It is a familiar theme and subject matter we are all too familiar with — secret societies, skull and bones, illuminati, elitist controllers, and so on, but there is so much detail provided, I plan to watch the entire video and give it my full attention to see if it clears up any muddy waters. I suspect it will not clear much, but perhaps will provide inspiration for further study. At least it will distract from my own conundrum.

May 8, 2017 10:59 am

I’ve actually watched the whole vid. It actually DOES tie together more loose ends than I knew were unraveled. Bottom line? We’re getting ass-raped and alway have been. It wasn’t so bad with maces and axes, even when we got to bullets and tanks it was survivable. However, with nukes in the offing the upshot will be: We all get new gangs. We’ve always been the Walking Dead.

May 8, 2017 12:15 pm

The problem with nukes is that the rich can’t escape from that either. That is why I doubt it will get that far. The wealthy can be perceived as incompetent and arrogant, but they are not. Not the ones pulling the strings anyway. They know what they are doing, and they know damn good and well that a nuclear weapon will destroy their golden egg (us) as well as themselves. Gated communities and private jets don’t do well when the earth is scorched and everything looks like a sand desert with high radiation levels. Nature, and nuclear physics don’t recognize bank notes. However, the threat of this can be used as a tool, like everything else to keep the sheeple in fear, and justify more strip mining of your wealth.
Alex Jones is every bit as much of a salesman as PT Barnum. They just sell different things. The ‘owners’ just see opportunity where it exists. The only way we have real fear of nuclear death is if the ‘elites’ have figured out a way to colonize Mars or build their own utopia on a space station, then they could level the planet, and we would be the only ones to suffer. Outside of that, the ‘elites’ are on the same boat as us, just in higher priced cabins. They will sell the constant fear of the ship sinking. They may let some water leak in to the lower cabins, but they will never let the state rooms be touched. When Beverly Hills or downtown Manhattan are in real fear of destruction, is when I will start to pay attention. Until then, it is just a sales job for more ‘security’ and more government ‘safety’.

May 8, 2017 2:57 pm

OK, I take my comment back a bit. The second one is a miss but the first one, while clearly one man’s opinion, has a great deal of useful information in it. I feel that there are times where the author fails to establish some of his findings but by and large he covers all of his contentions with facts. And I also agree with his summation wherein he suggests that the value of democracy has been eliminated with immense wealth. Just as we see the Venezuelan army marching with the opposition, we will need to revolt against this oppression and we will need to have the bulk of the military on our side. I don’t agree that these deviants would suffer in a nuclear exchange. They won’t initiate until they know that they can get away unscathed. Once they figure that they have it, they would surely pull the trigger. They did it to Japan. Why not us?

May 9, 2017 8:41 am

I watched the whole video over the last couple of days. It does tie up some loose ends and while I agree it can’t be verified as completely accurate, I’ve witnessed enough of the types of behavior by those in power over enormous amounts of dollars and people to accept the ideas presented as “truth” even if some of the individual factoids are inaccurate.

Thanks for increasing my understanding and cynicism. Hoboken. As for the short video… I’m still visiting my friend in the D.C. region and I can assure you that the little dot and its big scary enforcer dot are shielded by a highly paid subset of the other dots whose standard of living is a bit higher than the rest of the unwashed dots.

I better get back to the chicken and bunny farm soon. The reality of the world is crashing in upon me.

May 9, 2017 12:04 am

I’ve seen the first video before. SSS sure won’t like it though as it portrays his beloved CIA and other US intel agencies as the protectors and enablers of all the bullshit used to keep the little guy down. As the video points out in the first 16 minutes, intelligence agencies began as a means to protect and grow business.

I wish I could find the original source I read for the claim that the CIA is owned and controlled by the world elites. I read that early on in my doom porn odyssey and I’ve come across numerous instances, like the video above where that claim is reinforced.

They even create our drug epidemics while using decent ‘Muricans like SSS as a front to take out the drug cartels:

May 9, 2017 4:14 am

928 nukes in Nevada. Were all goin to die………….

Henk N.
Henk N.
May 19, 2017 8:32 am

Rob (and others),the Part 2 you saw isn’t an official sequel to that lengthy first movie;it’s from a guy who just “lend” the title to get more viewers for his own,badly made,mix of clips he gathered on YT. In fact,a sequel (the REAL part 2) is in the making and Francis Richard Conolly is gathering money to produce it by crowdfunding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7TGIyV-UEg